



1、湖北省2012高考英语二轮复习专题训练:完型填空(32)(1)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项( a b、c和d)中,选出可以填入空白 处的最佳选项。when i was in the 8th grade in ohio, a girl namedhelen in my class had a terrible accident . as she was 1 to the bus in order not to miss it, she slipped on the ice and fell under the back wheels of the bus. she 2 the acc

2、ident but was paralyzed from the waist down . i went to see her, in my 13-year-old 3 thinking that she wouldn t live 4 from then on .over the years, i 5 and didn t think much about helen after that . three years ago ,in florida, my oldest son was hit by a car while riding his bike, 6 a terrible brai

3、n injury . while i was looking after my son, a lady who said she was the hospital s social worker called. it was a (an) 7 trying (难受的) day. i burst into tearsfor no reason and rang 8 .a short time later, a beautiful woman, in a wheelchair, 9 intomy son s roomwith a box of 10. after 16 years, i still

4、 11 helen . she smiled, handed me the tissues and hugged me i told her who i was, and after we both went through the shock of that, she began to tell me about 12 since we last saw each other . she married, had children and got her degree so that she 13 the path for those people who were less 14 than

5、 her . she told me that if there was anything she could give me, it would be 15.looking at this wonderful, giving person, i felt 16. but i also felt thefirst hope i had since learning that myson was 17. from this person that i thoughtwould have no 18 of life, i learned that where there is life, ther

6、e is hope. myson miraculously (神奇的) 19 and we moved north, but i owe helen 20 that i can never repay .1. a. wakingb. ridingc. runningd. driving2. a. livedb. survivedc. existedd. escaped3. a. mindb. brainc. headd. thought4. a. equallyb. calmlyc. quietlyd. normally5. a. studiedb. movedc. workedd. live

7、d6. a. sufferingb. causingc. bearingd. catching7. a. normallyb. particularlyc. necessarilyd. eventually8. a. upb. offc. backd. down9. a. ranb. walkedc. rolledd. moved10. a. tissuesb. presentsc.pillsd. candies11. a. realizedb. knewc. recognizedd. reminded12. a. her lifeb. her sonc. her familyd. her w

8、ork13. a. clearb. smoothc. cleand. open14. a. richb. healthyc. strongd. fortunate15. a. moneyb. hopec. pityd. medicine16. a. smallb. pitifulc. weakd. shameless17. a. admittedb. beatenc. hurtd. hospitalized18. a. useb. valuec. meaningd. quality19. a. treatedb. worsenedc. relievedd. recovered20. a. so

9、me moneyb. some tissuesc. a debtd. a hope(2)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(a、b c和d)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。i was shopping at a department store and had just boarded the down escalator(电动扶梯) when i noticed a womanstanding at the side . she looked about 65 yearsold, and her expression told me she was 1 .i turned towar

10、d her and asked, do you need help?as the escalator continued moving i heard the womanreply 2 , im afraid there was a hint (暗示)of disbelief in her 3. do you want meto come 4 andget you? i called to her . she 5 . but by the time i 6 her, the woman reconsidered, sorry, i dont think i can even put my fe

11、et on it. i was suddenly7 that i took a more difficult task than i had expected. i know we can do it,i comforted her, i can 8 you . she looked down at the beast . then her eyes came back to mine, looking 9 this has never 10 me before, she said, as much to herself as to me . i felt that her sudden 11

12、 had something to do with the escalator s inhuman mechanical coldness.itook her arm. she made a littlesound of 12 aswe stepped on, but she13slightlyas the stairs moved us 14 .idont understandthis at all, she said.aswe neared the bottom, her 15 _ was tight on my arm again, but we did fine.imso _16_sh

13、e began . it was nothing,i said, i was happy to do it.yes, i was very happy at that moment i am busy 17 a_ family and workingfulltime .i do 18to help others . fora brief moment, i had a flash of understandinginto why someone would become a nurseor a social worker.wheni 19 thewoman,i felt pure,whole

14、and purposeful . itwas a 20 moment than i dhad in weeks .1. a.scaredb. delightedc. enjoyabled. frustrated2. a.patientlyb. pleasantlyc. coldlyd. softly3. a.behaviorb. expressionc. questiond. voice4. a.inb. backc. downd. out5. a.noddedb. refusedc. smiledd. waved6. a.arrivedb. leftc. reachedd. grasped7

15、. a.disappointedb. convincedc. sured. aware8. a.care aboutb. hold on toc. send ford. take control of9. a.optimisticb. proudc. doubtfuld. angry10. a.attended tob. happened toc. came acrossd. let down11. a.fearb. decisionc. attituded. change12. a.interestb. alarmc. joyd. surprise13. a.frightenedb. worriedc. releasedd. relaxed14. a. downwardb. upwardc.outward.d. backward15. a. pushb. holdc.weightd. shake16. a. gratefulb. afraidc.braved. embarrassed17. a. caring forb


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