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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全公共英语二级模拟226公共英语二级模拟226第一部分 听力理解第一节 (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1. Where does the woman want to go?A.A bankB.26th avenueC.A hotel答案:C解析W: Excuse me, sir. How can I get to this hotel? I cant find it.M: Its easy. Just go along this street to 26th Avenue. And then

2、youll find it next to the hank.精解 题干问:“这位女士想去哪儿?”对话中女士问:“打扰,先生。我怎样才能到这家酒店?我找不到它。”可知这位女士想去“酒店”,所以答案选C。2. Where does the conversation probably take place?A.At homeB.At a bankC.At a restaurant答案:C解析W: Let me get the check.M: No. You picked it up last time. Its my turn today.精解 题干问:“谈话的地点可能在哪儿?”对话中女士说:“

3、让我来买单。”男士说:“不,上次你付的帐。今天轮到我了。”选项中需要付帐的场所只有饭店,所以答案选C。3. About how many times does the man go to the cinema in two weeks?A.ThreeB.FourC.Eight答案:C解析W: It seems that you love this activity. Then how often do you go to the cinema?M: About four times a week. But it also depends on the movie.精解 题干问:“这个男人大约两

4、周去几次电影院?”对话中女士说:“你似乎喜欢这个活动。那么你多长时间去一次电影院呢?”男士回答说:“大约一周四次。但也取决于电影。”一周大约四次,两周就是大约八次。所以答案选C。4. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in this conversation?A.FishingB.DrivingC.Spoils答案:B解析W: What do you like to do in your spare time?M: I like to go fishing and work on my model ears. I like them a lot.

5、And I also go in for some sports.精解 题干问;“下面哪项在这个对话中没有被提到?”对话中女士说:“你空闲时间喜欢做什么?”男士回答说:“我喜欢去钓鱼和弄我的汽车模型,我非常喜欢它们。我也参加一些体育运动。”对话中提到了“钓鱼”、“体育运动”,但没有提到“驾驶”,所以本题答案选B。5. What does the woman probably do?A.A teacherB.A studentC.A doctor答案:C解析M: I have a terrible cold.W: We have quite a few medications to make y

6、ou more comfortable.精解 题干问:“这位女士很可能是做什么工作的?”对话中男士说:“我得了重感冒。”女士说:“我们有相当多的药能让你感觉好点。”从女士的答话可知,这位女士很可能是位医生。所以答案选C。第二节 (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1. Where are the two speakers?A.In a classroom.B.in an office.C.At home.答案:B解析M: Er, excuse me, Professor Muse.W: Oh, yes, Arnold, come in.M: You asked to see me aft

7、er class.W: Yes, I did, Arnold. I just wanted to have a few words with you about your performance in class lately. Your last three test scores have been very disappointing.M: I know Ive let you down. I have been studying much harder this semester.W: Well, Im glad youve realized it, Arnold, because i

8、f you dont improve, you will not be able to get a B or above for the final exam.2. What does the woman tell the man about?A.His scores in recent tests.B.The difficulties he has with his studies.C.His poor academic performance.答案:C3. What will happen to the man if he does not improve?A.He can only ke

9、ep a B for his grade. B. He will get a poorer grade than a B.C.He will fail the course completely.答案:B (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 4. What kind of person does the woman expect her son to be?A.A heroic person.B.A kind-hearted person.C.A successful person.答案:B解析M: Every parent has dreams for their children.

10、What are your dreams for your son, Grace?W: I dont care if he is a dustman, a fireman, a rock n roll singer, a lawyer, a doctor, or a father, l just want him to be a good man. 1 want him to be kind, caring and open-minded. I think thats whats most important. Sometimes youre nobody in life. You have

11、no money. Youre not successful. You re not pretty, but you mean well and have a good heart. People should pay more attention to people like that.M: Youve said in the past that you are very close to your mother. Is she the one who passed down these values to you?W: Im sure we come from a growing-up f

12、amily without money. Even though my parents had just enough to put food on the table for us, the door was open for anybody else who knocked. Today I have a big house and all the help in the world and I wish my mother could have had all these. She had nothing. At the same time, everything we wanted,

13、she gave to us. She gave her life to us.M: Now you are the mother, do you understand her more?W: She is a God to me, my hero, the person that I look up to the most.5. What was the womans family like when she was a child?A.They didnt have much money.B.They didnt have enough to eat.C.They didnt have m

14、any friends.答案:A6. Which of the following best describes the womans mother?A.Careful with money.B.Willing to help others.C.Open-minded to different values.答案:B (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 7. What stamps does the man want?A.Four fifties.B.Four tens.C.Four fifties and tens.答案:CM: Do you happen to have any st

15、amps in your place?W: Yes, I have some. What stamps do you want?M: Four fifties and tensW: I dont think I have that many. But I have an idea, why not use our schools envelopes? Here you are.M: What is the difference? We still need to buy stamps.W: No, look here, Postage Paid.M: Thats great. You are

16、a big help.解析听力推理题。这是有关邮票和邮资的听力题。该对话中女士问男士要什么面值的邮票,男士说Four fifties and tens,意思是四张五角的和四张一角的邮票。 A选项是四张五角的邮票,信息不全面;B选项是四张一角的邮票,信息不全面;C选项四张五角的和四张一角的邮票。所以正确答案为C选项。8. Why do they use their school envelopes?A.Because their school envelopes are very big.B.Because the postage is paid.C.Because the postage is

17、 more cheaper.答案:B解析 听力推理题。该对话中女士叫男士用自己学校的信封,因为学校信封的邮资已付。这里Look here,Postage Paid是解题的关键。A选项是因为他们学校的信封很大,这是错误项;B选项是因为学校信封的邮资已付;C选项因为学校信封的邮资更便宜,这是干扰项。所以正确答案为B选项。 (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 9. Why is Harry unhappy?A.He was refused by the college he really wanted to go to.B.He didnt really want to go to any c

18、olleges.C.His tests were not so good.答案:A解析 细节题。根据对话“他没有被理想的学校接纳。”可知答案为A。听力原文M: Did you hear about Harry?W: No, what happened?M: Hes really sad. He didnt get accepted to any of the colleges he really wanted to go to.W: Why not? His test results were quite good.M: Now I think the colleges were full f

19、or the autumn term.10. What does the woman think of Harry?A.He should be given a chance to go to college.B.He is not good enough to go to college.C.He can go next time.答案:A解析 推理题。根据对话“为什么没有?他的考试成绩很好呀。”可知女士认为他成绩好,应被给予上大学的机会,所以答案为A。 (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 11. Who is the host of the program?A.Billy Smith

20、.B.James White.C.Jason White.答案:A解析Billy: Good evening and welcome to This Is Your Life. This is Billy Smith speaking. We are waiting for the subject of tonights program. He is one of the worlds leading actors, and he thinks he is coming here to take part in a discussion program. I can hear him now.

21、, yes, here he is ! James Douglas. This is your life ! James: Oh, no. I dont believe it! Not me.Billy: Yes, it is you! Now come over here and sit down. James, you were one of four children, and your father was a bus driver. Of course, your name was then Jason White.12. Jamess father was_。A.one of th

22、e worlds leading actorsB.a driverC.the subject of the program答案:B13. How many children are there in Jamess family?A.4.B.5.C.6.答案:A (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 14. Who do you think is speaking?A.A bus driver.B.A tourist guide.C.A visitor.答案:B解析Ladies and gentlemen, attention, please. Our bus will arrive at

23、Lake District in a few minutes. You can feel the comfortable cool air coming from the lake. This is a favorite place for tourists in summer, especially on a hot summer afternoon like today. This area is one of the British national parks. People began to build houses around the lake a hundred years a

24、go, so in this park you can have a special view of houses of all shapes and styles and colors. In late autumn and winter, this park is the best place for an outing. People like to have a good walk around it. Now our bus is driving around the lake. You can sit back and enjoy the beauty of everything

25、here. The bus will take us to a good spot, where you can take the most wonderful photos you have ever taken.Here we are! Where we get off is where we get on. Return to the bus in Fifty minutes. Thank you!15. Whats the weather like today?A.Cool.B.Warm.C.Hot.答案:C16. What do people enjoy doing in the p

26、ark in late autumn and winter?A.Taking photos.B.Going for a walk.C.Driving around the lake.答案:B第二部分 英语知识运用第一节 单项填空问题:1. -Whom do you want to see at the moment?-The man _ Mr. zhang.A.called himselfB.you callC.calling himselfD.is called答案:B句意为“你现在想见谁?你叫他张先生的那个人。”本题中第二句为省略句,被省略部分是前一句中重复出现的主语和谓语,所以man后空

27、格部分应当看作修饰、补充说明man的成分而不是谓语。首先排除首项和末项,再看其余两项,由于C项在逻辑上不通(向别人介绍自己的身份时应介绍的是姓名而不是称谓或称号。),B项顺理成章为应选项,还原该句即“你叫那人张先生(You call the man Mr Zhang)”,符合call的用法要求,call sbsh/sth为复合宾语结构。问题:2. _ you have finished your work, you are free to do what you like.A.Now thatB.Ever sinceC.For nowD.By now答案:A问题:3. This is the

28、same article _ the professor recommends for our extra reading.A.asB.thatC.whichD.what答案:A解析 sameas为固定词组,表示“与相同的”,后可接从句,可接名词,如:I got the same score as what they got last term我得的分数与他们上学期得的一样。解题秘籍 same的前面必须用定冠词the,后面的as可跟名词、物主代词或从句。问题:4. -Will you please spare me a few minutes now?- _ . But Ill be free

29、 in half an hour.A.No I cantB.Yes, with pleasureC.No problemD.Im afraid not答案:D解析 根据回答,B、C两项与句意不符,A项过于生硬,D项委婉。故本题答案为D。问题:5. What was the matter with you this morning? You looked _ you hadnt slept for the last twenty four hours.A.so asB.thatC.as ifD.like that答案:C解析 本题考查连系动词的用法。look(看起来)作为连系动词,不能和so a

30、s连用;主语为it时,用句型It looks+that clause。look(看起来)与as if连用表示“看起来好像”,其后用虚拟语气。表示过去发生的动作对现在造成的影响(看上去好像一天没睡似的),本来应该用现在完成时,但在虚拟语气结构中用过去完成时(hadnt slept)。没有look like that的用法。所以本题的正确答案为C。 知识拓展 在look后面由as if引起的从句中,可以用虚拟语气,也可以用陈述语气。look还可以跟形容词、名词(或名词短语)、介词短语、地点或方位副词连用。 问题:6. _ are the days when teachers were looked

31、 down upon.A.GoneB.GoC.To goD.Going答案:A句意为:过去,老师是被人看不起的。 这是一个系表倒装句,正常句序是The days are gone when teachers are looked down upon将系动词gone倒置放在句子开头是起强调作用,强调那些日子已经过去。 问题:7. -I really hope your cousin Tim will get the job.-Thanks. Ill tell Tim when I _ him.A.seeB.will seeC.would seeD.have seen答案:A解析 本题考查时态。w

32、hen引导的时间状语从句中要用一般现在时表示将来。本句主句是Ill tell Tom,表示将会告诉汤姆,所以从句应该用see的原形。本题的正确答案选A。问题:8. -What about the book? -Oh, very good. Its worth_ a second time. A.readingB.being readC.to readD.to be read答案:A解析 本题考查动词的固定句式。be worth doing sth意为“值得(做某事),有(做某事)的价值”,表被动的意思,此时相当于be worthy of being done。 问题:9. Youve book

33、ed on a two oclock flight.What chance _ of taking a later plane?A.there isB.it isC.is thereD.is it答案:C解析 语序解析 There is 在这道题中指“有”,用在疑问句中应倒置表疑问。问题:10. A computer can only do _ you have instructed it to do.A.howB.afterC.whatD.when答案:C解析 宾语从句,句子意思为电脑只能做你已经安排好的那些程序工作。故本题答案为C。问题:11. The book _ by a famous

34、 writer.A.was believed to writeB.believed to be writtenC.was believed to be writtenD.believe to write答案:C解析 本题考查被动语态的用法。因为书是“被写”,所以可以首先排除A和D,另外,believe 的主语只能是人,排除了B,由此可知正确答案是C。问题:12. Please _ why youre so late, said his girlfriend.A.excuseB.explainC.apologizeD.tell答案:B问题:13. Please take your things-

35、money ,jewelry, cameras and so on with you when you go out of the hotel.A.expensiveB.worthyC.preciousD.valuable答案:D句意为:请在你走出旅馆时,将钱、珠宝、相机以及其他值钱的物品收好带走。 valuable:昂贵的,重要的;expensive:花钱的;worthy:配的上的,值得的;precious:宝贵的,珍爱的。 问题:14. Wilma became the first American woman to win three Olympic gold medals in tra

36、ck, _ made her mother very proud.A.itB.thatC.whichD.this答案:C句意为:“Wilma成为第一位在径赛中获得三枚奥运会金牌的女性,很令她的母亲骄傲。”本剧考查的是主语从句连接代词的用法。which作为连接代词,代逗号前的部分,并引导出主句。it、this不能作为连接代词使用,that应在it作形式主语前置时作连接代词。所以C项正确。问题:15. Although Helen is a new teacher, she knows _ student in her class.A.every ofB.everyC.allD.all of答案:

37、B解析 本题考查不定代词的辨析。every表示“每一个”,只能作定语,every和all的区别是前者强调“每一个”,后者则强调“所有的”,多用于复数。第二节 完型填空 Certainly dustmen prefer to be known as Reuse Collection and Disposal Officers (垃圾回收处理官员). You may think that this is rather 1 , and it is better to call a spade a spade. But dustmen can be as 2 as people of any othe

38、r occupation (职业), though we must 3 that their job is not a 4 one in the world. We often take dustmen for granted. Perhaps because they usually come very early in the morning, before most people are 5 . We are likely to forget their 6 . Our dustbins are 7 regularly, but we 8 stop to think about the

39、men who do this. However, it is one of the most important jobs in the world, and when there are no dustmen to 9 the rubbish, the general 10 soon become aware that something is wrong. Recently, the dustmen of England went on strike for higher wages. During the first few days it was regarded as a 11 .

40、 But when the first two weeks had passed, and the dustbins were overflowing in nearly every backyard in the country, the joke did not seem so 12 any more. 13 the strike continued, people could not 14 the hills of rubbish around their dustbins, and they looked for other places in which to 15 it. Even

41、 Leicester Square, in the heart of West End of London, was 16 high with plastic bags full of smelly rubbish. This was a (n) 17 attraction that the people of London were not at all 18 to see. Even when the strike was over, it took several weeks for the country to get cleaned up completely, Perhaps no

42、w the English people 19 the work of their dustmen rather more 20 and wont take them for granted any more. 1.A.cleverB.sillyC.interestingD.reasonable答案:B解析 根据该空后一并列分句意思可知。这种说法不是很傻(自己在欺骗自己)吗?2.A.importantB.carelessC.hopefulD.shy答案:A解析 由but及as结构可知,此处的答案只有important合适。3.A.realizeB.believeC.knowD.admit答案:

43、D解析 由though及后文所知,此处应填“承认”。4.A.necessaryB.difficultC.romanticD.heavy答案:C解析 该句句意为:我们必须承认(admit)他们的工作不是天底下一项动人的(romantic)工作。5.A.awayB.upC.downD.in答案:B解析 根据上下文用up。6.A.existenceB.presenceC.absenceD.performance答案:A解析 在大多数人还未起床(up)之前,他们就上班了,我们很可能都忘记了他们的存在。7.A.cleanedB.filledC.emptiedD.burned答案:C解析 empty th

44、e dustbins倒空垃圾箱,而clean意为“打扫、擦、洗”,意义错误。8. A. generally B. frequentlyC. sometimes D.seldom答案:D解析 在垃圾清运工们倒空垃圾箱的时候,我们很少会停下脚步来想一想是谁在做这件事。9.A.take awayB.take offC.take upD.take on答案:A解析 运走垃圾。其他短语无此意义。10.A.societyB.citizenC.publicD.community答案:C解析 public公众、民众,单复数相同;而citizen意为“市民、公民”,为可数名词。11.A.trickB.jokeC

45、.troubleD.show答案:B解析 下一句话已经出现了joke一词。12.A.pleasingB.excitedC.stupidD.funny答案:D解析 罢工两个星期过去了,人们原以为的玩笑不再令人好笑了。13.A.WhenB.WhileC.AsD.Because答案:C解析 as表示“随着”。其他三个选项其他均无此意。14.A.bearB.containC.manageD.control答案:A解析 can not bear表示“难以忍受”。15.A.keep offB.give upC.take care ofD.get rid of答案:D解析 随着(as)罢工的继续,人们不再能

46、忍受(bear)垃圾箱周围小山似的垃圾了,人们开始寻找其他清除(get rid of)垃圾的地方。16.A.crowdedB.piledC.fixedD.put答案:B解析 pile堆放。be piled with表示“堆放着,堆满”,符合题意。17.A.businessB.industrialC.touristD.agricultural答案:C解析 a tourist attraction一个吸引游客的地方、旅游胜地。18.A.disappointedB.seriousC.nervousD.happy答案:D解析 这是一个伦敦人根本不希望看到的旅游胜地。19.A.likeB.recogni

47、zeC.findD.appreciate答案:D解析 四个词中只有appreciate表示“感激,感谢”。20.A.highlyB.eagerlyC.differentlyD.entirely答案:A解析 现在人们十分感激垃圾清运工的工作,而且不再认为是理所当然的事了。第三部分 阅读理解A Tom and Fred are talking about the year 2050. What will our work be like in the year 2050?asked Tom. I dont know. says Fred. What do you think? Well, no o

48、ne knows, but its interesting to guess. In the year 2050 everyone will carry a pocket computer. The computer will give people the answer to all their problems. We shall all have telephones, in our pockets , too , and well be able to talk to our friends all over the world. Perhaps well be able to see

49、 them at the same time. A lot of people will live and work under the sea. Perhaps there will be big towns, factories, and farms under the sea, too. Machines will do most of the work ,and so people will have more holidays. Perhaps theyll work only two or three days a week. Theyll be able to fly to th

50、e moon by spaceship and spend their holidays there. Im looking forward to the year 2050. I hope to fly to the moon. And I hope Ill be able to live under the sea, says Fred. Wont that be very interesting? Just like a fish! 1. Tom and Fred are talking about _.A.their studentsB.their life in the pastC.

51、something in the late 21st centuryD.some interesting news答案:C本题要求回答汤姆和福兰德在谈论什么。从文中可以看出他们充满了对未来的憧憬,故选C。2. Machines will do _ people.A.most of the work instead ofB.some of the work instead ofC.as much work asD.as little work as答案:A从文中还可看出21世纪机器将替代人做大多数的工作,第六段主要讲了这一点。故A为正确选择。3. From their talk, we know

52、 that _.A.both of them hope to fly to the moonB.one of them hopes to fly to the moonC.neither of them hopes to fly to the moonD.only Fred hopes to fly to the moon答案:B从他们的谈话中,可知只有一人想去月球旅行。四个选项中B表达正确。4. Fred says _.A.he likes fishB.he likes to eat fishC.he looks like a fishD.he wishes to live under th

53、e sea just like a fish答案:D解答本题可看文章最后一段,福兰德想生活在海底,他认为这很有趣,据此,D表达正确。B Though American people are very proud of their diversity and individuality, they love and adore different kinds of uniform very much, no matter whether it is the uniform of an operator or the uniform of a general. Then what makes un

54、iforms so popular in America? Most American people think that uniforms look more professional than civilian clothes. People usually expect superior quality from a man who wears a uniform. The television repairman that appears in a uniform is more likely to get more trust than one who wears civilian

55、clothes. Without wearing a uniform, a nurse, a policeman, or a waiter can easily lose professional identity, Uniforms can also bring a lot of practical benefits. They are often more comfortable and more durable than civilian clothes. Because of this reason, they can help people save the laundry expenses. The


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