1、A. Meet his sister.B. Drive to Can ada.C. Have a trip to Seattle. 咼考模拟考 英语 第一卷(共115分) 第一部分听力(共两节,满分 30分) 第一节(共5小题,每题1.5分,满分7.5 分) 听下面5段对话,回答1至5小题。 1. What time will the woman meet the man? C. At 10:40. A. At 10:00.B. At 10:20. 2. When do the speakers pla n to have a pic nic? A. In the early morning.
2、B. In the mid-m orning.C. In the after noon. 3. Where does this con versati on most probably take place? A. At a clothing store.B. At a tailor s shop. C. At a sports center. 4. What are the speakers talk ing about? C. Challe nges. C. Wait for Ann till 11:00. C. Very tiri ng. A. Patie nee.B. In teres
3、ts. 5. What are the two speakers going to do? A. Try to pho ne Ann.B. Go to look for Ann. 第二节(共15小题,每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听第6段材料,回答第 6至8题 6. How was the woman s holiday? A. Won derful.B. Just so-so. 7. What did the woma n do duri ng her holiday? A. She slept in the ope n air. B. She made campfires on the
4、 beach. C. She sun bathed and lear ned to swim. 8. What do we know about the woma n? A. She didn t pay for the training. B. She can t swim even after the training. C. She has become a great swimmer. 听第7段材料,回答第 9至11题。 9. What colour carpet does the man suggest? C. Cream. t like it. C. In the woman s
5、house. A. Blue.B. White. 10. What is the possible result the woma n worries about? A. She cant return the carpet if she doesn B. She cant choose the right colour for the carpet. C. She cant afford the high price of the carpet. 11. Where doesthis con versati on most probably take place? A. I n a stor
6、e.B. I n the street. 听第8段材料,回答第12至14题。 12. What does the man want the woman to do? 13. When will the woma n return from Seattle? C. On Sun day morning. B. She won t go back to Canada. A. On Friday night.B. On Saturday n ight. 14. What do we know about the man s sister? A. She has Ion ged to see the
7、woma n. C. She can t stay very long. 听第9段材料,回答第15至17题。 15. What did the man do after leavi ng school? A. He worked in lab. B. He went back to school aga in. C. He did something to help AIDS patients. 16. Where did the man begi n his research on the AIDS drug? A. At a small lab.B. At a ni ght school.
8、C. At a medical compa ny. 17. What is the possible relati on ship betwee n the woma n and the man? A. Reporter and patie nt.B. Reporter and doctor. C. Patie nt and doctor. 听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。 18. What is the speaker talki ng about? A. Different cultures.B. Livi ng abroad.C. Lan guage lear ning. 19. W
9、he n do people begi n to feel l on ely or sad? A. When they stay a long time. B. When they reach a foreig n country. C. Whe n they see the local people. 20. Why do some people get used to a new culture quickly? A. They have studied it before. B. They can speak the Ian guage well. C. They can lear n
10、from the local people. 第二部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分 45分) 第一节单项选择(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分) 21. Putti ng on a happy face not only helps us make friends but also makes us feel better. A. I m with you on thatB. I d love toC. It s up to you D. It s my pleasure 22. When hethe door, he found his keys were no where. A. woul
11、d ope nB. was to ope nC. had ope nedD. ope ned 23. One evening, I was with my friend Auguste Dupin at his house in Paris when he had a visit Georges Godi not, head of the Paris Police. A. atB. from 24. There are other matters which I don A. go upB. go around 25. Your boss looks rather a kind pers on
12、. But in fact he is cold and hard on us. You A. shouldn tB. mustn t C. to D. with t propose to at the mome nt. C. go for D. go about believe it! C. would n t D.needn t 26. The cous ins are alike in age, butthey are as differe nt as day and ni ght. A. an yhowB. besidesC. otherwiseD. moreover 27. Lon
13、gya n you see today is quitediffere nt city from what it was twenty years ago. 28. As we all know, the Internet will let people haveto huge amounts of information from their own homes. A. entranceB. accessC. wayD. means 29. Whether one is happy or not depe nds less on money or on health tha non your
14、 ability to have fun. A. it isB. it doesC. it didD. it was 30. When will you leave for Paris for a visit? n ext mon th. A. Un tilB. InC. AtD. After 31. to Michelle and having two beautiful girls in my house never allows me to look down upon women, ” said Obama. A. Marryi ngB. Havi ng marriedC.Bei ng
15、 marriedD.Married 32. A man who showsno honour should expectfrom agen tlema n. A. no oneB. no thi ngC.noD.none 33. Have you persuadedhim? Yes. After some hours of discussi on, Ito reas on him in accept ing the new pla n. A. had man agedB. would man ageC. have man agedD. man aged 34. What has started
16、 as a Chicago morning program in 1984 has now turned into one of the most popular daytime chat shows everon TV . A. to be see nB. to seeC. see ingD. has bee n see n 35. In the UK, what impressed excha nge stude nts most was the Stude nt Activity,they could get lots of in formati on outside. A. where
17、B. thatC. whichD. whe n 第二节:完形填空(共 20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分) BRITISH newspapers are among the oldest and most famous in the world. But recently big cha nges have 36 these traditi onal publicati ons try to 37 the moder n world. After 216 years, The Times has halved its 38 to become much smaller. I n fact,
18、the paper has 39 its size in half from a broadsheet to tabloid (小型报纸) In Brita in the n ewspaper market is 40 betwee n the larger broadsheets and the smaller tabloids. These terms 41 the size of the papers pages but there is also a clear 42 in content. Broadsheets such as The Times, the Guardia n an
19、d Daily Telegraph are 43 papers. They 44 a broad range of political, economic and international issues. Their stories are also 45 long and use quite formal Ian guage. Tabloids have 46 more stories about less serious issues such as celebrities love lives. Their stories are shorter and use more 47 Ian
20、 guage. Tabloids ofte n have bigger pictures. Brita ins_48 n ewspaper, the Sun, is a tabloid and has a n aked page on page three every day. By 49 to the size of a tabloid, The Times is following in the 50 of a less famous broadsheet paper, the In depe nden t. It cha nged to tabloid last year and saw
21、 its sales in crease 51 . Although both papers have 52 to the smaller size, the content of the papers has 53 the same. They are both still serious papers. The two papers 54 that people find the smaller size easier to 55 whe n they travel to work on the bus or the train in the morning. The times says
22、 its new size is compact, not tabloid. 36. A. found B. known C.seen D. proved 37. A. match B. suit C.change D. fit 38. A. le ngth B. thick ness C. width D. size 39. A. prin ted B. cut C. added D. enl arged 40. A. divided B. separated C. arran ged D. marked 41. A. turn into B. think about C. refer to
23、 D. connect with 42. A. meaning B. differe nee C. mark D. sig n 43. A. useful B. easy C. serious D. lo ng 44. A. sell B. i nclude C. take D. cover 45. A. certai nly B. reas on ably C. probably D. n ecessarily 46. A. a few B. little C. far D. any 47. A. difficult B. simple C. easy D.good 48. A. best-
24、selli ng B. good-look ing C. slow-movi ng D. ugly-look ing 49. A. going B. getti ng C. coming D. cha nging 50. A. footsteps B. way C. direct ion D. method 51. A. slowly B. usually C. little D. greatly 52. A. halved B. made C. changed D. cut 53. A. become B. rema ined C. left D. fou nd 54. A. agree B
25、. hope C. expect D. i nsist 55. A. ha ndle B. look C. see D. buy 第三部分:阅读理解(共 20小题,每小题2分, 满分40分) A As China women sgymnastics team enjoyed the glory of winning the country first team Olympic gold medal at the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games , the young gymnasts took the opportunity to remind the world tha
26、t they are old eno ugh to compete . Weeks before the Beijing Games, some intern ati onal media raised questio ns about the ages of some of the members of Chi na s gymn astics team, particularly He Kexi n and Jia ng Yuyua n. They said the girls might be younger than 16, the minimum age for the Olympi
27、cs. But the Chinese Gymn astics Associati on quickly provided copies of the gymn asts ID cards and passports, provi ng they are in deed old eno ugh to compete. In the fin al, He Kex in gave a clea n performa nee on her favorite un eve n bars (高低杠),earning the sec ond highest score after falli ng fro
28、m the bars duri ng qualificati on.“ Although I fell dow qualificati on, I became more con fide nt today to make up for my mistake and I fin ally made it. said. It was a great moment for head coach Lu Shan zhen. “ Our team made history today and proved to the world that we are the best.” the coach sa
29、id,“ The gold medal is not only for the gymnastics team, but also for the whole Chinese delegation at the Beijing Games.” The coach owed the team s success to a series of reforms. The Chinese team used to train a lot, but competed less, which led to poor results in intern ati onal competiti ons. To
30、improve their ability to compete and to stre ngthe n their psychological power, the Chin ese team sent more team members to compete abroad, so they could bring a competitive spirit back to the team. All six gymnasts in the Olympic team final were selected from fierce competiti on, and they proved th
31、emselves today. 56. Before the Beijing Games started , some international media doubted whether. A. Chinese women gymnasts could win the team gold medal B. He Kexin would fall from the bars duri ng qualificati on C. Chin ese wome n gymn asts could make history at the Beiji ng Games D. some Chin ese
32、wome n gymn asts were old eno ugh for the Games 57. Which of the followi ng stateme nts is NOT true? A. The international media s doubts proved to be true. B. He Kexin fall in the qualification had no bad effect on her performanee in the final competiti on. C. Chi n ese wome n gymn asts success at t
33、he Beiji ng Games proved that the reforms did work. D. Each team is made up of 6 members to compete for the team gold medal in women gymn astics. 58. In the opinion of Lu Shan zhe n, the key to achievi ng success for athletes is to. A. practice harder tha n ever C. have strong psychological power 59
34、. The main purpose of the text is to A. tell a storyB. provide evide nee B. experie nee more competiti ons abroad D. have a competitive spirit C. give a reportD. compare opinions B Compa nies can in crease the money with which they run their bus in ess in a nu mber of ways. One way is borrow ing mon
35、 ey, and ano ther way is buying things with the agreeme nt that payme nt would be made later. There are also other processes for providi ng money for use by a compa ny. Two of these processes are described here. One process the company may use is to issue bonds(债券).Bonds are a special kind of promis
36、sory note. They are issued in different values, in the forms of money used in different coun tries, such as the pound in En gla nd or the euro in Europe. These bonds can easily be sold aga in to other people or to other companies. The company that issues the bonds promises to pay a particular amount
37、 of money as interest regularly for a certain period of time. This continues until when the company has to pay back the principal(本金)of the bond. Payments of principal and interest must be made on time whether the company has been earning money or not. If these payme nts are not made on time, it mea
38、ns that the compa ny has not done what it agreed to do and can be sued(控告,起诉). Another process companies may use is to issue other forms of promissory notes called stocks(股票).Bonds and stocks are opposite methods of providing money for a company. The people who buy stocks provide money that is earne
39、d and take part in deciding how the company will con duct its bus in ess. They must also take part in the losses. The people who own stocks receive divide nds only after the compa ny has paid all of its debts to the people who own bon ds. On the other hand, the persons who own bonds have no right, a
40、ccording to the law, to help decide how the compa ny will han dle its bus in ess, uni ess it is ban krupt or in dan ger of beco ming so. 60. Which of the follow ing stateme nt is not the way for compa nies to in crease their capital? A. Borrow ing mon ey.B. Buying materials without pay ing. C. Issu ing bondsD. Issu ing stocks 61. As to b
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