



1、UNIT 8 Sharing Task 1(1)reading(2)whether they read much or not, the last books they read, their favorite books, and the fictional characters they most like to be or meetTask2(1) She likes to read non-fiction books about history and politics, and she also likes to read some poetry. (2) Do you read m

2、uch?(3)The interviewees all say that they read a lot.Task3a-e-d-c-bTask436.2 3Task537.(1)funniest novel(2)completely normal(3)easy(4)complex(5)dark and monstrous(6)by defaultListening Task 2 Activity 1 1 The website believes that story-telling should be egalitarian or democratic, that is, everyone h

3、as a story. 2 He was surprised at the number o contributions (i.e. 15,000 in a couple o months), and he didnt expect that so many of the stories were sad he had thought that a lot of them would be funny or playful. 3 Lots of those stories convey a sense of regret or disappointment. 4 Reference: Exam

4、ples are:a)Not quite what I was planning.b)Wasnt born a redhead. Fixed that.c)Found true love. Married someone else.d)Never should have bought that ring. Task 2 Activity 2(l)took up the challenge(2)tag line(3)playing off(4)blown away(5)took life under control(6)make a switch(7)come back withViewing

5、Task 2 Activity 1 BDCABTask 2 Activity 2 357Role-playingTask 1 Activity 2 (1) Im a big fan of detective novels(2)What I really liked about it was the main character39.(3) Im not that keen on detective novels40.( 4) I just couldnt get into it41.( 5) I couldnt stand it42.(6)Im not really into fantasy4

6、3.(7)the thing I love about it is the writingPresenting Get ideas 1 t)The saying the story disproves is If at first youdont succeed . try, try again. 11(2)Paragraph 2: The writer gives the time, location, and background of the story.44.(3) Paragraphs 3 and 4: The writer describes in detail what happ

7、ened to him, i.e. his failure to learn how to windsurf although he tried it many times.45.(4) Paragraphs 3 and 4: The writer tells us how he felt by using words such as stupidly (Para. 3), embarrassed (Para. 3) and defeated Para. 4).46.(S)He learned that if he couldnt succeed in doing something at f

8、irst, he should gi(e it up rather than try it again and again in vain. This is stated in Paragraph 5.47.(6)Partly. When I read the title, I felt the author is going to tell a story that proves the saying. But when I came to the sentence But Im not so sure thats always true, I sort of knew what the e

9、nding looks like it disproves the saying.48.(7) In the last paragraph, he rewrites the saying mentioned in the first paragraph to give a logical ending to his story.Get ideas 2 d-c-e-f-a-bMore practice in listening Short conversation DCBAC Long conversation BCAD Passages: Passage 1 ACBD Passages: Passage 278.refugee79.desperate80.entitled81.became informed of82.are confronted with83.spokesperson84.seek files86.stayed loyal to87.virtuallyUNIT test PART I CDDBB Part II AAADC Part III BAA


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