1、十句作文法十句作文法是由有关专家总结出来的一种高分作文方法,考生在经过短期训练之后便可较大幅度地提高成绩。为此有必要向考生加以介绍,目的是使一些对作文没有把握的考生找到一条可行的解决办法。(参考:蔡基刚英语考试高分作文) 需要指出的是所谓十句作文并非一定10句,从很多考生的高分(200词以下)来分析,句子数量在8句至12句(依句子长短和结构不同而不同)。如以每个句子平均1015个单词计算,便能用812个句子完成一篇要求120150字的作文。其基本模式为:主题句 句 1 第一段 开头扩展句 句 2 主题句 句 1 第一段 正文扩展句 句 2 扩展句 句 3 扩展句 句 4 扩展句 句 5 扩展句
2、 句 6 扩展句 句 7 扩展句 句 8 扩展句 句 9 第三段 结尾句 句10 结尾 第一段为开头,包括两句。第一句为主题句,必须提出,通过问题点明全文主题;第二句为扩展句,须进一步说明和支持主题句。或是将关系倒过来,由第一句说明情况,第二句提出问题。第二段为正文,共七句。第一句(句3)为主题句,提出本段的主题,它应与第一段的主题相关和一致。第二句至第七句(句4一句7)为扩展句,说明和支持本段的主题。句与句之间要注意运用好过渡使段落逻辑合理,结构得当。第三段为结尾,简化为一句,也是全文的总结句,它将前面内容总结为一结果,表明自己的论点。三段之间的连接要灵活运用“启、承、转、合”的连接过渡手段
3、。例如: example 1 television television presents a vivid world in front of us. (1)(主题句)through tv, we can learn what is happening half way across the world. (2)(扩展句) television also plays an important educational role in our daily life. (3) (主题句) for one thing, the tv university provides an opportunity
4、 for many young men who can not go to formal universities. (4)(扩展句) for another, children can broaden their scope of knowledge by watching such popular programs as the animal world, and the mickey mouse and duck donald. (5)(扩展句) besides, women can learn about the latest fashion of dresses and the be
5、st recipe for making fruit cakes. (6)(扩展句) furthermore, we learn many world advanced technologies from tv programs such as computer and telecommunication. (7)(扩展句) and also we can learn singing, dancing and doing physical exercises in some special tv training courses.(8)(扩展句)in short, the effect of
6、tvs educational role is becoming more and more obvious. (9)(扩展句) having viewed these several aspects, and with many more tv program produced, i believe that our life will become even more significant. (10)(总结句) (全文共165个词) example 2 changes in peoples diet there have been some changes nowadays in the
7、 diet of the chinese. (1)(主题句) for example, grain, the main food of most people in china, is now playing a less important role, while the consumption of high-nutrition food such as milk, meat has increased. (2) (扩展句) the changes in diet can be accounted for by a number of factors. (3) (主题句) first, p
8、eople are much wealthier than before. (4) (扩展句) with a higher income, they can afford to buy good foods which, in the past, were rarely seen on the dinner tables of ordinary families. (5) (扩展句) another factor is that people have realized the importance of a balanced diet to their health. (6) (扩展句) l
9、ack of certain amount of meat or milk, for example, will result in poor health. (7) (扩展句) finally, owing to the economic reform, meat and milk, which were scarce in the past, are produced in large quantities. (8) (扩展句) for all those reasons, what was formerly called the basket of vegetables has beco
10、me that of varied foods. (9) (扩展句) to sum up, insignificant as those changes may seem, they are the signs of the improved economic condition in china, and we believe that as the effort in the modernization movement continues, there will be greater changes in peoples diet in the future. (10) (总结句) (全
11、文共195个词)the advantages and disadvantages of college students taking a part-time job nowadays it has become fashionable for college students to take a part-time job in their spare time (事实法作引言句). i thinks this trend has advantages as well as disadvantages(点题). the advantages of college students takin
12、g part time jobs are as follows (段落先说优点):by taking a part time college students can earn some money for their daily necessities, so they can ease their families financial burden and become economically independent. and by taking a part time job, college students can get some working experiences and
13、know how to use their knowledge in practical work, how to cooperate with the others and how to deal with some problems they may face. theses experiences college students taking a part time job can not be neglected(再讲缺点). the main disadvantages are that if they spent too much time on their part-time
14、jobs, their academic studies will be affected. they may not have enough time digest what they have learned in class and they may not have enough time to extracurricular activities organized by their college after class. since this trend has both advantages and disadvantages college students should b
15、e careful when they decide whether they should take a part-time job or not. my suggestion is that they better strike a balance between academic studies and part-time job(自然结尾,提出建议). the main difference between my college life and my middle school life if people ask me such a questionwhat do you thin
16、k is the main difference between your college life and middle school life(提问式作引言句)?my answer is always the same: the main difference is that in college i enjoy a great degree of “independence”(引出观点). i prefer college life to middle school mainly because i am independent both in daily life and in my
17、academic studies(段首句表原因,随后作比较). in college i will arrange my daily life by myself and make decisions of my own will. as for academic study, i have a plenty of free time after class for self-study and learn whatever i am interested in. to be successful in all the courses i have to learn, i even can h
18、ave a workable plan of my own. while in middle school, i lived a dependent life. my daily life was arranged all by my parents. i even could not decide what to eat and what to wear, for my parents usually had the final say. and i was jammed with what the teachers wanted to feed me, without considerin
19、g whether i really liked to learn or not. by comparison i should say i love the independent life in college. in college i feel i am a grown-up. in short, my college life is quite different from my middle school life. in college, i am much more independent in my daily life and study. to those new com
20、ers, i would suggest that they rely on themselves and be and independent man(通过比较得出结论,并提建议).more pressure from academic studies does good to us there has been a heated debate about the effect of pressure from academic studies on us students in our college. some of my fellow students argue that it is
21、 not good for us to study under great pressure. personally i do not agree upon this view.(用对立法作引言句引出自己的观点). my argument that more pressure does good to us is based on the following two reasons(段落主题句表明自己的观点的论据有二).first, no pressure means no progress(论据一). with the development of our society, competit
22、ion among people grows more and more fierce, college students are no exception. they must learn how to deal with future challenges foreseeable even today. under pressure, each student has to work hard to lay a solid foundation of his or her specialties. companies are likely to employ those who have
23、done well in their special field of study. therefore, in college the top ones will make great efforts to take the lead, whereas the low achievers will do their utmost to catch up. second, no pressure means no self-discipline(论据二).the teachers do give assignments from time to time, yet they have not
24、imposed enough pressure on the students. as a result, quite a few of us idle away their time by playing video games, playing with internet, or playing cards. all these do not merely happen on weekends. with more academic pressure upon the students, they will not cherish their time and have self-rest
25、rictions with their study and even self-behavior. in summary, i believe more pressure from academic studies does a great deal of good to us college students. if we treat pressure with a correct attitude, we will surely make more progress in our study(重申自己的观点)one way to solve the problem it is now ge
26、nerally accepted that vehicles are a major source of air pollution in cities. some solutions have been proposed, such as reducing the number of private vehicles, fully promoting public transportation means and using lead-free petrol, etc(事实法作引言,例举不同解决方法). however, my advice is that we may electricit
27、y-generated vehicles instead as a solution to the problem(通过转折,提出自己的方法点题) the substitution of petrol with electricity is advantageous for at least two reasons (段落主题句表示,这种方法优点有两个). the first reason is that electricity is clean(优点一). we know that the use of petrol has proved to be the most serious cau
28、se of reason is that electricity is almost inexhaustible(优点二). since many ways of generating electricity are available now, the resort to electricity may free us from the worry that the power needed for vehicle use may run out someday. as a result, we will not have to impose restrictions on the use
29、of vehicles. nor will we need to trim down the number. to sum up, using electricity as power is an ideal solution to the problem of vehicle pollution. it can both keep the air clean and permanently satisfy the needs of vehicle users(自然结尾). a major advantage of advertising on television every time we
30、 turn on tv, we all encounter various advertising-beautiful girls smiling and dancing with fashionable cell phones; handsome young men jumping and swirling with their shining shoes; pretty babies singing and giggling for super milk(描述法作引言,比较生动). although different people have different ideas about t
31、he advantages and disadvantages of tv ads, i will say the advantages weigh more.(点出主题) the major advantage of advertising on tv lies in its convenience(主题句表内容集中在一个方面主便及其具体体现). advertising on tv can save our time(省时). we can know directly where we can get the goods we need. for example, it can also s
32、ave our money(省钱).we can compare the similar products advertised on tv and finally get the best and cheapest one, without going out or traveling a long distance to get what our friends suggested we should buy. whats more, we can obtain much information about certain products faster than from other m
33、edia with its beautiful sounds and vivid pictures(可比). from the above mentioned reasons, we can see it is very convenient for us to know what products are available, how much we should pay for them and where to get them by watching the adverting on tv(自然结尾)the importance of extracurricular activitie
34、s extracurricular activities as part of college life are very important for the all-round development of college students. however, i find there are still some students who neglect the importance of these activities(事实陈述加隐含式反忖点题). evidently, extracurricular activities are important in many ways(段落主题
35、句,随后分别说明重要性). firstly, such activities can enrich the students college life(重要性一). as an effective way of both physical and mental relaxation, extracurricular activities provide students with different opportunities to enjoy themselves and relax themselves. for example, after class students can part
36、icipate in various ball games or colorful recreational activities. secondly, such activities can help develop students sense of teamwork and cooperation with each other(重要性二). for instance, when involved in group activities, students will realize the limitations of their individual effort and the st
37、rength of group work. lastly, such activities provide the students with an opportunity to be sociable, which is surely helpful for them to communicate with different people in the future after they graduate from college(重要性三). in brief, extracurricular activities are of great importance to college s
38、tudents. only when college students are fully aware of the importance, can they really enjoy their college life and have an all-round development of their physical strength and mentality(自然结尾,重申重要性).trvel broadens our mind it has become a fashion for us chinese people to go traveling during the long
39、 holidays in recent years. people either travel abroad or go sightseeing within the country. in fact travel has already been turned into a part of our life(事实陈述法作引言引出话题). the significance of travel is obvious-it can broaden our mind(点题). it is quite definite that travel can broaden our mind(追尾法段落主题句
40、,随后用个人经历加于说明). last summer, i visited taishan mountain, a world known natural scenery, and qufu, a world famous historical and cultural city. on the top of the tai shan mountain i was deeply moved by the natural beauty, picturesque scenes and especially the inscriptions carved on the rocks by so man
41、y historical figures, who so profoundly expressed their love of our country. in qu fu, i was thoroughly attracted by our great culture and long history of civilization, especially the school of elite thought by confucious as the greatest educator. i felt very proud of cultural lineage. as a student
42、of english from a normal university, i was determined to introduce our great country with so many natural sceneries and so many places of historical relics to the world. as and old saying goes: traveling ten thousand miles and treading ten thousand books is the top ideal for people. travel really op
43、ens our mind because it enables us to know about the beautiful scenery, the long history and the great culture of a nation. remember every time you travel around you will experience something new in mind(活用古语,并另用句式再次点题).the best way to stay healthy nowadays people are becoming increasingly aware of
44、the importance of health. and they have different ways to stay healthy. for example, some exercise everyday: others try to keep a balanced diet(现象或事实陈述作引言). in my opinion, to do physical exercise is the best way(点题). my suggestion that physical exercise is the best way for people to stay fit is base
45、d on the following two reasons(段落主题句将内容限定在两个方面). the first reason is that physical exercise can help to reduce ones unnecessary fat and weight(理由一,随后说明). medical experts have reported that the redundancy of fat is one of the causes of various diseases, some of which are even fatal. the second reason
46、 is that physical exercise can keep people a good shape of figure(理由二,随后举例). for example, by doing physical exercise, man can have a strong body and look cool; while woman can have a slim figure and look pretty. that is why there are so many people doing physical exercise in the parks, on the sports
47、 ground and in the various bodybuilding clubs. in short, i believe the best way to keep fit is to do physical exercise. we may bear the following in mind: to do physical exercise every day ,you will keep the doctor away(灵活转用英语成语,忠告式结尾).the importance of keeping a good mood modern people are supposed
48、 to endure a lot of pressure, from education,career, or family. there are often tragic stories in the newspapers about people who went insane or some who committed suicide(现象或事实陈述作引言). those tragedies once again indicate how important it is to keep a good mood(点出主题). keeping a good mood under whatso
49、ever circumstances is important in at least two aspects(用追尾法承上启下,并将段落主题句的内容限在两个方面). the first one is that keeping a good mood can help people possess a right attitude towards various difficulties and challenges(第一个方面). self-confidence is always the best way for people to get out of the difficult sit
50、uation. for example, some people have failed in business for several times and now they are in deep debt, but they never give up their hope and still believe they have the ability to be successful. this self-confidence will surely lead them to success someday. the second one is that keeping a good m
51、ood can help people put disappointment and frustration in the right perspective(第二个方面). thinking that failure is the mother of success, people can well survive the temporary blows and look forward to the right future. through the above analysis, we can realize how important it is to keep a good mood
52、 in order to face the pressure or challenges of modern society. when most people are aware of the importance of physical health, we must simultaneously remind them of the significance of mentalwill phones kill letter writing? according to a recent survey made by china daily, about 200 million chines
53、e are using phones as their daily communications means in steady of writing letters to each other(用数据法作引言句). so some people say that phones will kill letter writing. but i dont think so. (自己的观点) my argument that phones will not kill letter writing lies in at least three aspects (段落主题句表明将分三个方面论述). fi
54、rst, letter writing as a traditional way of communication still has some advantages over phones(层次句一,随后举例说明).will turn to letter writing. another example is that rural workers who are working far away from their hometown are more likely to write letters to their families than to make phone calls for
55、 the purpose of saving money. second, letter writing is more authoritative and formal in some way (层次句二,随后举例说明). for instance, people who are doing business will write formal business letters to do a deal; people who want to recommend or introduce someone to someone else will write letter of recomme
56、ndation or letter of introduction; people who want to apply for a scholarship will write a letter of application to a certain university, etc. last but not the least, letter writing is still regarded as a token of friendship among friends(层次句三,随后简要说明).people always write letters to show their everla
57、sting love and affection. all in all, letter writing is still very popular among people. it is still a good way for people to communicate with each other and it is impossible to be killed by phones. just do as the saying goes if you dont want to be forgotten by your friend, then take out your pen an
58、d write him a letter(重申自己的观点,并提建议)!大学英语四级(cet4)考试写作套句模板综合运用篇 1.along with the advance of the society more and more problems are brought to our attention, one of which is that. 随着社会的不断发展,出现了越来越多的问题,其中之一便是_。 2.as to whether it is a blessing or a curse, however, people take different attitudes 然而,对于此类问题,人们持不同的看法。(hold different attitudes 持不同的看;come
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