1、优品课件 First aid (The Third Period ) The Third Period Teaching Aims. 1. Review some useful words learnt in the text. 2. Further study the Subjunctive Mood. 3. Do some practice to master the Subjun ctive Mood better. Teaching Important Point: Help the students to master the Subjunctive Mood. Teaching D
2、ifficult Point: How to make the stude nts master the Subjun ctive Mood through practice. Teaching Methods: 1. Doing-drills to get the students to master the Subjun ctive Mood better. 2. Pair work or in dividual work to make every stude nt work in class. Teachi ng Aids: 1. a projector 2. the blackboa
3、rd Teach ing Procedures : Step I Greetings Greet the whole class as usual. Step II Lead -in and Word Study T: In the last two periods, weve learnt much about first aid and weve also learnt someuseful words. Please look at the words on the blackboard. Who can tell us the meaning of each word? (Bb: ai
4、d, slightly, response, wound, ambulanee, recovery, rolli ng, bleed ing) S: Let me try.(Say the meanings.) T: Very good. Now, lets do a practice to see if you can use them correctly. Please turn to Page 61 and look at Ex1. This is a story and you are asked to fill in the blanks with the give n words.
5、 First do it by yourselves and the ncheck your an swers in pairs. At last r II ask some one to read out your an swers. Are you clear? Ss: Y es. T: OK. You can beg in. Suggested answers: aid; slightly; response ; wound; ambulanee; bleeding ; recovery; rolling T: Very good! Youve done very well. But t
6、hats not all. I have another practice for you to practice the words in the text. Finish Ex 2quickly by yourself. (Allow the stude nts a couple of minu tes and the n ask some stude nts to do it one by one and tell the meaning of each word filled in the blank.) Suggested answers: 1. chest 胸膛 2. scream
7、 尖叫 3. wirst(关节)4. pulse 脉搏 5. blanket 毛毯 Step 皿 GrammaiT: In the reading passage, there are someimportant sentences. For example, If I had known more about giving first aid, I could have helped them. (Write the sentence on the blackboard, and mark No.1) Whocan tell us the meaning of this sentence?
8、S: Let me have a try. It mea ns“如果我要是再多懂点急救知识的话,我 就能帮助他们了。”T: From the sentence we know that the fact is T and Ss: The fact is that I did nt know more about givi ng first aid and I could nt help them. T: We know whe n we want to express a wish which cant cometrue, we can use the Subjunctive Mood. No
9、w, please find out the sentences in the Subjunctive Mood in the reading passage. (A few minutes later)Who volunteers to write them down on the blackboard? S: III try. (Write the senten ces on the blackboard.) (Bb: 2. If we were to panic, we would not be able to help. 3. If we were to get hurt tryi n
10、g to save some one, we would-not be able to help. ) T: Good. Look at these two sentences. The samesentence pattern is used. Whocan tell us their Chin ese meanin gs? S: Let me have a try. They mean “如果我们惊慌失措的话,我们就帮不上忙了”and “如果我们 救别人时自己受了伤,那就帮不上忙了”T: Quite right. Now, please compare them with the firs
11、t sentence that I wrote just now. Whats the differe nee betwee n them? Who kno ws? S: Their sentence patter ns are differe nt. T: Y es, please sit dow n. (Teacher allows stude nts eno ugh time to discuss why the sentence patter ns are differe nt. The n ask one or two stude nts to tell the reason. Ss
12、 mayspeak Chinese whennecessary. Teacher gives someexpla nati ons and writes the sentence patter ns on the blackboard. ) (Bb: If Sub. + had do ne,Sub. + would have done If + Sub.+ were to ,Sub.+ would (not) do )Step IV Practice T: To master the Subjunctive Moodbetter, lets do some practice. Look at
13、the scree n and finish the exercises by yourselves first and the n have a discussi on in pairs to check your an swers. (Show the followi ng on the scree n.) Join the pairs of sentences using the Subjunctive Mood. EXAMPLE: The house caught fire. I did not turnoff the electric heater. If 1 had turned
14、off the electric heater, the house wouldnot have caught fire. 1. The old man died of sudde n heart at tack. He was not sent to the hospital in time. 2. The boy died of electric shock. He touched the broken electric wires. 3. The buildi ng was bur ned dow n. They did nt fix the worn-out electric wire
15、s. 4. The womanwas gas-pois on ed. She did nt ope n the win dow when cooking. 5. The worker fell down the ladder and broke his leg. Heput the ladder on a wet floor. 6. The little girl drowned. She got too close to the lake. 7. The baby put small pieces of the toy in her mouth. Her mother left them o
16、n the floor. Suggested an swers, 1. If the old man had bee n sent to the hospital in time, he would not have died of a sudden heart attack. 2. If the boy had not touched the broke n electric wires, he would nt have died of electric shock. 3. If they had fixed the worn-out electric wires, the buildi
17、ng would not have bee n burned down. 4. If the womarhad opened the window whencooking, she would not have been gas-poisoned. 5. If the worker had not put the ladder on a wet floor, he would nt have falle n dow n the ladder and broke n his leg. 6. If the little girl had not got too close to the lake,
18、 she would not have drow ned. 7. If the babys mother had not left the small pieces of the toy on the floor, the baby would nt have put them in her mouth. T: Yo uve done very well. But thats not eno ugh. Lets do ano ther practice. Turn to Page 62 and finish Ex 2 quickly. (Ss prepare for a few mi nu t
19、es and the n the teacher checks the an swers.) Suggested an swers: 1. A is it/is it 2. A did nt choose had nt chose n 3. B would have left would have been left 4. B was found had been found 5. C turned off 宀(should) turn off T: Good. You must learn the sentence patter ns by heart after class. Step V
20、 Consolidation T: OK. Lets do one more practice to consolidate what weve learnt today. Look at the screen, please. (Show the follow ing on the scree n. ) Fill in the bla nks with suitable words would have could have should have n eed have 1. A: I did nt realise learning English was so difficult. I w
21、ant to give it up. B: You succeeded if you had worked hard. 2. A: Whendid you arrive? B: Friday eve ning. A: You called soon er. B: I thought you were busy. A: I take n a few days off. You see, Ive booked a hotel room for you. B: Youdone that. I can easily find a place to stay in. A: If you had told
22、 meearlier on the phone, I taken the trouble. B: Well, tha nks any way. (Ss prepare for about three mi nu tes and the n the teacher checks the an swers.) Suggested answers: 1. could have 2. should have; would have; neednt have; would nt have Step 弋 Summary and Homework T: Today, weve reviewed the importa nt words we lear nt in the readi ng passage and weve also lear nt the Subjun ctive Mood. Weve done much practice, too. After class, try to use the words more ofte
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