1、共11页 艉轴管环氧浇注工艺TCN124P-M015-GY04 第2页 Stern tube chock fast procedure 1. 材料工具: Material and tools: 1.1足够的按照船级社认可的环氧树脂垫块布置图制作模框的材料,包括: Dammi ng material for mouldi ng the chock ing arran geme nt accord ing to the drawings approved by the Classification Society, including:- (a) 围框海绵条; Dammi ng foam; (b)
2、 法兰面密封挡板(厚度约1 mm); Flange damming steel plate (thickness: about 1 mm); (c) 35mm 厚的2-half密圭寸压板; Half ring plates ” with thickness 3 5 mm; (d) 密封胶泥 Seali ng compo und; (e) 足够的木棒塞,用于艉管法兰面螺栓通孔的密封。其直径比螺栓通孔直径 大23mm ,长度应不小于法兰及法兰面环氧树脂的总厚度的1.5倍,数 量根据法兰面螺栓通孔的数量来确定。 Sufficie nt woode n bolt plugs for seali ng
3、the bolt holes on ster n-tube flan ge. Diameter: bolt hole diameter + 23mm; Len gth: (fla nge thick ness + EPOCAST 36 Thick ness)x1.5; Quan tity: = bolt hole qua ntity (f) 泡沫橡胶密封环。 Foam rubber seali ng ring. 艉轴管环氧浇注工艺 Stern tube chock fast procedure TCN124P-M015-GY04 共11页 第3页 1.2耐高温牛油; Grease; 1.3转速
4、不超过500rpm 的手提电钻2 4 只,用于搅拌环氧树脂; 2 4 pcs heavy duty hand drill with an operation speed less than 500 rpm ; 1.4 搅拌叶轮; Jiffy mixer; 1.5 浇注泵;Filling pump; 1.6 胶水;Glue; 1.7 便携式温度计;Portable temperature gauge; 1.8巴科硬度计:1只,用于测量样块硬度; Barcol hard ness tester: 1 pc; 1.9 1020 升丙酮和足够的抹布,用于环氧树脂浇注区域内的清洁工作及浇注结 束后清洗浇
5、注泵; 10 20 litres acet one and sufficie nt rags, for rem oving grease, oil in the chocking area and cleaning the filling pump after the pumping; 1.10为防止艉管塞入艉柱后发生轴向的位移,需采用槽钢制作几只法兰面压板。其宽 度应小于法兰面两相邻螺栓间的间距,长度比艉柱直径长约 150mm ;同时在 艉柱上焊两只螺栓,用于固定该法兰面压板。 Stopping plate made by channel steal for preventing the m
6、ovement along the shaftline after pushing the sterntube into the stern frame boss; 1.11如施工区域亮度不够或者在晚上施工,还需准备足够的36V安全照明灯,并预 拉到位; 艉轴管环氧浇注工艺 TCN124P-M015-GY04 共11页 Stern tube chock fast procedure 第4页 Sufficie nt 36V work-lights in the chock ing areas; 1.12在冬季或者环境温度过低(13 C)时 ,还需准备下列加热设备: In win ter or a
7、t below an ambie nt and / or steel temperature of 13C, the additi onal preparati on work must be carried out in adva nee as follows: (a) 足够的电烘箱或电加热器,用于预热环氧树脂。 Suffieie nt electric heater for preheati ng the Epoeast 36. (b) 足够的热风机或电加热器,用于浇注前和浇注后加热环氧树脂浇注区域至20 C 以上,以促使并缩短固化所需时间。 Suffieie nt electric ho
8、t air mach ine or heater to heat the chock ing area to at least 20 C before and after the Epocast 36 pouring to ensure cure fully and shorte n the cure time. 2. 准备工作: Preparati on: 2.1预先将环氧树脂预热到要求的温度(参见第8页的搅拌、浇注温度参考)。浇 注的温度需不低于 20 C,以保证适宜的搅拌和浇注粘度。固化剂应保持室温, 搅拌的温度应在要求的温度土 5C的范围内。在夏季,使用前环氧树脂应防止阳 光直晒。 P
9、repare the resin to the required temperature well ahead of time. (See the MIXING and POURING GUIDE). The temperature of the pouring is 20 C at least to ensure suitable mixing and pouring viscosity. The harde ner to be at the ambie nt temperature. Check the mixed temperature is within 5 C of the requ
10、ired temperature. In hot climates avoid leaving in direct sun light before use. 共11页 艉轴管环氧浇注工艺TCN124P-M015-GY04 第8页 Stern tube chock fast procedureI 2.2所有能产生热量的工作均需完工,如焊接等 Finish all hot work (for example: weld ing etc.) on chock ing area. 2.3清洁艉柱内表面及艉管外表面等与环氧树脂接触的表面(含浇注、透气孔/管 内表面),去除所有的牛油、污油、铁锈、灰尘、
11、油漆和焊渣等。 Clea n the stern frame boss and sterntube surfaces, in clud ing the in side surfaces of the filling and air ventilation holes & pipes, where it would be in con tact with resin. Remove all grease, oil, mill scale, rust, paint etc. 2.4按照轴系安装及主机定位工艺定位好艉管装置,并通过船东船检的检查认可。 Fix the stern tube on th
12、e final position according to the procedurefor shaft in stalltio n And M/E locati ng, the positi on con firmed by owner and surveyor. 2.5待轴系对中报验船东、船检结束后,压紧法兰面压板,对环氧树脂浇注区域各端 面进行密封,并将2-half密封压板点焊或用螺栓固定在相应的艉柱端面,以防 止泵入环氧树脂时密封脱落。 After obtaining the approval for the alignment from shipowner and classific
13、ati on surveyor, prepare the dammi ng work. 3. 搅拌: Mixi ng: 3.1将固化剂加入环氧树脂中,将搅拌叶轮安装到搅拌电钻,接通电源以不超过 500rpm 的转速搅拌2 3分钟,以保证搅拌均匀。转动搅拌叶轮,使罐底和 边缘的环氧树脂也能与固化剂均匀混合。固化剂的用量以及搅拌温度请参阅搅 拌、浇注温度参考。 Add harde ner into the and power mix at speed not exceed ing 500 rpm for Stern tube chock fast procedure 23 minu tes to
14、en sure homoge nous mixture. Traverse side and bottom of the can to en sure complete mix ing all res in and harde ner. Please see the MIXING and POURING GUIDE for qua ntity of harde ner and temperature guides. 4. 压力灌注法(用泵)施工工艺 Pressure pouri ng (pump) method: 4.1按照惯例在服务工程师指导下做好围堵 Make the damming fo
15、llow tradition requirementand the instructionof service engin eer. 4.2在尾管后(低)端的底部连接一根输液管,输液管必须有阀,这样,一旦输液停 止,可以关闭阀与泵切断。 Connect the transfer hose at lower side bottom of stern bossing, on the hose pipe there should be one valve, is case of stop pumping we can disc onnect with the pump. 4.3在尾管两端的顶部设置两
16、个出气口。 Arrange two air vent hole at fore and after ster n boss ing. 4.4使用的泵是活塞泵,流量为1公升/分钟。 The pist on pump will be used, capacity is 1L/m in. 4.5放置好泵,且把吸入管联接到放环氧的容器。 Fix the pump and connect hose pipe with chock fast tank. 4.6启动泵,将环氧输送到艉毂内。 Start pump tran sfer the chock fast into ster n boss ing. 4
17、.7不断地搅动混合环氧,并且充满容器。(不要把泵从这个容器移到另一个容器,因 艉轴管环氧浇注工艺TCN124P-M015-GY04 Stern tube chock fast procedure 共11页 第7页 为这种移动,可能导致泵把空气一起输入尾管) Continue mix ing the chock fast in tank. (Do not move the pump sucti on to the other tank duri ng pump ing, in order to avoid air mix in chock fast.) 4.8当环氧从出气口冒出后,减缓输送速度。
18、 When the chock fast overflow from vent hole, the pump speed should slow dow n. 4.9当尾管内腔被充满后,关闭输液管上的阀,并且断开泵。 When the cofferdam have been fulfilled, close the valve and stop pump. Check the chock fast level at vent hole. 4.10继续监测出气口管处环氧所必须有的最高位置。 共11页 艉轴管环氧浇注工艺TCN124P-M015-GY04 第11页 Stern tube chock
19、 fast procedure 5. Phillybond Orange的圭寸涂: Daub of Phillyb ond Oran ge: 5.1PHILLYBOND分为树脂及固化剂两种,按1比1的比列将两种材料调匀。树脂一 经混合将会在短时间内硬化。因此,一次调和应遵循宁少勿多的规律,一经调 和应在20分钟内使用。 PHILLYBOND with res in and harde ner two comp onent, mixi ng them with 1:1 proporti on.The res in will hard in short time, so aft. mixi ng
20、the PHILLYBOND still available within 20 min. 5.2尾管后端法兰通常拧紧固定螺丝之后涂密封胶,如涂抹密封胶后再配钻螺孔注意 在放螺丝之前先将螺孔内用丙酮清洁干净,然后在螺孔内涂满密封胶,将螺牙上 涂抹密封胶后拧紧螺栓。 Stern tube after flange should daub seal glue after fix the bolts. If drill the bolt hole after daub should no ted that before screw bolt clea n the hole, and daub sea
21、l glue on the inner side ofhole and outside of bolts the n screw the bolts. 5.3每个浇注口都将环氧挖深25毫米,然后用丙酮清洗干净再涂抹密封胶。 Each filling hole should dig 25mm deep, then clean it and daub seal glue. 5.4每个调整螺栓处都应用密封胶封堵,根据船厂使用螺栓的种类不同将采用如下图 共11页 第14页 艉轴管环氧浇注工艺TCN124P-M015-GY04 艉轴管环氧浇注工艺 Stern t ube chock fast proce
22、dure TCN124P-M015-GY04 共11页 第9页 三所示方法:外六角螺栓,浇注后螺栓突出于本体外的可将突出部割除之后电焊封 闭。图三所示。 Each adjust bolt should daub glue , accord ing to the bolts type we will adopt the method as below draw in g(3) in dicate: cut the exte nd out part of hexad bolts, the n close the hole by weld ing. Phillybond Orange Chockfa
23、st Orange Screws Chockfast Orange Jack Screws Chockfast Orange 6. 浇注结束后的工作: Fi nal Works : 6.1硬度测试样块应系用与垫块相同的材料在相同的环境条件下同时浇注而成。 Test samples for hard ness test are to be prepared with the same material and un der the same environmen tal con diti ons. Stern tube chock fast procedure 6.2环氧树脂浇注结束后约12小时
24、,可以先拆除密封档板、浇注和透气软管等。但 法兰处的安装孔必须在环氧树脂的巴科硬度达到 40以后才能进行钻孔、攻丝等 作业。 The damming plates, filling hose and air ventilation hose, etccan be dismantled in advanee after about 12 hours. But drilling of bolt holes must only be carried out after has reached Barcol Hardn ess readi ng 40. 6.3在开展进一步的工作前应保证环氧树脂已完全固
25、化。通常情况下,在无其他外部 加热器的情况下,环氧树脂固化所需的时间与钢板温度(环境温度)的关系如下:- 环境温度 25 C约需24小时 因而在环境温度低于13C的情况下,建议增加额外的加热保温设备来加热整个环 氧树脂垫块浇注区域,以促进固化并缩短固化所需的时间。 Allow to cure before carrying out the further works. In general, with steel temperature as detailed below, and without applicati on of exter nal heat, the cure of the resin may occur after the time indicated as follow:- Steel temperature 25 C about 24 hours So in win ter
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