已阅读5页,还剩4页未读 继续免费阅读




1、2011年小升初英语模拟测试卷(一)来源:奥数网整理 2011-09-08 21:14:22标签:小升初真题试卷英语小升初奥数精华资讯免费订阅一、语音 判断画线部分的读音是否相同,相同画(V ),不同画(x)。(10分)()1.bread head ( ) 2. morning work()3. they way ( ) 4. what who()5. apple face ( ) 6. she egg()7. kite bike ( ) 8. old orange()9. room book ( ) 10. music stude nt二、词汇(一)按要求写单词(15分)1. thick(

2、反义词)2.short( 比较级)3 .heavy ( 反义词)4. box(复数)5.right( 同音词)6.your ( 人称代词)7.sad(比较级)8.beautiful( 最高级)9.go(第三人称单数)10.keep( 过去式)11.one( 序数词)12.no( 同音词)13.swim(现在分词)14.live(现在分词)15.can t(完全形式 )(二)英汉词组互译(15分)1. this evening2.看望我的祖父母 3.not much better4.呆在家5.have a try6. 扫地7.climb the hill8. 去上学9.go boati ng10

3、.看电视11.see the sunrise12. 去钓鱼 13.have a picnic14.制订计戈U 15.go shopping三、选择将选项填在括号内。(20分)()1. The big ball is tha n the small one .A. light B. lighter C. lightest D. the lightest()2. Who is , Li Ming , Liu Ya ng or Wang Lin?A. the fattest B. fatter C. the fat D. the fatter()3. A : Are they your parent

4、s? B: A.Yes , they aren t. B. Yes , they re C. No , they are. D. No , they arent.()4.A : Can you play the piano? B : A. Yes , I can t. B. No , I can t. C. No , I can. D. Yes,I do.()5.are the biggest ani mals on land.A. Elepha nts B. Pa ndas C. Tigers D. Mon keys()6. We are going to play football.A.

5、after noon B. this afternoon C. morning D. in this morning()7. Mom and I going to the park.A. am B. are C. is D. be()8. Where the apples?A. is B. am C. are D. be()9. A : Where did you buy it? B : Iit in the supermarket.A. bought B. buy C. buys D. to buy()10. Let meyou .A. helped B. help C. helps D.

6、to help()11. A: Have a nice trip! B:.A. That s OK. B. OK. C. It s OK. D. Thanks.()12. A:are you goi ng to visit? B: New York.A. Where B. Who C. When D. How()13. There are many applesthe tree.A. in B. to C. of D. on()14. She is the floor.A. sweep ing B. sweeps C. sweep D. swept()15. Let s go there fo

7、ot.A. by B. on C. with D. at()16. Friday I have En glish , scie nee and music.A. In B. With C. On D. At()17. A: What do you want to? B: I want some fruits.A. tell B. listen to C. go D. buy()18. It s too expensive. Please give me aoneA. cheap B. empty C. strong D. beautiful()19. It sEnglish car. It s

8、 from England.A. an B. a C. the D. 不填()20. We ofte n playfootball after school.A. an B. a C. the D.不填四、连线和排序(一)句子问答连线(5分)1. Where are you from ? A. I m cooking.2. What color is it? B. He s Billy.3. What are you doing? C. America4. Are you Mr. Smith ? D. Yellow5. Who is the boy? E. Yes , I am.(二)排序(5

9、分)How to send an e-mail?A. Type your friend s e -mail address. B. Connect to the net.C. Turn on the computer. D. Click the send.E. Write the e-mail.正确的排序应为五、 补全对话 每空一词。(10分)1. A:me, Are you Mr. Gree n?B: No,not.2. A: Hello! This is Annie. May Ito Lin da?B: I m sorry. Sheat home.3. A : Hap

10、py New Year !B:!4. A : are you?B: Fine, tha nk you .5. A : Sit down,.B:.六、 按要求改写句子每空一词(10分)1. There is some bread in the bag .(变为一般疑问句)bread in the bag ?2. He has lunch at 11:40.(变为否定句)Helunch at 11:40.3. I go to school by bike.(就画线部分提问)do you go to school?4. It s 9:13.(就画线部分提问)is it ?5. That coat i

11、s expensive.(变为同义句 )That coat .七、阅读短文,判断对错。对的写 (T),错的写(F).(10分)Our school is a big school . There are thirty-six classes. And there are th ree beautiful garde ns. We have two art rooms , two music rooms , and three comp uter rooms. There is a computer in my class . Welcome to our school , dear frie

12、nds! Remember? There is a tall tree in front of our school.()1. There is one garde n in the school.()2. There are two art rooms ,two computer rooms in the school .()3. The school is a big school .()4. There are five computers in my class.()5. There is a tree in front of our school.一个处处像别人表明自己优秀的,恰恰证




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