



1、如皋市第二中学简介如皋市第二中学地处如皋市城北街道,傍依省道316线、国道204 线,是一所既有深厚文化底蕴,又充满现代人文气息的省三星级优质高中。 学校曾经两度调整,三易其名。1997年,原如皋市何庄中学和如皋市城西 高中两所农村薄弱学校合并新建为如皋市城西中学;2004年,如皋市城西中 学晋升为“江苏省三星级重点高中” ;2011年,如皋市政府第四十二次常 务会议讨论决定,原如皋市城西中学、磨头中学、丁堰中学合并组建如皋市 第二中学,合并后的新校址在原如皋市城西中学。目前,学校占地面积63595平方米,绿化面积25100平方米,建筑面 积32980平方米,总资产3700万元。学校建有三座教

2、学楼、一座省标理 化生实验大楼、一座行政办公楼,拥有400米塑胶环形跑道、两块篮球场 和400多个座位的多功能报告厅。图书馆、阅览室、信息技术、音乐和美术 等专用教室一应俱全,所有教室均配备三机一幕,建有校园网、校园广播系 统、校园监控系统等。校园内名贵树木郁郁葱葱,亭台楼阁交相辉映;学生 运动场地布局合理,校园文艺长廊作品纷呈。学校现有44个教学班,在校生总数1948人,班均44人。在编 教师 300人,其中中学高级教师32人,中学一级教师1门人;南通市学科带头 1人,南通市骨干教师和教坛新秀6人;如皋市学科带头人1人,如皋市骨 干教师和教坛新秀15人;如皋市学科基地成员11人。学校管理理念

3、先进,办学具有特色。领导班子高瞻远瞩,高点定位,实行灵动和谐、以人为本的创新型管理模式,努力用有深度的管理造就有高度 的学校。学校坚持“举科研兴校之旗,走内涵发展之路”的办学理念,成 立了教师发展中心,大力开发校本课程。学校着力打造“四单一本”特色课 堂教学模式,教育教学质量稳步提升,学校连续六年荣获如皋市高中教学质 量综合评估一等奖。学生自主管理富有 特色,学生自主管理委员会广泛开展 读书节、艺术节、科技节、园林节、感恩节等校园文化活动,成功举办如皋 市德育现场会学生社团展 示活动。艺术特色教育稳步发展,学校被评为“如 皋市艺术特色项目建设学校”,成为如皋市唯一招收艺术特长生的普通高 c|z

4、i o近年来,如皋市第二中学贯彻坚持科学发展观,办学品位日益提高, 先后荣膺“江苏省教育现代化先进学校”、“江苏省绿色学校”、“江苏 省体育工作先进单位”、“南通市十佳校园”、“南通市思想道德建设工 作先进集体”、“南通市教育系统先进单位”、“如皋市高中阶段常规管理 先进单位”等数十个荣誉称号。Brief introduction of Rugao city middle school secondThe second middle school of Rugao city is located in RugaoCity, North Street, near the provincial h

5、ighway 316 line, 204 State Line Road, which is not only a rich cultural heritage, but also full of modern humanistic SamSung grade high school. The school has twice adjusted, its three n ame .In 1997, the original Rugao Hezhuang middle school and RugaoCity West high school two rural weak schools wit

6、h new Rugao City West High School; in 2004, Rugao City West High School promoted as Jiangsu provinee SamSung class key high schoolH; in 2011, Rugao CityHall forty-second executive meeting to discuss the decision, Rugao City West high school, head of middle school Ding Yan middle school, the merger o

7、f the second middle school of RugaoCity, after the merger the newpremises in the original Rugao City West High school.At present, the school covers an area of 63595 square meters, green area of 25100 square meters, construction area of 32980 square meters, the total assets of 37000000 yuan. The scho

8、ol has three teaching buildings, a province standard physical experiment building, an administration building, with 400 meters of plastic circular runway, two basketball field and more than 400 seat multi-purpose hall. Library, reading room, information technology, music and art classrooms Goods are

9、 available in all varieties., classrooms are equipped with all three machine seene, built the campusnetwork, campusbroadcast system, campusmonitoring system. The campusof rare trees and a wild profusion of vegetation, pavilions, terraces and open halls add radiance and beauty to each other; the stud

10、ent sports venue layout reas on able, campus art gallery art scene.School of existing teaching 44 classes, students in the total number of 1948 people, 44 people of class .In the series of teacher of 300 people, including senior secondary school teachers in 32 people, a secondary school teacher 111

11、people; Nantong City, Nantong City, 1 academic leaders, key teachers and excellent teacher 6 people; RugaoCity, 1 academic leaders, Rugao backbone teachers and excellent teacher 15 people; Rugao city discipline base member 11 people.The school advaneed management concept, school running features. Le

12、adership look far ahead from a high plane, high position, and innovative management model to implement smart harmony, people- oriented, strive to use depth of managementto create a high school. Schools adhere to the lift research hing school flag, walk the connotation of development philosophy, esta

13、blished the teacher development center, develop school-based courses. Schools focus on creating nclassroom teaching modeof the four single characteristics, education, steady improvement in the quality of teaching, the school for six consecutive years won the first prize of comprehensive assessment o

14、f the quality of teaching high school in Rugaocity. Students* autonomous management characteristic, independent commission managementstudents to carry out extensive readingFestival, Arts Festival, science and technology festival, Garden Festival, Thanksgiving and other campus cultural activities, th

15、e successful hosting of the Rugao city education field will students association exhibition. The steady development of art education, the school was namednRugao city art characteristics of the project construction, Rugaocity has becomethe only school” for art students in senior high school.In recent years, the second middle school in Rugao, stick to theScientific Outlook on Development, school grade increasing, has won the”Jiangsu Province Education Advanced School”,green schools in Jiangsu provinee”,HJiangsu provinee sports work advanced uni


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