



1、动词不定式专题练习1、He seemsthe old lady、A、 knowing B、 to be knowingC、 to know D、 to be known2、Tomwhen they spoke ill of him、A、 happened to be passed B、 happened to be passing by C、 happened passing by D、 happened to passed3、Wc all hope scientistsA、 bee B、 to bee C、 being D、became4 The boy refusedfor climbin

2、g the tall tree、A、 to pay B. to be paid C. being paidD、 paying5、I happenedthe article when he asked me about it、A、 having readB、 to have read C、 to be readD、 reading6、 、with him is a great pleasure、 A、To talkB、TalkC、TalkedD、To talking7 It is niceyour voice A、 to hearB、 hearc、heardD. tobe hearing8、is

3、to struggleA、 LivingB、Livec、To liveD、To be lived9、 Her wishisa doctor、A、 beingB、 bee C、tobee D、being10、I was just aboutthe office when the phone rang、A、 leavingB、 leaveC、 to leave D、 to leaving11 I didntit imtil you had explained how、A. manage to do B、 managed to doC manage to have done D、manage doi

4、ng12 He found it importantthe situation all over the world、A.to lay down B、 lie downC、laying downD、lay down14、Yesterday I did nothing butTV、A、watchB、 watchedC、to watchD、watching15、It had no effect excepthim angry、A、makeB. makingC、to makeD、made16、Bob did nothing excepttennis A、 playB.to playc、playing

5、D、played17、Fni consideringhis letter、A、to answerB、 howansweringC tobe answeringD、how toA、 studyB、 to study C、 studiesD、 to be studied13、 At last the enemy soldiers had no choice buttheir guns、answer18、 Tell usnextA、 how to doB. what to doC、 how doD、 what do19、 Wc want to knowto help him when he is i

6、n troubleA、 what will do B、 what we should do C、 how to do D、 what will we20、 Dont stop tiying、 Youll be sureA. succeedB、 succeedingC、 of succeedingD、to succeed21、 The government calls on usour productionA、 increasedB、 increasingC、 increaseD、to increase22、 With his teacherhe wanted to try it a secon

7、d time.A、 helpingB. to helpC、 helpD、helped23.The lady was watchedher room in silence A、had leftB、leftC、leaveD、 to leave24、Pm hungry、 Get me somethina、A、eatingB、 to eatC、to be eatenD、 eaten25、His wish .a doctor .came true、A、ingB、e C、to c D、came26、A、27、A、28、D、29、A、30、A、31、A、32、A、33、A、34、A、35、A、36、A、He

8、 loves praise、of ing ; of leavingAt last they found a houseto leave his things withThere is nothing worry aboutHe is always the first _ B、 es; leaves C、and the last _ to e; to leaveD、ing; leavingB、 to leave his things inA、 to worry B、C、 to worryleaving his things in about C、 worryHave you got enough

9、 roomall of us ?seating B、 to seat C. seated D、 to be seatedIt is too dark for usanything in the roomsee B、 seeing C、 to see D. seenThe young man iswillingthe old living around here.very; helping B、 very; to helpC、 too; to help D、 enough ; help_ the pen lying on the floor、 B、 to pick upC、 pickingHe

10、bent downpick upB、 to pick up C、 pickingD、the room temperature, he added some coal into the stove To keep upThe teacher did what she could helpB、helpsIt is difficult for a foreigner learning B、 to learnIt is carelessthe same mistake in yourfor you to make B、 for you makingpickedB、 So as to keep up C

11、、 Keep up D、me with my lessons、C、helpedChinese C、 learnedposition、 C、 of you to makeIn order keep upD、D、to helpto be learnedD、 of youmaking37、D、38、A、C、39、A、C、40、A、41、A、42、A、43、A、The girl is easyalong with、getting 一 Arc the problems easy? them hard to solve in hard to be solved is a big problem、 To g

12、et rid of these things Getting rid of these thingsB、D、A.to be got B、一 No, in fact I found _ it was hard to solve very hard to solve themB、 How to get rid of these things D、 Get rid of these thingsI felt silly because I didnt know. to sayB、 how to sayThe question isthe answer、where find B、 to findWou

13、ld you pleasenot talk B. dont talkTell himthe window、to shut not B、 not to shutgotC、 to getC、 what to sayD、what sayingwhere finding to each other before you hand in your examination papers?C、 not talkingC. where to findD、D、 not to talkC、 to not shut D、 not shut44、He doesnt likein public、A、 praised B

14、、 to praise C. to be praised D、 praising45、We want the jobby the end of the week、A、 doingB、 done C. to be doing D、 being done46、The film is reportedon show at the cinema、A、to being B、will beto beD、being47、He is saidto London already、A、 having sent B. to be sending C、 to have been sentD、being sent48、

15、Alice is saidher homework in her own room now、A、 she is doing B、 to be doingC、 doing D. be doing49、These boys are saidfor doing good deeds、A、 to be praising B、 to be praised C、 praisedD、 to have praised50 Who dicl the managerthe report?A、 have B、 have writeC、 have writes D. have to write51、Oh, its v

16、eiy cold here Jets make a fireowselves up、A、 warm B、 warming C、 warmedD、 to warm52、Would you pleasea little more room for me?A、 to make B、 make C、 makingD. made53、I wish to finish my task andaway、1、Were looking fonvard (A) to visiting(B) to visit2、Thc light in the office is still on、(A) to turn it o

17、ff (B) turn it off3、How about the two of us(A) to take(B) takethe photo exhibition xA、 get B. getting C、 to get D、 to getting 语法妹习题(不龙式(C) to having visited (D) visiting-Oh, I forgot、(C) turning it off (D) having turned it off a walk down the garden ?(C) taking(D) to be taking4、Charles Babbage is ge

18、nerally consideredthe first putcr(A) to invent(B) inventing (C) to have invented (D) having invented5、hi those days my family &diTt have enough room、(A) to live(B) living in(C) to live in(D) living6、He likes, but he doesnt liketoday because it is too cold、(A) to swim; to swim (B) swimming; swimming

19、(C) to swim; swimming (D) swimming; to swim7、Since he doesnt want to accept your advice It is no use _(A) in talking(B) talking(C) to talk8、We regretthat the movie was not worth(A) to say; to sec (B) to say; seeing (C) saying; to see9、He couldnt open the window, so he triedit、(A) push(B) to push(C)

20、pushed10、She is often heardEnglish aloud in the morning、(A) to read(B) sang(C) to have sung11、 The teacher doesnt allowin class、(A) smoke(B) to smoke(C) smoking12、Your hair needs、Youd better have itto him agaiiK(D) of talk(D) saying; to seeing(D) pushing(D) to be reading(D) to have a smoketomonow(A)

21、 to be cut; do (B) cutting; doing (C) to be cut; done (D) cutting; to be done13、in pencil, the letter was difficultout、(A) Being written; in making(B) Written; to make(C) Having written; to make(D) Having been written; making14 He has no choice butto see him、(A) to go(B) go(C) going(D) goes15、 There

22、 was nothing they could do butfor a mechanic to arrive、(A) to wait(B) waiting(C) wait(D) waited1、She cant helpthe house because shes busy makmg a cake、A、 A.to clean B、 cleaning C、 to be cleaning D、 being cleaned2、Wlule shopping, people sometunes cant helpmto buymg somethmgthey dont really need、A、 A.

23、to persuade B、 to be persuaded C、persuading D、 beingpersuading3、We agieedhere, but so far she hasnt tinned up yet、A、having met B、 meeting C、 to meet D、 to have met4、一 You were brave enough to raise the objections at the meetingsWell, now I regretthat、A、 A.to do B to doing C、 to have done D、 having d

24、one5、Little Tom should loveto the theatre this evening、A to be taken B、 to take C、 being taken D、 taking6、Pve got a temble headache、 I triedsome medicine, but it didnt help、A、to take B、 having taken C、 taking D、 to have taken7、 Would you join us tonight ?一一 I、but I have to prepare for tomorrows test

25、、A、 would love so B、 would love to C would love it D、 would love 8I would loveto the party last night, but I had to finish extra hours to finisha report、A、to go B、 to have gone C、 going D. having gone9、he let me repeat his instmetionssure that I understood what wasafter he went away、A、to make, to be

26、 done B、 making, doing C、 to make, to do D、 making, to do10、一 You should have thanked her before you left、一一 I meant、but when I was leaving, I couldnt find her anywhere、A、 to do B、 to C、 doing D、 doing so11、In some parts of London, missing a bus meansfor another hour.A、 waiting B、 to wait C. wait D、

27、 to be waiting12、With a lot of difficult problems, the newly- elected president is having a hardtime、A、 A.settled B、 steeling C、 to settle D、 being settled13、Do let your mother know all the truth、 She appearseverythingAv to tell B、to be told C、to be telling D、to have been told14、To fetch water befor

28、e breakfast seemed to be a rule、A、 to never break B、 never to be broken C、 never to have broken D never to be breaking15、The purpose of new technologies is to make life easier, butit more difficult、A. not make B、 not to make C、 not making D、 do not make1、 To do that implies taking responsibility、(主语

29、)2、It has been a pleasure to be able lo help you、 (主语)3 She likes to play with【he children、(动词宾语)4、We consider it a shame for them to have been so wasteful、5、It had no effect except to mnkc her angry、(介id宾语)6 The question of what to use has not been discussed、7、The room was found to be empty (主语补足语)

30、8、The young man was considered to have great promise、 (主语补足语)9、ril leave you (o aUcnd the mnMcr、(宾语补足语)10、He is the teacher to teach us English next (cm】. (定语)1、 I have nothing to say on (his question、 (定语)12、The duties of a postman arc (o deliver lexers and newspapers、 (表语)13、The whole family went to beach (o spend their weekend、(目得状语)14We shall be very happy to cooperate with you in (he project、(原因状语)15、The house is so high and narrow as to resemble a (owcr、(结果状语)16、T


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