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1、企业员工管理培训 职业发展指导课件 企业培训员工培训入职培训职业培训 团 队 绩 效 发 展 专 业 LOGO 01人力资源年度计划 02 员工招聘管理 03员工培训计划 04员工绩效管理 05 员工发展计划 目 录 CONTENTS 人力资源 年度计划 HR Annual Plan 01 Part 年度工作概述1 HR Annual work general Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literatu

2、re from 45 BC. Contrary to It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC. Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC. Contrary to It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45

3、BC. Flash Code Full Support Customizabl e Easy Search 年度工作概述 Annual work general description annual work general description annual work general description, Annual work general description annual work Annual work general description annual work general description annual work general description, A

4、nnual work Annual work general description annual work general description annual work general description Annual work general description annual work general description annual work general description Annual work general description annual work general description annual work general description H

5、R Annual work general 1 1 2 3 4 5 年度工作概述1 2018 201420152017 Annual work general description annual work general description annual work general description Annual work general description annual work general description annual work general description Annual work general description annual work gene

6、ral description Annual work general description annual work general description HR Annual work general 年度工作概述1 HR Annual work general Description Suitable for all categories business and personal presentation Description Suitable for all categories business and personal presentation Description Suit

7、able for all categories business and personal presentation Description Suitable for all categories business and personal presentation 年度工作概述1 HR Annual work general A Marketing Income Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer rhoncus eros ac ullamcorper semper. Curabitur conse

8、ctetur sodales dui, at aliquam mauris pellentesque viverra. Ut ut tortor maximus, dignissim B Customer Income Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer rhoncus eros ac ullamcorper semper. Curabitur consectetur sodales dui, at aliquam mauris pellentesque viverra. Ut ut tortor m

9、aximus, dignissim C Business Enfluation Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer rhoncus eros ac ullamcorper semper. Curabitur consectetur sodales dui, at aliquam mauris pellentesque viverra. Ut ut tortor maximus, dignissim ENTER FIRST METRICS ENTER NEXT METRICS ENTER LAST ME

10、TRICS 员工招聘管理 Recruitment Management02 Part 员工招聘管理2 Annual work general description annual work general description annual work general description Annual work general Annual work general description annual work general description annual work general description Annual work general Annual work gener

11、al description annual work general description annual work general description Annual work general Annual work general description annual work general description annual work general description Annual work general HR Annual work general description 员工招聘管理2 Sixty Offices Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,

12、consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer rhoncus eros ac ullamcorper semper. Curabitur consectetur Full Restructure Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer rhoncus eros ac ullamcorper semper. Curabitur consectetur IPO Opening Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing el

13、it. Integer rhoncus eros ac ullamcorper semper. Curabitur consectetur Billion Dollars Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer rhoncus eros ac ullamcorper semper. Curabitur consectetur 13 24 员工招聘管理2 52% 75% 63% 97% 52 175 163 297 2015 2016 2017 2018 Annual work general Annual

14、 work general description annual work general description annual work general description annual work general description, Annual work general description annual work general description. Annual work general Annual work general description annual work general description annual work general descript

15、ion annual work general description, Annual work general description annual work general description. % 。 员工招聘管理2 A Marketing Income Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer rhoncus eros ac ullamcorper semper. Curabitur consectetur sodales dui, at aliquam mauris pellentesque

16、viverra. Ut ut tortor maximus, dignissim B Customer Income Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer rhoncus eros ac ullamcorper semper. Curabitur consectetur sodales dui, at aliquam mauris pellentesque viverra. Ut ut tortor maximus, dignissim C Business Enfluation Lorem ipsum

17、 dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer rhoncus eros ac ullamcorper semper. Curabitur consectetur sodales dui, at aliquam mauris pellentesque viverra. Ut ut tortor maximus, dignissim 员工招聘管理2 Annual work general Annual work general description annual work general description annual work

18、 general description annual work general description, Annual work general description annual work general description. 35% Annual work general Annual work general description annual work general description annual work general description annual work general description, Annual work general descript

19、ion annual work general description. 47% Annual work general Annual work general description annual work general description annual work general description annual work general description, Annual work general description annual work general description. 58% Annual work general Annual work general d

20、escription annual work general description annual work general description annual work general description, Annual work general description annual work general description. 69% 员工培训计划 Recruitment Management03 Part 员工培训计划3 Best Designers Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Intege

21、r rhoncus eros ac ullamcorper semper. Curabitur consectetur sodales dui, at aliquam Top Hardware Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer rhoncus eros ac ullamcorper semper. Curabitur consectetur sodales dui, at aliquam Market Leader Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur ad

22、ipiscing elit. Integer rhoncus eros ac ullamcorper semper. Curabitur consectetur sodales dui, at aliquam Working Process Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer rhoncus eros ac ullamcorper semper. Curabitur consectetur sodales dui, at aliquam 员工培训计划3 A B Best Designers Lorem

23、 ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer rhoncus eros ac ullamcorper semper. Curabitur consectetur sodales dui, at aliquam Top Hardware Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer rhoncus eros ac ullamcorper semper. Curabitur consectetur sodales dui, at aliqua

24、m Market Leader Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer rhoncus eros ac ullamcorper semper. Curabitur consectetur sodales dui, at aliquam Working Process Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer rhoncus eros ac ullamcorper semper. Curabitur consectetu

25、r sodales dui, at aliquam C D 员工培训计划3 Annual work general description annual work general description annual work general description annual work general description, Annual work general description annual work general description annual work general description annual work general description, Annu

26、al work general description annual work general description annual work general description annual work general description, Annual work general description annual work general description annual work general description annual work general description, Annual Work General 。 员工培训计划 Annual work gener

27、al 9212 10321 16848 20907 22502 31209 28277 30389 28168 28959 35674 43494 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000 40000 45000 50000 200520062007200820092010201120122013201420152016 Annual work general description annual work general description annual work general description annual work general

28、description, Annual work general description annual work general description. Annual work general description annual work general description annual work general description annual work general description, Annual work general description annual work general description. Annual work general descript

29、ion annual work general description annual work general description annual work general description, Annual work general description annual work general description. Annual work general Annual work general description annual work general description annual work general description annual work genera

30、l description, Annual work general description annual work general description. 3 04 Part 员工绩效管理 Employee Performance Management 员工绩效管理4 01 03 02 04 IN ELEIFEND CURSUS Duis rhoncus a tortor non interdum. Aliquam felis sapien, congue vitae elementum in, sodales ut lectus. Nunc faucibus tellus sit ame

31、t dolor mollis mattis. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. IN ELEIFEND CURSUS Duis rhoncus a tortor non interdum. Aliquam felis sapien, congue vitae elementum in, sodales ut lectus. Nunc faucibus tellus sit amet dolor mollis mattis. Class apten

32、t taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. IN ELEIFEND CURSUS Duis rhoncus a tortor non interdum. Aliquam felis sapien, congue vitae elementum in, sodales ut lectus. Nunc faucibus tellus sit amet dolor mollis mattis. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torque

33、nt per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. IN ELEIFEND CURSUS Duis rhoncus a tortor non interdum. Aliquam felis sapien, congue vitae elementum in, sodales ut lectus. Nunc faucibus tellus sit amet dolor mollis mattis. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per incepto

34、s himenaeos. 员工绩效管理4 Add the titleAdd the titleAdd the titleAdd the titleAdd the title Annual work general description annual work general description annual work general description annual Annual work general description annual work general description annual work general description annual Annual

35、work general description annual work general description annual work general description annual Annual work general description annual work general description annual work general description annual Annual work general description annual work general description annual work general description annua

36、l Annual Performance General Annual work general description annual work general description annual work general description annual, Annual work general description annual work general description annual work general description annual 12345 。 员工绩效管理4 1 Annual work general description annual work ge

37、neral description annual work general description annual 2 3 4 5 6 Annual work general description annual work general description annual work general description annual Annual work general description annual work general description annual work general description annual Annual work general descrip

38、tion annual work general description annual work general description annual Annual work general description annual work general description annual work general description annual Annual work general description annual work general description annual work general description annual Lorem ipsum dolor

39、sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer rhoncus eros ac ullamcorper semper. Curabitur consectetur sodales dui, at aliquam mauris pellentesque viverra. Ut ut tortor maximus, dignissim Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer rhoncus eros ac ullamcorper semper. Curabitur

40、 consectetur sodales dui, at aliquam mauris pellentesque viverra. Ut ut tortor maximus, dignissim Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer rhoncus eros ac ullamcorper semper. Curabitur consectetur sodales dui, at aliquam mauris pellentesque viverra. Ut ut tortor maximus, dign

41、issim Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer rhoncus eros ac ullamcorper semper. Curabitur consectetur sodales dui, at aliquam mauris pellentesque viverra. Ut ut tortor maximus, dignissim 家庭日 远足踏青 运动会 棋牌比赛 员工绩效管理4 员工绩效管理4 IN ELEIFEND CURSUS Duis rhoncus a tortor non interdu

42、m. Aliquam felis sapien, congue vitae elementum in, sodales ut lectus. Nunc faucibus tellus sit amet dolor mollis mattis. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. IN ELEIFEND CURSUS Duis rhoncus a tortor non interdum. Aliquam felis sapien, congue vi

43、tae elementum in, sodales ut lectus. Nunc faucibus tellus sit amet dolor mollis mattis. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. IN ELEIFEND CURSUS Duis rhoncus a tortor non interdum. Aliquam felis sapien, congue vitae elementum in, sodales ut lectu

44、s. Nunc faucibus tellus sit amet dolor mollis mattis. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. IN ELEIFEND CURSUS Duis rhoncus a tortor non interdum. Aliquam felis sapien, congue vitae elementum in, sodales ut lectus. Nunc faucibus tellus sit amet d

45、olor mollis mattis. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. 员工发展计划 Employee development plan05 Part 员工发展计划5 2019 Overlooking the vast sea of clouds, mountains, grand and magnificent artistic conception, symbol of vision, grand and magnificent. Over

46、looking the vast sea of clouds, mountains, grand and magnificent artistic conception, symbol of vision, grand and magnificent. Overlooking the vast sea of clouds, mountains, grand and magnificent artistic conception, symbol of vision, grand and magnificent. Overlooking the vast sea of clouds, mounta

47、ins, grand and magnificent artistic conception, symbol of vision, grand and magnificent. 员工发展计划5 Process Stage #2 Dolor sit amet, consectet adipiscing elit. Integer rhoncus eros ac ullamcorper semper. Curabitur consectetur sodalese dui, at aliquam mauris pellentesque Process Stage #4 Dolor sit amet,

48、 consectet adipiscing elit. Integer rhoncus eros ac ullamcorper semper. Curabitur consectetur sodalese dui, at aliquam mauris pellentesque Process Stage #3 Dolor sit amet, consectet adipiscing elit. Integer rhoncus eros ac ullamcorper semper. Curabitur consectetur sodalese dui, at aliquam mauris pel

49、lentesque Process Stage #1 Dolor sit amet, consectet adipiscing elit. Integer rhoncus eros ac ullamcorper semper. Curabitur consectetur sodalese dui, at aliquam mauris pellentesque end process 员工发展计划5 2.10% 2.70% 1.90% 2.00% 3.70% 4.10% 5.90% 2.80% 6.90% 8.10% 12.50% 23.40% 0.00% 5.00% 10.00% 15.00%

50、 20.00% 25.00% 30.00% 200520062007200820092010201120122013201420152016 Work Plan General Work Plan General Overlooking the vast sea of clouds, mountains, grand and magnificent artistic conception, symbol of vision, grand and magnificent. Profit Growth Margin Work Plan General Overlooking the vast sea


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