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1、剑桥商务英语证书考试(BEC)考试密押资料Originality and Fair Play(1)剑桥商务英语证书考试(BEC)考试密押资料Originality and Fair Play(1)Originality and Fair Play(1)Words and Expressions1Complete the following summary of Text 1, using the words in the text. The Friends of OReilly Camp in September, 2004 1 me from a believer of the Intern

2、et into a 2 . They celebrated the revival of the Internet, the realization of an always-connected society and the 3 of media, information, knowledge, content, audience, author through Web 2.0. My dream of making the world a more musical place had 4 among their infinite 5 . The camp was a sneak 6 to

3、the Web 2.0 revolution. This revolution 7 people to believe the empty promise of the democratized media, but democratization is 8 truth, souring civic 9 , and belittling expertise, experience, and talent. The free, user-generated content by 10 authors 11 the ranks of our cultural 12 , as professiona

4、l critics, journalists, editors and other 13 of expert information are being replaced by 14 bloggers, hack reviewers, and others under a 15 . Consequently, in this 16 of exploding media technologies, the community has less culture, less reliable news, and more of the 17 , obfuscation, and even disap

5、pearance of truth. 1.答案: metamorphosized2.答案: skeptic3.答案: democratization4.答案: fallen on deaf ears5.答案: filibuster6.答案: preview7.答案: seduced8.答案: undermining9.答案: discourse10.答案: anonymous11.答案: decimates12.答案: gatekeepers13.答案: purveyors14.答案: amateur15.答案: pseudonym16.答案: era17.答案: blurring2Trans

6、late the following sentences with the words and expressions provided.问题:1. 卡夫卡写过一篇故事,讲的是Gregor一夜之间从人变AT甲壳虫。Gregor发现不管他说什么,家人根本听不进去,只把他看做是支票。你知道故事的名字吗?(metamorphosis,fall on deaf ears)答案: Kafka wrote a story about Gregors metamorphosis from a man into a beetle overnight. He realizes that whatever he

7、says falls on deaf ears of his family, who see him only as paycheck. Do you know the title of the stow?问题:2. 奥巴马号召美国人不要因伊斯兰国家反美暴力活动而感到沮丧,他表达了对美国所代表的自由终将获得胜利的信心。(be dismayed,prevail)答案: Obama urged Americans not to be dismayed by anti-American violence in the Islamic world, expressing confidence that

8、 the ideals of freedom America stands for will ultimately prevail.问题:3. 当你将他人视作自己,你就不会心存消极情绪,而你的态度可能会吸引周围人的正能量。(harbor,be prone to)答案: When you see others as yourself you will not harbor negative feelings and in turn your attitude is prone to attract positive energy from the people around you.问题:4.

9、一大群人自称爱国人士,利用中日钓鱼岛争端和民众的爱国热情组织砸车、抢劫、破坏公共设施和私有财产。(a host of alleged,leverage)答案: A host of alleged patriots leveraged the dispute between China and Japan over Diaoyu Island and the patriotic enthusiasm of the public, and organized smashing cars, robbing, and damaging public utilities as well as priva

10、te property.问题:5. 网络创造了这样一个充斥着噪音的环境,理性的声音最先被淹没。你越是极端行事,你就会得到越多的关注。(cacophony,drown out)答案: Internet creates such an environment full of cacophony that the voice of reason is the first one to be drowned out. The more extreme you are, the more attention youll get.问题:6. 在Rhys Morgan十五岁时,他被诊断患有克罗恩氏病(Cro

11、hns Disease)。他注册加入了一个帮助论坛,发现那里正兜售一种“奇迹”疗法。他做了一些研究,发现那种“神奇的矿物溶液”原来竟是漂白剂溶液。后来他成了怀疑论者,继续反对未经验证的、危险的各色“神奇疗法”。(peddle,skeptic)答案: When Rhys Morgan was 15 years old and diagnosed with Crohns Disease, he logged on to a support forumwhere he discovered that a miracle cure was being peddled. He did some rese

12、arch and discovered that the miracle mineral solution turned out to be a solution of bleach. He later became a skeptic who continued his campaigns against unproven and dangerous miracle cures.问题:7. 近五百年来,人们一直都在谈论着将毁灭世界的战争、洪水和饥荒。这些灾难都和我们从新闻中看到的时事有关。但是像Nostradamus这样给予人类答案的著名预言家是为了欺骗我们而设计的吗?(tied to,de

13、ceive)答案: For the last 500 years people have been saying the same thing about wars, floods and starvation that would end the world. These disasters are tied to current affairs that we read in the news. But are the famous prophets like Nostradamus who people look to for answers designed to deceive us

14、?问题:8. 只有当你决定填写网上表格、联系我们,并志愿成为未来的测试对照组成员或参加beta版测试时,我们才会收集你的个人身份信息。一旦发现恶意申请,我们将保留拒绝接受你的个人身份信息的权利。(beta version,in bad faith)答案: We will collect personally identifiable information only if you choose to complete the online forms to contact us, to volunteer as a potential participant in focus groups o

15、r testing of our beta version. We reserve the right to deny access to your personally identifiable information when such requests are made in bad faith.问题:9. 末日论者认定红色代码蠕虫是一种新型的战争,相当于电子战中的珍珠港事件。但两个月后两架遭劫持的飞机在北美撞毁的事件改变了一切,也粉碎了对电子战争的预言理论。美国病毒与安全专家Nick Fitzgerald说:与网络有关的一切作为下一个大威胁演变成了“柏林墙倒塌后的后冷战时期散播恐惧的替

16、罪羊。”(whipping boy, embody)答案:Doomsayers postulated that Code Red Worm embodied a new type of conflict that represented no less than an electronic Pearl Harbour. But the hijacked airliners that crashed in North America two months later changed all that, and blew the e-warfare doomsaying theories out

17、of the water. Virus and security expert Nick Fitzgerald said: Cyber-everything as the next big threat became the whipping boy of post-Cold War fear mongers after the Berlin Wall fell.问题:10. 科学真理不是由共识决定的。对于科学,大多数人可能并往往是错的。而在科学界中,来自同行的压力是巨大的,会扼杀反对流行理论的声音。(consensus,stifle)答案: Scientific truth is not d

18、etermined by consensus. In science the majority can be, and often have been, wrong. There is a great deal of peer pressure in the science community, which can stifle objections to a popular theoryUsage and Structure1 Multiple Choice问题:1. The mystery deepens for readers who delve into the autobiograp

19、hical _ of Charlie Siringo.A.descriptionB.introductionC.workD.oeuvre答案:D问题:2. District officials are no longer interested in using a program _ by a convicted felon.A.peddledB.filibusteredC.spawnedD.satirized答案:A问题:3. Wells Fargo has been sued by a group of struggling homeowners, who say the bank wor

20、ked with them in bad _.A.visionB.faithC.serviceD.consensus答案:B问题:4. The cheery, harmonious universalism that Hollywood has promoted and relied upon for so long seems out of tune with the surrounding _.A.soundB.harmonyC.euphonyD.cacophony答案:D问题:5. Keep away from people who try to _ your ambitions. Sm

21、all people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great.A.peddleB.belittleC.expireD.leverage答案:B问题:6. If there is consistent evidence suggesting that voters punish corrupt _, it is unclear whether this translates into increased support for challengers and higher

22、 political participation.A.incumbentsB.misappropriationC.defamationD.litigation答案:A问题:7. By tradition, the problem that dictates where our knowledge is _ divides from two philosophical circles; those who affirm that our knowledge of the world comes from our senses, and those who proclaim that it is

23、only through reason that one can find truths about the world.A.derivedB.invalidatedC.allegedD.existed答案:A问题:8. Four black doctoral students _ racially hostile environment at the University of Akron.A.allegedB.despisedC.convincedD.complained答案:A问题:9. The food industry yesterday slammed the idea as da

24、ngerous, totally unrealistic and likely to _ British agriculture.A.reduceB.belittleC.shrinkD.decimate答案:D问题:10. McDonalds paid an undisclosed amount to be the official coffee-_, in an attempt to persuade designers that they do not have to drink designer coffee.A.designerB.producerC.purveyorD.consume

25、r答案:C问题:11. Microsoft will have a special center dedicated to resellers, OEMs, and the prevention of software _.A.plagiarismB.copyC.imitationD.piracy答案:D问题:12. He was sharply criticised by some race groups, who said his comments could _ racist stereotypes.A.perpetuateB.prolongC.extolD.lengthen答案:A2

26、Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the words given.问题:1. masquerade A. Sometimes a medical illness or another psychiatric condition can _ as depression. B. Politicians have their own skills, but they should stop _ as doctors and scientists. 答案: masquerade; masquerading问题:2. whip A. Coke fountain syrup, _ cream


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