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1、最新版名校学习资料集锦全国各大名校资料集合1 -温馨提示:此套题为 Word 版,请按住 Ctrl,滑动鼠标滚轴,调节合适的观 看比例,答案解析附后。关闭Word文档返回原板块。阶段综合检测(二)(八年级上册)(120分钟 120分)第一部分听力(20分)I .录音中有五个句子,听一遍后,选择最佳答语。(5分)1. A. I don t believe it.B. Congratulations!C. Really?2. A. That s right.B. Don t do th aC. No, tha nks. I can do it by myself.3. A. It s dry.C.

2、 It s expensive.4. A. Go ahead.C. This is Jane speaki ng.5. A. You re right.C. Good idea.B. It s exciting.B. Sorry, he s not in.B. Well done.【听力材料】1. I ve got fihet place in the English competition.2. Can I help you with the bag?3. What do you thi nk of the basketball match?4. Hello! Who s that spea

3、king?-3 -5. Why not go to the park with me this afternoon?答案:15. BCBCCII .录音中有五组对话,听一遍后,选择最佳答案。(5分)6. Where are the two speakers talking?A. In a theatre.B. In a restaurant.C. In a museum.7. What does John want to be?A. A singer.B. A pilot.C. An engineer.8. Which sport does Tom like best?A. Volleybal

4、l.B. Basketball.C. Football.9. How long does it take Jane to get to school on foot?A. 3 minutes.B. 13 minutes.C. 30 minutes.10. Why isn t the boy going to watch the talk show with the girl?A. Because he has a lot of homework to do.B. Because he doesn t like the show.C. Because the show is boring.【听力

5、材料】6. W: May I take your order, sir?M: Sure. I d like some rice, fish and a glass of juice.7. W: What do you want to be when you grow up, John?M: I like to fly in the sky, so I want to be a pilot. - 3 -8. W: Tom, which is your favorite sport, football, basketball or volleyball?M: Mm. . . , I like th

6、em all, but football is my favorite sport.9. W: Peter, do you live far from school?M: No, I live close to school. What about you, Jane?W: I live far from school. It s 30 minutes on foot.10. W: There is a wonderful talk show on TV tonight. Would you please come over and watch it with me?M: I d like t

7、o, but I have a lot of homework to do.答案:610. BBCCA皿.录音中有一段对话,听两遍后,选择最佳答案。(5分)11. What s the relations关系)between the two speakers?A. Mother and son.B. Teacher and student.C. Classmates.12. What will Gary do on his birthday?A. Hold a birthday party.B. Climb Mount Tai.C. Make a poster with his classma

8、tes.13. How are Gary and his classmates going to Mount Tai?A. By train.B. By bus.C. We don t know.14. Where are Gary and his classmates going to stay at night?A. In a hotel.B. On the mountain top.C. At the foot of the mountain.15. Who will go to Mount Tai with Gary and his classmates?A. Gary s mum.B

9、. Gary s head teacher.C. Only Gary and his classmates.【听力材料】M: Morning, Mum.W: Morning, Gary. Your birthday is coming. What s your plan?M: Can I invite my classmates to our house, Mum?W: Sure. Then you re going to hold a birthday party, aren t you?M: No. Not really. You know, I m a member of our tra

10、velling club in my school. We want more students to join us. So we are going to make a poster for our summer holiday trip.W: That sounds great. Can you tell me more about your holiday trip?M: Of course. We are going to take a trip to Mountain Tai. It will take us two days to go around the mountain.

11、We need to get prepared for it.W: You re right. How are you going there then? By train? Or by bus?M: I don t know yWete. re going to talk about it.W: And I should also make sure you know where to stay at night.M: We are not staying in a hotel. We are going camping on the mountain top.W: Really? That

12、 sounds interesting.M: And we will climb up the mountain from the foot to the top.W: I m proud of you, Gary. Do you have any teacher to go with you?- 5 -M: Yes, our head teacher will go with us.W: Perfect. OK, let me know if you need my help.M: Thank you, Mum.答案:1115. ABCBBIV .录音中有一篇短文,听两遍后,选择最佳答案。(

13、5分)16. What was Lin Ping like before?A. Shy.B. Serious.C. Careless.17. What was she afraid to do in the English classes?A. Recite texts.B. Answer questions.C. Make conversations.18. When did she begin to show interest in English?A. Five years ago.B. At the age of 15.C. After going to middle school.1

14、9. How did she learn English in her free time?A. By reading English stories.B. By listening to English songs.C. By joining the English club.20. What does she hope to do?A. To teach English.B. To study abroad.C. To travel abroad.【听力材料】Lin Ping is a 15-year-old girl. She is good at En glish. However,

15、three years ago she was very shy and her English was poor, especially her spoken English. She was afraid to answer the teacher questions sthe English classes.After she went to middle school, thi ngs were differe nt. Her En glish teacher Mr Yang taught very well and she liked him very much. She began

16、 to show interest in English. She listened carefully in class and took part in the classroom activities. In her free time, she read many English stories and watched lots of English movies.Now she is worki ng hard and hopes to study abroad one day.答案:1620. ABCAB第二部分 笔试(100分)I .单项选择(15分)1. Hi, Bob. Wh

17、at do you usually do in your spare time?I usually playbasketball with my frien ds. Sometimes I playguitar athome.A. the; theB. /; /C. /; theD. the; /【解析】选C。考查冠词的用法。“ pla+球类运动名称”表示 踢球/打球等”球 类运动名称前不加任何冠词;“ play+ t乐器名称”表示 演奏/弹奏某种乐器”。故 选C。2. Who taught you to swim, Jim?. I lear ned it by myself.A. Some

18、oneB. AnyoneC. NobodyD. Everybody-7 -【解析】选C。考查不定代词辨析。问句提问 吉姆,谁教你游泳了 ? ”根据答语 第二句 我自学的。”可知 没有人教” nobody没有人”故选C。3. The food safety is a serious. Something must be done to solve it.A. sportsB. problemC. programD. ill ness【解析】 选B。考查名词辨析。sport运动” problem问题” program节目” illness疾病”句意:食品安全问题是一个非常严重的问题。必须采取措施解

19、决 它。故选B。4. Gina was so surprised at the surpris ing n ews that she could say a word.A. n earlyB. hardC. ever D. hardly【解析】选D。考查副词辨析。句意:吉娜听到这令人惊讶的消息如此惊讶以至 于她几乎说不出一句话来。nearly差不多,几乎” hard努力地;困难(的)地”ever 曾经” ;hardly几乎不”5. you taste it, you can t imagine how delicious the soup is.A. Uni essB. BecauseC. A

20、lthoughD. After【解析】选A。考查连词辨析。unless除非” because因为” a lthough尽管:虽 然”;afte在之后”句意:除非你品尝它,否则你无法想象这汤的味道多美。 故选A。6. My friend John lost his ID card yesterday morning. , a school boy found itand sent it back to him in the after noon.A. LoudlyB. ClearlyC. NearlyD. Luckily-# -【解析】选D。考查副词辨析。loudly大声地” clearly清楚

21、地” nearly几乎” luckily幸运的是”。句意:昨天上午我的朋友约翰丢了身份证。幸运的是 ,下午 一位男学生捡到后把它送还给了他。故选 D。7. What do you thi nk of the traffic in your city?It s much than it used to be, but there s still a long way to go.A. worseB. worstC. betterD. best【解析】选C。考查形容词比较级。句意:一一你认为你所在城市的交通状况如何?比过去好多了级,再根据“ butlhere,但仍有很长的一段路要走。由句中连词th

22、an可知用比较stills a long way to go 可知是现在情况比过去好了,故用8. Don t meet angood的比较级better。Internet friend something dan gerous may happe n toyou.A. butB. andC. orD. yet【解析】选C。考查连词的用法。but但是”,an和”:o否则”,ye然而”句意:不要独自会见网友,否则可能会发生危险。故选 C。9. Youopen the safety door while you are on the plane.A. mustn tB.needn tC. may n

23、otD. don t have to【解析】选A。考查情态动词的用法。mustn禁止;“绝对不可”;needn不必”t ; “may not不可以” ;don t hav不需要句意:在飞机上你绝对不可打开飞机安 全门。故选A。10. You look upset. What has happened?Every one in my classme to win the speech con test, but I lost.-9 -A. expectsB. expectedC. hopesD. hoped【解析】选B。考查动词辨析。expect sb. to do sth.期待某人做某事”;h

24、op后不 可接复合宾语(宾语+不定式),排除C、D两项;再由“but lost可知其前的句子 也要用一般过去时态,又排除A项。故选B。11. Do you know if we will go for a picnic this weekend?I think we will if it rain.A. won t rainB. didn t rainC. doesn t rainD. isn t raining【解析】选C。考查时态。答语中if意为 如果”引导条件状语从句。if引导条件状语从句时用一般现在时表将来。故选Co12. do you chat with your friends o

25、n li ne?Only once a week. I m busy with my study.A. How longB. How ofte nC. How manyD. How soon【解析】选B。考查疑问词辨析。how long多久;多长” ;how often多久一次” ;how many “数量)多少” ;how soon多久之后”。由答语“Only once a week可知问句询 问频率,用how often。故选B。13. Therea football match on TV this eve ning.Yeah, that s great!A. is going to h

26、ave B. are going to have【解析】选D。考查固定句式。句意:今晚电视上将有一场足球赛。太好了 ! There be 句型的一般将来时结构为“ Therebe going to + be. ”或 “ Therewill be.。故选 D。14. fine weather it is today!Y es. Shall we go hiki ng?A. HowB. How aC. What aD. What【解析】选D。考查感叹句。what引导的感叹句句式结构:What +a/an+形容词+ 可数名词单数(+主语+谓语)!或What +形容词+不可数名词/可数名词复数(+主

27、语+谓语)! how引导的感叹句句式:How +形容词/畐I词+主语+谓语! weather是不 可数名词,其前不用不定冠词,故此处用what引导感叹句。15. I m going to take a trip to Hawaii this summer.A. That sounds good.B. Have a good time!C. Good luck!D. My pleasure.【解析】选B。考查情景交际。A项意为 那听起来不错”;项意为 祝玩得开心!”;C项意为 祝你好运! ” ;项意为 不客气”。句意:一一今年夏天我要去夏威夷旅 行。祝你玩得开心!故选B。II .完形填空(10分

28、)What do you think of stress? Is it a good thing or a bad thi ng?Most of the students think stress can do harm 1 them in some ways. There s a story about a teenager in a middle school. He even 2 his study because of the stress from school and family.We also usually 3 that some one tur ns to psycholo

29、gical doctors becauseof-11 -heavy working stress. There is no doubt that some people think stress is a dangerous wolf.On the other hand, other people argue that stressis not a bad thi ng. They 4 stress can produce momentum(动力)in the end. For them, right attitude and action can reduce stress and make

30、 it 5. When I was a child, my mom always pushed meto study hard. She wished I could go to an ideal 6 for further education. I experieneed stress for the first time. Born to a poor family, I deeply knew 7 was not easy for us, and everythi ng my mom did to me was just to hope I could live a better lif

31、e in the future. 8 the saying goes, “no pains, no gains. ” So I did wha mom expected because I didn t want to let her down. At last, I did measur到up( 标准)to my mom s expectation and go to college 9 . Thanks to my mom s push! Thanks to the stress! In this way, I don t thinknress is a bad thiOverall, s

32、tress is not a bad thing in 10. The key is how we deal with it.1. A. forB. inC. toD. of【解析】选C。考查介词。句意:绝大多数学生认为压力在某些方面可能会对他 们造成伤害。do harm to sb.对某人有害”习惯用法。2. A. bega n withB. showed offC. gave upD. cheered for【解析】选C。考查短语辨析。句意:由于来自学校和家庭方面的压力他甚至放 弃了学习。give up 放弃”。3. A. won derB. decide【解析】选D。考查动词辨析。句意:

33、我们也常听说有些人因为沉重的工作压力 而去看心理医生。 hear 听“说 ”。4. A. doubt B. believeC. disagreeD.forget【解析】选B。考查语境理解。由其前句“ On the other hand, other poee argue that stress is not a bad thing. 可知“他们相”信压力最终可能会产生动力 ”。 believe 相“信; 信任”。5. A. usefulB. difficultC. strangeD. terrible【解析】选A。考查语境理解。句意:对他们来说,正确的态度和行为可以减轻 压力并使其产生积极作用

34、。 useful 有用“的 ; 有帮助的 ”。6. A. companyB. collegeC. factoryD. farm【解析】选B。考查语境理解。由句中的“for further educatio可知 妈妈希望我能够进入一所理想的大学 ”。 college 大学“; 学院”。7. A. lifeB. spiritC. opinionD. silence【解析】选A。考查名词辨析。由语境知此处意为出生在一个贫苦的家庭,我深知生活对我们来说不容易 ”。 life 生活 ; 生存”。8. A. ThenB. ButC. AsD. Or【解析】选C。考查连词辨析。句意:正如谚语所说:不劳无获”

35、 as作连词,意 为依照;如一样”9. A. quietlyB. wildly- # -C. speciallyD. successfully【解析】选D。考查副词辨析。由语境知 最后,我达到了妈妈的期望,顺利地考 上了大学” successfully成功地;顺利地”10. A. himselfB. myselfC. itselfD. herself【解析】选C。考查代词辨析。由句中主语“ stres可知此处应用反身代词“itself 来表示强调。皿.阅读理解(30分)ADo you know the movie I, Robot? It tells us a story about the

36、future.The year is 2035 and robots are just as com mon asmobile phones. People depend on their robots to do lots of things, for example, babysitt ing, cook ing, doing chores and taki ng their dogs for a walk. Robots have to obey humansorders, because their designers make them do so. A police officer

37、 called Spooner hates robots. He doesn think humans can get on well with their robots at all! But the scientist Susan has different opinions. Susan works on robotsmind and she thinks one day robots will become more powerful than humans and help huma ns to make progress进步).Whe n Spooner and Susa n wo

38、rk together, they find that someth ing is wrong withthe world s robots. A few robots have their own thoughts and they re t of humans control(控制)! Of course these robots dream doesn t come true. Humans work hard to con trol their robots aga in and they succeed at last.1. The story happe ned inA. 2010

39、B. 2020C. 2035D. 2053【解析】选C。细节理解题。由第二段第一句可知这个科幻电影故事发生在2035年。2. The underlined phrase“ depend on ” in this article meansA. 依靠B.相信C.取决于D.悬挂【解析】选A。词义猜测题。由上下文语境知:在2035年人们将依靠机器人去 做很多事情。故文中depend on意为 依靠”。故选A。3. Spo oner is aand Susa n is a.A. scie ntist; professorB. policema n; doctorC. bank clerk; docto

40、rD. police officer; scie ntist【解析】选 D。细节理解题。由第二段 “ A police officer called Spooner hates robots. 及 “ But the scientist Susan has different opinion可知选 D。”4. Susa n thi nks that one day.A. robots can t get on well with huma nsB. robots will help huma ns to make progressC. robots will con trol the worl

41、dD. robots will have their own thoughts【解析】选B。细节理解题。由第二段最后一句 “ Susan works on robotsind and she thinks one day robots will become more powerful tha n huma ns and help huma ns to make progress.可知选 B。5. Which of the following is NOT true according to this article?A. The movie I, Robot talks about the

42、future.B. People use their robots to do everythi ng.C. A few robots want to get out of huma ns con trol. D. At last humans succeed in controlling the robots again.【解析】选B。细节理解题。由第一段知 A项正确;由最后一段信息可知C、D 两项正确;综合全文可知:人们将用机器人做很多事情,而不是一切事情。故 B 项陈述与短文内容不符。BFind and keep your frien dshipEvery one of us, rich

43、 or poor, should at least have one or two good friends. Your friends will liste n to you whe n you speak, will take care of you whe n you are sick, and will be together with you in your journey through life.Every one n eeds frie nds. Frie ndship can make us happier. How can we find a good friend and

44、 get on well with each other? Here is some advice.Make friends with a person who is easy to get along with. You should make frie nds with a pers on who has somethi ng in com mon with you.Give your friend a hand whe n he or she is in trouble. Frie nds should always be I ready to help each other. Beli

45、eve in each other. This is the most importa nt thi ng in a frien dship. Even the best friends may have a quarrel sometimes. If this happens, donquarrel last too long. Try to make up with和好)your friends soon.Frie ndship is a ki nd of treasure in our life. It is like a bottle of wi ne; the Ion ger iti

46、s kept, the better it will be.阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。()6. Rich people don t need friends.【解析】F。细节理解题。由第一段第一句“ Every one of us, rich or poor, should atleast have one ortwo good friends. 可知”()7. If your friends are in trouble, you should help them.【解析】T。细节理解题。由第三条建议 “ Give your friend a hand when he or she i

47、s in trouble. Frie nds should always be ready to help each other 可知。”()8. Make friends with people who are not difficult to get along with.【解析】To细节理解题。由第一条建议“ Make friends with a person who is easy to get along with. 可知。()9. Don t believe in your friends.【解析】F。细节理解题。由第四条建议“ Believdn each other. This

48、 is the mostimportant thing in a friendship. 可知。 ”()10. Best friends don t have a quarrel.【解析】Fo细节理解题。由最后一条建议 “ Even the best friends may have a quarrel sometimes.可知。CHow do stude nts spe nd their spare time after finishing their homework? WatchTV, play computer games, or go outside to relax? Here g

49、ood example. s a- 25 -Tim and Kerry Meek are both teachers. They live in the UK with their two daughters: eleve n-year-old Amy and nin e-year-old Ella. Rece ntly, the Meek family has become the focus of the whole country after they completed 100 differe nt outdoor activities in one year.The Meek cou

50、ple didn t want their children to spend all their free time in front of the TV and become “ couch potatoes ” . So about one year ago, the Meeks decide that watchi ng TV and play ing computer games were not permitted. In stead, they set 100 tasks for the two girls to do outside. Although Mr and Mrs M

51、eek are not outdoor activity fans, they took part in all the activities to encourage their daughters. It turns out that the two sisters really had a good time joi ning activities.Every holiday and weekend, whether it sunny, rainy or snowy, the Meeks would set off to try the activities on their list,

52、 including hiking, sailing, climbing, skiing, and so on. The two little girls not only had a wonderful time, but also learned a lot of skills from the activities. They were even able to stand up in front of their school to give a talk for charity. Our friends spend a lot of their free time doing thi

53、ngs which are harmful to their health. Luckily, we ve had the chance tosomething different. ” Amy and Ella also helped their parents to draw up a new list of challe nges for the n ext 12 mon ths.11. 请用文中出现的词语将下列句子补充完整,使句子意思连贯。As a stude nt, you should do more outdoor exercise in order not to.12. Why

54、 did the Meeks become the focus of the UK?13. When did the Meeks go out to do the activities?-18 -14请将文中画线句子翻译成汉语。15. Please tell us what you have lear ned from this passage with two sen ten ces in your own words.答案:11. become/be a “ couch potato ”12. Because they completed 100 different outdoor act

55、ivities in one year.13. Every holiday and weeke nd.14. 我们的朋友花了大量的业余时间做了对他们的身体有害的事情。幸运的是 我们有机会体验了与之不同的事情。15. We should do more outdoor exercise to keep healthy/fit in our spare time. We can get a lot of skills /learn a lot from outdoor activities.IV .补全对话(5分)从方框中选择最佳选项完成对话,有两项多余A. And let s meet on t

56、he playgrouB. How long do you play?C. Why is he a good frie nd?D. What does he look like?E. And he s good at basketball.F. What do you thi nk of it?G. Y es, I d loe to.A: Who is your best friend, Ben?B: Robert.A:12 s also popular.B: Because he likes to do the same thi ngs as I do. HeA: Are you good at basketball, too?B: Yes, I am. We play basketball after school.A:3B: For about fifty minu tes. Would you like to joi n us this after no


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