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1、Chapter 10 Drug Abuse and Drug TraffickingChapter OutlineIntroductionDrug AbuseThe Problem of DefinitionAlcohol Prohibition and RegulationControlled SubstancesPossession of Controlled SubstancesPossession of Drug ParaphernaliaThe Manufacture, Prescription, and Sale of DrugsThe Nature and Extent of D

2、rug AbuseThe Impact of Drug AbuseDrugs and CrimeHealth and Other ProblemsClub Drugs, Alcohol, and Campus CrimeFederal Laws and Club DrugsState Laws and Club DrugsEducation about Club DrugsFetal AbuseThe Economic Cost of Drug AbuseThe Impact of Drugs on Criminal Justice SystemsImpact on the CourtsInf

3、luence over Law Enforcement OfficialsPrison and Jail OvercrowdingDrug TraffickingThe Dynamics of Drug TraffickingMoney LaunderingFederal StatutesState StatutesThe Control of Drug Abuse and Drug TraffickingThe Federal LevelThe U.S. War on Drugs: A Brief HistoryRecent White House Drug PoliciesThe Stat

4、e LevelRockefeller and Other Harsh LawsSubstance Abuse and TreatmentDrug CourtsLegalizing Marijuana for Medicinal PurposesSummaryStudy QuestionsFor DebateKey TermsCase AnalysisInternet ActivityNotesKey TermsAttorney client privilege: Prohibits attorneys from revealing to others information told to t

5、hem by their clients.Controlled substances: Any drug that a given statute characterizes as such.Declaratory relief: Prohibiting the enforcement of the federal Controlled Substances Act (CSA) to the extent that it prevents anyone from possessing, obtaining, or manufacturing cannabis for their persona

6、l medical use.Drug: As defined in Black s Law Dictiona,ryan article intended for use in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease in humans or other animals and any article other than food intended to affect the structure or any function of the body of humans or other anim

7、alsDrug abuse: Referring to the illegal use of drugs even if the user in question is not addicted to drugs, but also considering the legal use of some drugs that can be harmful or even fatal (such as alcohol consumed by an adult pregnant woman).Drug trafficking: The illegal sale of or dealing in con

8、trolled substances.Fetal abuse: A concern related to the use of alcohol and other drugs that may lead to stillborn babies or babies with serious birth defects.Money laundering: A process of concealing the existence, source, and disposition of money secured from illegal sources.Witness Protection Pro

9、gram: A program sponsored by the U.S. Marshals that provides a new identity and a new location for persons who aid the government in dangerous high-profile prosecutions.Chapter OverviewDrugs and drug use have been a serious social problem for the nation for some years. In the very recent past the wa

10、r on drugs has also made it a serious problem for the criminal justice system. The effort here is to connect the impact of drugs, and the impact of the war on drugs, to a larger social setting, including a myriad of problems associated with both.Defining drug use and drug abuse is difficult. Drug us

11、e in the nation has undergone some significant ups and downs, each with consequences.There is a connection between drugs, alcohol, and crime. It is not that drugs cause crime; rather, adults who use drugs are far more likely to be involved in other crimes than are those who do not. About one-half of

12、 all homicides are committed by persons who are under the influence of alcohol. Drugs are one of the primary factors in date rape. Enforcement is difficult, however, as new synthetic drugs are developed all the time, often leaving the statutes behind. Many teenagers who are violent abuse alcohol and

13、 drugs. Teenagers who commit suicide are typically substance abusers, and abuse is closely associated with increases in fetal abuse.Teenage suicide is increasingly problematic and is often associated with other violence.? The economic costs of drug abuse and drug-related crime are horrendous. Econom

14、ic damage affects individuals, families, the workplace, the police, the courts, and the prisons and jails. It affects communities, schools, and universities. All effects are negative.? Drug trafficking is difficult to detect and frequently involves violence. Money laundering is a common behavior rel

15、ated to drug trafficking, as profits must be hidden. Enforcement is complicated by the ineffectiveness of the justice systems in nations where drug cartels function at will.? There are many responses to drug trafficking and abuse. Some of the policy initiatives are on the federal level; others are o

16、n the state and local levels. Critics focus on the costs of the war on drugs and the negative consequences it has caused.Learning ObjectivesAfter studying this chapter the student will:1. Be able to discuss the problem of defining drug abuse.2. Be able to describe the impact of drug abuse on communi

17、ties, on infant mortality, andon infant abuse as well as the economic cost of drug abuse.3. Be able to discuss the impact of drug use and abuse on the criminal justice. system.4. Be able to define money laundering.5. Be able to discuss the history of the war on drugs from the national perspective.6.

18、 Be able to explain substance abuse and treatment programs at the state level.7. Be able to explain what a drug court is.8. Be able to discuss the pros and cons of legalizing marijuana for medicinal purposes and identify the jurisdictions that have attempted to do so.Review Questions1. Discuss the d

19、ifficulty of defining drug abuse as a moral issue or a disease.2. Discuss the impact of drug abuse on communities, the criminal justice system, and the economic system in the United States.3. What is money laundering?4. Briefly discuss the history of the war on drugs from the national perspective in

20、 the United States.5. Explain what a drug court is as well as its purpose.6. Discuss both sides of the argument regarding the legalization of marijuana usage for medicinal purposes.7. Identify which jurisdictions have attempted through state statutes to legalize marijuana use for medicinal purposes.

21、8. Discuss alcohol prohibition and regulation. Which amendment implemented prohibition in the United States? Which amendment repealed prohibition?9. What are controlled substances? Explain possession of controlled substances. What is the difference between actual and constructive possession?10. Disc

22、uss the various impacts of drug abuse.Multiple Choice Questions1. Drug abuse appears to be related to child abuse in that approximately of drug abusecenter patients report that they were sexually abused when they were children.a. one-thirdb. two-thirdsc. one-fifthd. one-half2. There is evidence that

23、 substance abuse among teens is associated with juvenile and acts.a. criminalb. civilc. adultd. suicidal3. The Bank Secrecy Act required that banks must report any domestic transactions of more than what amount of money?a. $5,000b. $10,000c. $15,000d. $20,0004. Arrests for lead all other crimes in e

24、stimated arrestsa. drug-defined offensesb. a drug addict offensesc. drug-related offensesd. all of these5. A primary purpose of theis to con trol the supply and dema nd of con trolled substa ncesin both lawful and unlawful drug markets.a. CSAb. CIAc. FBId. TSA6. Which of the follow ing is spon sored

25、 by the U.S. Marshals and provides a new ide ntity and anew locatio n for pers ons who aid the gover nment in dan gerous high-profile prosecutio ns?a. Bank Secrecy Actb. Wit ness Protectio n Programc. The Innocence Projectd. USA Patriot Act7. Recidivism is defi ned as:a. a major aspect of the war on

26、 drugs in itiated by Preside nt Richard M. Nixon.b. further violatio ns of the law by released suspects or inm ates or non crim inal violati onsof con diti ons by probati oners and parolees.c. the processes of receiving, distributing, and selling drugs.d. the len gth of time available for bringing c

27、harges on a particular crime.8. Stealing drugs or money for personal use from sellers and users without arresting them is justone of the many examples of:a. extorti on.b. money laun deri ng.c. bribery.d. law enforcement corruption.9. Drugs are brought into the country by:a. couriers.b. tenders.c. ar

28、bitrators.d. mediators.10. The American Social Health Association defines as“the use of moomodifying chemicals outside of medical supervision, and in a manner which is harmful to the person and the community. ”a. drug abuseb. drug traffickingc. fetal alcohol syndromed. Stockholm syndrome11. Drugs su

29、ch as and are helpful in the treatment of cancer pain, nauseadue to radiation and chemotherapy, and glaucoma (an eye disease that results in the loss of vision and can cause blindness).a. methamphetamine and heroinb. marijuana and Ecstacyc. marijuana and heroind. opium and morphine12. Which of the f

30、ollowing is true in regard to gang activity?a. Two social science researchers found little correlation between the presence of gangsand the prese nee of drugs and guns in schools.b. Because of outside terrorist attacks, gangs are being viewed as a low threat to thecoun try.c. Today s gangs areeriike

31、ly to be invoIved in illegal drugs and to be violent.d. Gang activity seems to be decreas ing in stead of in creas ing.13. The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) stated that the top medical problems in theUnited States are “ directly linke_ to . ”a. drug addictsb. drug abusec. child abused. alc

32、ohol14. The category of drugs that receives the highest regulati on by the federal Con trolledSubsta nces Act is Scheduledrugs.a. Ib. IIc. IIId. IV15. The Reduci ng America ns Vul nerability to Ecstasy (RAVE) Act of 2002 was desig ned to cutdow n on the prese nee of drugs in:a. colleges.b. gan gs.c.

33、 pris ons.d. clubs.16. Statutes that went into effect in 1973 in New York, which increased the penalties for drugpossession and the sale of drugs, were called laws.a. Rockefellerb. Patakic. New York Marijuana Reformd. drug policy17. Which of the following is supervised by a sitting judge and is an i

34、ntensive, community-based treatment, rehabilitation, and supervision program for drug defendants?a. the Sentencing Projectb. drug courtc. Proposition 215d. the war on drugs18. The challenge now for those who believe marijuana should be permitted for medicinal reasons is to convince Congress to amend

35、:a. Public Acts 665, 666, and 670.b. Proposition 215.c. the USA Patriot Act.d. the Controlled Substances Act.19. The boldest example of a return to the treatment of drug offenders is that of:a. Oklahoma.b. New York.c. California.d. Texas.20. The denial to some sick people of the drugs needed for tre

36、atment, costing billions of dollarswhile showing little success, and whether the government s approach has a differentialimpact on persons of color and the poor are all criticisms of:a. drug courts.b. the war on drugs.c. the USA Patriot Act.d. Rockefeller laws.Fill-in-the-Blank Questions1. The doctr

37、ine that prohibits attorneys from revealing to othersinformation told to them by their clients. The privilege belongs with the clients; so they can, ifthey choose to do so, release their attorneys from this confidential relationship.2. A substance used to alter the body or mind of a living being; ma

38、y beharmful or fatal.3. The chronic or periodic misuse of alcohol or other drugs. It isconsidered detrimental to society as well as to the individual abuser. It may occur even if thesubstance has been prescribed by the individual s physician.4. Trading in illegal drugs.5. Further violations of the l

39、aw by released suspects or inmates ornoncriminal violations of conditions by probationers and parolees.6. A program sponsored by the U.S. Marshals; it provides a new identityand a new location for persons who aid the government in dangerous high-profileprosecutions or who, for other reasons, would b

40、e at risk in society without such protection.7. A legal doctrine that permits a defendant to argue that an otherwisecriminal act was taken for the purposes of meeting a medical need.8. Hiding the existence, illegal use of, or illegal source of income andmaking that income appear legal by disguising

41、it.9. reports data from its annual survey on the abuse and illegal use of alcohol,other drugs, and tobacco among nonstitutionalized populations ages 12 and over.10. The highest rate of current illicit drug use was among people ages .11. Most drug abuse arrests are for of illegal drugs.12. is often c

42、alled the date rape drug.13. cracks down on persons who put teenagers at risk of using Ecstasy or other clubdrugs by prohibiting renting, leasing, or profiting from any place in which the drugs are used.14. The National Institute on drug abuse estimates that the annual cost of substance abuse in the

43、 United States is over billion dollars.15. Arrests for lead all other crimes in estimated arrests (an estimated1,638,846 arrests in 2010).16. The Sentencing Commission emphasized that in 2010, more than percent of theinmates in prisons were racial and ethnic minorities.17. One of the most widespread criminal problems in the world is .18. In regard to money laundering, the U.S. Supreme Court held that th_erequirementof the statute requires the government to prove that the defenda“n


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