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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全公共英语五级模拟(暂无语音,提供参考81公共英语五级模拟(暂无语音,提供参考81Section Listening Comprehension Directions: This section is designed to test your ability to understand spoken English. You will hear a selection of recorded materials and you must answer the questions that accompa

2、ny them. There are three parts in this section, Part A, Part B and Part C. Remember, while you are doing the test, you should first put down your answers in your test booklet, NOT on the ANSWER SHEET. At the end of the listening comprehension section, you will have 5 minutes to transfer your answers

3、 from your test booklet onto ANSWER SHEET 1. If you have any questions, you may raise your hand NOW, as you will not be allowed to speak once the test has started. Now, look at Part A in your test booklet. Part A You will hear a dialogue about the Influenza. As you listen, answer Questions 110 by ci

4、rcling TRUE or FALSE. Youll hear the dialogue ONLY ONCE. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1. Even many medical workers ran down with the flu.答案:A解析 1-10A: Dr. Smith. Influenza season, which usually runs from December to March, has now hit Canada with revenge. It cuts a swath through workplaces, schools and hosp

5、ital emergency rooms.B: E culprit is a microscopically tiny group of genetic material surrounded by protein.A: Do you mean its impact is big?B: Yes. The flu is also poorly understood by most Canadians. We think of it as a nuisance, like the snow. But its much more than that. So, wrap yourself in a b

6、lanket, grab a bowl of chicken soup, and have your box of tissues handy as you read the top ten misconceptions about the flu. Thats because no one ever died from the flu.B: I cant agree with there. Although statistically the flu is unlikely to kill young, healthy individuals, its still the leading i

7、nfectious cause of hospitalization and death in Canada.A: Are you kidding?B: No. Thats because it attacks and weakens the elderly and the illpeople with heart and lung conditions, diabetes, kidney disease, HIV and cancer. The flu will kill about 4500 Canadians in this year alone. That number climbs

8、to 6 000 if you include those who will die from complications, such as pneumonia.A: But for most people its not a serious illness.B: That depends how you define serious. It makes about five million Canadians sick every year.A: Thats one in every six of us.B: Yes. If youre one of the unlucky, you can

9、 count on being off work for as much as a week and feeling pretty lousy for much longer than that, perhaps up to a month. You see how many workdays are lost each year?A: About 1.5 million.B: And the estimated cost to the Canadian systemin terms of health care costs and lost productivityis a cool $1

10、billion.A: Ive had the flu three times this year. Fortunately, thats just not the case.B: What youve probably had is a cold, or repeated colds most people can expect to get two to four of them a year.A: Then how to set the flu apart from the common cold?B: It comes on suddenly. While the total incub

11、ation period is usually about two days, you can go from feeling perfectly fine to death warmed over in a matter of hours. Thats because the flu virus is a undisciplined little bug. It replicates in just four hours. You have a fever. With a cold, you may be sneezing and uncomfortable, but your temper

12、ature isnt likely to rise.A: How about the flu?B: With the flu, the alternating fever and chills may make you feel as though your bodys thermostat has gone completely wacky.A: And Ill feel exhausted.B: The technical term is prostration, which means flat out fatigue. With a cold you feel as though yo

13、u can carry on. With the flu, you just want to crawl into bed.A: I cant have the flu. Im not nauseated. Contrary to common belief, stomach and intestinal complaints arent generally a feature of the flu, except in small children. The flu is a respiratory illness and the lungs are the major sites of s

14、ymptoms. You might be surprised to learn that the virus doesnt even spread throughout your body. Your headache, fever and aching muscles are actually an inflammatory responsethat is, your body is working overtime to try to kill off the virus in your lungs. A small number of people (fewer than 10 per

15、cent) may have some intestinal problems with the flu, but thats not the main feature of the bug. If you were nauseated and vomiting, its far more likely you had food poisoning or stomach trouble.A: What about the term stomach flu?B: Well, theres no such thing.2. Most Canadians ignored the impact of

16、E culprit Influenza.答案:B3. When someone suffers from the Flu, all he needs to do is a good rest and some chicken soup.答案:B4. When someone suffers from the flu, he will have a running nose.答案:A5. Every year about one out of a thousand people dies of the Flu in Canada.答案:B6. The flu is the leading inf

17、ectious cause of hospitalization and death in Canada.答案:A7. It usually takes a person one month to get fully recovered from the Flu.答案:B8. The estimated cost to the Canadian system is around $ 1 billion.答案:B9. The Flu virus can knock a man down in two days.答案:B10. The Flu sometimes causes people irr

18、egular bowel movements.答案:APart B You will hear 3 conversations or talks and you must answer the questions by choosing A, B, C or D. You will hear the recording ONLY ONCE. Questions 1113 are based on the following conversation. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1. What should one do for an acute injury?A.Take so

19、me food.B.Stand up.C.Pick up his spirit.D.Get some relaxation and medical treatment.答案:D解析 11-13A: What should I do for an acute injury?B: If you feel that you have pulled a muscle or have an inexplicable pain after exercising, the immediate treatment is RICE (rest, ice, compression, and elevation).

20、 Icing for 48 hours, very 2 hours for about 1015 minutes, should help the injured area.A: What should I do if Ive got an injury that doesnt respond to RICE in a couple of days?B: In that case, you should see your physician.A: What should I do for a chronic injury?B: It is important to remember that

21、the people here on miscellaneous fitness aerobic have varied backgrounds, but are primarily fitness professionals. As such, were really not qualified to give out rehabilitative exercise. You must see your physician or other qualified person to find out what you should do if an injury persists.A: Wha

22、t are some common exericse injuries?B: Overuse injuries, runners knee, tennis elbow and related shin splints.A: Did you say overuse injuries?B: Yes. The heading of overuse injuries is a broad one, into which the vast majority of exercise-related injuries fall. Generally overuse injuries are chronic

23、ones, meaning that no single event causes them(as with a sprained ankle or a broken leg), but a long series of events over weeks, months, or years of training gradually weaken or irritate the area in question until exercise becomes difficult or impossible, or other symptoms appear.A: Can these injur

24、ies be avoided?B: The vast majority of overuse injuries can be avoided by proper attention to form and technique, appropriate rest, proper equipment (especially footwear), and gradual increase of exercise frequency, intensity ,or duration.A: What is the best remedy for it?B: The best cures for an ov

25、eruse injury are rest followed by a gradual return to activity coupled with an awareness of the problem activity, and appropriate corrective measures(be they more gradual return to exercise, appropriate strengthening, or avoidance of certain forms of activity).2. What kind of injury does twisted wri

26、st belong to?A.Overuse injury.B.Acute injury.C.Chronic injury.D.Common exercise injury.答案:A3. What should one do if his injury persists?A.return to exercise graduallyB.avoid certain forms of activityC.consult a physicianD.consult a fitness professional答案:C Questions 1416 are based on the following c

27、onversation. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 4. Why did woman go to see her doctor?A.She was coming down with something.B.She wanted some advice on prevention.C.She felt a little embarrassed.D.She went there for a medical checkup.答案:B解析 14-16M: Hello, Julia, I havent seen you for a good while. What seems to be

28、 the problem?W: Actually Im a little embarrassed about coming here. I feel fine right now. But you know how much is going around. Anyway, every year around holidays like clockwork, I come down with something.M: So you are interested in prevention. What symptoms do you usually get?W: You know, cough,

29、 fever, running nose, my head and bones ache, chills even. Im usually miserable for a week and ends up running my holidays.M: Sounds like a typical flu to me. As you said, lots of people have it. Influenza often strikes on people overtired and not eating nutritious foods. And also you increase your

30、exposure to a virus when youre in big crowds where lots of people are coughing and sneezing.W: I certainly spend a lot of time in the department stores around holidays, buying gifts for people.M: Yes, and so you increase your exposure to air-borne viruses, just when your body resistance is already l

31、ow from all of the running around you do.W: So what can I do to ward off the flu?M: Actually its fairly simple. Get a lot of rest. Sleep well. That way your immune system will be bolstered, and youll be more able to fend off illness.W: All these things make sense, but one more question. Arent I boun

32、d to be sick anyway if there is a break in the dorm?M: You didnt mention you love in the dormitory. In that case, Id also suggest you get immunized. The vaccine available prevents the three main types of influenza. Why dont you go to the university health center, the shots are free there.W: Ill do i

33、t right away. Itll be nice to feel well during the holidays for one.5. What might be the cause for her illness?A.Being overtired and not eating nutritious food.B.Low physical resistance.C.Staying with big crowds.D.Running her holiday.答案:B6. Why did the man suggest that the woman go to the university

34、 health center?A.To get an X-ray examination.B.To get some medicine.C.To stay there for further treatment.D.To get immunized.答案:D Questions 1720 are based on the following talk. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 7. Which of the following is NOT a symptom of severe UC or CD?A.Occasional abdominal pains.B.Inabilit

35、y to retain stool.C.Consequent weight loss.D.Fatigue and fever.答案:A解析 17-20 The most common symptom of both ulcerative colitis(UC)and crohnis disease (CD)is diarrhea. Sometimes severe cases may require frequent visits to a toilet(in some cases up to 20 or more times a day). Abdominal cramps are ofte

36、n present, the severity of which may be related with the degree of diarrhea present. Blood may also appear in the stools, especially with UC. Fever, fatigue, and loss of appetite may accompany these symptoms(with consequent weight loss) . At times, some UC and CD patients experience constipation dur

37、ing periods of active disease. Inflammation can affect intestine nerves in such a way as to make the patient feel that there is stool present ready to be evacuated when there actually is not. The feeling of urgency to pass stool is a frequent consequence of inflammation in lowest part of the large b

38、owel also. Inability to retain stool is an extreme sign of urgency. It is important to bring these symptoms to the attention of your physician because they may improve dramatically with appropriate local therapy. Pain usually results from intestinal cramping or inflammation causing reflex irritabili

39、ty of the nerves and muscles that control intestinal contractions. Pain may also indicate the presence of severe inflammation or the development of a complication. Generally, new onset pain or a significant change in the character of pain should be brought to the attention of your physician. The pai

40、n of CD is often in the lower right area of the abdomen. 8. What makes the patient feel the urgency to pass stool when there actually is not?A.Intestinal cramping.B.Constipation.C.Intestine nerves affected by inflammation.D.Abdominal pains.答案:C9. What might NOT be the cause for the abdominal pain?A.

41、Intestinal cramping.B.Severe inflammation.C.Feeling of urgency to pass stool.D.Development of a complication.答案:C10. For an accurate diagnose of a complication, patient needs to tell the doctor if there is any _.A.constipation during periods of active diseaseB.abdominal painsC.blood in the steelD.a

42、significant change in the character of pain答案:DPart C You will hear a talk about a near death experience. As you listen, you must answer Questions 2130 by writing NO MORE THAN THREE words in the place provided for you, youll hear the talk TWICE. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1. After taking different medicat

43、ions, the speaker felt that _.答案:she was dying解析 21-30W: I lay down on the couch and knew that I was dying. I had been working on this for a few hours and taking different medications and I could feel that it was very close. So I lay down and I closed my eyes. I could see what looked like a membrane

44、 so I figured this was the inside of my eyelid. But as I closed my eyes, I could feel myself leave my body at the same time and so I was very excited about this, I had a stepmother who had had a near death experience and had seen her own body from the comer of the room up on the ceiling when she die

45、d for four minutes during a car accident. And so this was what I was expecting. To see myself from the comer of the room as I opened my eyes, I rushed back into my body. I could feel myself go back in as I opened my eyes. So I realized that I had been out. I was kind of confused and I did this a cou

46、ple of times and then I finally just gave up and decided to leave my eyes closed. As I did, I realized that this wasnt the inside of my eyelids that I was seeing, but I was in a different place and I was surrounded by this membrane. It was squeezing me but it was a very comfortable, wonderful feelin

47、g. I had the feelings of complete happiness and joy and excitement about what was around the comer. Then I was pushed out of this membrane and it was lined with tiny blood vessels and the next thing there was a very young woman looking down at me. She looked just like me. She was holding me, cradlin

48、g my head in her hands and then I realized I was looking at my mother 30 years earlier and that this was my birth. It actually took me a while to understand where I was and this membrane, this tunnel was actually the birth canal and thats the very first thing that happened to me, my very first memor

49、y of being born. From that point I went very quickly through all of the other memories in my life, everything except what were extremely painful like time when I was abused and time when Id hurt other people who Id ask for forgiveness. I could feel a presence with me. Somebody was standing there wit

50、h me but I couldnt see him and I knew it was a male and somebody I knew. And the feeling I had from this person was very simple. This is your life. As I went through every moment, every detail of it in a flash, it was over in a fraction of a second. But with complete understanding. I understood from

51、 everyones point of view what my life really was about and I had some startling presentations too. I was really surprised that I had a good early childhood. As an adult I really felt like Id been cheated and during my life review I was shown quite clearly that my mother loved me and this had been a

52、real issue for me, a real problem. And from that point, I went all the way to the where I was lying on the couch. And then I looked around and I was surrounded by darkness. I couldnt see anything. As I swung around to the right, I could see standing right next to me a line of teenagers. They were ju

53、st standing there, shoulder to shoulder, staring. They were completely empty and looked awful. I knew they were dead and empty, more than just a physical death. 2. The speakers stepmother experienced death during _.答案: a ear accident3. The speaker closed her eyes a couple of times and expected to se

54、e _.答案: her own body4. How did she feel when she kept her eyes closed? _.答案: Happy and excited5. How old was the speaker when she experienced death? _.答案: 30(years old)6. What did the speaker describe her death experience as? _.答案: birth/being born/life renew7. In her near death experience, everythi

55、ng came up EXCEPT her _.答案: extremely painful time8. What did the speaker review in her near death experience? _.答案: her(whole)life9. From the speech, we can infer that her childhood was _.答案: miserable/bad/not good10. The speaker saw some teenagers, empty and dead, in darkness because she had _.答案:

56、 lost her consciousnessSection Use of EnglishRead the following text and fill each of the numbered space with ONE suitable word. The impact of alcohol 1 the nations health and welfare is almost 2 . According to the latest figures, alcohol 3 or is associated with 200 000 deaths 4 yeah These include d

57、eaths from alcohol-related diseases(such as cirrhosis of the liver, cancers of the mouth and larynx, chronic brain injury), traumatic events (including automobile crashes) ,and 5 of other injuries. 6 of these deaths and injuries 7 among the young. Alcohol-impaired driving is the 8 cause of death and injury among those under 25 years of 9 (in 1984 an average of 9 teenagers were ki


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