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1、v1.0可编辑可修改专题复习-现在进行时意义: 现在进行时是表示现在、说话瞬间或当前一直正在做着的动作 二构成:be (am, is ,are )+动词现在分词(-ing 形式) 三.动词的现在分词的构成:(1) 一 般在动词末尾直接加 ing, read reading; work worki ng(2) 以不发音字母e结尾的动词,先去掉e,再加ing ,如 skate skating make makingdance dancing write writi ng have hav ingride riding come comingtype typing(3) 少数几个以ie结尾的动词要变

2、ie为y,再加-ingdie dying tie tyi nglie lyi ng (4)辅+元+辅结构,应双写末尾的辅音字母,再加ing,女口: putt ing running begi nning stopp ing swimmi ng shopp ingjoggi ngsitt inggett ingforgett inglett ingdiggi ngpla nning preferri ng四、现在进行时的句型转换:冃疋句:主语+ be +现在分词 V-ing (+ 其他)Eg1. I m doing my homework now.Eg2. She is singing at t

3、he mome nt.Eg3. They are play ing computer games now.否定句:主语+be+not+动词-ing +其他.Eg1. I m not doing my homework now.Eg2. She isn t singing at the moment.Eg3. They aren t playing computer games now.般疑问句:Be+主语+动词-ing +其他Eg1. Are you doing your home work now-Yes, I am.No, I m not.Eg2. Is she singing at th

4、e mome nt-Yes, she is.-No, she isn t.Eg3. Are they playi ng computer games now-Yes, they are. -No, they aren t.特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词+be+主语+动词-ing+其他Eg1. What are you doing nowEg2. Who is he talki ng toEg3. Where are they dancing五、现在进行时的时间标志及用法:1) 一般句中用到表示“在现在”的时间状语,如:now, right now, at themoment或It s+几点钟”句型,常

5、判断用现在进行时。Eg: Let s go fast. Mr. Wu is waiting for usnow/ right now/ at themoment.Eg.丄 s six o clock. The children are playing basketball. 句中用到“ Listen !”“Look!”“Keep quiet ”“Don t makenoise! ”等提示语时,表明说话间另一个动作正在进行,这时,句子也要用 现在进行时。Eg: Keep quiet! The teachers are talk ing in the office.Eg. Look! They a

6、re play ing basketball on the playgro und.2222v1.0可编辑可修改Eg. Don t make noise! The baby is sleeping.Eg. Listen! She is singing in the room.these(3)现在进行时常用来表示在当前一直做着的动词,这时句中常用days ,all the time等时间状语。Eg: These days, uncle Wang is build ing a small room for his dog.Eg. Con diti ons are cha nging all the

7、 time.(4) 通过上下文句义,表明某一动作是现在或说话瞬间发生的动作,这个句子也 要用现在进行时态。Eg: - Is your mother at home-Yes, she is .she is watchi ng TV.Eg. -Where is Tom-He is running on the playgro und.表示状态和感觉的词,如:know, love, like, look like, want, hear, see,believe, look, smell, taste, feel, sou nd般不能用于进行时态,因为他们不能表示正在进行的动作。Eg: Look!

8、There are some sheep on the hill.Eg. Look! The boat looks like a duck.Eg. Now. I want to go to Beiji ng.(6)对于无法持续动作的词,一般常用现在进行时表示将来。如:go, come,start , move, sail , leave , arrive , stay, live, flyEg. We are leav ing on Friday.Eg. I m coming.写出下列动词的现在分词形式:waitlivegrowplayhavesleepfly singgoreadraindr

9、awcomegetput、根据句意,用所给动词的适当形式填空:1. Liste n, Mr. Wuon the phone (talk).2. Isoccernow. I m walking (not play)3. -Is your father at home-Yes, he is .Hea TV show. (watch)4. They hop now. (want)5. - you for your friends (wait)-No, I m not.6. Steve is very busy. Hea letter (write)7. Don t speak! My father

10、(sleep).8. It s twelve o clock. The students lunch.9. Don t go out! It . (rain)10. -Why are you sta nding here , Dave-Ifor Scott. (wait)11. The boys(help) their mother in the kitchen now.12. The sky is blue and the sun (s 13. What those people (do)now They(look)at the pictures.14. Look, Sam (dig) in

11、 the garde n.15. Are you(th ink) about your En glish less on16. The childre n(listen) to the music.4444v1.0可编辑可修改17. he (run) on the playgro und18. Jim and Pat (read) right now19. What are they doing They(swim) in the sea20. What are you doi ng I(play) the pia no.三、按要求改写句子。1. The children are making

12、 a model.(否定句)2. Tim is eating an apple.(一般疑问句 )3. Are you doing your homework now (作肯定和否定回答 )4. They are study ing at home. (at school)(改为选择疑问句 )they at home at school5. Miss Wang is sitti ng in a sofa.(对划线部分提问)6. They are worki ng in a factory these days.7. She is learning the piano this year.(用 l

13、earning the violin改为选择疑问句)8. Helen s father is cleaning his car.(对划线部分提问)9. I am readi ng En glish in the garde n.(对划线部分提问)10. Tom and Bob are listening to the radio. ( 对划线部分提问)11. I am wanting to buy a hot dog for my lun ch.(改错)课后练习:写出下列动词的现在分词形式:study turnbuildwinclosehelpshi ne doreadsit runstop二

14、、将下列句子改为现在进行时,必要时可加n ow, at the mome nt 等单词或词组。1.1 write a letter.2. My father walks in the garde n.3. Do they travel to London4. The train stops at the stati on.5. The man doesn t cut down a tree. 6. Where do they play football 三、用所给动词的正确形式填空。1. the girls(open) the win dows now2. I not(make) cards.

15、3. She ters.4. Lucy icture in the room right now.5. Ted (drive) a bus on his way home at the moment.6. Look! The little cat(eat) the beef.7. Listen! Who (cry) in the next room8. Is your father at home Yes, he(read) n ewspaper.9. What they (dig) now10. Be careful! The bus(come).11. It is six o clock

16、and he his breakfast. He always6666v1.0可编辑可修改his breakfast at six oclock. (have)12. “Where are you going ” “Ifishing. ”“ How ofte n you ”lunch.“I fishing once every two weeks.” (go)13. She arest now. She usually a rest after(have)14.1 (believe) you(tell) the truth now.15. The poor dog (look) ill.专题复

17、习一过去进行时一、意义过去进行时常表示过去某一时刻或过去某一阶段内正在进行的动作二、构成be (was/ were )+ 动词现在分词(-ing形式)三、 动词的现在分词的构成:(同现在进行时)四、过去进行时的句型转换肯定句:主语+was/were+do ing+其它Eg1. He was cook ing at six last ni ght.Eg2. I was read ing a book at that time/ the n.Eg3. They were writi ng a report at nine yesterday.否定句:主语 +was/were+no t+do ing

18、+ 其它Eg1. He wasn t cooking at six last night.Eg2. I wasn t reading a book at that time/ then.Eg3. They weren t writing a report at nine yesterday.一般疑问句及答语: Was/Were+主语+do ing+其它Eg1. Was he cook ing at six last ni ghtEg2. Were you read ing a book at that time/ the nEg3. Were they writ ing a report at

19、 nine yesterday特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词+was/were+主语+doi ng+其它Eg1. What was he doing at six last ni ghtEg2. Where were you read ing a book the nEg3. Who was talk ing to the teacher at ten yesterday五、过去进行时常见时间标志词和用法过去某个时间正在发生的动作Eg. He was cooki ng at six last night.过去某段时间正在发生的动作例: I was staying here from March to

20、May last year.与过去进行时连用的时间状语,常见的有at nine last night;at that time= the n; at this time yesterday; at ten yesterday;from 9 to ten yesterday;from 4 to six last ni ght; from March to May last year六、与过去进行时连用的固定句型(when/while当时候)While只能跟延续性动词连用,when既能引导延续性动词,也能引导非延续性动词。1)过去进行时 + while +过去进行时2 )过去进行时 + when

21、+一般过去时3 ) 一般过去时 + whe n/while +过去进行时Eg1.m was readingwhile Kate was watching TV.Eg2. Jim was readingwhen the teacher came in.Eg3. Jim came in while/when Kate was watching TV.8888v1.0可编辑可修改七、注意一般过去时和过去进行时的区别He watched TV last night.(过去时间 last night,用一般过去时)He was watching TV at nine last night.(过去时间 l

22、ast night+ 点时间at nine,用过去进行时)课堂练习:一、写出下列动词的现在分词形式。dohidewalkgoblowwatchcryslipdanceseefallskate二、用所给动词的适当形式填空I. 1 omputer games at ten last ni ght.2. Jim s family (have) supper when I came in.3. It rd at this time yesterday.4. What u hile I (make) a model pla ne.5. He st(leave) whe n the teleph one

23、rang.6. We e) a class at four yesterday.7. They d) at eight yesterday eve ning.8. I y homework at that time whe n you called me._you eep) the floor while your mother(cook)10. We h other yesterdaymorni ng.II. What you(do) at eight last night12. I (work) from six to eight every eve ning twoyears ago.1

24、3. She(walk) home whe n she(see) her oldfriend.14. I (read) a no vel whe n I(have) asudde n idea.15. Colin _ (play) football with them at seven yesterdayeve ning._they(help) you with your En glish from 8 to 10 last ni ght(listen)to the music while they (dance)18. My son th whe n I(call) him.三、按要求改写下

25、列句子。1. It was raining hard when we left the cinema.(否定句)2. We were watching TV this time yesterday.(一般疑问句)3. Were you talk ing on the pho ne whe n the doorbell rang (作肯定回答和否定回答)4. She was reading at nine o clock last night.( 用 watching TV 改为选择疑问句)5. They were working in a factory those days.(对戈U线部分提

26、问 )6. They were hav ing a volleyball match this time last week. ( 对戈 U线部分提问)7. The policemen were running after a thief at 8 last night.(对划线部分提问)8. The teacher was talking with a naughty boy when the telephone rang.10101010v1.0可编辑可修改(对划线部分提问)课后练习:一、单项选择1. He hurt his foot while hethe tree.A. climbed

27、B. was climbi ngC. is climbi ng D. climbs2. While mother, father was smoking.A. cooks B. cookedC. was cook ingD. is cook ing3. Whe n I met her in the shop, Mary a scarf.A. buys B. bought C. is buying D. was buying4. It to rain whe n wea meeting.A. bega n; had B. bega n; were hav ingC. beg in; begi n D. beg ins; bega n5. We rt whe n she arrived.A. were wait ing B. wait B. waited D. are wait ing6. The man down while he for the bus.A. was falli ng; ran B. fell; ranC. was falli ng; was running D. fell; runs7. Mary


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