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1、如何写英文请假条、便条和卡片便条及卡片 Informal Notes and Cards假条 application for leave/ leave permit简介英文假条主要指病假条,事假条等。写英文假条必须说明请假原因或 理由,以及请假的期限;如有请假原因的证明,如医生证明等最好随条 附上。实例1) 病假条April 16, 2003Dear Mrs. Wallis,I am very sorry to tell you that I amunable to attend school todayowing to a bad cold. I enclose the doctor s c

2、ertificate here andask you for sick leave of two days.Yoursrespectfully,FangPingEncl .: Doctor s certificate for sick leave2) 事假条Sep. 5, 2004Dear Mr. ChengA telegram has just reached me saying that my younger sister is going to marry next Friday and invite me to present her wedding.Because of this I

3、 would like to have a leave of five days beginning on September 6.I will be very much obliged if you will approve of my request.Yourssincerely,Han JianEncl.: A telegram from my home写作练习1. 根据以下内容分别写一则请假条:1) 我由于胃病,不能上课,医生建议休息两天,特向系刘主任请假, 并附医生证明如下。2)吴老师, 很抱歉由于春运高峰我没买到回程车票,无法按时返校, 特请假一天。希望我的缺席不会给您带来不便。2

4、. 将实例译成中文。借条 receipt for loan简介借条上必须写借条即写明所借他人财物并交予出借人作为凭证的条据。明: 被借方; 所借钱物的名称和数量; 立据人;立据日期。此外,为慎重起见,最好在金额后写下“only ”,“for the valuereceived ”意为“整” 。实例(1)August 8, 2004Y 3000) only.To the Financial Affairs Section of the University:IOU (or: I owe you) three thousand yuan (RMBCheng Linfor Foreign Langu

5、age Department(2)Nov. 19, 1989Borrowed from the Reference Room of the college the under-mentioned things: a. three English Language Learning (Vol. 5,7,9, 1989) b. Oxford Advanced English-Chinese Dictionaryfor Yao Ming(Signature) (3)Jan. 21, 2001One month after the date I promise to pay Huang Jie the

6、 sum of five thousand yuan (RMB Y 5000), for the value received.Yang Fang(Signature)写作练习1根据以下内容分别写一则借条:1) 李芬借王爱华人民币两千元整,言明借期一年,到期如数归还。2) 吴敏代表研究生教研室借外语学院语音室索尼牌台式录音机台,无线话筒两支。2将实例译成中文。收据 receipt简介收据即写明从某人或某处收到的钱物,并交对方留作凭证的条据。收据写法基本与借条相同。 但收据不必写抬头,通常以“ Received from ”或“ Received of ”开头,即“今从处收到 实例(1)June

7、 27, 1992Received from the Account Section of the University the sum of cash one thousand and two hundred yuan (RMB Y1200), being my pay of lectures given in summer vocation.forSusanSimpson (2)May 7, 2002Received of Miss Wang Fen the following objects: a. two set of microphone b. one cassette tape r

8、ecorder (Sony Brand)for Cheng LinThe Linguistic Laboratory写作练习1根据以下内容写两则收据:1) 物业管理公司财务室何莲收到冯先生2004 年 2、 3 两个月店面租金共人民币六千元整。2) 旅游系资料室收到研究生 2003 班交还电脑一台。2将实例译成中文。电话留言 message简介替打电话的人写下须转述的内容,这种便条式的短信就是电话留言。电话留言必须交代清楚来电人姓名,电话号码,来电时间以及电话 内容。实例10:30 a.m. ThursdayEda,Youve happened to be out when the Secre

9、tary at your office called at 9:45 this morning. She said she had something urgent to consult you. She hopes that you could find time to favor her with a call as soon as possible.Apple (2) 9:15 a.m. 25, Feb.Mr. Mark,Here is a message from the Executive of Advertising Company, who has telephoned at 8

10、:30 a.m. this morning. He will be expecting you in his office at 10:00 tomorrow morning. Please ring him back if you are occupied at that time. His phone number is 8796575.Dianna写作练习1根据以下内容写一则电话留言:今早 9 点整你外出时你的朋友胡建来电说今天下午他无法与你见面。因为他要到机场去接一个从上海来的公司客户。他问你是否能回电安排另外时间见面。2将实例译成中文。告示与通知 notices简介英语中的 noti

11、ces 包括告示,启事,通知等,用于告诉公众某件事或某项活动。实例1)MISSINGJONELLE MATHEWSAGE: 13FROM: Greeley, ColoradoWhite Female, born 2/9/72EYES: Brown HAIR: BrownHEIGHT: 53” WEIGHT: 115 lbsDATEMISSING: 12/20/84 Braces, pierced ears. Small faint scars on bottom of chin.IF YOU CAN IDENTIFY THESE CHILDREN OR ANY OTHER MISSING CH

12、ILD,CALL THE NATIONAL CENTRE FOR MISSING AND EXPLOITED CHILDREN 1-800-843-5678写作练习 :1将下列告示或通知译成英语:1)此处不准停放车辆,违者罚款510 元。2)贵重物品请交柜台保管,否则遗失概不负责。3)加州大学伯克利分校教授将于 4 月 18 日(星期日)上午 10 时在逸夫馆小报告厅作学术报告。题目是:英语语言学理论研究与应用的新趋势”欢迎有关专家学者与各界朋友届时光临。2将实例译成汉语。note writingYou find a wallet in the school canteen, now you are to write anote to anyone who has lost it.1. stating how the wallet is like.2. asking him /her to show some identification when taking theback.3. telling him/her how to cont


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