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1、仁爱版七年级下册 Unit 7 Topic 2 Section A 的微课设计 王秀杰 一、教材依据 仁爱版教材,七年级下册 Unit 7 Topic 2 Section A 二、设计理念 整个单元由生日聚会这一主题串联起来, 各项活动都是围绕着生 日聚会展开。 本单元的 Topic2 通过形式多样的对话, 短文及综合探 究活动,谈论人们现在和过去能做和不能做的事情。因此 SectionA 引出情态动词can的用法,让学生学会“能”和“不能”的表达方式。 此部分的学习是完成 Topic2 听、说、读、写综合训练的基础和关键。 根据初一下学期学生已具备听说读写的初步技能和掌握一定的学习 方法的情

2、况,对教学内容进行了重新组合和加工,先学习2.3两部 分,然后再进行1 a和1 b的学习,这样符合学生的认知规律,更 易于学生接受.在教学过程中,运动录音机,身体语言,多媒体等手 段为学生营造出可以理解的, 富有实践意义的交际情景和任务, 并以 此为依插在活动中激发学生探索知识, 发现问题。 在教学方法上运用 观察、分析、归纳、讨论、竞赛等多种方式使学生积极主动地学习, 突出了以人为本,促进学生全面发展的教学理念。 三、教学目标 一) 知识与能力目标: 1. Learn the usage of“can/cant ” 2.Improve the studentsabilities of lis

3、tening 、speaking reading and writing. (二)过程与方法:Co-operatio n and com muni catio n with each other. ( 三 ) 、情感态度与价值观: Encourage the students to be an able person in the future. 四、教学重点 1. The usage of can/cant 2. Some useful expressions: very well, a little, not - -at all, no way, at the party、have a g

4、ood time, dance the disc、o perform ballet. 五、教学难点 Talk about ability and inability correctly. 六、教学准备 资源收集:课前师生从网上或生活实际中收集各种行为活动的图 片,特别是学生们感兴趣的有关文体方的活动,扩展词汇,加大课堂 容量 课件制作: 根据教学内容和过程制作成一系列的 FLASH CARDS .它给教学过程的展示,增强直观性,省时,高效,起到很 好的教学辅助作用 活动准备:主要的活动有对话问答,小组讨论,竞赛等,按照平 时所组合的学习小组积极展开就可以 这些活动可以培养学生的交际 能力,合作

5、,探究的能力和团队精神。 七、教学过程 Procedure Teach ing contents Activity Purpose Stepl Revisi on 1. Talk about dates. 2. Talk about birth time and birth places. Askand an swer. Warmup prepare for thenew less on. Step2 Prese ntati on 1. Show a picture of Yao Ming. Ask: What is he doi ng? He is play ing basketball.

6、He can play basketball. Can he play basketball? Yes, he can. /very well./a little. Explain the usage of can”. 2. Ask: Can you fly? No, I can .No, not at all. Explain the usage of can ”. 3. Practise the sentences by asking the students using the words like this: walk 、swim、 speak Askand an swerin pai

7、rs. En able the stude nts to un dersta nd the usage of canand can . Step3 Practice 1. Show some pictures on the computer. Let the students ask and an swer in pairs .In the pictures learn the new words: dance the disco、 perform ballet、skate. In the pictures, expand the new words: box(拳击),ski. 1. Ask

8、and answer in pairs. 2. Complete the dialog. Con solidate thenew conten ts. Improve the abilityof writi ng. 2. Finish 2. 3. Work alone . Finish 3. Explain: no way 、bone. Step4 1. Lead-in: Say some words to Readand En able the Prese ntati on prepare for 1a. an swerthe Ssto Say Kangkang birthday is qu

9、esti ons. un dersta nd coming. His frie nds Maria, Practice the the dialog Jane will come to his birthday dialogin further and party. What can they do at the party? 2. Read 1a by themselves and fin ish 1b. Check the an swers. 3. Liste n to 1a and repeat. Expla in : have a good time . 4. Practice 1a

10、in pairs. pairs. lear n to use it. Step5 1. Let students say some 1. Students Use the new Con solidati on sentences by using “ can or compete. contents to I can t . 2. Discuss in solvethe Haveacompetitio n groups. problem. between boys and girls or 3. Writea At the same groups. 2. Show some ads and

11、let the stude nts write a short passage according to the ads. One ad: Need a housekeeper. Let the students discuss in groups. The n collect the an swers, passage. time have a moral educati on. write a passage about what a housekeeper can do or cant do. Another ad: Choose the good stude nts. Let the

12、students discuss in groups. The n collect the an swers. Write a passage about what a good student can do or cant do. Step6 Summary 1. Let the students summarize whatthey have lear ned today. 2. Teacher points out what we should pay atte nti on to. 1. Students sum up. 2. The teacher offers help. Improve the stkude nts abilityof summi ng up. Step7 Homework Writea shortpassage introducing what you can or can do. Do homework Con solidate thenew conten ts. Writing on the Unit 7 Topic 2 Sectio n A Remember Bb 一、Phra


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