



1、PEP五年级下册英语测试卷(1-4)班级:姓名:听力部分 (35分) 听音,选出你所听到的单词。(10分)()1. A、 January B. August C、 December D. October() 2、A、spr ing B. summer C、fa I I D. winter()3. A、 Monday B. Saturday C Thursday D. Tuesday()4. A、 third B、 first C. fourth D、 four()5. A、 swim B、 skate C. make a snowman D、 sIeep()6、 A. sometimes B、

2、 usually C、 often D、 always()7、A、whe nB、 why C、 which D. what()8、A、doingB. wr i tingC、washing D、ta Ik i ng()9、A、dateB、day C、bi rthday D、today()10. A、Whatdo you do on the weekendB、Which season do you Iike bestC、When i s your b i rthdayD、What are you doing二. 根据录音内容判断下列图片或句子是否相符,用丁或X表示(10分)1、() 2、()3、

3、()4、 ()5.()6、(:)I usuaI Iy read books inthe morning7、()Today i s June 3rc 8、()My grandma i s cook i ngdinner in the kitchen.9、()My uncle s bi rthdayisn t in May.10、()Spr i ng i s Sarah s favour ite season.三、听音,选答语。(5分)()1、A.My bi rthdayB. July 9thC.Tuesday()2、A.At 7:30.often go hikingwatch TV.()3、A.

4、I m Iistening to musicB. Shes wr iting a letter.C.He i s read inga newspaper()4、A.Because it scoldB. Because Ican swimC.Because I canfly kites.()5、A. It s OctoberB. It s in OctoberC It s sunny.四、听录音,补全句子或对话。(10分)1. I I i ke , I can .2. I often , some times I .Which season do you I ikes theIt s May f

5、 i rstyour bi rthdaybrother i s .do you I ike winterit s snowy.笔试部分(65分)一. 读一读,找出画线部分读音不一致的单词。(5分)K ()A、 May B、 playC、says Dday2、()A、 bearwearC whereD、 near3、()A、 cloud B、 groupC. coupD、 soup4、()A、 tweIfth B、 twoC、 tweIveD、 twenty5、()A、 greenB、 grassC、g_ueD、 great二.根据给出的话题词,选择相关的合适单词或词组。(5分)()1. sum

6、merA* hot B* skate C cool()2. seasonA、sunnyB. windy C、fa I I()3. sportsA、swimB、go shopping C、visit grandparents()4. dateA、appleB . May 3V C . b i rthday()A 、 Teachers DayB Women * s Day C、Children s Day三、选择,并将序号写在括号里。(15分)()1. When is your bi rthdays in May 1st B It s may. s May 1 st () It s July 15

7、th .s the date to dayB. Wha t day i s it to dayC Wha t time i s it()3.do you do on the weekendA. WhenB. WhatC. How() usuaI Iy have Chinese cI assthe morn ing and eat lunch noon.A. at ; at;inC. in; at() 5. You don t like don t like summer,A. tooC. to() her bi rthday June 9th ,it i s.B.Yes, she is., i

8、s it()7. Wheni sbi rthday In May.Bill,sBUncle BillsBi I I()8. Whenis Chi Idren s DavA. Its June8ths June 1st s July 1st()9、 Man:He I Io.Mike:Mike.CanI speak to John, pleaseA、Myname i sBs This isC I * m()10、dov/e go to tne 5 1 iaren s uentery: ouA. WhatB. WhereC. What time四、连词成句。(10 分)1 weekenddoWhat

9、do on the you2. Iplaysportsusually thei n afternoon.3. doyoubestWhichseasonI i ke4. mot her my clea ning i s room the5. your bi rthday when is五、从B栏中选出A栏问句的相应答语。(10分)A栏B栏()1. Which season do you Iike bestA、October 1 st.()2. Can I speak to your dad,pI easeB、 Because I can swim.()3. Why do you Ii ke su

10、mmerC Hold on please()4. When do you go to bedD、 At 9:00()5. When is the National DayE . Spring六、短文选词填空。(10分)watering, is, washing, lunch, October 1st, isn t, homework, e-mail, playing , whatToday is, our National Day My famiIy is busy now. Look, I mthe clothes My sister Lily isthe f Iowers Mom is c

11、ooking Brotheris doingi n the study. Dadwr i ting anto UncIe Li.is younger sister Lucy doing Shedoing any homework She iscomputer games七、阅读下列短文,并判斷对错,对的写T”,错的写“F” (10分)My name i s Tom. My bi rthday i s June 2nd The weather i s sunny and hot. It s my favour ite season. On my bi rthday, I usua I Iy ha

12、ve a bi rthday party. Sometimes we have a picnic Tomorrow i s my bi rthday. I am cIeaning the room now. My mom i s making a bi rthday cake for me.()s bi rthday i s on Chi Idres Day()s warm and sunny in summer()3. Today i s June 1st.()4. Tom s mother can make a bi rthday cake()there i s a bi rthday p

13、arty on Tom s bi rthday.听力材料一. 听音,选出你所听到的单词。(10分)1 B. August2、 D winter3、C、Thursday4. C、 fourth5 A. swim6、 A、 sometimes7、C、which8、D. ta I king9 A. date10、 B 、 Whichseasondo you I ikebest二.根据录音内容判断下列图片或句子是否相符,用丁或X表示(10分)I often pI ay footba I I on the weekend.( X)2、Wu Yifan usuaI Iy v i s its grandpa

14、rents on the weekend.(J)3、I I i ke summer best I can swim.(J)4、Winter is always snowy and cold( X )5、My bi rthday i s Ju Iy 14 (X)6、I usuaI Iy read books in the evening(X)7、Today i s June 3(J)8、 My mother is cooking dinner in the kitchen.(X)9 y My uncle s bi rthday i s i n March.(J)10、Sarah s favour i te seaso n is Spr i ng. (J)三、听音,选答语。(5分)1 Whas the date today2、 When do you go to school3、Whas your father doing4、I Iike spr ing best 5、When is your bi rthday四、听录音,补全句子


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