Translation of English Business Contract from the Perspective of Lexical Chunk Theory词块理论视角下英文商务合同的翻译_第1页
Translation of English Business Contract from the Perspective of Lexical Chunk Theory词块理论视角下英文商务合同的翻译_第2页
Translation of English Business Contract from the Perspective of Lexical Chunk Theory词块理论视角下英文商务合同的翻译_第3页
Translation of English Business Contract from the Perspective of Lexical Chunk Theory词块理论视角下英文商务合同的翻译_第4页
Translation of English Business Contract from the Perspective of Lexical Chunk Theory词块理论视角下英文商务合同的翻译_第5页
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1、本科生毕业论文(设计)册 学院 外国语学院 专业 英语翻译 班级 2009级机器翻译班 学生 xxx 指导教师 xxx xxxx大学本科毕业论文(设计)任务书编 号: 论文(设计)题目: 词块理论视角下英文商务合同的翻译 学院: 外国语学院 专业: 机器翻译 班级: 2009级机器翻译 学生姓名: xxx 学号: xxxx 指导教师: xxx 职称: 讲师 1、 论文(设计)研究目标及主要任务本论文的研究目标是研究词块翻译法在商务英语合同翻译过程中的优点和作用。其主要任务是研究词块现象及其在商务英语合同中翻译过程中的应用。2、论文(设计)的主要内容 本论文分为五章,第一章介绍论文的写作目的及意

2、义,第二章介绍词块理论,第三章介绍商务英语合同的翻译,第四章研究词块理论在商务英语合同的翻译中的应用,最后一章总结本研究的主要发现。3、论文(设计)的基础条件及研究路线 本论文的基础条件是不同学者在词块理论和商务英语合同翻译方面的研究结果。 研究路线是在在词块理论视角下研究商务英语合同的翻译。4、主要参考文献lewis, m. 1993. the lexical approach, m.hove england: language teaching publicationwray. 2002. a formulaic language and the lexicon m.cambridge u

3、niversity press.原萍. 2010. 语块与二语口语流利性的相关性研究j.外语界.杨玉晨. 1995. 英语表达选词错误分析j.外语教学(2):82-86.5、计划进度阶段起止日期1确定初步论文题目3月9日前2与导师见面,确定大致范围,填开题报告和任务书,导师签字3月9日-3月16日3提交论文提纲3月16日-3月27日4交初稿和文献综述3月27日-4月20日5交终稿和评议书5月8日前指 导 教师: 年 月 日教研室主任: 年 月 日注:一式三份,学院(系)、指导教师、学生各一份 xxxx大学本科生毕业论文(设计)开题报告书 外国语 学院 机器翻译 专业 2013 届学生姓名xxx

4、论文(设计)题目词块理论视角下英文商务合同的翻译指导教师xxx专业职称 讲师所属教研室翻译教研室研究方向英汉汉英翻译理论与实践课题论证:从词块理论视角下研究英文商务合同的翻译方案设计:第一章介绍论文的写作目的及意义; 第二章介绍词块理论; 第三章介绍商务英语合同的翻译; 第四章研究词块理论在商务英语合同的翻译中的应用; 第五章总结本研究的主要发现。进度计划:3月9日前确定初步论文题目 3月16日前写开题报告、任务书3月27日前提交论文提纲4月20日前提交初稿和文献综述5月8日前交终稿和评议书指导教师意见: 指导教师签名: 年 月 日教研室意见: 教研室主任签名: 年 月 日xxxx大学本科生毕

5、业论文(设计)评议书姓 名xxx学院外国语学院专业机器翻译年级(班)2009级机器翻译班论 文 题 目词块理论视角下英文商务合同的翻译完成时间2013/5/6论文内容摘要 鉴于词块学习对于语言习得的关键作用及商务英语合同的使用价值,研究商务英语合同中的词块现象及其使用特征变得尤为重要。然而,以往的研究大多侧重于理论的发展。关于特殊用途英语中词块使用的研究,尤其是在商务英语合同,还是一个较新的领域。 本文在前人研究成果的基础上,对词块本身的特点和商务英语合同的用词特点进行剖析,并依照商务合同翻译的原则,探讨词块翻译法在商务英语合同翻译过程中的优点和作用。指导教师评语 年 月 日指 导 教 师职称

6、初评成绩 xxxx大学本科生毕业论文(设计)文献综述literature review considering the key role of lexical chunk to language acquisition and the practical value of english business contract, it become increasingly important to study the lexical chunk in english business contracts. however, previous studies mostly focus on the

7、 development of the theory. the study on the use of lexical chunk in english for special purposes, especially in the business contract english is still a relatively new field. with the rapid development of economic globalization, business activities between countries grows gradually. as a result, bu

8、siness english, as a kind of english for special purpose, plays an increasingly important role in the field of world trade, exchange and cooperation. business english translation includes the translation of business letters, legal documents, agreements and contracts, and other official documents. in

9、 the process of foreign trade and economic cooperation, after both parties reaching agreements through negotiation or correspondence consultation, they have to sign a formal written documents, that is contract. contract has become an important part in economic life. it guarantees the normal process

10、of the whole trading activity, acting as a clear basis of the rights and obligations of both sides, providing trading guidelines for the conduct of two parties, serving as basis in solving dispute.while business contract is an important part of business english, it also is most professional and most

11、 demanding in accuracy. so, the translation of business contract puts forward higher requirement on translator. although more and more people are engaged in business english translation in domestic, more and more problems are exposed in the process of translation practice. therefore, the study of en

12、glish contract translation is an urgent task for translators. during the recent decades, lexical chunk theory has gained academic recognition and is receiving more and more attention. it has become a hot topic among researchers. many linguists have carried out research on lexical chunk. there are se

13、veral different perspectives to understanding the concept. becker(1975) and michael lewis(1993) view it from the syntactics. alison wray(2000) view it from psycholinguistics, and biber (2004:376) view it from corpus linguistics. the details are as follows.the study on lexical chunk among the oversea

14、s linguists and scholars are earlier than that in the domestic. becker first put forward the concept of prefabricated phrase. he believes that : the memorizing, storage, output and usage of human language does not take the single word as unit, but those fixed or half-fixed patterned idiosyncratic ch

15、unks.(becker, 1975) michael lewis published the lexical approach(1993) which have laid theoretical basis for lexical chunk teaching method and brought much attention to the effect of lexical chunk. lewis(1993) believed that : language do not consist of grammar and vocabulary as traditionally thought

16、, but is composed by multi-words prefabricated chunks which locate in a generative continuum and are the original figure for people to understand linguistic patterns, and an important part of language acquisition is the understanding and output of these unanalyzable lexical chunks. (lewis m. 1993:89

17、-95) nattinger&decarrico(1992) put forward the concept of lexical phrases and believe that: the language fluency largely depends on the amount of lexical chunks stored in human brain.(nattinger&decarfico, 2000.) nattinger defines lexical chunk as follows: multi-word lexical phenomena that exist some

18、what between the traditional poles of lexicon and syntax , conventionalized form /function composites that occur more frequently and have more idiomatically determined meaning than language that is put together each time.(nattinger&decarrico. 1992.) rosamund moon defined lexical chunk as: a multi- w

19、ord item is a vocabulary item which consists of a sequence of two or more words. this sequence of words semantically and/or syntactically forms a meaningful and inseparable unit. (rosamund moon. 1998.)alison wray(2002) thinks lexical chunk as: a sequence, continuous or discontinuous, of words or oth

20、er elements, which is, or appears to be, prefabricated: that is, stored and retrieved whole from memory at the time o f use, rather than being subject to generation or analysis by the language grammar.(wray.2002) chinese researchers have began to study lexical chunk since 1990s, and they specially f

21、ocus on the lexical chunk acquisition of second language learners. in recent years, more and more papers and monographs are published in domestic. lexical chunk has become a hot topic for the field of linguistics.the focus on lexical chunk began from yang yuchen(1995) and earlier researches combined

22、 overseas theories and domestic language teaching. she thinks: lexical chunk is composite of discourse function and meaning. it is the basic unit that form discourse and limited by discourse.(杨玉晨.1999.) through collecting three-word chunks in native language writing and comparing its structure, ma g

23、uanghui found, in second language timed writing, the distribution of target chunks are apparently different to the distribution in native language. he defined lexical chunk as: a smallest combination in form and meaning that can be used to form a sentence and realizes certain function in grammar, di

24、scourse and pragmatics. (马广惠. 2009)when using lexical chunk method in the teaching of english listening, it can be found that the listening ability of students will be improved. and there is a positive corelation between chunk teaching and listening teaching.(李欧,孙若红. 2009) in the teaching of oral en

25、glish, the lexical chunk can help to promote the easy, fluency and idiomaticity of language production. in other words, there is a positive corelation between the use of lexical chunk and oral english fluency.(原萍. 2010 (1).)both domestic researches and overseas researches prove the important role of

26、 lexical chunk in english acquisition and application. it can not only improve the fluency and accuracy when learners use english, but also reduce, even avoid, some possible mistakes learners may make. so considering the key role of lexical chunk in language acquisition and practical application, in

27、 order to improve the accuracy, fluency and validity of business contract translation, the lexical chunk theory can be introduced into the study and practice of business contract translation.this thesis is divided into five chapters as follows:the first chapter is the introduction, with three sectio

28、ns including “background of the study, purpose and significance of the study and layout of the thesis”.the second chapter is the overview of lexical chunk theory, including the definition of lexical chunk and overseas and domestic research actuality, classification of lexical chunk, and the function

29、 of lexical chunk.the third chapter is the overview of business contract translation, mainly about characteristics and translation of english business contract, and it is divided into three parts, first is the general introduction of english business contract, and the second is the distinctive langu

30、age features of english business contract and the third is principles of english business contract translation. the fourth chapter discusses the application of lexical chunk theory to english business contract translation. it is divided into two parts, the first is about the advantages of applying l

31、exical chunk to english business contract translation, and the second part illustrates the application of lexical chunk theory to english business contract translation by some examples with analysis.the last chapter is the conclusion which briefly summarizes the main finding of the study, states the

32、 limitation of the study and puts forward suggestion for translators.本科生毕业论文设计题目 词块理论视角下英文商务合同的翻译 作者姓名 xxx 指导教师 xxx 所在学院 外国语学院 专业(系) 机器翻译 班级(届) 2009级 完成日期 2013 年 5 月 6 日10 translation of english business contract from the perspective of lexical chunk theorybyxxxprof. xxx, tutora thesis submitted to

33、department of englishlanguage and literature in partial of the requirements for the degree of b.a in english at xxx universitymay 6th , 20133摘要 鉴于词块学习对于语言习得的关键作用及商务英语合同的实际使用价值,研究商务英语合同中的词块现象及其使用特征变得尤为重要。然而,以往的研究大多侧重于词块理论的发展。关于特殊用途英语中词块使用的研究,尤其是在商务英语合同中的使用,还是一个较新的领域。 本文基于前人的研究成果,对词块本身的特点和商务英语合同的用词特点进

34、行了剖析,并依照商务合同翻译的原则,探讨词块翻译法在商务英语合同翻译过程中的优点和作用。 关键词:词块,商务合同,翻译iii3abstract considering the key role of lexical chunk to language acquisition and the practical value of english business contract, it becomes increasingly important to study the lexical chunk in english business contracts. however, previou

35、s studies mostly focus on the development of the theory. the study on the use of lexical chunk in english for special purposes, especially in the english business contract is still a relatively new field.on the basis of the results of previous studies, this thesis will analyze the features of lexica

36、l chunk and language features of the english business contracts. and then this thesis will discuss the advantages and functions of applying lexical chunk theory to the translation of the english business contract in accordance with principles of translation. key words: lexical chunk, english busines

37、s contract, translationiv3table of contentschapter one introduction1chapter two overview of lexical chunk theory32.1 research on lexical chunk32.1.1 overseas research on lexical chunk32.1.2 domestic research on lexical chunk42.1.3 the possibility of applying lexical chunk to business contract transl

38、ation42.2 classification of lexical chunk52.2.1 poly-words52.2.2 institutionalized expressions52.2.3 phrasal constraints52.2.4 sentence builders62.3 the function of lexical chunk62.3.1 improvement of language vividness62.3.2 improvement of comprehension accuracy62.3.3 improvement of fluency of langu

39、age output7chapter three overview of business contract translation83.1 general introduction of english business contract83.1.1 definition of business contract83.1.2 classification of business contract83.1.3 structure of english business contract93.2 language features of the english business contract

40、s93.2.1 lexical features93.2.2 syntactic features123.2.3 textual features133.3 principles of english business contract translation133.3.1faithfulness and accuracy133.3.2 unity and normativity143.3.3 fluency14chapter fourth application of lexical chunk theory to english15business contract translation

41、154.1 lexical chunk in english business contract154.1.1 the cause of the formation154.1.2 the classification of lexical chunk in business english154.1.3 features of lexical chunk in business contract164.2 application of lexical chunk theory to business contract translation164.2.1 the advantage of ap

42、plying lexical chunk to english business contract translation174.2.2 translation of long sentences in business contract18chapter five conclusion20bibliography21v3chapter one introduction1.1 research background of the study with the rapid development of economic globalization, business activities bet

43、ween countries grows gradually. as a result, business english, as a kind of english for special purpose, plays an increasingly important role in the field of world trade, exchange and cooperation. business english translation includes the translation of business letters, agreements and contracts, le

44、gal documents, and other official documents. in the process of foreign trade and economic cooperation, after both parties reaching agreements through negotiation or consultation, they have to sign a formal written documents, that is contract. contract has become an important part in economic life. i

45、t guarantees the normal process of the whole trading activity, acting as a clear basis of the rights and obligations of both sides, providing trading guidelines for the conduct of two parties, serving as basis in solving dispute.while business contract is an important part of business english, it al

46、so is most professional and most demanding in accuracy. so, the translation of business contract puts forward higher requirement on translator. although more and more people are engaged in business english translation in domestic, more and more problems are also exposed in the process of translation

47、 practice. therefore, the study of english contract translation is an urgent task for translators. 1.2 purpose and significance of the studyas english business contracts are drafted and applied more frequently in international business activities and the translation of them is an urgent task, the sy

48、stematical research and analysis of english business contract translation becomes necessary. many studies about contract translation have been done and many methods have been put forward. but as can be seen from the current research status, the studies are primarily on the lexical, syntactic, and gr

49、ammatical plane, and the method of research adopted is the traditional grammar-based one.many translators used to find the exact equivalents of chinese expressions from their minds, and then put them together one by one to form a whole sentence. consequently, the grammar of their composition is alwa

50、ys correct, but the compositions themselves are still inaccurate and awkward to read. translator can hardly achieve the proficiency of language if they just simply count on using grammar and single vocabulary. during the past four decades, generative linguists represented by chomsky have conducted m

51、any researches by stressing on the creativity of language. as a result, linguists mainly concern about syntax and then put forward grammar-based translation method. but the learners still have problem in using the language properly and fluently. 2when it comes to the lexical chunk approach, it meets

52、 the need of both competence and performance of language, for ignoring neither linguistic ability nor pragmatic ability. it would be difficult to use language like native speakers, just depending on grammar and single words. but idiomaticity can be achieved by lexical chunks stored as a whole. accor

53、ding to the previous studies, lexical chunks are crucial for language comprehension. so more attention should be given to the research of lexical chunks. lexical chunk theory is an important constituent in the linguistics that is tremendously influential in the modern linguistic world and has been w

54、idely applied to the study of translation by both western and chinese scholars. with the application of lexical chunk theory into business contract translation practice, it is conducive to realize the information equivalence and stylistic equivalence between the original and the translation and the

55、accuracy of business contract translation. this thesis is intended to apply this theory to contract translation for a more comprehensive and penetrating study in an attempt to generate some new revelations on the subject. this thesis will analyze the features of lexical chunk and language features of the english business contracts, and then will discuss the advantages and function of applying lexical chunk theory to the translation of the english business contract in accordance with the principles of translation.1.3 layout of the thesisthis thesis is divide


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