



1、英语人称代词表格数人称主格宾格单数第一人称1我me我第二人称you你you你第三人称he他him他she她her她it它it它复数第一人称we我们us我们第二人称you你们you你们第三人称they他们 她们 它们them他们 她们 它们be动词的用法和练习题:be动词有三兄弟:is, am, are。1(我)用 am, you(你)用 are, is跟 着he(他)she(她)it(它),we(我们)you(你们)和they(他们),复数(两人以上)永远连着 are.解析:I am; You are; He is; She is; It is; We are; You are; Theyar

2、e.1.否定句只需要在 be动词后加n ot,即:am not, isnot = isnt are not = arent 2. 一般疑问句只需要将be动词提前至句首.即:Is .? Are?1) 1 a stude nt.2) Youa teacher.3) she from Jinan? No, she.4) you friends? No, we.5) Hein Class 4, Grade 1.6) Ita car.7) Theycars.8) your mother in China?9) your friends in New York?10) Whather name?11) T

3、hese (这些) buses.12) Those (那些)oranges.13) Whereher mother?14) How oldyour teacher?15) What classyou in?16) Thismy brother (哥哥、弟弟).17) Thata pen cil.18) Mike and Istude nts.19) there an apple on the table (桌子)Y es, there.20)Theremany books in the study.21)Theresome ice cream in the fridge (冰箱)22)Ther

4、ea pear and some cakes on the table.23)The childrenplay ing in the bedroom.24)The rabbitseat ing grass.25)Whatyour favorite subject (科目)?26)The girldraw ing.27)T_ a letter (字母.)28. Ia a boy?No, Inot.29. The girlJacks sister (姐姐、妹妹)30. The dogtall a nd fat.31. The man with big eyesateacher.32

5、. your brother in the classroom (教室)?33. Whereyour mother?Sheat home.34. Howyour father?35. Mike and Liu Taoat school.36. Whose dressthis?37. Whose socks (袜子)they?38. Thatmy red skirt.39. WhoI?40. The sockson the desk.41. Herea book for you.42. Heresome sweaters (毛衣)for you.43. The black shoes (鞋子)

6、for Su Yang.44. there any kites in the classroom?45. Theresome apples on the tree.46.Some teain the glass.47. Gao Sha ns shirtover there.48. My sisters n ameNan cy.49. Thisnot Wang Fan gs pen cil.50. David and Hele n from En gla nd?51. Therea girl in the room.初夏早上六点,清亮透明的月儿还躲藏在云朵里,不忍离去,校园内行人稀少,我骑着单车,晃晃悠悠的耷拉着星松的睡眼。校园内景色如常,照样是绿意盈盈,枝繁叶茂,鸟儿歌唱。经过 西区公园,看那碧绿的草地,飞翔中的亭子,便想起十七那年,在这里寻找春天的日子。本想就此停车再感受一遍,可惜心中记挂北区的荷塘。回想起冬日清理完荷塘的枯枝败叶,一片萧条的景


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