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1、以字母 f 开头的单词face fe * n. C脸;面孔;II v. 面对;面向She had a beautiful face. 她有张漂亮的脸。 Our house faces south. 我们的房子面朝南。They stand face to face talking. 他们面对面地站在那里谈着。 face to face 面对面地 He made faces at the baby to make it laugh. 他向婴儿做鬼脸来逗他发笑。 make a face at向做鬼脸【常用搭配】in the face of 面对 I in face 事实上; 实际上; I face

2、up 面朝上, 正面朝上; I lose face丢脸; I onfact f?kt n. C 事实;真相;He drew her attention to that fact.他把她的注意力吸引到那件事实上。In fact, we know what they ate.事实上 , 我们知道他们吃什么。 in fact 事实上,实际上factor f?kt ? n. C 因素;代理商factory f?kt(?)r ? n. C 工厂;制造厂Our school is in front of the factory. fail fe ?l v. 失败;忽视;不及格 Though he may

3、fail, he will try.I passed in maths but failed in French.failure fe ?lj ? n. 失败;不成功 You have to have success and failure. fair fe ? n. C 庙会;集市 I adj.Life is not fair. 生活不是公正的。 The ruling was not fair to everyone.对公正fairness fe ?n?s n. 公平,美好我们的学校就在那个工厂的前面。纵然他可能失败,他还是要试试。我数学及格 , 但法语不及格。 fail in sth.在某

4、事物中失败 你必须经受成功与失败的体验。公平的 ; 公道的这项裁决并非对每个人都公正。 fair to/ on sb.我们的老师以给学生评分公Our teacher is known for her fairness in grading pupils. 平著称。fairly fe ?l ? adv. 相当地 ; 完全地 ;公平地This is a fairly easy book.这是相当浅易的书。fairy fe ?r? n.C 童话故事,仙女,小精灵Please retell the fairy story in English.请用英语复述这篇童话故事。fall f ?l (fell,

5、 fallen) v. 落下;摔倒;Leaves fall off the trees in the autumn.秋天, 树叶纷纷从树上掉下来。I went to Shanghai last year and fell in love with it.我去年去的上海,我喜欢上了这座城市。 fall in love with喜欢 He fell off his bike.他从车上摔了下来。 fall off摔倒 【常用搭配】fall asleep入睡; I fall into落入;分成; I fall of 坠落; I fall down 跌倒;失败;倒塌 I; in the fall 在秋天

6、; I fall off减少;跌落; I fall on 落到;指向; Ifall from 从落下; I fall behind 拖欠;落在后面; I fall back 退却,后退; I fall ill 生病 I【知识拓展】n. (US)= autumn 秋天 ; (pl.) 瀑布 Niagara Falls 尼亚加拉瀑布fallen f ?l( ?)n adj. 倒下的,落下的He slowly climbed over the fallen rocks.他慢慢地爬过那些落下来的岩石。famefe ?m n. U 名声,声誉This is a story about fame.这是一个

7、与名气有关的故事。false f ?s; f ?ls adj.错误的;不正确的;假的I do not accept this result. It is false.我不接受这个结果,它是假的。【知识拓展】 同义词:wrongfamily f?m ? -m( ?)l- n. C家庭;家族He was born of a peasa nt family.他出生于一个农民家庭。【常用搭配】family member家庭成员;家族成员; II family life 家庭生活;II whole family 家庭成员, 全家;II happy family 快乐家庭;幸福之家; II family

8、name 姓氏;II family tree 家谱 famousfe ?r?s adj.著名的;出名的;They want to be famous dancer, I thi nk.我想她们都想当有名的舞蹈家。【易错警示】 be famous for /be famous asbe famous forbe famous for表示因为某种知识技能、作品或特征而出名。Einstein wasfamous for his Theory of Relativity.爱因斯坦以他的相对论而闻名。be famousasbe famous as 表示 作为身份而出名。Einstein was famo

9、us as a greatscie ntist.爱因斯坦以一位伟大的科学豕而者称fan f?n n. C风扇;扇状物;迷(某人/某事物热情崇拜者或拥护着)He can juggle a fan into a bird.他能把扇子变成小鸟。There are many football, jazz, cin ema fans in our school.在我们学校有很多足球迷爵士乐迷,影迷。fantastic f?nt?st汰adj.极好的;荒诞的;奇妙的I have a fan tastic social life.我有着极好的社交生活。far f a? (farther, farthest

10、/further, furthest)adj. 远的;久远的 II adv.遥远地;远隔The bus stop is not far from the hospital.公共汽车站离医院不远。 far from 远离The new music teacher lives far away.新来的音乐教师住得很。 far away 很远,遥远 As far as I know, he has bee n to the tow n only on ce.据我所知,他只去过镇上一次。as far as 就,至于迄今为止on the farm 在农So far the work has been e

11、asy至U 目前为止,这工作很容。so farfarm f d?n n. C农场;种植场They bring him to the farm.他们将他带到农场。I grew up on a farm. I love farms.我在农场长大的,我喜欢农场。场farmer f c? n. C农场主;农夫Id love to be a farmer。我愿意当一个农民。fascinatef?s e? v.使(某人)着迷,神魂颠倒或极感兴趣The childre n were fascin ated by the toys in the shop win dow.孩子们让商店橱窗里的玩具给吸引住了。b

12、e fascin ated with 迷恋fascinatingf?s ?ie?7 adj.吸引人的;迷人的;使人神魂颠倒的It was a fascin ati ng trip.那是一次迷人的旅行。fashion f? ?)n n. C流行的样式;时尚;风尚;时装The Chin ese fashi on show caused a sen sati on in Moscow.中国时装表演在莫斯科弓 I起轰动。【常用搭配】be in fashion 流行; 入时 II be out of fashion 不再流行; 过时 II come into fashion 开始流行fashionabl

13、ef? ?)n ?b( ?)ladj.时兴的;时髦的;流行的And with them, you look even more fashi on able.有了它们,你看起来更加时尚了。fast f aSt adj. 快的;偏快的;II adv.迅速地His son learns fast and well.他的儿子学得又快又好。fast food 速食,快餐;II as fast as 和一样快;II hold fast 紧紧抓住;II fast asleep 熟睡的;很快地入睡;II fast train 快车【易错警示】fast / quicklyfastfast指人或物的运动速度快。例

14、如:The car runs fast.车子在飞驶。quicklyquickly 指事情发生或完成得快,延续的时间短,也常指人的思维快、反应快或动作敏捷。例如:The stude nt fou nd the an swer to the quickly.学生很快地找到了问题的答案。fat f?t adj. (fatter, fattest)肥的;肥胖的 In.脂肪;肥肉If you eat too much chocolate, you ll get fat.如果你吃太多巧克力,就会发胖。You n eed some fat.你需要一些脂肪。father f 血? n.C父亲;爸爸His fa

15、ther was a pai nter. 他父亲是一位画家。fault f ?t; f ?ltn.C过失,缺点That was my fault.那是我的过错。favorite fe才? adj.最受喜爱的In .C喜欢的事物,特别喜欢的人Who is your favorite write?你最喜欢哪位作家?These books are great favorites of mine.这些是我最爱的书。fax f?ks n.传真 II v.传真Did you fax him a reply? 你发传真给他答复了吗?Could you tell me how to use the fax?你

16、能告诉我怎么使用这台传真机吗?fax sth. to sb. 用Please fax your pla ns to me.请把你的计划用传真机给我传送过来。传真机传送fear f甸恐惧,害怕,担心II .恐怕;忧虑;I fear I am late.我恐怕要迟到了。Do you have this fear?【常用搭配】你有过这样的恐惧么?12for fear以免,唯恐;由于害怕; II in fear害怕;II with fear害怕地;吓得;II out of fear出于恐惧;fear for 为担心;II in fear of 怕;为提心吊胆featurefi ? n.特点;特征;特色

17、February febr ?r? febj ?r? n. 二月He joined the Army in February 1943.他 1943 年 2 月参军。in February 在二月feed fi 0 (fed, fed) v .喂养;饲养;供养(家庭)Have you fed the cats?你喂过猫没有?She has a large family to feed .她要养活一大家人。What do you feed the dog on? 你用什么喂狗?feed sb./ sth. (on sth.)给(人或动物)食物;喂养feel fi ? (felt, felt)v.

18、摸索;感知;感觉I am feeli ng very depressed.我感至 U很沮丧。I feel like having a drink.我想喝点酒。feel like doing想要,感觉要,相当于 want to do/would like to do【常用搭配】feel like 想要 II ; feel free 随便,轻松 II ; feel better感觉好点了;II feel lonely感到孤独,感到寂寞;II feel tired感到疲劳;II feel bad不舒服;为感到难过II feel sorry 感到遗憾,觉得难过IIfeel sad 感到悲伤II fee

19、l sorry for. 难过;为.感到可惜feeling fi ?7 n. C,U知觉;触觉This is an empty feeli ng.这是一种空虚的感觉。我感觉好像以前在哪里见过你。I have a feeli ng that rve met you somewhere before.have a feeli ng预感到,觉得female fi ?me n. C女性;女人【知识拓展】反义词:malefence fensn. C栅栏;篱笆;围墙The horse jumped the fe nee.那匹马跃过了栅栏。festival fest ?(?)ln. C节日;纪念活动日I l

20、ike the Chin ese new year better tha n any other festival.我喜欢中国新年比喜欢其它任何节日更甚。(spring festival 春节(中国农历正月初一) II mid-autumn festival中秋节;II dragonboat festival 端午节;II lantern festival元宵节,灯节;II music festival音乐节;IIart festival 艺术节 II moon festival 中秋节; II happy spring festival春节快乐fetch fet ? v.取来;请来Fetch

21、 me a glass of water.给我拿杯水来。fetch sb./ sth. ( for sb.)接来某人 / 取来某物The chair is in the garde n; please fetch it in.椅子在花园了,请把它搬进来。【易错警示】brin g/take/carry/fetchbringbring 一般是指拿来,即从别处往说话人这里拿,翻译成带来。He brought ussome good news.他给我们带来了一些好消息。taketake 一般是指从说话人这里往别处拿,翻译成 带走。Please take theumbrella with you. It

22、 s going to rain.要下雨了,请把伞带上。carrycarry不强调方向,表示 携带、背着、运送、搬扛 等意思。They carried theboxes into the factory.他们把箱子搬进了工厂。fetchfetch 表示的疋 去取来、 去拿来、去叫来 等意思, 包含去和来两趟。 The waiter fetched them some apples.侍者为他们取来了一些平果。fever fi ? n. C发烧;发热He has a high fever.他发高烧。(have a fever 发烧)few fju ? pron.很少II adj.不多的;很少的 :

23、Few can survive more tha n a week without water.很少有人没有水能活过一周。【易错警示】few / a fewfewfew是否定词,意思是没有几个、很少数”,用来修饰可数名词的复数。He hasfew friends here, he feels Ionely.a fewa few的意思是有几个、少数,是肯疋词,用来修饰可数名词的复数There area few eggs in the basket.篮子里有几个鸡蛋。 。fiction f *?)n n. C小说This novel is a horror fictio n.这本小说是一本恐怖小说

24、。field fi ?d n. C田;地;牧场;领域短语:in the field of art ,music ,scie nee etc.在艺术,音乐,科学等领域fifteen f ITti?i; f ?ti ?i num.十五fifteenth f ?ti 0 num.第十五fifth f ? 0 num第五(的);第五个(的)fifty f ?t ? num五十(的)fight fa ? (fought, fought )v.打架;与打仗,II n 战斗;打架.We must fight o n un til the en d.我们必须继续斗争到底。Have you bee n figh

25、ti ng with your brother?你又跟弟弟打架了吗?Wemust fightagainst the enemy.我们必须与敌人作战。fight with /against sb./sth.搏斗;打架;打仗;作战They are fight ing for freedom and huma n rights now.他们正在为争取自由和人权而斗争。fight for sth.争取获得或完成某事物【常用搭配】击退;排斥;竭力避免;IIfight back 回击;抵抗;II fight on 继续战斗;II fight offfight together一起作战那男孩的眼里充满了泪水

26、。用沙子把洞填满。fill with 在那里填充您的信息。fill那天的电影,我没看着。充满;装满in =fill out填充;填出fill f ? v.装满;布满 The boys eyes filled with tears. Please fill the hole with sand Fill in your informationthere.film f 1m n.薄层;胶片;电影 I missed the film the other day.see a film 看电影你肯定是在台上一直呆到终场。I have seen that film before.那部电影我以前看过。fin

27、 f ?i n. C(鱼)鳍final fa ?i(?)ladj.最后的;最终的You must have been on stage until the final curtain.fin ally fa ?i?l ? adv 最后地,终于We fin ally arrived in Rome.我们终于到达罗马。【易错警示】In the end , fin ally和 at lastat lastat last只能指时间位置,而不能指时间顺序,在语义上指经过,周折,等待,耽搁后的最后,终于”得到所期待的结果。His cha nee came at last.他的机会终于来了。fin ally

28、fin ally指一系列事物或论点的顺序,在列举事物时可以用来引出最后一项内容fin ally在意义上与用法上与at last有共冋之处,但也有不冋。fin ally既可指时间位置(相当于at last 和in the end ),也可指时间的先后顺序。fin ally有两个用法:疋在列举事物或论点时,可用来引出最后 项内容;疋用在句中动词前面,表示“等了好久才”。in the endin the end 表示结局,有时可与 at last 换用,不冋的是in the end 也可以用 于指将来时,其余两个则不行。All will come right in the end .到头来一切都会好

29、的。find fa nd (found, found) v.发现;碰上I helped him (to) find his wallet.我帮他找到了他丢失的钱包。She d been seeing the boy for a while, but didn t want her parents to find out.她和这个男孩约会已有一段时间了,但是她不想让父母发现。find out 发现,查明;He had bee n cheat ing the taxma n but it was years before he was found out.他过去一直在欺骗税务部门,只是多年以后才被

30、查出来。find sb. out 识破,查出坏人finding fa 1hd? n. C发现;发现物;调查结果fine fa ?) adj.优秀的;细小的,精美的;健康的;晴朗的This is a fine book. 这是一本好书。fin gerf 71g? n. C手指;指状物Use your finge to touch it!用你的手指触摸它!使用你的手指触摸它。finish f ?T? v.结束;完成We must fin ish this work today.我们今天必须完成这项工作。Can you finish doing it on time?你能按时完成吗? finish

31、doing someth ing 做完某事;结束做某事;做完;完成做某事fire fa 1 n.火,火灾II v.燃烧,解雇,放枪The fire still stayed in whe n we came back.我们回来的时候火依然还燃烧着。The house is on fire.房子着火了。on fire 燃烧【常用搭配】fire alarm火警;火警警报器II fire on向射击;II开始fire at向开火;II set fire纵火;II light a fire / make a fire生火firm f ?n n. C公司He wrote an email to the

32、firm.他给公司发了一圭寸电子邮件。first f ?5t num,第一;II adj.最早的,第一的 II adv.首先,第We make 600 miles the first day.第一天我们航行了 600 英里。He stands first in his class. 他在班上名列第一。【常用搭配】first time第一次;第一时间II at first 起先,首先;最初;II first name名字;教名;IIfirst of all 首先;II from the first 从头,自始;从一开始fish f ? n. C,U 鱼;鱼肉Fish can not live w

33、ithout water.鱼儿离不开水。I like meat, but I prefer fish.我喜欢吃肉食,但更喜欢吃鱼。fisherman n. 渔民;钓鱼者( pl. fishermen )fit f ?t adj. 合适的 I v. 使适合;The food was not fit to eat.这食物不适合吃。These shoes don t fit me.这双鞋我穿着不合适。【常用搭配】fit for 适于; I keep fit 保持(身体)健康 I fit with 适合;符合 ; I fit on 试穿;装 上II feel fit精神很好five fa ?v num

34、. 五;五个;fix f ?ks v. 使牢固;钉牢;修理Who should fix it? 谁应该修复它?He is fixing up his bike.他正在修车。 fix up 修理 【知识拓展】同义词: repairflag fl?g n. C 旗;国旗flash fl? ? n.闪光灯,闪光 II v.闪耀,闪光(flashlight ) Lights flash up in the darkness.灯光在黑暗中闪耀。flashcard fl? ?k ad n.抽认卡flat fl?t n. C 单元房;公寓房间Do you need your flat in Beijing?

35、你需要你在北京的公寓吗?flee fli ? (fled, fled) v. 逃跑;逃离;逃开During the war thousands of people fled from the country.在战争期间成千上万的人逃离了国家。flee from 从逃离,逃跑 【知识拓展】同义词: disappear , escape flight fla ?t n. C 航班;飞行 The flight will take four hours.She booked me down for next flight. floor fl ? n. C 地面;底 Jacks sitting on t

36、he floor watching TV. flower fla ? n. C 花;花朵 That is a beautiful flower. flu flu ? n . U 流感 He got the flu. 他得了流感。 fly fla ? v. (flew, flown) He tried to fly his kite.【常用搭配】此次飞行将需要四个小时。她已为我登记坐下一个航班。杰克正坐在地板上看电视。那是一朵漂亮的花。have the flu 得了流感,患流感 飞;飞翔; I n. C 苍蝇他试图放飞他的风筝。fly away 飞走 II fly over 飘扬 II fly

37、off飞出;II let it fly 让它飞;II fly in the sky在空中飞行; I fly a kite 放风筝; I fly out 冲出; I fly up 飞起;向上飞; I fly to the moon 飞向月亮; I fly kites 放风筝fold f ?ld v. 折叠;折起来He folded the paper carefully.他小心地把那张纸折起来。folk f ?k adj. 民间的,民俗的Do you like folk music? 你喜欢民间音乐吗? follow f ?l ? v. 跟随;沿着We want everyone to foll

38、ow us. 我们想让所有人都追随我们。 following f ?l ? adj. 下列的;接着的You should see the following screen. 您应该看到下面的屏幕。 food fu ?d n. C 食物;固体食品We cannot exist without air, food and water. 我们没有空气、食物和水就不能生存。 fool fu ?l n. C 蠢人;傻瓜;白痴 April Fool ( April Fool s Day) 愚人节 foolish fu ?l? adj. 愚蠢的;傻的why are we so foolish? 为什么我们这

39、么愚蠢呢?【知识拓展】同义词: stupid,mad,silly foot (feet) f ?t n.C 脚;足 ; 英尺Can you balance on one foot? 你能独脚站着保持平衡吗 ?In some places you can cross it on foot. 在一些地方你能够步行穿过它。 on foot 步 行Our camp was at the foot of the hill.我们帐篷在一座山脚下。at the foot of 在(山)脚下;在的下部football f ?tb ?l n.C 足球;橄榄球I, like playing football in

40、 school.我在上学的时候,喜欢踢球。 play football 踢足球【常用搭配】football match 足球赛;足球比赛;II football team 足球队;II football club足球俱乐部;II football game 足球赛;II football player足球运动员;II football field 足球场; I American football 美式橄榄球 ;football shoes 足球鞋footstep f ?tstep n. C 脚步声;足迹I heard footsteps outside. 我听到外面的脚步声。for f ? f

41、 ? prep.为了的利益;打算去做。给,为了: II conj.因为 Thank you for looking after us so well.感谢你们对我们照顾得如此周到。He will find the truth for sure.他一定会发现真相的。 for sure 毫无疑问,确实 I shall remember that happy day forever.我将永远记住那快乐的一天。 forever= forever 永远 【常用搭配】for example = for instance 例如;举例; I for the reason 因为; I as for 关于,至 于

42、; I go for 去找;go in for 参加,从事;追求;赞成; II go on for 接近;II as for as 就而论;据; 至于forbid f ?b ?d v. ( forbad, forbidden) 禁止;不准;不许I forbid him to do that.我禁止他这么干。 forbid sb. to do sth.禁止某人做某事 Does anybody forbid doing charity? 有谁禁止人做好事吗? forbid doing sth 禁止做某 事Forbidden City 紫禁城force f ?s v. 强迫 I n.U 力量,武力,

43、军队You shouldnt force food on children.你不应该强迫孩子们吃东西。 force on 强加于,强迫 . 接受 【常用搭配】by force 强迫地;靠武力; I labor force 劳动力; I air force 空军; I main force 主力;主力军;主力部队foreign f ?r?n adj . 外国的;对外的 .Foreign countries have a different way of life from ours.外国的生活方式和我们的不同。【常用搭配】foreign Ianguage 夕卜语; 外文; II foreignc

44、ountry 夕卜国; 异国; II foreigncompany夕卜国公司;II foreign student外国学生,外籍学生;留学生;II foreign culture 外国文化foreigner f ?r?i? n. C外国人They took him for a foreig ner.他们误以为他是一个外国人。forest f ?rt n. C森林地带;森林这一地区三分之一的地方都是森林。One third of this area is covered with forest.forever f ?rev ? adv.永远我一直爱你,永远爱你。forget f ?getv.忘记

45、;忽略;ni n ever forget your kindn ess.I forgot to give the book back to him.I love you always and forever.我永远不会忘记您的好处。我忘了把书还给他了。forget to do 忘记要去做某事我把还书给他的事情忘记了form f ?m n.形状;结构;表格 They gave us each a form to fill in.I forgot givi ng the book back to him.forget doing忘记曾做过某事【易错警示】forget/leaveforgetforg

46、et 意思是 忘记”某事,1 forget that we had met at a meeti ng before.我忘了我们以前在一次会议上见过面。leaveleave 则是将物品遗留”在某地 .I left the book in his house. 他家里了。我把书忘在fork f ?k n .C叉子;餐叉Astr on auts use knife, fork, and spo on.宇航员使用刀、叉和匙。II v.形成;构成他们给了我们每人一张要填写的表格。They tried to form a study group on human rights.他们试图组建一个人权研究小

47、组。in form 在形式上; II a form of 一种的形式;II application form 申请表,申请书;IIart form 艺术形式II fill in the form填写表格fortunately ? ?n?tliadv.幸运地;幸亏Fortu nately, we know how to han dle situatio ns like this.幸运的是,我们知道如何处理这种情况。【知识拓展】同义词:happily,luckilyforty f ? num.四十four f ? num.四;四个fourteen f ?ti ?i; f ?i ?i num.十四f

48、ourteenth f ?ti ?i 0 num.第十四forward f ?V?d adv.向前的;You have to go forward.你必须向前看。 go forward 发生,前进【常用搭配】put forward 提出;拿出;II look forward to doing 期待;盼望做某事; II looking forward 展望未来;II bring forward 提出;II push forward 推进II move forward 向前移动,提步向 刖fox n.狐狸;狡猾的人France fr a?is法国French fren(t)? n.法语;法国人II

49、 adj.法国的;法语的;法国人的What do you th ink of your French?你觉得你的法语水平怎么样?Fren chma n, Fren chwoma n 法国人free fri ? adj.自主的;自由的;免费的You should be free。你应该是自由的。These tickets are for free.这些票是免费的。for free 免费【常用搭配】get free 获得自由;自由了; II free time 空闲时间,自由时间; II free and easy 无拘无 束的;II free market 自由市场;free space 自由空

50、间;空闲空间; II set free 释放;使 获得自由;freedom fri 2?m n. U自由We have freedom of speech.我们有言论自由。freeze fri v. (froze, frozen) (使)结冰;(使)凝固;冷冻When we freeze water,it turns into ice.我们冷冻水的时候,水变成冰。freezing fri?f? adj.冰冻的,严寒的The cin ema was freezi ng.电影院里冰冷冰冷的。fresh fre ? adj.新做的;清新的You can buy fresh vegetables in

51、 the market.你可以在市场上买到新鲜的蔬菜。【常用搭配】fresh air 新鲜空气;II fresh fruit鲜果,水果拼盘;II fresh milk 鲜牛奶;II fresh food新鲜食品;II fresh meat 新鲜肉类;II breathe the fresh air 呼吸新鲜空气;II Friday fraidi n. C星期五What do you do on Friday?你们星期五干什么?on Friday 在周五What are you doing next Friday?下星期五你们打算干什么?next Friday 下周五fridge fr ?P n

52、.C冰箱friend frendn. C朋友;赞助者I enjoy a chat with a frie nd.我喜欢与朋友在一起聊天儿。【常用搭配】be friends with sb.与友好,喜爱;II best friend 最好的朋友,好朋友;II old friend老朋友;故人;II true friend 真正的朋友;II close friend 密友,亲密的朋友;II make friends with sb.交朋友;建立友谊;II net friend网友;II pen friend 笔友;通信朋友friendlyfren(d)l? adj.友好的;和善的;和睦的She gives me a frie ndly smile.她给了我一个友好的微笑。We should be frie ndly to other people.我们应该多其他人友好。be frie ndly to sb.对某人友好frog fr ?g n.C蛙类动物;蛙from fr ?m; fr ?m prep.作为起点的;从;We work from nine to five.我们从九点工作到五点。from to 从到 I will never talk to that man agai n from now o


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