1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全公共英语四级模拟197公共英语四级模拟197Section Listening ComprehensionDirections: This section is designed to test your ability to understand spoken English. you will hear a selection of recorded materials and you must answer the questions that accompany them. There are
2、three parts in this section, Part A, Part B and Part C. Remember, while you are doing the test, you should first put down your answers in your test booklet. At the end of the listening comprehension section, you will have 5 minutes to transfer all your answers from your test booklet to ANSWER SHEET
3、1. If you have any questions, you may raise your hand NOW as you will not be allowed to speak once the test is started. Now look at Part A in your test booklet. Part A You will hear a passage about women s rights. Listen and complete the sentences in questions 1-5 with the information you have heard
4、. Write not more than 3 words in each box. You will hear the recording twice. You now have 25 seconds to read the sentences in question. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1. _ make it possible for astronauts to reach the moon.答案:Rockets解析 1-5 The astronauts could not have reached the moon without the invention o
5、f rockets. We live in the age of rockets, but do you know that rockets are not a modem invention? For centuries, rockets were used to entertain people. The Chinese used rockets for fireworks. In the 13th certury, rockets were first used in war. The Mongols used rockets to attack a Chinese city in 12
6、32. These early rockets could not travel very far. However, in 1885 a Russian scientist discovered a better fuel for rockets. This liquid fuel gave rockets much more power. Then in 1919 a new age of rockets began. In that year an American scientist, Robert Goddard, said that it was possible to send
7、a rocket to the moon! Goddard launched his first liquid-fuelled rocket in 1923. It flew 184 feet. Al most 12 years later, he sent a rocket 7,500 feet into the air in 1935. Russian rockets sent the first satellite into orbit in 1957. Just 12 years later the first man walked on the moon thanks to rock
8、ets! Where will rockets take us next? 2. Rockets first used in war in _.答案:12323. _ discovered liquid fuel as a fuel for rockets.答案:A Russian scientist4. The first liquid-fuelled rocket can fly _.答案:184 feet5. The passage is mainly about _.答案:The Development of RocketsPart B You will hear a passage
9、about American life. Answer question 6 - 10 while your listening. Use not more than 5 words for each answer. You will hear the recording twice. You now have 25 seconds to read the questions. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1. How many famous explorers are mentioned in this passage? Who are they?答案:Three: Marco
10、 Polo, Christopher Columbus and Richard Byrd.解析 6-10 Through history there have been many great explorers. Have you, for example, heard of Mar co Polo, the famous Italian traveller? He was one of the first Europeans to travel to China. He arrived in China in the late 13th century. About 200 years la
11、ter Christopher Columbus sailed from Spain by ship. He was looking for a new way to reach India. However, as you probably know, he did not reach India. He landed in America. Five hundred years after Columbus, in the 1930s, a famous explorer named Richard Byrd was one of the first persons to fly over
12、 both the North and the South Poles. Today we continue to explore this world, and are starting to explore other worlds, too. In the late 1950s and the 1960s Russian and American scientists sent many unmanned spacecrafts to the moon. These spacecrafts sent back valuable information about the moon. Th
13、en on July 16,1969, the first manned spaceship to the moon left earth. On that day Apollo 11 blasted off with three American astronauts on board. Four days after blast-off, two of the astronauts landed on the moon. They then explored the surface of the moon. About two days after landing on the moon,
14、 they started back to earth. They arrived safely back to earth a few days later. Today we are sending unmanned spacecrafts to other planets. In the future we might walk in Mars or Venus the way we did on the moon. We might even travel to other galaxies! Who knows? One thing we know for sure is that
15、we will continue to explore this world and other worlds, too. 2. What did Richard Byrd do to become a famous explorer?答案:He flew over both the North and the South Poles in the 1930s.3. Who sent unmanned spacecrafts to the moon in the 1950s and 1960s?答案:Russian and American scientists.4. When did the
16、 first manned spacecraft leave earth for the moon?答案:On July 16,1969.5. What are the planets man might visit someday?答案:Mars and Venus.Part C You will hear two passages and a dialogue. Before listening to each one, you will have time to read the questions related to it. While listening, answer each
17、question by choosing A, B,C or D. After listening, you will have time to check your answer. You will hear each piece onceonly. Questions 11-13 are based on the following passage. You now have 15 seconds to read questions 11-13. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1. According to the talk it is a common sense that
18、_.A.Deer are vegetarians.B.Deer are carnivores.C.Deer eat raw foods only.D.Deer are both vegetarians and carnivores.答案:A解析 11-13 Deer are confirmed vegetarians. But you would never know it by watching the white-tailed deer an island in Lake Michigan each spring. In the first documented case Of its k
19、ind, two wildlife biologists, writing in a journal, report that deer have been gulping down a kind of small fish, which die off each spring and summer, washed up on the beach. It is reported that the average deer ate 235 fish during each of three daily trips to the beach. The white-tailed deer were
20、introduced to an island in late 1926. The first fish die-offs began in the late fifties. Deer have never been known to eat meat on a regular basis, although occasional occurrences have been reported. Someone once spotted a deer eating a dead salmon. It is also presumed that deer eat bird, but dont g
21、et the opportunity to do it very often. 2. What will be eaten by the white-tailed deer?A.Small plants.B.Small animals.C.A kind of fish.D.A kind of flower.答案:C3. When were these white-tailed deer introduced to the island?A.In 1926.B.In 1826.C.In 1962.D.In 1862.答案:A Questions 14-16 are based on the fo
22、llowing dialogue. You now have 15 seconds to read questions 14-16. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1. When did the person suffer from the computer related disease?A.At the age of 7.B.At the age of 8.C.At the age of 9.D.At the age of 18.答案:D解析 14-16 A boy became interested in computers at the age of eight, and
23、by eighteen he was suffering from a computer related disease. It is said that the boy was so obsessed with computers that he acquired a mechanical disillusioned mentality, which inhibited his emotional development and caused him to think and dream in computer language. For example, the boy said, I c
24、ould wake up in the night and think: Line 10 go to the bathroom. The young man was so disoriented that he lost his ability to tolerate the ambiguity of normal human interactions, instead requiring precise and literal instructions - much like computer commands - in order to complete simple tasks. Bor
25、d, a psychologist, says that computer-obsessed kids and adults often suffer such symptoms, and people are going to see a generation of kids growing up who are losing access to human emotion. They develop machine standard for themselves, and he feels that this does not portend well for their healthy
26、development. 2. When will the boy probably act?A.He receives the instruction from computers.B.He receives the instruction form human beings.C.He can judge the meaning from the ambiguous words.D.He can tolerate the interactions of human beings.答案:A3. What is the feature of those kids like when they a
27、re growing up?A.Their health is going to be developed.B.They are going to develop the machine standard.C.They will no linger be computer-obsessed kids.D.They are going to gain a close access to human emotion.答案:B Questions 17-20 are based on the following passage. You now have 20 seconds to read que
28、stions 17-20. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1. How to get over the first step to write a letter?A.You consider that you owe somebody a letter.B.You consider that letters are gifts.C.You consider that writing letters makes you feel cheerful.D.You should feel shamed that you haven t answered a letter.答案:B解析 17
29、-20 The first step in writing is to get over the guilt of not writing. You don t owe” anybody a letter. Letters are a gift. The burning shame you feel when you see unanswered mail makes it harder to pick up a pen and makes for a cheerless letter when you finally do. Skip sentences like I feel bad ab
30、out not writing, but I ve been so busy, etc. A few letters are obligatory, and they are Thanks for the wonderful gift and You are welcome your friends to stay with me. and not many more than that. Write those promptly if you want to keep your friends. Don t worry about others, except love letters, o
31、f course. When your true love writes Dear light of my life; joy of my beart, some response is called for. Keep your writing stuff and in one place where you can sit down for a few minutes. For ex ample, keep envelopes, stamps, an address book, everything in a drawer so you can write fast when the mo
32、od strikes you. Sit down for a few minutes with the blank sheet in front of you, and meditate on the person you will write to. Let your friend come to mind until you can almost see her or him in the room with you. Remember the last time you saw each other and how your friend looked and what you said
33、 and what perhaps was unsaid between you. And when your friend becomes real to you, start to write. Write the salutation - Dear You - and take a deep breath and plunge in. A simple declarative sentence will do, followed by another and another and another. Tell us what you re doing and tell it like y
34、ou were talking to us. Dont think about grammar, dont think about style, dont try to write dramatically, just give us your news. Where did you go, who did you see, what did they say, what do you think. 2. When should a letter be considered obligatory?A.When you make friends.B.When you receive a gift
35、.C.When you want to visit your friends.D.When you havent answered a letter for a long time.答案:B3. What is suggested if you want to keep your friends?A.Write letters carefully.B.Write letters promptly.C.Write letters with a lot of information.D.Write letters with a proper style.答案:B4. What should be
36、considered the most important when you write a letter?A.Clarity.B.Dramatic effect.C.Information.D.Grammar and style.答案:CSection Use of English Read the following text. Choose the best word for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1. An 80-year-old man from Cincinnati in America
37、is making legal history by suing doctors who saved his wife. Edward Winter has witnessed his wifes death from a 1 attack. The doctors had tried to restart her heart with an electric 2 with remarkable success, but leaving her brain 3 Her death was a long and 4 experience which he did not want to go t
38、hrough himself. After she died he asked his doctor 5 to save him in 6 circumstances, but instead to let him die 7 . While out visiting in May 1988, Mr Winter 8 the heart attack which he so treated, and was rushed to St Francis hospital in Cincinnati. The doctor who 9 him wrote down on his chart that
39、 he was not to be 10 but the duty nurse was not informed of Mr Winters 11 . The nurse took the usual 12 action and tried to revive him with an electric shock.His life was saved 13 the treatment was not completely successful. Since then he 14 stay in a nursing home, partially 15 and barely able to sp
40、eak without weeping. Thoughthere is 16 hope of improvement in his condition, doctors say he could 17 many more years. The hospital 18 his story, arguing that the injury suffered by Mr Winter is the 19 of an act of Col and they 20 him over 60,000 for saving his life. 1.A.heartB.liverC.brainD.nerves答案
41、:A根据下一句便知是心脏病,故应填heart。2.A.systemB.shockC.deviceD.operation答案:B普通常识是“电击”,在本文较靠后部分出现了electric shock。有些字一时填不出的,可先往下文看,弄懂全文意思,有助于判断个别句子上的空格。3.A.destroyedB.disintegratedC.dismemberedD.damaged答案:Ddestroyed一般用于事物外形的毁坏。B和C是指整个机体或组织到了支离破碎的程度。参看上文的remarkable success,but可知不可能是B或C。4.A.peacefulB.unconsciousC.pa
42、infulD.harmless答案:C知道大脑损伤了,后句又有did not want to go through himself,可判断出一定最痛苦的事,故答案为C。5.A.not tryB.tryC.not to tryD.to try答案:C最后两句对照起来考虑:to savebutlet him die,便知此处应用否定形式。只有A与C是否定的,而A在语法上不能成立。故答案为C。6.A.similarB.criticalC.seriousD.crucial答案:A因为是用他妻子的病情打比方,所以用A。7.A.quicklyB.naturallyC.peacefullyD.comfort
43、ably答案:B既然不要去抢救他,所以让他自然死去,故答案为B。8.A.caughtB.sufferedC.passedD.avoided答案:B从was rushed to知道是患病了。经受某种病痛之苦,一般用suffer与疾病搭配,故答案为B。9.A.sawB.knewC.admittedD.nursed答案:C一进医院,从程序上说应为接纳病人,故答案为C。10.A.deadB.neglectedC.aliveD.revived答案:D联系前文not to save him和to let him die naturally,自然应为D。11.A.conditionB.verdictC.pr
44、eferenceD.wishes答案:D因为是他事先请求他的医生在类似病情下不要抢救他,故答案为D。12.A.emergencyB.urgencyC.crucialD.immediacy答案:A紧急抢救措施,一般习惯用emergency。故答案为A。13.A.exceptB.butC.andD.instead答案:B空格前后是两句话,中间需要一个连词;两句意思相反,所以要用转折连词,故答案为 B。14.A.had had toB.had toC.has had toD.has to答案:C从过去发生一直延续到现在的事,要用一般完成时,答案为C。15.A.paralysedB.authentic
46、案:D后面的arguing一词表示,医院与Mr Winter持相反的观点,所以不可能选B或C,对此事故不是喜欢与不喜欢的问题,所以A也不合适。只有D合情合理。19.A.subsequenceB.influenceC.punishmentD.consequence答案:D按意思是“的结果”,因为已近文章末尾,对一件事发生后所做的分析说明,故答案为D。20.A.donatedB.chargedC.lentD.spared答案:B都是与钱有关的,既然医院推卸责任,就不可能借给他钱或捐献什么钱,自然是要向他收医疗费。故答案为B。Section Reading ComprehensionPart A R
47、ead the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. Text 1 The destruction of our natural resources and contamination of our food supply continue to occur, largely because of the extreme difficulty in affixing (把固定) legal
48、responsibility on those who continue to treat our environment with reckless abandon (放任). Attempts to prevent pollution by legislation, economic incentives and friendly persuasion have been met by lawsuits, personal and industrial denial and long delays-not only in accepting responsibility, but more
49、 importantly, in doing something about it. It seems that only when government decides it can afford tax incentives or production sacrifices is there any initiative for change. Where is industry s and our recognition that protecting mankind s great treasure is the single most important responsibility
50、? If ever there will be time for environmental health professionals to come to the frontlines and provide leadership to solve environmental problems, that time is now. We are being asked, and, in fact, the public is demanding that we take positive action. It is our responsibility as professionals in
51、 environmental health to make the difference. Yes, the ecologists, the environmental activists and the conservationists serve to communicate, stimulate thinking and promote behavioral change. However, it is those of us who are paid to make the decisions to develop, improve and enforce environmental
52、standards, I submit, who must lead the charge. We must recognize that environmental health issues do not stop at city limits, county lines, state or even federal boundaries. We can no longer afford to be tunnel-visioned in our approach. We must visualize issues from every perspective to make the obj
53、ective decisions. We must express our views clearly to prevent media distortion and public confusion. I believe we have a three-part mission for the present. First, we must continue to press for improvements in the quality of life that people can make for themselves. Second, we must investigate and
54、understand the link between environment and health. Third, we must be able to communicate technical information in a form that citizens can understand. If we can accomplish these three goals in this decade, maybe we can finally stop environmental degradation, and not merely hold it back. We will the
55、n be able to spend pollution dollars truly on prevention rather than on bandages. 1. We can infer from the first two paragraphs that the industrialists disregard environmental protection chiefly because _.A.they are unaware of the consequences of what they are doingB.they are reluctant to sacrifice
56、their own economic interestsC.time has not yet come for them to put due emphasis on itD.it is difficult for them to take effective measures答案:A2. The main task now facing ecologists, environmental activists and conservationists is _.A.to prevent pollution by legislation, economic incentives and persuasionB.to arouse public awareness of the importance of environmental protectionC.to take radical measures to control environmental pollutionD.to improve the quality of life by enforcing en
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