



1、 合同 C O N T R A C T 合同编号: 日期 Contract No: Date: 买方: 电话: The Buyer: Tel: 地址: 传真: Address: Fax: 卖方: 电话: The Seller: Tel: 地址: 传真: Address: Fax: 经买卖双方同意,由买方购进,卖方出售下列货物,并按下列条款签订本合同: This Contract is made by and between the Buyer and the Seller, whereby the buyer agree to buy and the Seller agree to sell

2、the under mentioned commodity according to the terms and conditions stipulated below: 1. Item No. 货物名称规格 Commodity, specificati ons 单位 Un it 数量 Qua nt ity 单价 Un it Price 总值 Total Amount Total: 2. 生产国别及制造商: Country of origi n&Manufacturer: 3. 包装:用坚固的木质或纸箱包装;包装材料中使用的所有实木(包括垫木、衬木)均需由生产国相关机 构熏蒸处理并盖有“ IP

3、PC ”章 Packing: To be packed in strong wooden case(s) or in carton(s), suitable for long distance ocean/parcel. ANY SOLID WOODS CONTAINED IN PACKING MATERIALS (INCLUDING UNDERLAYER AND PALLETS)SHALL BE HEAT TREATED AND STAMPED WITH IPPC ” MARK. 4. 装运唛头: Shipping Mark: 5. 装运时间: Time of Shipment: 6. 装运

4、口岸: Port of Loading: Beijing airport, China 7. 目的口岸:日 Port of Destination: Narita airport, Japan 8. 付款条款:货物发运,安装和检验之后电汇付款 Terms of Payment: T/T after delivery, setup and inspection 9. 保 险:*由卖方按发票总值110%,保 基本险X 综合险。 Insurance: To be covered by the Sellers for 110% of the total invoice value againstW.P

5、.A. X all risks 10. 其他 Others: -THIS CONTRACT IS APPLICABLE TO AIR TERMS. 备 注: REMARKS :( a)本合同其他有关事项均按交货条款(详见背面)之规定办理,该交货条款为合同之不可分 割部分。 (b )本合同以中英文字书就,两种文字的条款具有同等效力。 ( a) Other matters relating to this Contact shall be dealt with in accordance with the Terms of Delivery as specified overleaf, Which

6、 form an integral part of this Contract. ( b) This Contract is made out in Chinese and English, both versions being equally authentic. 交货条款 TERMS OF DELIVERY 1. 装运单据:(a)空运单一份(b)发票两份,注明合同号码及唛头(如唛头超过一个,发票须按唛头分开) (c)装箱单两份,注明合同号、唛头、每件毛重、净重、尺寸及货物包装情况;(d)卖方出据的的品质 证明书正、副本各一份。(e)保险单正本一套。(f)原产地证明一份。(g)测试报告一份

7、。 Shipping Documents: (a)One set of airway bill (b) Invoice in 2 copies indicating contract and shipping mark (in case of more than one shipping mark, the invoice shall be issued separately), made out in details as per the relative contract. (c) Packing list in 2 copies indicating contract No., ship

8、ping mark, quantity/gross and net weight of each package and packing conditions as called for by the contract. ( d) One copy of Certificate of Quality in 1 original issued by the beneficiary.( e) Insurance Policy in 1 original.(f)Certificate of origin in 1 original issued by the beneficiary.(g)Test

9、certification in 1 original. 2、质量保证 卖方应保证所供货系由新的最上等材料 , 头等工艺制成 , 全新未曾用过 以及符合本合同规定的技术、性能、 规格和技术要求。设备的质量保证期为设备正常运行后之日起的24( 二十四 )个月。 Guarantee of Quality: The seller guarantee that the commodity hereof is made of the best materials with first class workmanship, brand new and unused, and complies in all

10、 respects withthe quality, performance and specifications stipulated in this contract and conforms to the technical manuals of the commodities contracted. The Warranty Period lasts 24 (twenty-four) months commencing from the date of the normal running of the Equipment. 3. 检验及索赔 : 在交货前 ,卖方应出具关于质量、 规格

11、、 性能、数量或重量说明书 ,证明货物符合合同规定。此证明书形成向 付款行议付的完整文件的部分 ,但不作为质量、规格、性能以及数量或重量的最终结果。卖方开出的检测结 果应形成质量证明书的一部分 Inspection and Claim: The Seller shall, before making delivery, make a precise and comprehensive inspection of the goods as regards the quality, specification, performance and quantity/weight and issue c

12、ertificates, certifying that the goods are in conformitywith the stipulations of this Contract. The certificates shall form an integral part of the documentation to be presented to the paying bank for negotiation butshall not be considered as final in respect of quality, specification,performance an

13、d quantity/weight. Particulars and results of the test carried out by the Seller must be shown in a statement, which has to be attached to the Quality Certificate. (1) 待 货 物 运 抵 最 终 用 户 现 场 后, 买 方 应 会 同 国 家 进出口商品 检 验 检 疫 局 代 表 和 卖 方 代 表 共 同 在 现 场 对 设 备 进 行 开 箱 检 验,并由检疫局开具检验证书。开箱前1 周,最 终用户需通知卖方参加此项初检

14、。 Upon the arrival of the goods at site of the End-user, the Buyer shall carry on site open package inspection of the goods with participation of representatives from Chengdu Entry-Exit Inspection And Quarantine Bureau and a Survey Report shall be issued therefore. End user shall inform Seller one w

15、eek before the inspection to have the possibility to join this preliminary inspection. (2) 买 方 因 货 物 与 合 同 不 符 合 而 向 卖 方 提 出 的 任 何 索 赔 要 求 须 凭 国 家 进出口货 物 检 验 检 疫 局 出 具 的 商 检 证 书 原 件 提 出, 不 应 有 延 误。 通 常 认 为 该 索 赔 应 在 设 备 到 货 后 六 十 日 内 提 出。 Any claim by Buyer stating that the Equipment is not in compl

16、iance with this Contract must be made to Seller without delay against original Inspection Certificate issued by Chengdu Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau , which normally deemed not exceeding sixty (60) days after the arrival of the Equipment. (3) 索赔的解决 Settlement of claims 如是卖方责任 ,买方提出索赔在

17、合同附件2,3 款规定的索赔期内 ,卖方按以下方式解决 : In case the sellers are liable for the discrepancies and a claim made by the Buyers within the period of claim or quality guarantee period as stipulated in Clause 2 and 3 of delivery terms of this contract. The seller shall settle the arrangement Buyers in the following

18、 ways. a. 同意买方退货或退货款给买方,并承担买方直接损失和费用,包括利息,银行费用,运费,保费, 商检费,仓租费,装卸费和其他保管费 Agree to the rejection of the goods and refund to the Buyers the value of the goods so rejected in the same currency as contracted herein, and to bear all direct losses and expenses in connection there with including interest ac

19、crued, banking charges, freight, insurance premium ,inspection charges, storage, charges and all other necessary expenses required for the custody and protection of the rejected goods b. 根据货物劣等程度,受损程度或损失总额,买方有权提出降价。间接损失除外。 Devalued the goods according to the degree of inferiority ? extent of damage

20、and amount of losses suffered by Buyers. Consequential damages are excluded. C. 换符合合同规定的货物,承担买方发生的费用和直接损失,卖方应按规定在未来 12 月内换相同质量 的保证的货物。 Replace the defective goods with new ones, which conform to the specifications, quality and performance as stipulated in this contract, and bear all expenses incurre

21、d to and direct losses sustained by the buyers, The seller shall, at the same time, guarantee the quality of the replacement goods for a further 12 months as specified of this contract (4)卖方收到买方索赔通知后 , 如果在三十天内不答复 ,应视为卖方同意买方提出的一切索赔 . Any and all claim shall be regarded as accepted if the Sellers fail

22、 to reply within 30 days after receipt of the Buyers claim. 4迟交货 如果卖方未能按合同规定的时间按期交货(本合同第 5 款规定的不可抗力除外) ,在卖方同意支付核定 损失额的条件下, 买方将同意延长交货期。 核定损失额的支付将由付款银行从议付款或从履约保证金中 扣除。核定损失额比率为每迟交 7 天,将罚货物金额的 0.5%, 不满 7 天的按 7 天计算,但是,核定损失 额的支付不得超过合同金额的 5% 。如果卖方在推迟 10 周仍不能交货, 买方有权因卖方违约终止合同, 而卖方仍有义务支付上述迟交货罚金。 基 于 延 期 交 货

23、的 任 何 进 一 步 的 权 利 或 索 赔 不 包括 在 内。 Late delivery and penalty Should the seller fail to effect delivery within the time of shipment as stipulated in this contract (with exception of force majeure), the seller shall pay penalty due to late delivery. The Buyer shall agree to postpone the delivery on con

24、dition that the seller agree to pay penalty which will be ducted by the paying bank from the payment under negotiation. The penalty shall be calculated at a rate of 0.5% for every 7 days, less than 7 days shall be counted as 7 days . However , the total amount of penalty shall not exceed 5% of the t

25、otal value of the commodities involved in late delivery. In case the sellers fail to make delivery ten weeks later than the time of shipment stipulated in this contract, the buyer shall have the right to cancel the contract , and the seller still pay the penalty as aforesaid to the Buyers without de

26、lay.Any further rights or claims based on a delayed delivery are excluded. 卖方 按 照 规 定时 间 发货 是 有 条 件 的,这 是 指:买 方及时 履 行了其如下的 义 务 , 包 括 交 纳可 能 有 的 预 付 款 项、 如 约 开 设 信 用 证、且 及 时 提 供 所 有可能 需要 的 许 可 证及 批 文。如 果上述 条件 未及 时 得 到 满 足,发 货期则应相应 延长。 If delay is attributable to force majeure as stipulated in Clause

27、8, or to any other cause beyond the reasonable control of Seller, the delivery/performance periods shall be extended correspondingly. 如果 延 期 归 咎 于 以 下第 5条规 定 的不 可 抗 力,或 其他 卖方 无 法合 理控 制 的原 因, 发 货 期 应相 应 延 长。 If delay is attributable to force majeure as stipulated in Clause 16, or to any other cause b

28、eyond the reasonable control of Seller, the delivery/performance periods shall be extended correspondingly. 5. 不可抗力 : 在履行合同的过程中 ,由于不可抗力如战争、火灾、洪水、台风及地震等因素或其它双方认可的因素造 成卖方(或买方)不能履行合同 ,卖方(或买方 )对此不负责任。卖方 (或买方 ) 应在此后的 14?天之内立即将上 述情况通知对方 ,并将事故发生地政府主管机关出具的事故证明书用空邮寄交买方(或卖方 )为证 ,并取得对 方认可。在上述情况下,卖方(或买方)仍有采取一切必

29、要措施从速交货的责任,如果事故持续10个星期以 上,买方(或卖方)有权取消本合同。 Force Majeure : The Seller/the Buyer shall not be held responsible for being unable to carry out this contract due to Force Majeur such as war, serious fire, flood. Typhoon and earthquakes or other events agreed upon by both parties, which might occur during

30、 the process of manufacturing or in the course of loading or transit. The Seller / the Buyer shall advice the Buyer/Seller immediately of the occurrence mentioned above within fourteen days thereafter, the seller/the Buyer shall send by airmail to the Buyer/the Seller for their acceptance a certific

31、ate of the accident issued by the Competent Government Authorities where the accident occurs as evidence thereof. Under such circumstances, the Seller/the buyer, however, is still under obligation to take all necessary measures to expedite/take the delivery of the goods in case the accident lasts fo

32、r more than 10 weeks, the Buyer or the Seller shall have the right to cancel the contract. 6、 仲裁:一切因执行本合同所发生或与本合同有关之争执,双方应友好协商解决。如双方协商不能解决 时,此争执应提交中国国际贸易促进委员会仲裁委员会,按照该仲裁委员会仲裁程序暂行规定进行仲裁, 仲裁地点在北京。仲裁委员会的裁决为终局裁决,对双方均有约束力。仲裁费用除非仲裁会另有决定外, 均由败诉一方负担。 Arbitration : All disputes in connection with this Contract or execution thereof shall be amic


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