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1、champion pcbchampion pcb 诚志电路诚志电路 sales skills(1) 销售技能销售技能 2021-5-10 kary 1、 the top five sales mistakes 2、know your clients 3、know your products 4、good relationship 目目 录录 2021-5-10 the top five sales mistakes 1.没有针对受众量身设计销售说辞(没有针对受众量身设计销售说辞(not tailoring your sales pitch to your audience) 向正确的客户传达错

2、误信息,或者将正确的信息传达给错误的客户. 2.2.向非决策者推销向非决策者推销(selling to someone who isnt a decision maker) 一般而言,最好的做法是与决策层的某个人预约一次销售会议,对方的职位一般而言,最好的做法是与决策层的某个人预约一次销售会议,对方的职位 越高越好越高越好. 。 2021-5-10 the top five sales mistakes 3.说得太多,听得太少说得太多,听得太少(talking more than listening) 销售人员对潜在客户说出的每一个词,都应该经过精心设计,要以销售人员对潜在客户说出的每一个词,

3、都应该经过精心设计,要以 增强关系和实现销售为目标增强关系和实现销售为目标 4.忘记自己的目标:完成一笔销售忘记自己的目标:完成一笔销售(forgetting your mission: to make a sale) 销售业务不是交朋友,目的只是让他成为购买者。(了解客户的业务,预期销售业务不是交朋友,目的只是让他成为购买者。(了解客户的业务,预期 以及需求)以及需求) 2021-5-10 the top five sales mistakes 5.穿着不得体穿着不得体(not dressing the part) 销售人员最好穿着得体,否则你可能一点机会都没有销售人员最好穿着得体,否则你可

4、能一点机会都没有(在进行面对面的业务拜在进行面对面的业务拜 访时,销售人员的穿着应该与客户的穿着相呼应访时,销售人员的穿着应该与客户的穿着相呼应) 2021-5-10 know your clients 1.know your clients(了解你的客户)了解你的客户) (1)looking at your existing clients(看看你看看你 现有客户)现有客户) (2)how well do you know your clients(你(你 了解你的客户吗?)了解你的客户吗?) 2021-5-10 know your clients how did you get your

5、existing clients? (你是如何得到现有客户的?) how much do you really know about them? (你对他们真正了解多少?) 2021-5-10 know your clients lets looking more closely at your existing clients. for example, lets go one step ahead and lets look at their clients;(更仔细的了解现有客户,(更仔细的了解现有客户, 可以先一步了解客户的客户)可以先一步了解客户的客户) by looking at

6、your clientsclients, you will learn more about your own clients(了解客户的客户,(了解客户的客户, 你将更多的了解到关于你客户本身)你将更多的了解到关于你客户本身) 2021-5-10 know your clients know information: 3c country(国家)国家) culture(文化)(文化) company(公司)(公司) clients will like to communicate with a knowledge man according to their cultural pattern

7、s . know more their company information will promote your relationship. 2021-5-10 know your clients how well do you know your clients: it is important to have strong relationships with your clients. how will do you know your clients? it is essential to have good business relationships with your clie

8、nts; person to person relationship are also essential .not too much, not too little. 2021-5-10 know your clients example1 you are in the supermarket that sells equipment, try and think of different products that could sell in a supermarket environment; diversify your products; keep your clients inte

9、rest always try and think of ways to promote more sales next know who your client is supplying and what they are selling. research is important make enquiries 2021-5-10 know your clients research your clients business what are they producing what other suitable products can you supply? present your

10、ideas clearly propose your ideas to your clients; never presume that they are familiar with every products. new ideas keep businesses flowing and growing 2021-5-10 know your clients http:/ tail/video.htm?courseid=1186 2021-5-10 know your products stronger knowledge about your products the whole worl

11、d depends on the development of new ideas (new ideas: new technology/new equipment/etc.) you have to show an interest in your clients products, not just in getting order. know your product and understand what you are selling; (very familiar with your selling products) 2021-5-10 know your products wh

12、en you are confident in the knowledge of your product, your client will be confident enough to buy your product. if you show that you do not know your product very well, your client will lose confidence in you and will not want to do business with you . (like some basic information about your produc

13、ts; equipment in your factory; basic technology that you should known; professional action etc.) 2021-5-10 know your products for example: material ?/material come from ?/lead time?/procedures? i need to check it for you/i dont know/i will reply you immediately etc. you will loss your clients for yo

14、ur those answers. confident in your products ; confident to introduce your products; learn some new things of your products every day. talk with your clients confident in your products. 2021-5-10 know your products http:/ eid=1187 2021-5-10 good relationship 1.business client relationship 2.clients

15、questions 3.selling advantages 4.valuable information 2021-5-10 good relationship 1.business client relationship it is important to have strong relationships with your clients. how well do you know your client? it is essential to have a good business to business relationship ,but you should also try

16、 and develop a little person to person relationships keep your personal relationship with your client nice and simple. uncomfortable conversation: personal question(family, your kids etc) 2021-5-10 good relationship clients question for example what are you s minimum quantity orders? supplier: well,

17、 it depends on your requirements and product but i am sure we can accommodate you. thats great to hear. i am happy and willing to see if you can met my demands supplier:so, which particular item are you interested in ?i will see what the minimum quantities are for that item that is excellent ,i will

18、 e-mail you all the details and requirements 2021-5-10 good relationship clients question supplier:great! i look forward to receiving you e-mail.we will do our best to facilitate your needs in every way we can there is nothing negative about the conversation, i showed confidence and i put my client

19、at case and kept her interested. this is very important ,i have a good start already and i am certain that this client will follow-up with an email. 2021-5-10 good relationship selling advantages here are some more tips help you keep your clients away from competitors: try and give your clients a pi

20、cture of the products they are looking for, even something that relates to those products. 2021-5-10 good relationship value information 1.be very knowledgeable when you are talking about the products. you must know them very well and be able to talk confidently about them . 2.know all of those prod

21、ucts information that you are selling; 2021-5-10 good relationship value information 3.dont be afraid to question your clients about their products. even if you do not manufacture those products. this is good business and helps to keep your client interested in you as a supplier. 4.as i have stated

22、on the minimum quantity conversation, be very careful when you are asked this question. first find out exactly what your clients want before you give them an answer. are the nra looking for thousands, or 5000 or 10000? be very careful to know exactly what they want first before you give them an answ

23、er. 2021-5-10 good relationship value information 5.be honest and specific with you timing for products, sample and production. be realistic, allow 1 to 2 day on to what your production manager to tell you, in case of delay for example. 6.if there is no delay and there are no problems, you can ship

24、your samples and production products early. it is better to tell your clients that the products are shipping earlier rather than later and you need more time, you must always allow some time for flexibility 2021-5-10 good relationship value information 7.if there is problem and there is a delay even

25、 with the flexibility time. be honest with your clients. dont make excuses, dont blame everyone(the supplier, driver etc).be honest and say”we just need an extra couple of days to finish the sample”. dont blame certain people. this show that you are strong and you can take the responsibility. 2021-5-10 good relationship value information 8.be cool, be calm ,be confident. 2021-5-10 good relationship value inf


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