



1、 book 1 单句语法填空用括号中所给词的适当形式填空1. yesterday i got /had my shoes _(mend)2. the teacher got us _(clean)/had us _(clean) the room after class.3. mary got /had me _(wait) outside all the morning.4. i cant get the machine _(repair) by anybody.5. it is not good to get pupils _(do) homework for a long time.6.

2、 the bad news _(upset) me.7. he _(ignore) the doctors advice and goes on smoking.8. i was _(ignore) of this topic.9. his words showed his total _(ignore) of the situation.10. the city is _(calm) again after yesterdays strike.11. we are all _(concern) about her satety.12. this reports _(concern) the

3、heavey traffic in guangzhou.13. as far as i am _(concern) , you can forget all about it.14. when _(cross) the road, you should be careful.15. you should _(pass) the exam. so work harder next term.16. before _(have) the test, you should go over your lessons carefully.17. he shouldnt _(tell) her the s

4、ad news last night. she was very upset.18. these countires have _(go) through too many wars.19. we _(go) through the forest with the help of the villages.20. the smoke made the room _(dirt).21. if you dont want to go, you wont be made _(go).22. speak louder to make yourself _(hear).23. paul was made

5、 _(cry) this time although he always made his sister cry.24. it is i who _(be) going to help you.25. we all felt that t he chairman had too much _(power).26. it was the second time that you _(make) the same mistake.27. its time that we _(list) the people to attend the party.28. i agree _(entire) tha

6、t you should go shopping today.29. please clean the _(dust) widows after school.30. the other day, when i was shopping, i happened _(meet) my former teacherwhom i _(see) for many years.31. i dont think _(代词)possible to finish so much work within so short a time.32. we have made _(代词)not to smoke in

7、the office.33. i feel it my duty _(help) him34. we werent able to _(settle) the problem by ourselves, so we asked the teacherfor help.35. finally karl marx _(settle) in london.36. he _(suffer) when his mother died.37. i am tired of his _ (tell) lies.38. did you have any trouble in _(understand) what

8、 the teacher had said?39. he asked me if i had any difficult _(介词)my english.40. i am _(get) along with my studies better this term.41. im very _(grate) to you for your help.42. the husband advised _(move) to the south, but his wife advised him _ (give) up the idea.43. they meet at toms party and la

9、ter on _(fall) in love with each other.44. more than 1,000 workers _(join) in the general strike last week.45. i _(agree) with you about it.46. could you please give me some _(advice) on how to learn yoga?47. we are _(power) in the face of such forces.48. he said he _(ignore) the rules, but we thoug

10、ht _(ignore) of the ruleshad not been the excuse.49. he gave me an _(entire) new book. (第一单元)50. this novel is _(base) on fact.51. _(compare) with last year, our coal output has increased by three times.52. an _(increase) number of people are choosing not to have children.53. her job has become _(in

11、crease) difficult.54. although she did not say so at the meeting, she _(actual) does not agree withyou.55. he realized she was crying because _(介词)what he said.56. students are _(request) to keep quiet while doing reading in the reading room.57. _(judge) by his accent, he is from henan.58. _(direct)

12、 are instructions that tell you what to do or how to get to a place.59. the teacher got used to _(make) the reference book.60. the number of people invited _(be) fifty, but a number of them _(be)absent for different reasons.(第二单元)61. the yellow bus _(transport) passengers from the airport to the cit

13、y.62. i prefer _(stay) at home rather than go out.63. dont let yourself _(persuade) into buying things you dont want.64. finally she _(persuade) him into going to the hospital.65. they have _(schedule) the factory for completion in july.66. i insist on _(do) the work at once.67. the arab insisted th

14、at he _(have) never seen the camel(骆驼).68. you should behave _(proper) at a dinner party.69. he thanked the nurses who _(care) for him while he was sick.70. it is unnecessary _(determine) what each word means while you are reading apassage.71. his _(experience) in africa are interesting.72. the chil

15、d had never _(experience) kindness.73. the number of deaths from heart disease will be reduced greatly if peope_(persuade) to eat more fruit and vegetables.74. the doctor advised him not to drink cold _(boil) water.75. with the help of tom, i found the _(finally) result.76. he insisted on being sent

16、 to work in tibet after his _(graduate) from beijinguniversity.77. this is the _(late) news about the world cup. it seems that japan will lose thematch.78. a lot of young people dream of _(become) great people in the future.79. i have to get the watch _(repair) at once.80. tom persuaded his mother _

17、(buy) a football for him. 81. we must learn to deal with it _(proper).82. i was _(reliable) informed of the news.83. my sister is so _(persuade) that our cousins agreed to join us.84. we should give some help to poor children in _(disadvantage) areas. (第三单元)85. the sun has not yet _(rise).86. the pr

18、ice of rice has _(raise) lately.87. after the heavy rain the river _(rise) by three meters.88. her job is _(raise) chickens.89. the little boy was so frightened that he _(burst) out crying.90. she treats her husband as if he _(be) a stranger.91. he talked about london as if he _(be) there many times

19、.92. it seems as if it _ (be) going to rain soon.93. the storm _(ruin) the crops.94. they were slightly _(injure) in the crash.95. the man who _(injure) his leg in a traffic accident is still in hospital.96. the building was completely _(destroy) by the fire.97. they were _(shock) by her rudeness.98

20、. firefighters worked for five hours to rescue people who _(trap) in the bus.99. he _(rescue) three children from the burning building.100. since she left, he has _(bury) himself in his work.101. he is very nervous. i noticed his hand _(shake).102. the _(injure) were sent to hospital and the _(die)

21、were buried.103. i was _(frighten) at the sight after the earthquake.104. the ruins after the quake were _(frighten).105. the storm _(frighten) the children.106. _(judge) by his accent, he must be from guangdong.107. he was _(honour) with a golden medal for his excellent speech.108. the whole city w

22、as _(complete) destroyed in the earthquake.109. we tried all sorts of medicine but they were all _(use).110. this tie is _(dirt), so ill take it to the clearners111. we are _(pride) of our great motherland.112. if you keep wearing the same t-shirt for several days in summer, it will become_(smell).

23、(第四单元)113. -that would mean _(waste) a lot of time.-really? i didnt mean _(waste) any time.114. nelson mandela _(devote) his whole life to _(help) the black.115. he _(be) in prison for five years and you may see him at home next year.116. it is _ (legal) for people under 18 to buy alcohol(酒).117. it

24、 was very _(generously) of you to lend them your new car for their holiday.118. her sons bad health _(worry) her a lot.119. he looks _(worry). what is he _(worry) about?120. i have never spent a more _(worry) day.121. national day _(see) people singing and dancing happily in the street.122. it is a

25、fact that english is being _(accept) as an international language.123. the terrorists _(blow) up the bridge. 124. im willing _(give) up the position.125. their talk _ (turn) to the change that had taken place in the city.126. he has been in prison for 10 years and in one month, he will be _(release)

26、.127. the old man won the election because he got the most _(vote).128. he has devoted his whole life to _(write).129. you will be _(reward) for your excellent work.130. nelson mandela was _(award) the nobel peace prize.131. when was the new city _(found)?132. the judges _ (sentence) the person to 3

27、 years imprisonment.参考答案 mended1. to clean, clean46. powerless47. had91. were92. ruinedignored,2. waiting3. repaired4. doingignorance48. entirely49. based93. injured94. injured95. destroyed96. shocked97. were trapped98. rescued5. upset50. compared51. increasing52. increasingly53. actually54. of55. r

28、equested56. judging57. directions58. making59. was; were60. transports61. to stay62. be persuaded63. persuaded64. scheduled65. doing6. ignores7. ignorant8. ignorance9. calm10. concerned11. concerns/concerned12. concerned13. crossing14. have passed15. having16. have told.17. gone18. went19. dirty20. to go21. heard22. to cry23. am24. power99. buired100. shaking101. injured; dead.102. frightened103. fr


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