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1、2019年辽宁省沈阳市中考英语试题(word版,有答案)2019年辽宁省沈阳市中考英语试题(word版,有答案)第一部分 选择题(三大题;共38分)一、单项填空(共10小题,每小题0.5分;满分5分)从A、B C D中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。1. Paper isuseful inven ti on .Cai Lun inven ted it around 2 ,000 years ago.A. aB.a nC.the D.不填2. Why is Graces Chin ese so good?Because sh China for ten years.A.has gone to B.

2、has bee n to C.has come toD.has bee n in3. People who always do sports are inspirits tha n those who dont.A.high B.higher C.tall D.taller4. You should walkin snowy weather so that you will not fall over.A.happilyB.slowlyC.sadly D.quickly5. Last week,some studentsan English play at Rosie Bridge Schoo

3、l.A.put out B.put away C.put on D.put up6. When we succeeded in reaching the top of Mount Tai , we felt proud of.A.weB.usC.our D.ourselves7. A hanfu showin Museum of History n ext week.A.is held B.was held C.will be heldD.has bee n held8. Youalways be careful with electricity for safety.A.mustB.ca n

4、C.must ntD.ca nt9. The book is excelle nt.Could you tell me?A.where did you buy itB.where you bought itC.where do you buy itD.where you buy it10. Hi, Joan!l won the mens100 metre race yesterday!Thats won derful n ews.A.Never mi nd. B.You are welcome.C.Con gratulati ons!D.Thats all right.二、完形填空(共15小题

5、,每小题1分;满分15分)阅读短文,掌握其大意,然后从A B、C、D中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Ray had a wonderful family and lived very happily.He had four grandchildren, and they all came to see him 11 their holidays.One day, Ray was preparing to welcome them as usual:cleaning the house and cooking delicious food. 12 he was working, he lost

6、his favorite watch which was a 13_from his deceased (已故的)wife.Ray loved the watch very much ,and he was very sad.When his grandchildren arrived , they 14 him they would find the watch.One granddaughter asked, “ Grandpa,where did you see the watch last 15 it went missing? ”Ray replied,“ Maybe in the

7、barn (谷仓)! “ The children searched there for more than two hour 16 Could not find it .One of his gra ndsons wan ted to search the barn 17_,and Ray asked why he was going there.The little boy did nt explain but asked 18 not to follow him.A mome nt later , he rushedback to his grandfather, I found it!

8、he shouted. pay was 19 and asked how he made it.The little boy replied,I stood in the barn 20 making any noise,and tried my best to keep silent.After a few 21, I heard the sound of tick tick.At last,I 22 the watch from the hay (干草).Afterhearing his words , Ray hugged. The little boy and 23 him very

9、much.The story tells us if we 24 calm (冷静的),we can fired a solution.This shows the power of 25.11.A.betwee nB.duri ngC.am ongD.past12.A.U nlessB.OverC.WhileD.Still13.A.reportB.giftC.letterD.message14.A. suggestedB.doubtedC.expectedD.promised15.A. afterB.beforeC.u ntilD.si nee16.A.a ndB.soC.orD.but17

10、.A.everB.aga inC.alreadyD.always18.A.otherB.ano therC.the otherD.the others19.A.a ngryB.boredC.unhappyD.surprised20.A. withoutB.byC.aboutD.except21.A.weeksB.daysC.hoursD.mi nu tes22.A.looked upB.t uned upC.pickedupD.made up23.A.acceptedB.tha nkedC.savedD.protected24.A stopB.se ndC.stayD.seem25. A. h

11、abitB.decisi onC.sile neeD.sup0esti on三、阅读理解(共12小题,每小题1.5分:满分18分)阅读短文,然后根据其内容从A、B、C、D中选出最佳选项。An tibiotic Gream (消炎药膏)uses: cream to treat pain and infection (感染)from small burn on skin.26. Where can we use the cream on our bodies?A. In eyes.B.On ski n.C.On teeth.D.On hair.27. We should visitif we ha

12、ve serious burns.A. a den tistB.a reporter C.a doctor D.a nurse28. How many times a day do we put the cream on the burn at least?A.Two B.Three C.Four. D.Five.29. Which of the followi ng stateme nts about the An tibiotic Cream is true?A.It is only used on faceB.lt can be eate n as food.C.It is best f

13、or preg nant wome n.D.It must be kept at room temperature.BMost people are afraid of sharks , but they usually do not know very much about them.For example,there are 350 types of sharks , and all of them are meat esters.Some sharks are very big.The whale shark is 50 to 60 foot Iong.But some sharks a

14、re very small.The dwarf (侏儒)shark is only 6 in ches (英寸)Ion g.Sharks are 100 millio n years old .In fact,they lived at the same time asdinosaurs.Today, sharks live in every ocean on the earth , but most sharks live in warm water.36. According to the itemized bill , knowing where to tap cost.A. $10,

15、000B.$9, 998C.$9, 996D.$237. Whats the main idea of the text?A Effort is very importa nt whe n you are in trouble.B. Fix ing the engine of a gia nt ship costs too muchC. Putting the effort in the right place is more important.D. Los ing the engin es power is the reas on for ask ing tor第二部分非选择题(四大题;共

16、 62分)四、回答问题(共 5小题,每小题2分:满分10分)阅读短文,然后根据内容回答所提问题。Dumpli ngsYou n eed:wrappers (饺子皮) vegetables beef saltSteps1. Put beef in a bowl.2. Cut the vegetables into small pieces with a knife.3. Add the vegetables to the beet . Then add a little oil and salt.4. Mix with chopsticks.5. Put a spoonful of filing

17、 (馅)in a wrapper and told the wrapper around it.6. Put the dumpli ngs in the boili ng water7. ate the dumpli ngs out whe n they float (漂浮) to the surface.8. Put the dumpli ngs on a plate.38.Is the text above a menu?39. Besides the vegetables, what else do you add to the beef?40. How do you mix the f

18、iling?41. Whe n do you take the dumpli ngs out?42. Where do you put the dumpli ngs at last?五、阅读填空(共 7小题,每小题1分:满分7分)阅读短文,然后用短文括号中所给词的适当形式填空。Thanks to the non profit (非盈禾U的)program Music and the Brain ,43( recent) it has offered Mayfield School keyboards , music classes and teacher trainingWhen the st

19、udents saw 25piano keyboards in neat rows (整齐地排列),they werequite amazed.After al , it was the _44 ( one) time for them to see something like that.With the help of the program, the children become more creative through music.When they practise playing the piano , they have to be45 (patienee) .The stu

20、dents need all 46(kind) ofabilities to work together They have to see musical notes and decode (解码)them in their brain s.At the same time , they use their fin gers to make soun ds.Music improves the 4乙(stude nts) brains.Music has a special connection with scie nee as well. You can see that many scie

21、 ntists are good at 48 (play) musical instruments:Einstein played the violin , and German physicist Max Planck played the pia no won derfully.In a word , to earn music 49 bel beneficial (有益的)六、综合阅读(共10小题,每小题2分,满分20分)阅读短文,然后按要求完成第50 59小题。Here are two old stories from Chin ese history.The Chin ese peo

22、ple have told them for many years.One is a story about Cao Caos son,a clever boy named Cao Chong.One day,Cao Cao got a huge elepha nt from Sun Quan and he wan ted to know the weight of it. Because there was nt a scale large eno ugh, some soldiers advised him to( A)it up.But Cao Cao did nt want to ki

23、ll theelephant.Just then,Cao Chong came up with a great idea.He asked some soldiers to lead the elephant onto a boat.As the heavy animal walked onto it, the boat went lower into the water.After Cao Chong drew a line on the side of the boat to mark how low it went ,the elephant was taken off the boat

24、. ( B)The boat was filed with rocks until the water reached the line onthe boat. Cao Chong the n weighed the rocks.The rocks and the elepha nt were of the same weight.(C)曹操对他的儿子生常满意。The other story is about a wise man named Zhuge Liang.He was asked to make 100, 000arrows (箭) within 10 days.He told (

25、 D) his soldiers to fill 20 large boats with many strawmen.ln the early morning of the third day , the soldiers said the boats towards the camps of Cao Caos army on the other side of the river.They shouted and boat their drums loud.When Cao Caos soldiers heard the sounds, they thought they were ( E)

26、 attack. However, theycould not see through the thick tog on the river.Cao Cao ordered his soldiers to shoot arrows towards the sounds of the drums and the shout in g.Zhuge Lia ng got eno ugh arrows and the n sailed back successfully.50. 在文中(人)和(E)的空白处填入适当的单词51. 将文中划线部分(B)改写为:The boat wasrocks.52. 将

27、文中划线部分(C)译成英语: 53. 文中划线部分(D)指代的是: 54. 从文中找出两个历史人物: BA different culture keeps my eyes and mind open.When I stayed in Russia(A) an exchange student, I learned about it.One day, a Russia n trend in vited me to a ( B) well known restaura nt in Moscow (莫斯 科) I looked forward to trying local (当地的) food.A

28、fter arriving there , I found nothing on the table but several small plates , on which there were nuts , a few slices (片)of tomatoes, and several pieces of onions.Although the dishes were simple, we drank a lot and I felt the passi on (热情) from the bottom of his heart .In Ch ina , whe n we in vite f

29、riends or relatives , we always treat them to a big dinner.We prepare as much food as we can (C) show ourfrien dli ness.What a different culture it isl Even though we try our best , its very ( D) difficult to get used to their customs.Another Russian custom also impresses me deeply.As we know , it i

30、s very cold in winter there.When winter comes, (E)俄罗斯人喜欢游泳 .They even take their kids outside together.Like their parents , ( F) Russian kids rub (擦)their bodies with snow before jumping into the water.Although the water is freezing cold , they all play happily in itWhat fun it is to know about a di

31、ffere nt culture.55. 在文中(人)和(C)的空白处填入适当的单词:56. 写出文中划线部分(B)和(D)的同义词或近义词:57. 将文中划线部分(E)译成英语 58. 将文中划线部分(F)改写为:Russion kids rub their bodies with snow before into the water.59. 从文中拔出能说明本文主旨大意的短语 .七、阅读与表达(共 2节,A节5分,B节20分。满分25分) A)阅读短文,然后根据其内容从方框中选出可以填入空白处的短语。at all too many my own choices by myself thi

32、nk aboutI often argue (争论) with my mum when I row older. She tries her best to make my lift easier and she does1 things for me.Although I know my mum loves me. I dont think sheun dersta nds me _2_She likes maki ng every decisi on in stead of me.She oven chooses the clothes I wear. I am not given a chanee to _3_ anything!I think its important to be independent(独立的)and make 4 .I want control my lite 5.I am puzzled (困惑的)and have no idea what I should do.B)为了帮助青少年健康快乐地成长,某英文网站开辟了中学生专栏,请你议Itsto take my parents advice 为题,投稿至该网站。【要求


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