1、红茶的演讲稿 篇一:茶叶产业化发展演讲稿 做大做强茶产业 打造茶叶第一镇 九畹溪镇经济发展办 乔莉 尊敬的各位领导,各位同事 : 大家好 , 我叫乔莉,是九畹溪政府经济发展办的一员, 今天我演讲的题目是做大做强茶产业 打造茶叶第一镇 提到九畹溪,人们第一个想到的除了旅游就是茶叶,茶 叶作为九畹溪镇的一个重要产业,确实有引以为傲的地方。 我们的茶叶有悠久的历史,早在清乾隆年间,九畹溪贤 人李高永,因贤达被乾隆帝召见,恩赐“登仕郎” 。李感念 皇恩,献茶皇上,乾隆闻该茶幼芽断面新奇,银丝万缕,银 光夺目;品之深感此茶清香馥郁,滋味鲜爽,回味绵长。顿 时龙颜大悦, 赏盖碗茶具一套, 并赐名“丝绵茶”
2、。“丝绵茶” 由此得名。 我们的茶叶有得天独厚的自然条件,九畹溪镇有“晴天 早晚遍地雾,阴雨之时满山云”的独特地理和气候条件,这 就造就了九畹丝绵茶银丝万缕、嫩性特强、回味绵长的独特 品质。 我们的茶叶有龙头企业树立标杆,九畹丝绵茶业有限公 司自成立以来按照标准化建园,生态化栽培,无害化管理, 传承传统工艺, 融合现代制茶技术, 形成了“初精制一条龙, 产供销一体化”的经营模式,是秭归县茶叶生产企业中最具 特色,产品最优的一家农业产业化重点龙头企业。 我们的茶叶有政府的支持和农民的热情参与,全镇现有 茶园面积 13000 亩,政府十分重视茶叶发展,规划到“十二 五”期末,茶叶面积将达到万亩,茶
3、叶将成为全镇农民的主 导产业,全力打造茶产业已成全镇人民的共识,全镇农民正 以极大的热情投入茶叶生产。 我们的茶叶有旅游路线为依托,九畹溪镇有九畹溪漂 流、仙女山地质公园等得天独厚的旅游资源,片片茶园 点缀在旅游线路沿线,天然的茶园不但为游客提供茶园观光 景观,还可以为游客提供优质的、有价值的旅游产品。 虽然我们的茶叶发展已经如此的繁荣,但作为镇经济发 展办的一员,作为茶叶专业村峡口村的联村干部,我还 想借此机会对镇茶叶发展提出自己的几点建议: 一、加强茶叶统一品牌建设,提高市场竞争力 以“科技兴茶”作为突破口,通过实行有机茶、无公害 农产品、食品安全管理体系、 QS认证,加强全镇万亩茶园的
4、标准化管理。重点是以注册“九畹丝绵茶”商标为突破口, 通过建立丝绵茶质量标准体系,加强对全镇小作坊式茶叶加 工厂的生产管理, 把各类茶叶品牌有效整合为 “九畹丝绵茶” 品牌,举全镇之力对该品牌进行集中统一宣传和推介,促使 “九畹丝绵茶”对外形成一个“拳头” ,增强市场竞争力, 更好推动茶叶产业化发展。同时,加强对茶农的技术培训, 实施“科技兴茶”。专门聘请市、县茶叶技术专家担任顾问, 按照标准化生产的要求,从种植、浇水、施肥、修剪、防治 病虫到采收,特别是合理用药和田间管理等环节,对茶农进 行全方位、系统化的技术指导,扎实搞好基础设施配套建设, 营造防护林带,栽植相生树种,做到规范化操作,高标
5、准生 产。 另外,利用广播宣讲、科教片播放、组织茶农外出学习 等多种形式,将新技术、新办法及时地传授给茶农,切实提 高茶农栽培技术。为使九畹丝绵茶真正成为无污染绿色饮品, 加强了茶园科学管护,推广应用新技术,特别是加大推广生 物杀虫灯等技术的力度,提高九畹丝绵茶的内在品质。严格 按照“无公害有机茶园”种植的规范要求,积极引导茶农在 种植管理茶树时,全部施用农家土杂肥,坚决杜绝使用化肥 和农药,为加工优质茶提供优质原料,增强茶叶产业抗御自 然风险和市场风险的能力。 二、实施基地带动战略,建设良种茶繁育基地 加快建设现代化农业示范园区,全力夯实茶园基地建设, 积极推进茶叶基地建设向“高、精、尖”方
6、向发展,将建成 高标准的生态示范园、旅游观光园。按照因地制宜、统一规 划、合理布局、集中成片、分步实施的原则,对各村庄宜茶 区域、宜茶品种作出具体规划,明确划分新老品种、有性 系与无性系的种植范围,搞好不同品种、不同季节的合 理搭配。突出发展无性系良种茶园,对现有老茶园制定分次 分批进行良种化改造的计划,运用有机茶生产规程逐步对现 有树龄老化、树势弱化的茶园进行全面改造,形成万亩无公 害茶叶生产基地,千亩有机茶生产基地。 三、打好旅游牌,以生态旅游促进茶业发展 一方面进一步发挥九畹溪的旅游资源优势,进一步加大 “九畹丝绵茶”品牌的宣传推介,提升“九畹丝绵茶”的知 名度和美誉度。另一方面开发以茶
7、叶为主题的旅游项目,可 以建立茶道茶艺表演馆,推出不同风格的茶艺表演,提升茶 文化内涵;建立茶叶展示厅,搜集多年来“九畹丝绵茶” 的 发展资料、图片,对“九畹丝绵茶”茶叶的历史变迁作一个 全面的展示,体现其深厚的发展底蕴; 还可以建立加工车间, 游客可以现场采摘鲜叶,当场加工、品尝,努力让“九畹丝 绵茶”成为一个旅游产品、文化产品,不断增强文化内涵, 提升绿茶品味和层次,进一步扩大对外影响力。促进了茶业 和旅游业的互动融合,带动全镇生态旅游的发展。进一步拓 宽旅游空间,鼓励引导周边群众大力发展乡村生态游。 四、兴办农民专业合作组织,做大做强九畹丝绵茶产业 积极引导扶持茶农组建专业合作组织,合作
8、社在搞好内部管 理,确保协调运作的基础上,积极发挥经济活动主体作用, 为茶农搞好产前、产中、产后各个环节的服务。在周边及大 城市建立绿茶直销点,开拓了县内外市场,有效实现了小生 产与大市场的对接。同时,鼓励引导合作社成员统一茶叶品 牌,严格有机茶和绿色、无公害产品等标准化生产和管理, 不断提高茶叶生产的档次和水平, 使产品向绿色化、 有机化、 名牌化方向迈进。引导合作社成员积极参与各种农博会、茶 博会等品牌创建活动,增强茶叶品牌的市场竞争力。随着绿 茶产业的不断壮大,按照拓展产品外延,延伸产业链条的发 展思路,逐步带动发展保健食品、包装、茶具等与茶叶相关 产业的发展,真正发挥茶叶产业化的辐射带
9、动作用。 以上只是我的一些拙见,如有不妥,恳请各位领导和同 志们批评指正。我坚信在镇委、镇政府的正确领导下,只要 我们齐心协力,真抓实干,九畹溪镇的茶叶产业一定会做大 做强,成为秭归县的茶叶第一镇。谢谢大家! 篇二:TEA的演讲稿 篇一: something about tea 演讲稿 when you feel thirsty,which one you will choose tea,coca-cola or coffee chinese famous tea can be divided into different categories mainly including black t
10、ea, green tea, dark tea,white tea, oolong tea. su-xinyangmaojian tea with rich, tom green, the unique style of renowned chinese and foreign dark tea belongs to post-fermented tea. it is our nations peculiar tea, a long history in production, varieties of design and color. the puer tea has the obviou
11、s medication effect, the first to sober up, of disappear of disease, clear oneself stomach. white tea is slightly fermented tea. the dry leave is covered with fine white fur. the major varieties are yinzhen baihao, white peony, gongmei, and new craft white tea. oolong tea, also called green tea and
12、half fermented tea,takes the founder of tea as its name. it has pharmacological effects, outstanding performance for breaking down fat, reducing weight and strong and handsome, etc. the chinese people, in their drinking of tea, place much significanceon the act of savoring. savoring tea is not only
13、a way to discern good tea from mediocre tea, but also how people take delight in their reverie and in tea-drinking itself. snatching a bit of leisure from a busy schedule, making a kettle of strong tea, securing a serene space, and serving and drinking tea by yourself can help banish fatigue and fru
14、stration, improve your thinking ability and inspire you with enthusiasm. you may also imbibe it slowly in small sips to appreciate the subtle allure of tea-drinking, until your spirits soar up and up into a sublime aesthetic realm. china is a country with a time-honored civilization and a land of ce
15、remony and decorum. whenever guests visit, it is necessary to make and serve tea to them.篇二: XX 年 3 月 chinas_tea_culture 茶文化配套 ppt 演讲稿 chinas tea culture good morning, ladies and gentlemen! today i d like to talk about chinese tea culture. china, the hometown of tea, has a long history of tea cultur
16、e. its said that chinese people have been drinking tea as early as shen nong tasted hundreds of herbs. tea has been closely associated with chinese peoples daily lives and tea culture became an important part of chinese culture. as early as the opening of silk road, tea has been exported to the west
17、. to a certain extent, westerners get acquitained with chinese culture since they knew chinese tea. people throughout china drink tea daily. because of thegeographic location and climate, different places grow various kinds of tea. tea is an important part of the traditional chinese culture. 1. intr
18、oduction chinese tea has a history of about 4,000 years, and until now its reputation spreads all over the world. japan, south korea, the united states, the tea culture derived from han dynasty, flourished in song dynasty and ming dynasty, and declined inqing dynasty. meanwhile, the spirit of the te
19、a culture was reflected through making tea, appreciating tea, smelling tea, drinking tea and tasting tea. tea-producing areas and tea is produced in vast areas of china from hainan lsland to shandong province in the north, from tibet in the southwest to taiwan across the straits. china has tea-shrub
20、s as early as five to six thousand years ago, and human cultivation of tea plants dates back two thousand years. tea from china, along with her silk porcelain, began to be known theworld over more than a thousand years ago and has since always been an important chinese export. at present more than f
21、orty countries in the world grow tea with asian countries producing 90% of the worlds total output. russians/ english / japanese /europe and america. types of chinese tea chinese tea may be classified into seven types of teas green teawhite tea black tea yello tea oolong tea dark tea scented tea - g
22、reen tea green tea has the largest output in china. it is the unfermented tea and has the longest history. also, it can be subdivided into longjing tea from the west lake of hanzhou, maofeng tea from huangshan mountain, yunwu tea from lushan mountain and biluochun tea from lake dragon well tea black
23、 tea black tea is totally different from 大家上午好,我将代表第一组向你们讲解我们的 ppt , 我们着重向你们分析中国和英国这两个国家的茶文化的区 别。 good afternoon ,everybody ! i mtang na. i d like to show the differences between chinese tea culture and british tea culture, representing for group 1.1.茶文化的起源 作为茶树的原产地,中国是最早种植、加工和饮用茶的 国度,是当之无愧的 “茶的祖先”。
24、中国茶文化始发于神农, 闻名于鲁周公,兴于唐朝,流行于宋朝,普及于明清。至今 已有五千年的历史,它与中国的佛教、儒学等糅合,独成一 体。 2.饮用方式的不同 中国人饮茶,注重“品” 。 用煮沸的清水冲泡茶叶,顺 乎自然,在清幽的环境中优雅地品尝,寻求茶的固有之味, 重在意境。饮茶要求安静、清新、舒适、干净。品茶的环境 多在园林或自然山水间,人们搭设茶室,小憩品茗,意趣盎 然。 英国在茶里加入牛奶, 或者蜂蜜、 肉桂、胡椒、威士忌、 黄油、鸡蛋,以及一切他们想加入的东西,从而把苦涩的茶 水变成适合自己口味的饮料。 now, we can know the different way of tea
25、 drinking. chinese often pay much 与之相比,英国人则嗜爱举行名目繁多的茶宴(tea party) 、花园茶会 (tea in garden) ,野餐茶会 (picnic tea) 。 about different tea etiquette, chinese attaches great importance to the tea etiquette. for example, after soliciting opinions of the guest, the host would choose tea which is the most suitabl
26、e for its flavor, with the best tea hospitality. at the same time, the host should pay attention to the residueof tea water in the cup, if there s a half cup, the host will add boiling water, keeping the concentration of tea consistent, and moderate temperatures. by contrast, british people are addi
27、cted to various tea feasts, such as tea party, tea in garden, or picnic tea. 4.影响不同 茶是我国人民物质生活的必需品,更是我国传统文化的 载体。品茶、待客是中国个人高雅的娱乐和社交活动,坐茶 馆、茶话会则是中国人社会性群体茶艺活动。中华茶文化在 发展的过程中所发挥着多方面的社会功能和作用,比如,以 茶祭祀 、或者作诗、制药。 喝茶,对英国现代文明的进程有着不一样的影响。下午 茶不仅仅是休闲的家庭生活的象征,更为女性的社交生活提 供了场所。另外,国内茶叶的巨大消费量刺激了英国的对外 贸易和殖民扩张,英国和东印度公司赚
28、取了滚滚财富,为早 期工业文明提供了资本积累 talking about social affect, we can see, for china, tea is one of the necessities in chinese material life, but also the carrier of chinese traditional culture. entertaining a guest with tea, is chinese personal elegant entertainment while sitting in the teahouses or holding t
29、ea party is chinese social groups activities.the chinese tea culture plays various social functions in the developing process of tea, for example, it being used for sacrifice, banquet, poetry or medicine. tea has different effects on the progress of british modern civilization. afternoon tea is not
30、only a symbol of leisure family life, but it offers more places for womens social life. in addition, the huge domestic consumpti( 转载于 : m 校 园生活 : 红茶的演讲 稿 )on of tea stimulus britain foreign trade and colonial expansion and the uk has made a fortune, so that it could provide rich capital accumulation
31、 for their early industrial civilization that s all. thank you. well do you have any questions 篇三:中外茶文化演讲稿 大家上午好,我将代表第一组向你们讲解我们的PPT, 我们着重向你们分析中国和英国这两个国家的茶文化的区 别。 Good afternoon ,everybody !ImTang Na. Id like to show the differences between Chinese tea culture and British tea culture, representing fo
32、r group 1. 1.茶文化的起源 作为茶树的原产地,中国是最早种植、加工和饮用茶的 国度,是当之无愧的 “茶的祖先”。中国茶文化始发于神农, 闻名于鲁周公,兴于唐朝,流行于宋朝,普及于明清。至今 已有五千年的历史,它与中国的佛教、儒学等糅合,独成一 体。 从17世纪开始,茶叶传入英国,到19世纪,几乎整 个英国社会都开始流行喝茶。 值得一提的是 “英式下午茶” , 这一称谓的正式发明是在 19世纪 40 年代。英国维多利亚时 代,公元 1840 年,英国公爵夫人安娜女士每天下午都邀请 几位好友,同享轻松惬意的午后时光,伴随着茶与精致的点 心。直到今天,它已形成一种优雅自在的下午茶文化,也
33、成 为正统的“英国红茶文化” ,这也是所谓的“维多利亚下午 茶”的由来。 To begin with, it s necessary to know the origin of tea culture. As the country of origin of the tea, China was the first country for planting, processing and drinking of tea, and is worthy of ancestor of tea. Chinese tea culture originated in Shen Nong times, be
34、came famous in Wei and Jin dynasties, thrived in the tang dynasty, became popular in song dynasty, and popularized in Ming and Qing dynasties., It has to do with Buddhism and Confucianism of China, but become a specially new culture, which has been five thousand years of history. In 17th century, te
35、a was introduced into the UK. Until 19th century, tea became popular in almost all British society. It is worth mentioning English afternoon tea. This formal appellation was invented in the 1840s. Victorian, Anna, the British duchess, invited a few friends and enjoyed the ease of an afternoon every
36、day, of course accompanied by the tea and delicate snack. Until today, it has formed a kind of elegant and comfortable afternoon tea culture, and also become orthodox British black tea culture, which is the origin of the so-called Victorian afternoon tea. 2.饮用方式的不同 中国人饮茶,注重“品”o用煮沸的清水冲泡茶叶,顺 乎自然,在清幽的环
37、境中优雅地品尝,寻求茶的固有之味, 重在意境。饮茶要求安静、清新、舒适、干净。品茶的环境 多在园林或自然山水间,人们搭设茶室,小憩品茗,意趣盎 然。 英国在茶里加入牛奶, 或者蜂蜜、 肉桂、胡椒、威士忌、 黄油、鸡蛋,以及一切他们想加入的东西,从而把苦涩的茶 水变成适合自己口味的饮料。 Now, we can know the different way of tea drinking. Chinese often pay much attention to taste. They brew tea with boiling water naturally, taste with elegan
38、ce in the quiet environment, and experience inherent flavor of tea, focusing on its artistic conception. It is quiet, comfortable, clean, pure and fresh. People always build teahouse, taste tea, and recreate themselves in the gardens or natural landscape,. British would like to put milk, honey, cinn
39、amon, pepper, whisky, butter or eggs, and all the other things they want into their tea, so as to make bitter tea suitable for their flavor. 3 .饮茶礼仪的不同中国很重视沏茶、敬茶的礼仪。 比如,征求客人意见后,主人会选用最合其口味的茶叶和最 佳茶具待客。同时,主人要注意客人杯中的茶水残留量,如 果客人已喝去茶杯一半,主人就要添加开水,使茶水浓度基 本保持前后一致,且水温适宜。 与之相比,英国人则嗜爱举行名目繁多的茶宴 (Tea Party) 、花园茶会
40、 (Tea in Garden) ,野餐茶会 (Picnic Tea) 。 About different tea etiquette, Chinese attaches great importance to the tea etiquette. For example, after soliciting opinions of the guest, the host would choose tea which is the most suitable for its flavor, with the best tea hospitality. At the same time, the host should pay attention to the residueof tea water in the cup, if there s a half cup, the host will add boiling water, keeping the concentration o
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