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1、专利权转让合同中华人民共和国科学技术部印制Printed by the Ministry of Science and Technology of the People Republic of China本合同乙方将其的专利权转让甲方,甲方受让并支付相应的转让价款。双方经过平等协商,在真实、充分地 表达各自意愿的基础上,根据中华人民共和国合同法的规定,达成 如下协议,并由双方共同恪守。Party B desires to assig n its Pate nt of to Party A, and PartyA desires to accept such assig nment and pa

2、yme nt a corresp onding assignment fee On the basis of truly and fully- expressing their own respective inten ti ons and in accorda nee with the Con tract Law of the People Republic of China, both parties hereto, through n egotiati on, agree as follows第一条:本合同转让的专利权:Article 1 The Pate nt to be assig

3、ned here in1 专利类型Pate nt type : (发明inven tion、实用新型utilitymodel 外观设计 design ) o2. 发明人Inventor /设计人为 Designer :o3 专利权人 Patentee :。4. 专利授权日 Date of Issuanee : 。5. 专利号 Patent Number : o6. 专利有效期限 Valid Term of the Pate nt :。7. 专利年费已交至 The payme nt of a nnual fee of the pate nthas bee n made as ofo第二条乙方在本

4、合同签署前实施或许可本项专利权的状况如下:Article 2 The exploitati on or lice nsi ng of the Pate nt by PartyB prior to the executio n of this con tract is as follows :1. 乙方实施本项专利权的状况(时间、地点、方式和规模)Party BJ exploitati on of the Pate nt (date, place, method and size): o2. 乙方许可他人使用本项专利权的状况(时间、地点、方式和规模)Party B lice nsing of t

5、he Pate nt (date, place, met hod and size) to any third party :。3. 本合同生效后,乙方有义务在日内将本项专利权转让的状况告知被许可使用本发明创造的当事人。After this con tract becomes effective, Party B is obligated to no tify the lice nsee of the pate nt assig nment here un der with in days 第三条甲方应在本合同生效后,保证原专利实施许可合同的履行。Article 3 After this co

6、n tract becomes effective, Party A shall en sure the performa nee of the orig inal pate nt lice nsing con tracts乙方在原专利实施许可合同中享有的权利和义务,自本合同生效之日 起,由甲方承受。乙方应当在日内通知并协助原专利实施许可 合同的让与人与甲方办理合同变更事项。Party B rights and obligatio ns un der the origi nal pate nt lice rising con tracts shall be borne by Party A f

7、rom the date whe n this con tract becomes effective. Party B shall, within days, no tify and assist the assig nee (s) of the origi nal pate nt lice nsing con tract (s) in dealing with the change of contract (s) with Party A.第四条 本合同生效后乙方继续实施本项专利的,按以下约定办理: Article 4 If Party B con ti nu ously exploits

8、 this pate nt after this con tract becomes effective, it shall be han died as follows: o第五条 为保证甲方有效拥有本项专利权,乙方应向甲方提交以下技 术资料:Article 5 For the purpose of en suri ng that Party A effectively owns this pate nt, Party B shall submit the followi ng tech ni cal data to Party A: 第六条 乙方向甲方提交技术资料的时间、地点、方式如下:A

9、rticle 6 Party B shall submit the technical data to Party A accord ing to the follow ing date, place and method:1 提交时间 Date of Submission: 。2. 提交地点 Place of Submission: o3. 提交方式 Method of Submission: 。第七条 本合同签署后,由乙方负责在 日内办理专利权转让登记事宜。Article 7 After this con tract is sig ned, Party B shall be resp on

10、 sible for going through the registrati on procedure for the assig nment of Pate nt第八条 为保证甲方有效拥有本项专利,乙方向甲方转让与实施本项专利权有关的技术秘密:Article 8 For the purpose of en suri ng that Party A effectively owns this pate nt, Party B shall assig n to Party A the tech ni cal secrets relati ng to the exploitati on of t

11、his Pate nt.1. 技术秘密的内容 Content of Technical Secrets:o2 技术秘密的实施要求 Requireme nt for Impleme nti ng the Technical Secrets: 。3. 技术秘密的保密范围和期限Scopeof Non-Disclosure and Term of Technical Secrets:。第九条乙方应当保证其专利权转让不侵犯任何第三人的合法权益。如发 生第三人指控甲方侵权的,乙方应当。Article 9 Party B shall un dertake that its pate nt assig nme

12、nt does not infringe upon the legitimate rights and interests of any third party. In the eve nt that if any third party br ings a charge aga inst Party A, Party B shall o第十条乙方对本合同生效后专利权被宣告无效,不承担法律责任。Article 10 If the pate nt is declared inv al id after this con tract becomes effective, Party B shall

13、 not be legally liable therefore 第一条甲方向乙方支付该项专利权转让的价款及支付方式如下:Article 11 Party A shall pay Party B the assignment fee for the pate nt assig nment as follows:1.专利权的转让价款总额为 The total amount of the assignment fee for the pate nt assig nment shall be :_ o其中,技术秘密转让价款为Where in, the assig nment fee for thet

14、echnical secrets shall be。2 专利权的转让价款由甲方(一次、分期或提成)支付乙方。Theassig nment fee for the pate nt shall be paid by Party A to Party B (in _ one_ lump_ sum, _ in _ i nstallme nts_or by_ deduct in g_a_ perce ntage_of earnin gs)具体支付方式和时间如下The method and date of payme nt are as follows : o乙方开户银行名称、地址和帐号为The name

15、 and address of PartyB ope ning bank and the acco unt nu mber are as follows :开户银行:Ope ning Bank:地址:Address:帐号:Account Number: _第十二条双方确定,在本合同履行中,任何一方不得以下列方式限制另 一方的技术竞争和技术发展:Article 12 Both parties ack no wledge that duri ng the performa nee of this con tract, n either party may restrict the tech ni

16、cal competiti on and developme nt of the other party in the followi ng ways:。第十三条双方确定:Article 13 Both parties ack no wledge that:甲方有权利用乙方转让专利权涉及的发明创造进行后续改进。Party A shall have the right to make subsequent improvement to the inven ti on and creati on invo Ived in the pate nt to be assig ned by Party B

17、由此产生的具有实质性或创造性技术进步特征的新的技术成果,归(甲方、双方)方所有。具体相关利益的分配办法如下:The ownership of any new technical achievement thus obtained that has substa ntial or creative features of tech ni cal adva nceme nt shall bel ong to (Party A, both parties) The relevant in terests shallbe distributed as follows:第十四条 双方确定,在本合同有效期

18、内,甲方指定为甲方项目联系人,乙方指定 为乙方项目联系人。Article 14 Both parties ack no wledge that duri ng the valid term hereof, Party A desig nates as its project con tact pers on,and Party B desig nates as its project con tact pers on.项 目联系人承担以下责任The project con tact person shallundertake the following liabilities :_。一方变更项

19、目联系人的,应当及时以书面形式通知另一方。未及时通知并影响本合同履行或造成损失的,应承担相应的责任。Where one party cha nges its con tact pers on, it shall no tify the other party in writing in a timely manner If such party fails to notify the other party in a timely manner, thereby affect ing the performa nee of the Con tract or caus ing any loss,

20、 it shall un dertake corresp onding liabilities第十五条双方确定,出现下列情形,致使本合同的履行成为不必要 或不可能的,可以解除本合同:Article 15 Both parties ack no wledge that if the followi ng circumsta nee occurs, making the performa nee of this Con tract unn ecessary or impossible, this con tract may be resc in ded:1因发生不可抗力An eve nt of force majeur ;第十六条双方确定:本合同及相关附件中所涉及的有关名词和技术术 语,其定义和解释如下:Article 16 Both parties ack no wledge that the releva nt expressi onsand tech ni cal terms invo Ived he


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