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1、课程名称:电工电子学(2)课程编码:7020402课程学分:4学分课程学时:64学时适用专业:机械设计制造及其自动化、材料成型及控制工程专业电工电子学(2)Electrics and Electronics (2)教学大纲一、课程性质与目的性质:本课程的授课对象为机械设计制造及其自动化专业与材料成型及控制工程专业,课程属性为专业基础必修课。该课程讲授电工电子技术必要的基本理论、基本知识和基本技能,同时为3-4年级“微机原理与接口技术”的学习打下基础。教学目标:通过对模拟电子技术、数字电子技术的学习,掌握电子电路的基本知识,培养学生的思维能力和工程实践能力,学会各种功能单元电路的工作原理和分析设

2、计方法等。二、教学基本要求及基本内容第14章 二极管和晶体管(一)基本要求1 掌握:二极管伏安特性及电路分析,三极管特性、电流分配及放大原理。2 理解:PN结及单向导电性,稳压二极管工作原理,三极管的结构及主要参数。3 了解:半导体导电特性,N型半导体、P型半导体。(二)教学及考核内容14.1 半导体的导电特性14.2 PN结及其单向导电性14.3 二极管14.4 稳压二极管14.5 晶体管第15章 基本放大电路(一)基本要求1 掌握:估算法计算静态工作点,微变等效电路法分析放大电路性能。2 理解:交、直流通路,放大电路三种组成,图解分析法,射极输出器电路特点及用途。3 了解:放大的概念,放大

3、电路的频率特性,差分放大电路工作原理,互补对称功率放大电路。(二)教学及考核内容15.1 共发射极放大电路的组成15.2 放大电路的静态分析15.3 放大电路的动态分析15.4 静态工作点的稳定15.5 放大电路的频率特性15.6 射极输出器15.7 差分放大电路*15.8 互补对称功率放大电路(*为选讲或自学,以下相同)第16章 集成运算放大器(一)基本要求1 掌握:集成运放在线性运算方式的应用,运放非线性应用的分析方法和电压比较器的应用。2 理解:集成运放的传输特性,理想运放的条件及特点。 3 了解:集成运算放大器特点,运放主要参数及使用中应注意的几个问题,运算放大器在波形产生方面的应用。

4、(二)教学及考核内容16.1 集成运算放大器的简单介绍16.2 运算放大器在信号运算方面的应用16.3 运算放大器在信号处理方面的应用*16.4 运算放大器在波形产生方面的应用16.5 使用运算放大器应注意的几个问题第17章 电子电路中的反馈(一)基本要求1 掌握:反馈电路类型的判别方法,自激振荡的条件。2 理解:电子电路中反馈概念及分类,正弦波振荡电路的工作原理。3 了解:负反馈对放大电路工作性能的影响,RC串并联、LC并联网络的频率特性。(二)教学及考核内容17.1 反馈的基本概念17.2 放大电路中的负反馈17.3 振荡电路中的正反馈第18章 直流稳压电源(一)基本要求1 掌握:整流电路

5、、滤波电路的分析与计算。2 理解:整流电路、滤波电路、稳压电路的类型及工作原理。3 了解:直流稳压电源组成、性能参数。(二)教学及考核内容18.1 整流电路18.2 滤波器18.3 直流稳压电源*第19章 电力电子技术第20章 门电路和组合逻辑电路(一)基本要求1 掌握:与门、或门、非门、与非门和异或门等的逻辑功能,应用代数法化简逻辑函数,组合逻辑电路的分析与设计方法。2 理解:数制转换、逻辑门电路,逻辑函数的表示方法,全加器,编码器,译码器的工作原理。3 了解:二、三极管的开关特性,TTL与非门电压传输特性和主要参数,三态门的作用,CMOS非门、与非门、或非门原理。(二)教学及考核内容20.

6、1 数制与脉冲信号20.2 基本门电路及其组合20.3 TTL门电路*20.4 CMOS门电路20.5 逻辑代数20.6 组合逻辑电路的分析和综合20.7 加法器20.8 编码器20.9 译码器和数字显示第21章 触发器和时序逻辑电路(一)基本要求1、掌握:各种触发器的逻辑功能,时序逻辑电路的分析与设计方法。2、理解:寄存器、移位寄存器、计数器的工作原理。3、了解:时序逻辑电路的特点。(二)教学及考核内容21.1 双稳态触发器21.2 寄存器21.3 计数器21.4 时序逻辑电路的分析*21.5 由555定时器组成的单稳态触发器和无稳态触发器三、本课程与其他相关课程的联系与分工先修课程:高等数

7、学、大学物理、电工电子学(1)后续课程:微机原理与接口技术、电工学课程设计四、实践性教学内容安排与要求主要包括常用仪器仪表的使用、运算放大器的线性应用、基本组合门电路及应用设计和数字组合逻辑与时序电路。通过实验,学生应能使用常用电工仪表、电子仪器及电工设备;能按电路图接线进行实验,能查线和排除简单故障;能准确读取数据、观察实验现象、测绘波形曲线;能整理实验数据并写出整洁的、条理清楚的、内容完整的实验报告,将理论和实际应用切实结合起来。1、常用仪器仪表的使用 (验证性实验) (2学时) 2、运算放大器的线性应用 (设计性实验) (3学时) 3、基本组合门电路及应用设计(设计性实验) (2学时)

8、4、数字组合逻辑与时序电路 (设计性实验) (3学时) 五、课程各教学环节和各篇章(节)学时分配总学时为64学时,其中课程讲授54学时,实验10学时。课程各章节学时分配如下:教 学 内 容 讲课 实验 总学时第14章二极管和晶体管44第15章 基本放大电路 实验:常用仪器仪表的使用 10212第16章 集成运算放大器 实验:运算放大器的线性应用8311第17章电子电路中的反馈88第18章直流稳压电源44第20章 门电路和组合逻辑电路 实验:基本组合门电路及应用设计10 212第21章 触发器和时序逻辑电路 实验:数字组合逻辑与时序电路10 313合 计54 1064六、本课程采用的教学方法和教

9、学手段1、本课程采用课堂讲授、课下辅导的方式,以课堂讲授为主,附以一定比例的实践教学时间。2、使用PowerPoint幻灯片作为主要教学辅助工具,以模式教学网或课程网站为主要载体,根据上课内容教师选择演示软件的分析运行进行教学。七、教材及教学参考资料教材:秦曾煌,电工学(下册)(第七版),高等教育出版社,2009年参考书:1、童诗白、华成英,模拟电子技术基础(第四版),高等教育出版,2006年2、闫石,数字电子技术基础(第五版),高等教育出版社,2006年八、本课程的考核方法及成绩评定标准采用百分制,总评成绩由平时成绩和期末成绩两部分组成,平时成绩占30% (其中出勤、作业占10%,期中考试成

10、绩占10%,实践设计占10%),期末考试成绩占70%。九、其它问题的说明课内外学时比:1:1.5,课外作业:每次课后留2-3题,要求学生独立完成所布置的基本作业量。大纲撰写人:赵宇红大纲审阅人:张东彦系负责人: 宋 鹏学院负责人:王景中制定(修订)日期:2012年10月Course Name: Electrician and Electronics(2)Course Number: 7020402Course Score: 4Class Hour: 64Applicable major: Machine design manufacturing and its automationElectr

11、ician and Electronics(2)Teaching Program1. Property and Mission of the courseCharacter: This course teaching object for mechanical design and its automation and material forming and control engineering, as a required course. This lecture electrical electronic technology to the necessary basic theory

12、 and basic skills, and at the same time for 3-4 grade microcomputer principle and interface technology study to lay the foundation Teaching goal: Through the analog electronic technology, digital electronic technology study, master the basic knowledge of electronic circuit, the cultivation of the st

13、udents thinking ability and engineering practice ability, to learn all kinds of functional unit electric circuit principle of work and analysis design method, etc2. The Basic Content and RequirementChapter 14 Transistors and Diodes(A)Basic requirementTo be gripped: Diode volt ampere characteristics

14、and circuit analysis, triode characteristic, current distribution and amplification principleTo be up on: PN junction and the one-way conductivity, the characteristic curve triode, the main parameters.N-type semiconductor, P-type semiconductor, triode structure, current distribution and amplificatio

15、n principleTo be comprehended: N-type semiconductor, P-type semiconductor, triode structure, (B)Teaching and assess content14.1 The conductivity of the semiconductor14.2 PN junction and the one-way conductivity14.3 Diodes14.4 Regulators diode14.5 TransistorsChapter 15 Basic amplifier(A)Basic require

16、mentTo be gripped: Estimates of the static method, micro-change equivalent circuit analysis amplification circuit performanceTo be up on: TAC, DC pathway, composed of three amplifiers, graphical analysis, radiation level follower circuit features and useTo be comprehended: Large concept, the frequen

17、cy characteristics amplifiers, differential amplifier circuit, complementary symmetry power amplification circuit(B)Teaching and assess content15.1 common emitter amplifier circuit component 15.2 amplifier static analysis 15.3 Large Circuit Dynamic Analysis 15.4 static stability at work 15.5 amplifi

18、er frequency characteristics 15.6 emitter output device 15.7 differential amplifier * 15.8 complementary symmetry power amplification circuitChapter 16 Integrated Operational Amplifiers(A)Basic requirementTo be comprehended: Operational Amplifier features and the main parameters should pay attention

19、 to the use of several issues. To be up on: Win on the signal operation, the application of signal processing: ratio addition, subtraction, integral and differential operation, voltage comparator. To be gripped: ideal Operational Amplifier idealized conditions, virtual short and superficial cut off

20、the characteristics, operational amplifier linear and non-linear Application of analytical methods.(B)Teaching and assess content16.1 Integrated Operational Amplifier brief 16.2 Operational Amplifier in the application of computing signal 16.3 Operational Amplifier in the application of signal proce

21、ssing * 16.4 Operational Amplifier in the application of waveform generator 16.5 use of the operational amplifier should pay attention to several issuesChapter 17 The electronic feedback circuit(A)Basic requirementTo be comprehended: negative feedback amplifier performance on the impact of RC Series

22、-parallel, LC parallel network frequency characteristics. To be up on: the type of negative feedback, sinusoidal oscillation circuit components. To be gripped: feedback circuit types of discrimination, self-excited oscillation conditions.(B)Teaching and assess content17.1 feedback from the basic con

23、cepts 17.2 Large Circuit of negative feedback 17.3 oscillation circuit in the positive feedbackChapter 18 DC Power Supply(A)Basic requirementTo be comprehended: DC Power Supply composition, performance parameters. To be up on: rectifier circuit filter circuit, the voltage regulator circuit types and

24、 working principle. To be gripped: rectifier circuit filter circuit analysis method.(B)Teaching and assess content18.1 rectifier circuit 18.2 Filter 18.3 DC Power Supply* Chapter 19 Power ElectronicsChapter 20 combinational logic gate circuit and the circuit(A)Basic requirementTo be comprehended: di

25、gital signal characteristics, diodes and doors, triode-door, TTL and non-gate circuit. To be up on: logic gate circuit, the logic function that way. To be gripped: the basic logic algebraic formula commonly used formula, Simplification, combinational logic circuit analysis and design methods.(B)Teac

26、hing and assess content20.1 pulse signal 20.2 basic gate circuit and combinations 20.3 TTL Gate circuit * 20.4 CMOS gate circuit 20.5 logic algebra 20.6 combinational logic circuit analysis and synthesis 20.7 Adder 20.8 encoder 20.9 decoder and figures show thatChapter 21 trigger and sequential logi

27、c circuit(A)Basic requirementTo be comprehended: Sequential Circuits composition. To be up on: Register, shift register, counter composition and application. To be gripped: Trigger logic function, timing circuit analysis and design methods.(B)Teaching and assess content21.1 bitable flip-flop 21.2 Re

28、gister 21.3 Counter 21.4 sequential logic circuit analysis * 21.5 from the 555 timer component of monostable multivibrator and non-multivibrator3. Connection with Other CoursesAdvancing course: Higher Mathematics, General Physics, electrical and electronics (1)Follow-up courses: Principles and Compu

29、ter Interface Technology4. The Practice Course ArrangementIncluding common instrument table use, operational amplifier linear application, basic combination gate and application design and digital combinational logic and sequential circuit, according it, IEC can use common instruments, electronic in

30、struments and electric equipment; according to circuit wiring experiment, the investigation could fault lines and simple exclusion; can accurately read data, the observed experimental phenomena, mapping waveform curve; experimental data and can collate write clean, well-argued, of a complete test re

31、port.1, commonly used instrument usage (examine type) (2 class hours) 2, the application of the linear operational amplifier (design type) (3 class hours) 3, the basic composition of gate circuit and Application Design (design type) (2 class hours) 4, N-band Counter design (design type) (3 class hou

32、rs) 5. Requirement of Using Modern Teaching MethodTotal 64 class hours, 54 class hours teaching, 10 class hours experiment.教 学 内 容 讲课 实验 总学时14 diodes and transistors4415 Basic amplifying circuitexperiment:The use of common instrument 1021216 integrated operational amplifierexperiment:Operational amp

33、lifier linear application831117 Electronic circuit feedback8818 DC regulated power supply4419 Gate and combinational logic circuit experiment:Combination gate and application design10 21220Trigger sequence circuitexperiment:Digital combinational logic and sequential circuit10 313total54 10646. The Teaching Method of This Course1 This course USES lectures, class coaching way to teach primarily, by a certain proportion of practical teaching time2


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