



1、优品课件 ModulelO un it1 This is his head 导学案 目标引导案设计老师宿荣珍审核人王月梅执教老师执教时间 课型 新授 序号 学习内容ModulelO unitl This is his head. 学习目标1识记单词:head arm hand leg footX 2.掌握运用 句型: This is his3.培养孩子乐于与人合作的意识,通过交流,加深对 同学的了解。 重点难点 学生初步会用This is his .的语言结构描述第三人称男 性身体部位。板书设计 Module10 unit1 This is his head. head arm This is

2、 his hand her leg foot执教教师修改案 课前预习 听音指 图一听音说话-听说-练习 教师引导、点拨案(教师活动)自主、合作、探究案(学生活动) 执教教师修改案 Step1、Warmup Si ng a song: Please sta nd up.(既 引发了学习兴趣又复习了 poi nt to的用法,为新课的学习减轻难 度)Step2、Lead in 1、分组。(说明本节课进行智力大比拼,男女 同学各一组,以脚丫剪纸为积分。由脚丫引出foot 一词)出示单词 卡片,并板书。同时鼓励学生认真听讲,公平竞争。Comeon ,boys and girls! T : Guess:

3、 Whaf s this?让学生猜,然后回答。 Ss: It s a pan da. T: Y es, let s say hello to Panpan. This is Pan pan s body.板书 body,拼读。Today, we re going to learn M10,Unitl. This is his head.板书 Step3、Presentation 1、Listen and answer: 整体感知课文。Who is he?他是谁? 2、教师举起自己的书:T: Whaf s this? Ss: It s a book. T: Yes, this is a book

4、. This is my book. 拿起一个男生的笔说:This is my pen cil, yes?指着 一个女孩儿,her, her, her book, this is her book.在教室里指 着女学生,随意指着她的物品,用this is her造句练习。3、禾U 用多媒体课件展示熊猫的head。同时板书单词和句型。做到词不离 句。4、利用chant对所学内容进行练习。女口: head head head, this is his head.其余的单词,学生自己编造。5、重点区分一下head 和hand的音形义。同样用于其他单词的学习。Setp4 Drill 1 Listen.

5、 看图和句子进行跟读,训练跟读的能力。判断对错:课文中,大明 Yes or No 是用This is his +身体部位,来介绍盼盼的身体部位的 Step5、Practice 1、拿出准备好的小玩具,教师做示范然后让学生 指他的身体部位并介绍,检查学生掌握情况。2、师:简笔画:喜羊 羊 T : look, what s this? Ss: 喜羊羊 T : Now I draw you say: ” This is his ”然后画一只美羊羊 Is this his/ her head? Ss: yes, it is. T: Now you can ask and an swer like th

6、is. Now work in pairs. Step6 、summary看板书复习单词和句子然后进行总 评,评出优胜小组,进行奖励。并鼓励另一组再接再厉,争取下一节 课获得胜利。 Step7、Emoti on teachi ng Love your body. Step8 、 homework 让不同的学生,一个拿一个熊猫身体的部位,在教室前走过,弓I起学 生的极大兴趣。让单词和图片结合,让单词动起来。 此时,学生会很自然的说出No.教师笑着说:This is his pencil. Read after me,教师放慢速度引导学生说:This is his pencil. 单 词卡片,并(

7、多找几个同学说一说)板书his,学生拼读。His, his, his pen cil, this is his pen cil.教师对这个句型作替换练习 This is his pen. This is his bag让学生猜一猜his的意思。引导学生学 习his他的这个单词,并让学生试着用这个句型This is his. 造 句子。指着一个女孩儿,her, her, her book, this is her book.在 教室里指着女学生,随意指着她的物品,用this is her造句练习。 2Listen.看图和句子进行跟读,训练跟读的能力。3、小组读课文。 4、Role reading

8、. 3、小游戏:Simon says. Let s play a game, Sim on says. If they are right, you can say: ” yes! ” Which group wants to show? (1)教师介绍 point t o his/ her head/hand游戏的做 法。(2)教师发指令,学生快速指身体部位。(指错者惩罚轻轻刮 鼻子)(3)分小组做游戏。 过关展示案执教教师修改案一.连一连head手hand头 arm 脚 leg 腿 foot 手臂 二.我会译.1.Point to your head. 2. This is a pan d

9、a. 3.This is his head. 4.This is his leg. 目标引导案设计老师宿荣珍审核人王月梅执教老师执教时间 课型 新授 序号 学习内容ModulelO unitl This is his head. 习目标 掌握并巩固身体部位的词汇:head, arm, ha nd, leg, foot 等,以及运用此句型:This is +人称物主代词+名词。3.能口头运 用This is his head.这类语句谈论基本身体部位。重点难点2.能 口头运用Point to your head,这类语句发出指令,并能根据指令 指出相应的身体部位。板书设计ModulelO uni

10、t1 This is his head. head arm This is his hand her leg foot执教教师修改案 课前预 习 听音指图一听音说话-听说-练习 教后反思 教师引导、点拨案(教师活动)自主、合作、探究案(学生活动) 执教教师修改案 Stepl. Greeting and Warm-up Teacher greets to the class. Divide stude nts into two groups, let them si ng the song “Please stand up ” ,and see which group is better. St

11、ep2. Lead in T: Today we ll lear n Module 10 Body Unitl This is his head. Teach the words. his) Ss: . Step3. Presentation 1. Play the cartoon of Parti to students. 2. Show them PPT, teach them the new words. Step4. Practice Gamelsay you do Teacher says the instructions“ Point to your head/hand/arm/l

12、eg/foot” , students do the actions. Game2.What s missing? Showstudents the picture of Po, let them look carefully what s missing. Step5. ConsolidationDo a movementwith the sentences Headhead, this is his head. Arm arm, this is his arm. Hand hand, this is his hand. Leg leg, this is his leg. Foot foot

13、, this is his foot. Step6. Homework画一张自己喜欢的卡通人物画,用英语句子向家人 或同学介绍它的身体部位。 T: Look at this word . How to read? his? Chis(教师读两遍, 学生跟读)T: What s your name?( 指一男生)Si : I m . My name is . T:His nameis 学习 his T: This is my book . This is his book T: This is(拿学生的铅笔、钢笔、书包继续练习 3. Play the carto on of part2 to stude nts, ask stude nts some questions, “What does Daming see?” “ Which parts of Panpan can Daming see?” 4. Let students answer the questions, then check the answer. 5. Play the cartoon of P


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