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1、TOEFL普林斯顿样题2语法笔记编委:Maya1. Helium is all gases to liquefy and is impossible to solidify at normal airpressure.(A) more tha n difficult(B) the most difficult of(C) more difficult of(D) most difficultKey: B分析:考点是形容词最高级,考察句型the most +adj. +of A(A 中最的一个),注意最高级前面要加定冠词 the。参考译文:氦气是所有气体中最难液化的,而且它在常压下是不可能固化的

2、。2. Every year Can adia nabout 75 perce nt of their exports to the Un ited States.(A) bus in esses that sell(B) sell ing bus in esses(C) bus in esses sell(D) that sell to bus in essesKey: C分析:考点是主谓结构(句子基本结构),分析句子结构,句子缺主语中心词和谓语。 参考译文:每一年加拿大的企业把它75 %的商品出口到美国。3. An inno vator, balleri na Augusta Maywoo

3、d wasa traveli ng compa ny.(A) to form the first(B) the first to form(C) who formed the first(D) forming the firstKey: B分析:考点是序数词结构,sb. be + the +序数词+ to do表示某人是第几个做的人”。参考译文:作为一个芭蕾舞女演员,也是一个改革者,AM第一个成立旅游公司的人。4. When water freezes in the cracks of rocks,expa nds, caus ing the rocks to breakapart.a) it

4、b) butc) the nd) andKey: A分析:考点是主谓结构(句子基本结构),通过分析,句子缺少主语,选A,用it指代water。 参考译文:当水在岩石的裂缝里结冰时,它就膨胀,引起岩石分裂。5. With x-ray microscopes scie ntists can see through live in sectseven through solidpieces of metal.(A) however(B) n evertheless(C) or(D) yetKey: C分析:考点是平行结构,考连接词。凡是由并列连词 and, but, or等以及关联连词bothand

5、, eitheror, neither nor, nrtlybut also等连接的部分必须对等。参考译文:通过X射线显微镜,科学家能够透视活的昆虫或者是金属的固体块。6. Dennis Chavez of New Mexicoto the House of Represe ntatives in 1930 and tothe Senate in 1938.(A) whe n elected(B) elected(C) who was elected(D) was electedKey: D分析:考点是主谓结构(句子基本结构),分析句子的结构发现,句子缺谓语。“某人被选为 中的动词elect要

6、用被动语态。参考译文:新墨西哥的DC在1930年被选为众议员,在 1938年被选为参议员。7. are not leached out of soil, reclamati on procedures are n eeded to restore theland productivity.(A) For concen tratio n of salt(B) Salt concen trati ons that(C) If salt concen tratio ns(D) With concen trati ons of saltKey: C分析:考点是状语从句.逗号前后有两个分句,且前一个分句

7、缺少主语,则空格处必须填上 前一个分句的主语,又因为第二个分句前没有连接词,则第一个分句的空格处必须要有一个连接词。C中if引导条件状语从句。参考译文:假若盐的集结物没有从土壤中滤去的话,就需要进行土壤改良的步骤,恢复土地的生产力。8. social crusade aroused Elizabeth Williams enthusiasm more than theexpa nsion of educati onal facilities for immigra nts to the Un ited States.(A) No(B) Nothi ng(C) Not(D) No neKey:

8、A 分析:考点是词语辨析,考察not, no, none的区别。None是没有一人”的意思,相当于 no one,要求一个单数动词和单数代词与之 相对应。用法是 none of或者是none + does/didNot是副词,not a用于名词前,表示一个也不;没有” 。 not用于助动词、情态动词之后,形成否定的句子。not还可以用于代替整个短句,如Are you comi ng or not?你来还是不来?No可以作形容词和副词。作形容词的时候用在名词或者是代词前,如He is no fool.他很精明;作副词的时候用在形容词前,如The sick man is no better.那病人

9、一点也没有好转。参考译文:除了为到美国的移民扩展教育设施以外,没有其它的社会改革活动能够激起EW的激情。注:crusade :十字军东侵;(宗教性的)圣战;喻讨伐;改革运动crusade in favor of birth con trol节制生育运动9. as 2500 B.C., the Egyptia ns used mirrors made of highly polished metal.(A) In early(B) As early(C) Early(D) Was as earlyKey: B分析:考点是固定搭配,逗号后为完整的句子,逗号前出现的时间状语2500 B.C可推知逗号

10、前作时间状语。选B, as earlyas表示早在的时候”参考译文:早在公元前2500年,埃及人就使用高度擦亮的金属作镜子。10. The qua ntum theory states, such as light, is give n off and absorbed in tinydefi nite un its called qua nta or phot ons.(A) en ergy that(B) that it is en ergy(C) it is en ergy(D) that en ergyKey: D分析:考点是宾语从句,逗号前的分句有主语theory,谓语state,逗

11、号后有谓语is given offand absorbed,显然空格处应填上逗号前分句的宾语和逗号的后分句的主语。这个任务就由宾语从句来完成。参考译文:量子理论认为,能源,如光,是在被称为量子或者是光子的极小的一定单元里 被释放和吸收的。11. Quails typically have short roun ded wings that en ablespri ng into full flightin sta ntly whe n disturbed in their hidi ng places.(A) they(B) to their(C) its(D) them toKey: D分析

12、:考点是固定搭配,enable是及物动词,用法是enable sb./sth. to do sth参考译文:北美鹑有着极具特色的短圆翅膀,能使它们在隐蔽的住所被打扰时,就立刻起飞。12. Geysers are found n ear rivers and lakes, where water dra ins through the soil.(A) surface below the deep(B) deep below the surface(C) the deep below surface(D) the deep surface below、Key: B分析:考点是定语后置,句中空格应

13、修饰其前的soil,正确的是B, B定语后置修饰soil,它的完整形式是 which is deep below the surface.参考译文:天然喷泉可以在河流或者是湖泊的附近找到,那里水从低于土壤表面很多的地方流出。13. Algebra gen eralizes certa in basic lawsthe additi on, subtract ion, multiplicati on,and divisi on of all nu mbers.(A) gover n(B) that gover n(C) have gover ned(D) which they gover nKe

14、y: B分析:空格前已经有句子的主语Algebra,谓语generalizes,宾语laws,空格后又有名词。则空格处应填上定语从句的先行词和谓语来修饰laws。参考译文:代数总结了所有数字的加法,减法,乘法和除法的基本法则。14. Even at low levels,(A) the n ervous system has produced detrime ntal effects by lead(B) lead detrimental effects are producing the nervous system(C) lead produces detrime ntal effects

15、 on the n ervous system(D) the detrime ntal effects produced by lead on the n ervous systemKey: C分析:考点是语序以及动词的语态,空格处是句子的主句,考点是主句主谓宾的顺序。 参考译文:甚至在很低的水平内,铅都能造成对神经系统的危害15. a Ionely and rugged life, far from home and family.(A) However the early gold prospector ofte n lived(B) The early gold prospector o

16、fte n lived(C) Not only did the early gold prospector ofte n live(D) The early gold prospector ofte n liv ingKey: BC中的分析:考点是主谓结构(句子基本结构),分析句子可知,句子缺主语和谓语。注意 not only应该和but also搭配用在一句话里面。参考译文:早期的金矿开采者常常过着一种孤独的,艰难的生活,远离住所和家庭。16. The culi nary expert Fannie Farmer taught dietetics, kitche n man ageme nt

17、, and to cookABat her famous Bost on school.DKey: C分析:考点是平行结构,and前后名词并列。改正:to cookcook ing参考译文:烹饪专家FF在她的著名的波斯顿学校教授营养学,厨房管理和厨艺。17. The elepha nt relies more on its sense of smell tha n for any other sen se.ABCDKey: B分析:考点是固定搭配,morethan是比较级形式,for应该换成与全面统一的on改正:for on参考译文:大象更多的依赖于它的嗅觉而不是其它感觉。17. A few

18、of the naturally elements exist in such small amounts that they are knownABmainly from laboratory-made samples.CDKey: A分析:考点是副词和形容词的误用。改正:n aturallyn atural参考译文:一些自然元素的量是如此的少以至它们被认为主要是来自实验室制造的样品。19. Some in sects hear ultras onic sounds more tha n two octaves tha n higher humans ca n. ABCDKey: D分析:考

19、点是比较结构,/朝an在句中重复使用,应该在higher后面.more than + 倍数 + 形容词 er 形式(+ than + something / 句子) 改正:tha n higherhigher tha n参考译文:一些昆虫可以听到比人类可以听到的声音还要高两个八度的超音速声音20. Because of its larger size, the Un ited States House of Represe ntatives is moreABCimpers on al, hierarchical, and specializatio n tha n the Sen ate.D

20、Key: D分析:考点是and引导的平行结构。改正:specializati on special参考译文:因为美国众议院更大的规模,所以它比参议院更客观,更层次话,更特别。21. To stay warm in cold weather cold-blooded animals must expose itself to a source ofABCwarmth such as direct sun light.DKey: B分析:考点是代词单复数的误用。指代对象是an imals改正:itself themselves参考译文:为了在寒冷的天气里保持温暖,冷血动物必须让它们接触温暖的资源例

21、如直接的太阳光。22. A severe ill ness where she was just nin etee n mon ths old deprived the well-k nownABCwriter and lecturer Hele n Keller of both her sight and her heari ng.DKey: A分析:考点是时间状语从句,where引导的定语从句不能修饰illness,改为when引导时间状语从句。illness作主语,deprived作谓语。改正:wherewhe n参考译文:当她19个月大的时候一场严重的疾病夺去了这个著名的作家和演讲者的

22、视力和 听力。23. Like all ecological systems, a forest is made up of a living environment and anonliving environment, the latter composed of air,_rocks, soiled, and water. BCDKey: D分析:考点是平行结构。改正:soiled soil森林是由有生命的环境和无生命的环境组成,后者包括参考译文:像所以的生态系统一样, 空气,岩石,土壤和水。24. The purposeful of the elementary school is t

23、o introduce children to the skills,ABin formati on, and attitudes n ecessary for a smooth adjustme nt to society.CDKey: A分析:考点是词性误用,形容词不能充当主语 ,并且of前后皆用名词。改正:purposeful purpose参考译文:小学的目的就是教给孩子们能够高效适应社会的技能,信息和态度。25. Notorious as a host for wheat rust, the barberry bush has bee n banned from manyABCare

24、a.DKey: D分析:考点是平行结构,ma ny +名词复数。改正:area areas参考译文:作为锈病的宿主而臭名昭著,伏牛花灌木丛在很多地方都被禁止。26. Christopher Plummer is a Canadian actor who has starred in stage, television and film ABCproduct ions on both sides the Atla ntic Ocea n.DKey: D分析:考点是介词用法,加上of表示从属关系,这个介词不能少。改正: sides the sides of the参考译文:CP是一个在大西洋两岸的

25、舞台,电视节目和电影里都很风光的加拿大演员。27. A microph one en ables musical tones to be amplified, thus maki ng it possible the gen tle ren diti ons of soft so ngs in large halls.DKey: C分析:考点是固定搭配,make后面有两种用法。一种是 make it +adj. + to do sth., 一种是make sth + adj.第二种情况下如果 sth很长,就把它放在 adj的后面,这是为了句子平衡而 这样做的。本题就是第二种情况。改正:去掉it

26、参考译文:麦克风能使音调增大,这样就能使在大厅中演奏的柔情的歌的温柔演唱成为可能。28. The poetry of e.e. cummings illustrates the way in which some poets bendABgrammatical rules as they strive to expressi on their in sights.CDKey: D分析:考点是动词不定式,strive to动词不定式后面接动词原形。改正:expressi onexpress参考译文:”.e. cummings 这首诗说明了一些诗人在他们试图表达自己的观点时屈服了语 法规则。29.

27、 In the wild, tea plants become trees of approximately thirty feet in high. A、BCDKey: D分析:考点是形容词和名词的误用。类似的用法还有deep,depth ; long,length。改正:high height参考译文:在野外,茶树在高度上大约是30英寸。30. Accounting is described as art of classifying, recording, and reporting significant ABCfinan cial (events).DKey: A分析:考点是冠词用法

28、,art是可数名词,所以前面应该有冠词修饰。改正: as art as an art参考译文:会计被认为是一门分类,记录和报道主要的财经大事的艺术。31. The development of the watch depended upon the invent of the main spri ng.ABC DKey: C分析:考点是动词和名词的误用,of前后都要接名词。改正:inventinven ti on参考译文:钟表的发展依赖于发条的发明。32. The ordeal of the Cherokee Indians who were forcible moved from their

29、 homeland inABthe 1830 is remembered as the Trail of Tears. ”CDKey: B分析:考点是形容词和副词的误用。改正:forcible forcibly参考译文:在19世纪30年代,被强迫离开祖国的切罗基族印第安人的痛苦被纪念为“血 泪的旅程”。(历史著作的统一翻译)33. Physical fitness activities can lead to an alarming variety of injuries if participants pushABthemselves greatly hard.CDKey: D分析:考点是词

30、的误用,greatly是副词,一般后面修饰形容词,女口 He was greatly surprised. hard是副词,一般前面用too修饰表示程度很深。改正:greatly too/very参考译文:如果参加体育锻炼的人过度锻炼的话,能使身体健康的运动也能导致令人担忧的大量的疾病。34. The structure but behavior of many protozoa ns are amazingly complex forABCsi ngle-celled an imals.DKey: A分析:考点是固定搭配,A not B表示A非B。改正:but not参考译文:对于单细胞的动

31、物来说,很多原生动物的结构而非行为是令人吃惊地复杂。35. Alaska rough climate and terra in divide the state into isolated regions, makingABChighway maintenance difficulty.DKey: D分析:考点是名词和形容词的误用。make sth. difficult改正:difficulty difficult参考译文:阿拉斯加的恶劣的气候和地形把这个州分为孤独的一些区域,使得高速公路的维护变得很艰难。36. For hundreds of years, sailors relied on echoes to warn them of another ships,ABC icebergs or cliffs in


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