已阅读5页,还剩41页未读 继续免费阅读




1、課程名稱(中文)課程名稱(英文)中文課程綱要英文課程綱要工程數學(一)Engineering mathematics (1)1. 一階微分方程式2. 二階微分方程式3. 級數解4. 拉氏轉換5. 傅立葉級數6. 傅立葉積分7. 傅立葉轉換8. 向量和向量空間9. 矩陣與線性方程式10. 行列式1. First-order differential equations2. Second-order differential equations3. Series solutions4. The Laplace transform5. Fourier series6. The Fourier int

2、egral7. The Fourier transforms8. Vectors and vector spaces9. Matrices and systems of linear equations10. Determinants工程數學(二)Engineering mathematics (2)1. 特徵值和對角化2. 特殊矩陣3. 線性微分方程式系統4. 向量微分5. 向量積分6. 偏微分7. 複變函數8. 複變積分9. 函數之級數表示法10. 值定理1. Eigenvalues and Diagonalization2. Special matrices3. Systems of l

3、inear differential equations4. Vector differential calculus5. Vector integral calculus6. Partial differential equations7. Complex functions8. Complex integration9. Series representations of functions10. Residue theorem電路學(一) (Electric circuits)(1)1. 電路基本定律 2. 基本電路元件 3. 一階電路解法 4. 二階電路解法 5. 線性非時變電路之分析

4、 6. 重疊原理 7. 戴維寧定理 8. 諾頓定理 9. 最大功率轉移定理 10. 互易定理 1. Fundamental laws of electrical circuits 2. Basic electric circuit elements 3. Solutions of first-order electric circuits 4. Solutions of second-order electric circuits 5. Analyses of linear time-invariant circuits 6. Principle of superposition 7. The

5、venin theorem8. Norton theorem 9. Maximum power transfer theorem 10. Reciprocity theorem 電路學(二)(Electric circuits)(2)1. 弦波函數與相量 2. 弦波穩態分析 3. 交流穩態功率 4. 暫態與穩態響應 5. 儲能電路的完全響應 6. 耦合元件與耦合電路 7. RLC共振電路 8. 運算放大器 9. 網路分析 10. 網路圖形理論 1. Sinusoidal functions and phasors 2. Sinusoidal steady-state analyses 3. A

6、C steady-state power 4. Transient-state and steady-state response 5. Complete responses of energy storage circuits 6. Coupling elements and coupling circuits 7. RLC resonance circuits 8. Operational amplifiers 9. Network analyses 10. Network graph theorem 網路分析Network analysis1. 三相電路 2. 頻率響應 3. 狀態變數分

7、析 4. 拉普拉斯轉換 5. 傅立葉級數 6. 網路函數 7. 濾波器電路 8. 雙埠網路 9. 三埠網路 10. 非正弦波分析 1. Three-phase circuits 2. Frequency responses 3. State variable analyses 4. Laplace Transform 5. Fourier series 6. Network functions 7. Filter circuits 8. Two-port circuits 9. Three-port circuits 10. Analyses of non-sinusoidal wave 配電

8、系統自動化Distribution system automation1. 配電系統規劃 2. 監控和資料擷取 3. 故障偵測隔離復電 4. 電容器組控制 5. 故障排程 6. 故障回報分析 7. 最佳饋線架構 8. 保護協調 9. 自動讀表 10. 負載調查與管理 1. Distribution system planning 2. Supervisory control and data acquisition, SCADA 3. Fault detection, isolation and restoration, FDIR 4. Capacity bank control 5. Out

9、age schedule 6. Trouble call analysis 7. Optimal feeder reconfiguration 8. (Protection coordination 9. Automatic meter reading 10. Load survey and management 電子學(一、二)Electronics(1)(2)1. 半導體材料及特性2. 二極體電路3. 雙接面電晶體4. 基本BJT放大器5. 場效電晶體6. 基本FET放大器7. 頻率響應8. 輸出級及功率放大器9. 理想運算放大器10. 積體電路偏壓及主動式負載11. 差動及多級放大器12

10、. 回授及穩定性13. 運算放大器電路14. 積體電路的應用與設計15. MOSFET 數位電路16. Bipolar 數位電路1. Semiconductor Materials and Properties2. Diode Circuits3. The Bipolar Junction Transistor4. Basic BJT Amplifiers5. The Field-Effect Transistor6. Basic FET Amplifiers7. Frequency Response8. Output Stages and Power Amplifiers9. The Ide

11、al Operational Amplifier10. Integrated Circuit Biasing and Active Loads11. Differential and Multistage Amplifiers12. Feedback and Stability13. Operational Amplifier Circuits14. Applications and Design of Integrated Circuits15. MOSFET Digital CircuitsBipolar Digital Circuits電子學實習(一、二)Electronic Exper

12、iment (1)(2)1. 二極體2. BJT電晶體3. FET 接面場效電晶體4. BJT多級放大5. FET多級放大6. 功率放大7. 運算放大8. 運算放大的應用9. 波形產生電路10. 電源調整電路1. Diodes2. BJT Transistors3. Junction Field Effect Transistors4. BJT Multi-stage Amplifiers5. FET Multi-stage Amplifiers6. Power Amplifiers7. Operational Amplifiers8. Applications of Operational

13、Amplifier9. Signal Generator Circuits10. Power Regulation Circuits計算機概論Introduction to Computer1. 電腦基本概念2. 硬體介紹3. 作業系統介紹4. 軟體介紹5. 網路介紹6. 網際網路介紹7. 文書處理應用1建立、編輯與格式化文件 8. 文書處理應用2使用表格與轉成網頁9. 電子試算表應用1-建立、編輯與格式化工作表 10. 電子試算表應用2-使用公式、圖形 1. Basic Computer Concepts- Computers Defined. Common Applications. 2.

14、 Hardware- Types of Computers. What Is Hardware? Microcomputer Hardware Components. 3. Operating Systems- Overview. Types of Operating Systems. Operating System Tasks4. Desktop Applications- Overview of Application Software. Word Processing. Spreadsheet. Presentation. Database. Contact Management. U

15、tility Software5. 網路介紹(Networks- Overview. Types of Networks. Advantages of a Network.)6. Internet- Overview. Internet Access. World Wide Web. E-mail. Other Internet Applications. Security and Privacy. Search Tools. Common Portals7. WORD 1Creating/ Editing / Formatting Document 8. WORD 2Working with

16、 Tables / Other Documents and the Web9. EXCEL 1- Creating/ Editing / Formatting Worksheet 10. EXCEL 2- Using Formulas / Chart / Integrating Excel with Word and the Internet 視窗軟體應用Windows Application Software1. 簡報軟體應用1圖、語音、影像元素2. 簡報軟體應用2動態投影片、表格與圖形3. 簡報軟體應用3使用簡報工具與發佈到網站4. 資料庫軟體應用1建立與編輯資料庫5. 資料庫軟體應用2查

17、詢資料庫6. 資料庫軟體應用3設計表單7. 網頁製作軟體應用1操作畫面介紹8. 網頁製作軟體應用2使用布景主題9. 網頁製作軟體應用3使用元件、導覽列、共用邊框10. 網頁製作軟體應用4使用表格與表單1. PowerPoint 1- Working with Graphic, Audio and Video Elements2. PowerPoint 2Sorting and Animating Slides / Creating Tables, Charts and Diagrams3. PowerPoint 3Using Presentation Tools / Publishing Po

18、werPoint Presentations Using the Web4. Access 1- Creating a Customized Database / Modifying the Structure of a Database5. Access 2Retrieving Information from Your Database / Integrating Access with Other Applications6. Access 3Becoming Proficient with Forms / Becoming Proficient with Reports7. Front

19、Page 1The Page View: Windows, Icons, and Menus / Developing Text, Lists, and Hyperlinks8. FrontPage 2Enhancing Pages with Graphics and Multimedia / Giving Your Web a Theme9. FrontPage 3Creating Pages with FrontPage Templates / Using Components, Shared Borders, and Link Bars10. FrontPage 4Creating Ta

20、bles / Enhancing Web Sites with Frames / Using Forms and Interactive Page Templates作業系統Operating System1. 過程說明與控制 2. 執行續與微核心 3. 並行處理:排斥與同步 4. 死結及饑渴 5. 記憶體管理 6. 虛擬記憶體 7. 多重處理機 8. 輸出/輸入管理 9. 檔案管理 10. 分散處理 1. Process Description and Control. 2. Threads, SMP, and Microkernels. 3. Concurrency: Mutual Exc

21、lusion and Synchronization. 4. Concurrency: Deadlock and Starvation. 5. Memory Management. 6. Virtual Memory. 7. Multiprocessor and Real-Time Scheduling. 8. I/O Management and Disk Scheduling. 9. File Management. 10. Distributed Processing, Client/Server, and Clusters. 計算機結構Computer Architecture1. 數

22、位邏輯原理 2. 有限狀態電腦介紹3. 指令集合結構 4. 電腦組織介紹 5. 暫存器轉換語言 6. 中央處理器設計 7. 微序列控制單元設計 8. 電腦數學運算與記憶體組織 9. 輸出及輸入 10. 平行處理介紹 1. Digital Logic Fundamentals. 2. Introduction to Finite State Machines. 3. Instruction Set Architectures. 4. Introduction to Computer Organization. 5. Register Transfer Languages. 6. CPU Desi

23、gn. 7. Microsequencer Control Unit Design. 8. Computer Arithmetic / Memory Organization. 9. Input/Output Organization. 10. Introduction to Parallel Processing. 電力系統Power System1. 緒論2. 理論基礎3. 電力變壓器4. 輸電線之串聯阻抗5. 輸電線之電容6. 穩態運轉下之輸電線路7. 發電機模型8. 發電機電壓控制9. 導納模型及網路計算10. 阻抗模型及網路計算1. Introductions)2. Fundamen

24、tals3. Power Transformers4. Series Impedances of Transmission Line5. Capacitance of Transmission Line6. Transmission Line:Steady-State Operation7. Generator Model8. Generator Voltage Control9. Admittances Model and Networks Calculations10. Impedances Model and Networks Calculations電力系統分析Power System

25、 Analysis1. 電力潮流分析2. 對稱故障3. 對稱成分與相序網路4. 非對稱故障5. 電力系統之經濟運轉6. 電力系統保護7. 電力系統穩定度8. 電力系統控制9. 暫態分析10. 直流輸電1. Power Flows Analysis2. Symmetrical Faults3. Symmetrical Components and Sequence Networks4. Unsymmetrical Faults5. Economic Operation of Power System6. Power System Protection7. Power System Stabili

26、ty8. Power System Controls9. Transient Analysis10. Direct Current Transmission工業配電Industry Distribution System1. 概論2. 供電電壓與負載特性3. 電壓變動與電壓降4. 故障電流計算5. 功率因數改善6. 開關設備與斷路器7. 保護電驛與熔絲8. 保護協調9. 接地工程10. 照明設計1. Introductions2. Serving Voltage and Load Characteristics3. Voltage Change and Voltage-Drop4. Fault

27、 Current Calculations5. Power Factor Improvement6. Switch Equipment and Circuit Breaker7. Protection Relays and Fuses8. Protection Coordination9. Grounding Engineering10. Lighting Design電機機械Electric machinery fundamentals1. 電機機械原理簡介2. 變壓器3. 交流電機基本概念4. 電機繞組5. 同步發電機6. 同步電動機7. 感應電動機8. 直流發電機9. 直流電動機10.

28、單相電動機1. Basic principles for electric machinery2. Transformers3. Basic concepts of alternative-current machines4. Windings5. Synchronous generators6. Synchronous motors7. Induction machines8. (Direct-current generators9. (Direct-current motors10. Single-phase motors電機機械專論Advanced electric machinery1

29、. 電機機械分析原則簡介2. 流電機原理3. 考軸原理4. 稱型感應機原理5. 同步機原理6. 同步機之時間常數7. 感應機之線性方程組8. 感應機不平衡運轉9. 同步機不平衡運轉10. 感應機與同步機之電腦模擬1. Basic principles for electric machine analysis2. Theory of direct-current machines3. Reference-frame theory 4. Theory of symmetrical induction machines5. Theory of synchronous machines6. Time

30、 constants of synchronous machines7. Linearized equations of induction machines8. Unbalanced operation of induction machines9. Unbalanced operation of synchronous machines10. Computer simulations of induction and synchronous machines)數位信號處理器應用實習The practice of Digital Signal Processor1. DSP 組合語言、組譯器

31、與編譯器2. C語言與組合語言之間介面3. Code Composer 介紹4. 輸出入控制與實習5. 外部中斷實習6. 計時器與計時比較器實習7. 比較器(Comparator)與PWM輸出與實習8. 類比/數位轉換器控制與實習9. 數位/類比轉換器控制與實習10. 串列埠(SCI)界面控制與實習1. The Dsp assembly language, assembler and complier2. The interface between assembly and C language3. Introduction of Code Composer C20004. Practice

32、of I/O control5. Practice of external Interrupt6. Practice of Timer and Comparator output7. Practice of Comparator and PWM output8. Practice of ADC9. Practice of DAC10. Practice of SCI電力濾波器設計Power Filter Design1. 電力系統諧波簡介2. 虛功及諧波電流補償3. 二階調諧式被動式電力濾波器設計4. 二階高通式被動式電力濾波器設計5. 多階被動式電力濾波器設計6. 單相靜態虛功補償器7. 三

33、相靜態虛功補償器8. 並聯電壓型主動式電力濾波器9. 混合式主動式電力濾波器10. 未來發展趨勢1. Introduction to power system harmonic2. Compensation of Reactive and Harmonic Current3. Design of the 2nd order tuned passive filter4. Design of the 2nd order high-pass passive filter5. High order passive filter design6. Static Compensators in a sin

34、gle-phase system7. Static Compensators in a three-phase system8. An active power filter of parallel voltage type9. A Hybrid active power filter 10. Development of active power filter in the future電動機控制 Electric Motor Drives1. 直流馬達變速理論2. 利用可控整流器的直流馬達驅動3. 利用截波器的直流馬達驅動4. 直流馬達的閉回路控制5. 感應馬達變速理論6. 電壓源變頻器驅

35、動7. PWM變頻器驅動8. 電流源變頻器驅動9 . 感應馬達的動態數學模式10. 感應馬達的純量控制11. 感應馬達的向量控制12 . 同步馬達的動態數學模式13 . 同步馬達的純量控制14. 同步馬達的向量控制15. 馬達控制的感測器1. Operation theory of DC motor2. Controlled rectifier DC drive3. Chopper-fed DC drive4. Closed-loop control of DC drive5. Operation theory of induction motor6. Voltage-fed inverter

36、 drive7. PWM inverter drive8. Current-fed inverter drive9. Dynamic model of induction motor10. Scalar control of induction motor11. Vector control of induction motor12. Dynamic model of synchronous motor13. Scalar control of synchronous motor14. Vector control of synchronous motor15. Sensors used in

37、 motor control發明與專利Invention and patent1. 專利的重要性2. 重要發明及對世界的影響3. 台灣發明專利制度簡介4. 台灣新型專利制度簡介5. 台灣新式樣專利制度簡介6. 大陸專利制度簡介7. 美國專利制度簡介8. 歐洲專利制度簡介9. 如何撰寫台灣專利申請書10. 案例研討1. Significance of the patent2. Significant invention and their influence on the world3. Introduction to Taiwans invention patent system4. Intr

38、oduction to Taiwans utility models patent system5. Introduction to Taiwans industrial design patent system6. Introduction to PRC patent system7. Introduction to US patent system8. Introduction to Europe patent system9. How to patent inventions in Taiwan 10. Examples專題實務(一)Project practice (一)1.專題的重要

39、性2.專題的目的3.選擇題目的原則4.選擇題目的步驟5.參考的題目6.資料蒐集的方法7.資料蒐集的原則8.資料的分析與整理9.內容的規劃10.預定的進度1.Importance of project practice2. Objectives of project practice3. Criteria of choosing a topic4. Steps of deciding on a topic5.Sample topics6. Method for collecting data7.Criteria of data collection8.Data analysis9. Making

40、 outlines for the projects10. Laying out schedules for the projects專題實務(二) Project practice (二)1.專題的實施2.分工與合作3.進度的掌控4.檢討與修改5.參考文獻的寫法6.報告的撰寫7.經費核銷8.投影片製作原則9.口頭報告10.成果展示1. Setting out to implement the projects2. Division of work and cooperation3. Maintaining the schedule4.Self-evaluation and modificat

41、ion5. Format for reference listing6. Format for report writing7. Cancel after verification for outlay8. Production of OHP sheets9. Oral presentation10. Project exhibition共振式轉換器Resonant converters1. D類電流驅動型整流器2. D類電壓驅動型整流器3. E類整流器4. D類串聯共振式變流器 5. D類並聯共振式變流器 6. D類串並聯共振式變流器7. D類CLL型共振式變流器8. D類零電壓切換共振式變

42、流器9. 相位控制共振式變流器10. E類零電壓切換共振式變流器11. E類零電流切換共振式變流器12. D類串聯共振式轉換器13. D類並聯共振式轉換器14. D類串並聯共振式轉換器1. Class D current-driven rectifiers2. Class D voltage-driven rectifiers3. Class E rectifiers4. Class D series resonant inverter 5. Class D parallel resonant inverter 6. Class D series-parallel resonant inver

43、ter7. Class D CLL resonant inverter8. Class D zero-voltage-switching resonant inverters9. Phase-controlled resonant inverters10. Class E zero-voltage-switching resonant inverters11. Class E zero-current-switching resonant inverters12. Class D series resonant converter13. Class D parallel resonant co

44、nverter14. Class D series-parallel resonant converter電力電子特論Special discussion of power electronics1.電力半導體元件簡介2二極體電路與整流器3.可控式整流器4.交流電壓控制器 5.直流截波器 6. 脈波寬度調變型變流器7.靜態開關8.共振脈波轉換器9.電源供應器10.馬達驅動器1. Induction to power semiconductor devices2 Diode circuits and rectifiers3. Controlled rectifiers4. AC voltage

45、controllers 5. DC choppers 6. Pulse-width-modulated inverters7. Static switches8. Resonant pulse converters9.Power supplies10. Motor drives能源應用Energy applications1. 發電系統簡介2. 電廠熱力學3. 石化燃料4. 燃燒5. 火力發電廠主要設備6. 火力發電廠輔助設備7. 核能發電8. 機械能量轉換9. 電機能量轉換10. 再生能源1. Introduction to power generation systems2. Power

46、plant thermodynamics3. Fossil fuels4. Combustion5. Fossil-fueled steam power plants: Primary systems6. Fossil-fueled steam power plants: Auxiliary systems7. Nuclear power stations8. Production of mechanical energy9. Production of electrical energy10. 10.Renewable Energy電力品質Electric power quality1. 電

47、力品質簡介2. 諧波分析3. 靜態轉換器諧波源4. 其他諧波源5. 諧波影響6. 電力系統諧波量測7. 量測器及資料傳輸8. 電力系統諧波管制標準9. 交流系統諧波擴散10. 諧波改善1. Introduction of electric power quality2. Harmonic analysis3. Harmonic sources the static converter4. Other harmonic sources5. Harmonic effects6. Power system harmonic measurements7. Transducers and data tr

48、ansmission8. Standards for the limitation of power system harmonics9. Harmonic penetration in ac systems10. Harmonic elimination高等電力系統分析Advanced power system analysis1.發電機組特性2.火力機組經濟調度及解法3.輸電系統影響4.機組安排5.有限能源供應下之發電6.水火協調7.發電成本模式8.電力及能量之轉換9.電力系統安全性10.最佳電力潮流1.Characteristics of power generation units2.

49、Economic dispatch of thermal units and methods of solution3.Transmission system effects4.Unit commitment5.Generation with limited energy supply6.Hydrothermal coordination7.Production Cost models8.Interchange of power and energy9.Power system security10.Optimal power flow微波電路設計Microwave Circuit Desig

50、n1. 微波電路簡介2. 微波設計簡介3. 無線系統分析4. 主動元件之模型5. 多重存取技術6. 放大器設計7. 混波器設計8. 震盪器設計9. 天線設計10. 無線合成器設計1.Introduction to Wireless Circuit Design2.Basic Concept in RF Design3.Analysis of Wireless system4.Model for Active Devices5.Multiple Access and Wireless Standards6.Amplifier Design7.Mixer Design8.RF/Wireless O

51、scillator Design9.Antenna Design10.Wireless Synthesizer Design射頻與微波電路實習Practical Training of RF/Microwave Circuit1. 網路分析儀與史密斯圖2. 微帶傳輸現與微波接頭3. ABCD矩陣分析4. 槽孔傳輸與其轉接5. 枝幹型偶合器6. 環型偶合器7. 威爾金森功率器8. 直流截止器9. 帶通濾波器10. 帶拒濾波器1.Network Analyzer and Smith Chart2.Microstrip Line and Microwave Connector3.ABCD Matri

52、x Analysis4.Slotline and Transition5.Branch Line Coupler6.Hybrid Ring Coupler7.Wilkinson Power Divider8.DC Block9.Parallel Line Band-Pass Filter10.Parallel Line Band-Gap Filter射頻與微波電路RF/Microwave Circuit Design1.電磁波理論2.傳輸線與波導3.網路分析儀4.阻抗匹配5.微波共振器6.主動微波電路7.放大器設計8.混波器設計9.震盪器設計10.微波電路系統1.Electromagnetic

53、 Theory2.Transmission Line and Waveguide3.Network Analyzer4.Impedance Matching5.Microwave Resonators6.Active Microwave Circuit7.Amplifier Design8.Mixer Design9.RF/Wireless Oscillator Design10.Microwave System強健控制Robust Control1.強健控制簡介2.信號的範數3.系統的範數4.內在穩定5.不確定性及強健穩定6.強健性能7.設計上的限制8.線性分數轉換9.結構化奇異值10. m

54、-合成法控制器設計1. Introduction of robust control2. Norm for signals3. Norm for systems4. Internal stability5. Uncertainty and Robust stability6. Robust performance7. Design constrain8. Linear fractional transformation9. Structured singular value10. Controller design via m-synthesis控制系統control systems1. 控制系統簡介2. 拉氏轉換複習3. 矩陣理論複習4. 轉移函數,方塊圖與信號流程圖5. 物理系統的數學模型6. 狀態變數分析7. 線性控制系統的穩定度8. 控制系統的時域分析9. 根軌


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