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1、减低工业噪音的实用指南A Practical Guide toIndustrial Noise Reduction劳工处职业安全及健康部Occupational Safety and Health BranchLabour Department职业安全健康局Occupational Safety and Health Council.本指南由劳工处职业安全及健康部印制This guidebook is prepared by the Occupati onal Safety and Health Branch2004年10月版This editi onOctober 2004本指南可在劳工处职

2、业安全及健康部各办事处免费索取,亦可于劳工处网站 .hk/public/os/dD/Noisered.pdf直接下载。有关各办事处的地址及查询电话,请致电25592297.欢迎复印本指南,但作广告、批核或商业用途除外。如需复印,请注明录自劳工处刊物减 低工业噪音的使用指南。This guidebook is issued free of charge and can be obtained from offices of the Occupational Safety and Health Bran ch, Labour Departme nt. It

3、can also be dow nl oaded from .hk/eng/public/os/D/Noisered.pdf. For enquiries about addresses and teleph one nu mbers of the offices, please call 2559 2297.This guidebook may be freely reproduced except for advertising, endorsement or commercial purposes. Please ack no wledge the

4、 source as A Practical Guide to In dustrial Noise Reducti on .published by the Labour Departme nt.FIGURES14减低工业噪音的实用指南A Practical Guide toIndustrial Noise Reduction目录一. 引言4二. 一般的工业噪音问题及解决方法1. 抽气扇噪音62. 通风喉噪音63. 喉管噪音64. 机器噪音8三. 一般嘈吵机器的噪音控制措施10四. 数据查询12附图14CONTENTSI.INTRODUCTION5II.COMMON INDUSTRIAL NO

5、ISE PROBLEMS AND SOLUTION1.FAN NOISE72.DUCT NOISE73.PIPE NOISE74.MACHINERY NOISE9III.NOISE CONTROL MEASURES FOR COMMON NOISY MACHINES11IV.USEFUL INFORMA TION13引言如雇员处身于公厂及工业经营(工作噪音)规例规定的初级或顶级措施声级或超越该等声级,东主除提供认可的听觉保护器外,还需尽可能利用其他方法来减低噪音暴露量。为达到这一目标,东主需要实行噪音控制实施计划,这些措施包括考虑到噪音控制技术的发展而定期检讨进一步减低噪音的可行性。限制噪音暴

6、露量的最可靠方法,是减低噪音声级。以下各章列述一般工业噪音来源的简单问题及其可行的解决方法。至于复杂的问题,读者可咨询独立的噪音控制专家或职业安全健 康局。INTRODUCTIONWhere employees are exposed at or above the first or peak action levels of the Factories and In dustrial Un dertak ings (Noise at Work) Regulati on, the proprietor is required to reduce the no ise exposure far

7、as is practicable by means other than provision of approved ear protectors. To achieve this, the proprietor will n eed to impleme nt a programme of no ise con trol measures which should in clude regular reviews of the feasibility of further no ise reduct ion, tak ing acco unt of developme nt in no i

8、se con trol tech niq ues.The most reliable way of limit ing exposure is to reduce the no ise level itself. The followi ng sect ions deal with simple problems of com mon in dustrial no ise sources and their possible solutions. For complicated problems, readers are advised to consult independent noise

9、 control specialist or the Occupati onal Safety and Health Coun cil.般工业噪音问题及解决方法1.抽气扇发出的噪音问题成因解决方法(a)气流湍动的噪音由于气流遇上阻碍令空气湍动,因而造成噪音(图1)避免流动组件产生任何突变避免将抽气扇放置在障碍物、弯位及变形 部分的后面(图2)所有开敞式抽气扇加设锥心或阔钟口形1盖(图2)将抽气扇放在内衬有吸音物料的箱内(图3)安装火声器(图3)(b)嗥声噪音由于抽气扇咼速运行所产生的噪音减低抽气扇速度 另选转速较低的抽气扇(c)高频率轴承噪音因轴承损坏而产生噪音更换损坏了的轴承2.通风喉发出的

10、噪音问题成因解决方法(a)发出辘辘声噪音的通风喉由于通风喉表面受气流感应而引致震动(图4)以承托蹼加强被震动的嵌板的硬度在震动的嵌板使用具阻尼(减震)材料 (图5)(b)溢出的低频噪音由于通风喉内的噪音经过通风喉表面(图4)在通风喉表面加上隔音材料(图6)3.喉管发出的噪音问题成因解决方法(a)如钟鸣的喉管噪音因液体在喉管内流动而刺激管壁所引致 的震动(图7)在喉管表面加上隔音材料(图8)(b)震动的喉管发出的噪音喉管的震动传送到建筑物其他部份(图7)用下述物品/方法隔开震动弹性联轴节(图9)(b)在喉管及其承托物之间加设防震器 (图 10)II. COMMON INDUSTRIAL NOIS

11、E PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS1. Fan NoiseCauses of ProblemSoluti ons(a) Turbule nt air flow no iseGen erated by turbule nee of air due to obstacle in airflow (Fig. 1)-avoid creating any sudden change in flow comp onents-avoidlocati ngfans immediately beh indobstacle, ben ds, tran sformatio n secti ons (F

12、ig. 2) -fit coned or bell mouth cover to ope n running fans (Fig. 2)-enclose fan in a chamber internally lined with sound absorb ing material (Fig. 3)-in stall sile ncers (Fig. 3)(b) Whining no iseGen erated by high fan running speed-reduce fan speed-re-select fans of lower rotati ng speed(c) High f

13、reque ncy beari ng no ise Gen erated by worn-out beari ng-replace worn-out beari ng2. Duct NoiseCauses of ProblemSoluti ons(a) Rumbling duct panel noiseCaused by duct surface being induced to vibrate by air flow (Fig. 4)-sitiffe n vibrat ing panel with support ing webs -apply damping material to the

14、 vibrating panel (Fig. 5)(b) Low frequency breakout noiseCaused by no ise in side duct pass ingthrough duct surface (Fig. 4)-apply laggi ng to duct surface (Fig. 6)4. Pipe NoiseCauses of ProblemSoluti ons(a) Ringing pipe no iseCaused by pipe wall being set into vibrati on by fluid flow in side the p

15、ipe (Fig. 7)-apply laggi ng to pipe surface (Fig. 8)(b) Vibrati ng pipe no iseGen erated by vibratio n of pip ing being transmitted to other parts of the building (Fig. 7)-isolate the vibratio n with(a) flexible coupli ng (Fig. 9)(b) anti-vibration isolator between pipe and its supports (Fig. 10)4.机

16、器发出的噪音问题成因解决方法(a)撞击噪音因撞击如收集物料的漏斗的硬物表面 所产生的噪音-用橡胶或软垫等软物作为垫子(图11)-减少物料下跌的高度(图 11)(b)由震动的嵌板/皮带发出的嘎嘎声因面积大的嵌板受刺激而放射声能,例如五金啤机飞轮盖或宽传动带-使用窄带减低传动带的震动表面的面积(图12)-以线网盖代替飞轮盖(图 13-用承托蹼加强被震动的嵌板的硬度-在震动的嵌板使用具阻尼(减震)的材料(c)水泵发出的嗥声噪音因水泵震动引致 发出噪音-加上泵外罩(图14)-在水泵及地面之间加设防震器(d)由结构传递而发出的噪音因机器的震动传递至建筑物的其它部 份-在机器的底部及地基之间加设防震器(图

17、15)-为雇员提供隔离室(图 15)-在坚实的地面安装机器(e)排气口发出的噪音因从排气口放出加压气体引致发出噪 音-安装合适的隔音罩(f)嘈吵的机器由数个嘈杂部份导致产生噪音-提供噪音隔离室,以便雇员在非实际操作嘈吵 的机器时可进入该室(图16)-用隔音罩尽量将机器围封(图 17)-在面对嘈吵机器的墙壁和天花加上吸音的物料,以减低反射的声音(图18)-在嘈吵的机器和其它雇员之间放置隔音屏障/隔声板以阻档部份噪音(图19)-适当保养机器-只在实际使用时才开动嘈吵的装置-增加嘈吵的机器与雇员之间的距离4. Mach inery NoiseCauses of ProblemSoluti ons(a

18、) Impact no iseGen erated by impact on hard surface such as the side of a collecti on hopper-cushion with soft material such as rubber or resilie nt pads (Fig.11)-reduce the material fall height (Fig.11)(b) Rattli ng no ise from vibrat ing pan els/belts Caused by large panel radiat ing sound en ergy

19、 when excited, such as flywheel cover of power press or broad driv ing belt-reduce the size of the vibrating surface of broad driving belt by narrow belts (Fig.12)-replace flywheel cover by wire mesh cover (Fig.13)-stiffe n the vibrat ing panel with support ing webs -apply damping material to the vi

20、brating panel(c) Whining pump no iseCaused by vibrati on of the pump-en close the pump (Fig.14)-install anti-vibration isolator between the pump base and the floor(d) Structure borne no iseCaused by vibration of machine being tran smitted to other parts of the buildi ng-in stallan ti-vibratio nisola

21、tor betwee n themach ine base and the foun dati on (Fig.15) -provide isolated room for employees (Fig.15) -In stall mach ine on heavy floor(e) Exhaust air no iseGen erated by release of pressurised gases from exhaust-in stall suitable muffler(f) Noisy mach ineryNoise caused by several no isy parts-p

22、rovide no ise refuges which employees can en ter whe n not actually operati ng no isy mach ine (Fig.16)-use acoustic enclosure to cover the machine as fully as possible (Fig.17)-line sound absorbing material on the wall and ceiling facing the noisy machine to reduce reflected sound (Fig.18)-place so

23、und barrier/screen between the noisy mach ine and other employees to block part of the n oise (Fig.19)-ma intain mach ine properly-switch on noisy devices only when actually in use -in crease the dista nee betwee n no isy mach ine and employees三一般嘈吵机器的噪音控制措施嘈吵的机器控制措施(a)塑料碎料机(图 20)-全套隔音罩(b)五金啤机(图 21)

24、-隔音罩互锁以形成啤机护罩,从而阻档公模发出的冲 击声音-在啤机下装上隔震器-在气动排气口装配火声器-将具阻尼(减震)材料施用于飞轮盖上-收集箱衬上柔软材料以消灭物料跌坠噪音(c)织布机-在机器下装置隔震器(d)精纺机-在气动收集系统装配灭声器 -使用良好配件及平衡纬管 -在钢环挟纱器和介轮装配隔离器(e)圆锯-鋭利刀口-正确刀口圆周速度-将具阻尼(减震)材料施用于刀口上(f)手提气动混凝土破碎机(图22)-使用合适的隔音罩以消灭排气噪音及从机身发出的噪 音-钢钻头使用具阻尼(减震)材料以消灭如钟鸣的噪 音(g)空气压缩机(图23)-密封外罩(h)撞击式打椿机-装上具有弹性的配件,放置在椿柱顶

25、部以缓冲椿锤的 撞击-遮盖椿柱及打椿机-减低钢椿的震动III. NOISE CONTROL MEASURES FOR COMMON NOISY MACHINESNoisy mach inesCon trol measures(a) Plastic gran ulator (Fig. 20)-complete acoustic en closure(b) Power Press (Fig. 21)-acoustic en closure in terlocked to form press guard to block impact sound from the tool-a nd- die-v

26、ibratio n isolators un der press-sile ncer fitted to pn eumatic exhaust-damp ing material supplied to the flywheel cover-collection bin lined with soft material to reduce material dropp ing no ise(c) Weavi ng machi ne-vibrati on isolators un der mach ine(d) Spinning frame-fitting of silencer to pneu

27、matic collection system -use of well fitting and balaneed bobbins-fitting of isolators to ring holders and carrier(e) Circular saw-sharp blade-correct blade peripheral speed-application of damping material to blade(f) Portable pn eumatic con crete breaker(Fig. 22)-suitable muffler to reduce exhaust and body radiated n oise-damping material to steel bit to reduce ringing noise(g) Air compressor (Fig. 23)-well sealed en closure(h) Percussive pil ing mach ine-resilie nt pack ing over top of pile to cushi on the blow of the


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