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1、高一英语随堂练(UnitOne) Warm-up 一、选词填空。注意有些词可以重复使用。 supposed, dan gerous, free, active, peaceful, bored, stressful, set, 1 I, m notthis after noon; I have so much work to do. 2. “Is the headmaster going to atte nd the meet ing? “ Yes. He isto make a speech at the begi rming.M 3. After the excit ing and hea

2、ted argume nt, the classroom rema ined now. 4. Moving to a new house is a veryexperie nee. Sodont worry so much. 5. We all feltwith the unin terest ing film. 6. You dont have to pay for the book. It is. 7. Don r t keep the bird in the cage. Justit free. 8. Xiao Lin is in sports He always joins us in

3、 the basketball matches after school. 9. A pers on who is un happy and thinks about problems al the time is. 10. Box ing and car racing aresports because people get hurt easily. 二、单项选择。 1 Let us _ that we were in the year of 2008 now. What would it be? A. thi nk B. guess C suppose D decide 2. The wo

4、ma n man ager is so busy with bus in ess every day that she has got no time for her A. hobbies B. manners C. ways D. lifestyles 3. Some one gave me this ticket. I got it A. for freedom B. for free C. freely D free in charge 4. He was lyi ng in the sun look ing very and happy. It was really a veryday

5、! A. relax; relaxed B. relax ing; relaxed C. relaxed; relax ing D. relax ing; relax ing 5. u What are doing rece ntly? M“ I am busymy no vel. A. worki ng at B. with worki ng C. to work D. worki ng with Less on 1 Perfect Day 一、用下列短语的正确形式填空。 complain about, be filled with, a series of, get ready for,

6、switch off, take up, get changed, switch over, in one1 s spare time, preventfrom 1 Neighbours arethe dogs bark ing to the police 2. Writ ing the papermost of the weeke nds in the last two mon ths. 3. lectures on scie nee will be give n by Professor Smith n ext week. 4. He was so care less that he ev

7、e n forgotbefore he went outside 5. Would you please the TV, dear?It snearly one oclock in the morning. 6. Hearing the bad news, my father r s eyes tears suddenly last night. 7 The child didn tlike the programme so he kept the TV. 8. What do you usually do? 9. We must the river being polluted. 10. W

8、e must everythingthe exam tomorrow. 二、单项选择。 1 You 1 d better tell the old man when tothe bus for the park A. go off, B. fall off C. get off D. turn off 2. School education usthe society. A. gets, prepare for B gets, ready for C. prepares, ready D. prepare, for 3. The of the fire was a cigarette-end

9、A. reason B. cause C. effect D excuse 4. Just a moment, the driver isthe bus with oil. A. filling B. filled C. putting D. feeling. 5. Mind the camera doesntget A. break B. breaking C. broke D. broken 6. Some passe ngers complai n that it usually _ so long to full in in sura nee. A. costs B. takes C.

10、 spends D. spares 7. We got _ in the rain and soon werein the crowds of people. A. caught, separated B. catchi ng, separated C. caught, separating D catchi ng, separati ng 8. The tower on top of the mountain can be seen from aof 10 miles A. length B distanee C. way D space 三、完成句子。 1. 学生抱怨作业太多q ( com

11、plain about) 2她厌倦了沙发土豆式的生活。 (get bored of) 3把电视机矢了,爸爸在睡觉。 (switch off) 4我想不会占用你太多时间的。 (take up) 5说清楚一点以便他们能够听懂。 (so that) Less on 2 Relaxi ng 、用下列词或短语的正确形式填空。 cause, reduce, suffer from,depend on, organize, occasi on al, social, sta nd prevent, pressure, 1 If some one experie nces pain, difficulty,

12、or loss, heit. 2. The price of the shirt was $20 yesterday, but today it is $15. The seller has the price 3. To stop somethi ng happe ning means toit from happe ning. 4. To lead to or be the cause of someth ing means tosomethi ng. 5. If you have toa meeting,you have to arrange it into a good working

13、 system. 6. If you him, you must trust him 7. It rains form time to time, that is, there areshowers 8. The acti on of putt ing force or weight onto someth ing is. 9. I can rt bear the noise means I can 4it. 10. She has good relati on ships with frie nds, we say that she has goodskills 二、完成句子。 1. 她说她

14、没法忍受城市生活的压力。 She said shethe stress of city life 2. 当听到这个坏消息时,大家都禁不住哭了起来。 All of uswhe n we heard the bad n ews. 3. 他宁愿待在家里也不愿去看电影。 Hestay at homego to the cin ema. 4. 我们每天下午4时到5时都进行体育活动。 Wefrom 4:00pm to 5:00pm every after noon. 5. 吃完饭后谁来做清洗活? Who willafter the meal? 6. 该公司一年就遭受了一次达25万美元达经济损失。 The

15、compa nyof $250,000 in its first year. 7. 听说她最近在节食减肥。 I am told she isrece ntly. 8. 谁筹办今年的晚会? Who is this year 1 s party? 9. 我们应该做些什么以防止疾病的扩散? What should we dodiseasesspreadi ng? 10. 你的租金要视你的居所而定。 The amou nt you paywhere you live. Less on 3 A Volu nteer Teacher 、单词拼写o 1 I think the project is very

16、 difficult. We look on it as a cto finish it on time. 2. I need some vto help with the work 3. If you want to con tact me, please this nu mber:. 4. I made a phone call home yesterday but no one it. 5. Pm tired of my work now. I can ftfor a holiday. 6. He has a large family to s . 7. We made a dto ho

17、ld a meeting to discuss the matter. 8. I dontknow whether he is or for the plan. 9. The happy mother is very p of her daughter, who is studying laws in a un iversity. 10. Whom to dine (吃饭) with is none of your busi ness .It,s my p arran geme nt. 二、单项选择。 1 His words made the game even more . A. chall

18、enge B. challenging C. challenged D. challengers 2. Some people waste a lot of food othershaventenough to eat. A. however B. while C. when D. as 3. the time the doctor arrived the patient had already died. A. On B. At C. In D. By 4. Have youa decision yet? A. made B. decide C got D. had 5. If you li

19、ke, I can do some shopping for you. That1 s a very kind . A. offer B. service C. point D. suggestion 6. Well have the final exami nations n ext week, so our teachers are busy _the exams. A. preparing for B. prepared for C preparing D. prepared 7. How long do you usually _ the guitar every day? A. co

20、st playing B. spend playing C take to play D. spend to play 8. My aunt to see us. She II be here soon. A. came B. is comi ng C. comes D had come 9. My fatherMr. Lin quite well. They met at a party years ago. A. is knowing B. was knowing C. knows D. had been knowing 10. After the war, a new school bu

21、ilding was put up _there had once been a theater. A. that B. where C. which D. when 三、改写句子使其与原句意思相符,每空只填一词。 1 I donftknow how to organize the school party. I havehow to organize the school party. 2. PH put some water in the basin so that you can wash your face I 1 II put some water in the basin you

22、wash your face 3. We are proud of our motherland. We great our motherland. 4. What are you going to do when you graduate from the university? What are you going to do your from the udiversity? 5. The other day, my brother gave me a phone call at home. The other day, I a phone call my brother at home

23、. 四、语法专练一)单项选择。 1 Write to me whe n you get home A. I must B. I should C. I will D. I can 2. I , ve won a holiday for two to Florida I my mum. A. am taking B have taken C. take D. will have taken 3. As soon as he comes back, I ll tell him whenand see him A. you will come B will you come C. you come

24、D. do you come 4. What are you going to do this after noon? -1 am going to the cinema with some friends. The film quite early. So weto the bookstore after that. A. finished; are going B finished; go C. finishes; are going D. finishes; go 5. Are you still busy? -Yes, I my work, and it wont take long.

25、 A. just finish B. amjust finishing C have just finished D. amjust going to finish 6. Please help me with my maths when you time A. have B. will have C. are going to have D. are to have 7. If hehard, he will pass the exami nation. A. studies B. will study C is about to study D studying 8. Tom and Ma

26、ryeat at school because their parents will be away for a week A. will have to B. would have to C. has to D. have to 9. You _ unless you put your heart into the work A. won rt succeed B. will succeed C succeed D. succeeded 10. You mustngo home until your homework. A. will have been done B. has done C

27、. is doing D. has been done 二)短文填空 Dear Judy, Please excuse me for not writing sooner. I hardly have time to sit and write a letter. Myhusband(work) on his car now, and the baby (sleep). So now I (have) a few free moments. I (be) a student now. I (go) to Kennedy College twice a week The school (be)

28、a few block from my house I usually (walk) to school, but sometimes I (drive). My mother usually (watch) the baby when I * m in school This term I (study) English and maths. Next term I (take) a computer course. I (think) knowledge about computers(help) me find a good job. Whenthe term (be) over, we

29、 (go) to Canada for vacation. We(visit) my husbancT s sister. She(live) in Montreal. We (spend) Christmas with her family this year. When we(get) to Montreal, I (send) you a postcard Please write and tell me what is happening in your life. Lesson 4 City and Country 一 -单词拼写。 1 It will be a bit cfor u

30、s in that tiny meeting room. 2. Every day she has to spend almost all morning checking numbers, for she is an a 3 Smoking will do harm to your I, causing you to be in poor health. 4. My sister studies in a nschool, not far away form here. 5. Right now, many foreign people are studying Chinese by dle

31、arning. 6. According to the weather f, it will snow in this area this week. said it was true, but we thought o. 8. In England, people call the subway the u. 9. The fare in the countryside is good for me.IIove it. 10. After waking up, I came to know all had been in a d. 二、改写同义句,每空只填一个词0 1 I have to m

32、ake sure that the animals are free of sickness. I have make certain that the animals are not . 2. I grow wheat and vegetables and even keep some pigs on the farm. I wheat and vegetables, as as pigs on the farm. 3. We dontget the chanee to go to the cinema because we are too busy on the farm now. WE

33、are not on the farm now we dontget the chanee to go to the cinema. 4. After years of hard life abroad, he turned back to his country. After years of hard life abroad, hehis country. 5. I was very tired of working all day. I had to ask the boss for a weekend break I wastired of working all day I had

34、to ask the boss for a weekend break 三、完成句子,每空只填一个单词。 1. 你肯定现在见到的那辆车是你昨天见到的那辆吗? Are you sure that the car you see now is same you saw yesterday? 2. 看,田里种满了水稻。 Look ,the fieldwith rice. 3. 住在这样的黑房子,我简直不可以想象。 I can 4in a dark house like that. 4. 他不得不抚养那三个小孩,支撑一个穷家庭。 He had tothe three little children a

35、nda poor family. 5. 加倍努力,否则你不会成功 Try harder,yoube able to succeed! 四、根据课文填空。 Debbie Debbie needs to bethe officenine o 1 clock so she usually gets up seven ol clock. She travels to work the tube MLondon,which takes about fifty min utes She is always tired before she arriveswork 丄u nch is always simp

36、le ofte n a san dwich bought a n earby shop. Thenthe after noon, she returns her paper work. Tuesday and Thursday ni ghts, she has French classes. She worksa French compa ny so she thi nks study ing French will help herher job. She and her friends often drivethe countryside far awaythe citya weekend

37、 break She says that the air there is good her lun gs. Paul Every daya big breakfasthis house, Paul walks out the front door and is alreadywork. His work ing hours could be earlyn ext morning or late ni ght. He has to make sure that the cows, sheep, pigs and chicke ns are all free sick ness the eve

38、ning, he likes to play his childre rr He is very in terested China. Right now, he is studying Chinesedistanee learning.He takes a weekend break to go to Londonhis family whe n he is not too busythe farm. His son and his daughter love to ridered buses and to go the tube. His wife loves looking the cl

39、othes shops and he likes all the crowds and the no ise in the city. He also likes to buy a few cigars. You see, he is fondcigars. Commu ni cati on Workshop 一、选词并用正确形式填空。 mome nt, favorite, remember, any way, any more, prefer, take, social, perfect, change 1 Pink is mycolour. Ipink to any other colou

40、rs 2. I, m on holiday in Spai n at the. Itme two weeks to stay here 3. I think it is a day for an outi ng today. The sun is shi ning. 4. I dont think we need your help now., thanks just the same 5. I am not quitetoday. I want to be alone at home. 6. Do you still I liked classical music very much when I was young? However, after so many years, everythi ng . Somehow,! dont like classical music ! 二、用动词的正确形式填空。 Dear Li Ming, This is Zhanghua


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