1、自然拼读朗读材料姓名班级Say the sound: AaSay the words:A优秀B优良C需加强家长签字: 日期:catsadbagSay the rhyme:A man with a p an,Can cook eggs and h am.That s what a m an c an do!That s what a m an c an do!爸爸、妈妈、本页的内容我都已经会读了,请您给我一个评价吧!(在字母下面打)自然拼读朗读材料姓名班级A 优秀B 优良C 需加强 家长签字: 日期:Say the sound: BbSay the words:JLbea nI BANK OB
2、CHINAbankboySay the rhyme:One thi ng I like,Is my big blue bike.I like to play,With a boy who likes b utter.爸爸、妈妈、本页的内容我都已经会读了,请您给我一个评价吧!(在字母下面打)Say the sound: CcSay the words:can dleSay the rhyme:One littleOne littlecat, with one little king, with one littlekey.kite.Can drive a car.Can fly to a sta
3、r.爸爸、妈妈、本页的内容我都已经会读了,请您给我一个评价吧!(在字母下面打)Say the sound: DdSay the words:deskdeerduckdogdoordadSay the rhyme:The dog and the duck get into the car.Dad drives them home. How happy they are!爸爸、妈妈、本页的内容我都已经会读了,请您给我一个评价吧!(在字母下面打)自然拼读朗读材料姓名班级.Say the sound: EeSay the words:红色redSay the rhyme:10t ensendThis
4、is K en.He is t en.Ken has a pr esent,and a good fri end.爸爸、妈妈、本页的内容我都已经会读了,请您给我一个评价吧!(在字母下面打)自然拼读朗读材料姓名班级Say the sound: FfSay the words:fanf ingerf ive5f atfrogf lagSay the rhyme:I have a sister.She is f ive.And she is f at,Ha,ha! What a fat girl!.爸爸、妈妈、本页的内容我都已经会读了,请您给我一个评价吧!(在字母下面打)A优秀B优良C需加强家长签字
5、: 日期:自然拼读朗读材料姓名班级Say the sound: GgSay the words:good*grapeglueA 优秀B 优良C 需加强 家长签字: 日期:glassgoatgunSay the rhyme:Good g irls please say hi.Good boys say goodbye.爸爸、妈妈、本页的内容我都已经会读了,请您给我一个评价吧!(在字母下面打)Say the sound: HhSay the words:hillhallhenhathothuntSay the rhyme:Hello, h ello, hi, hi, hi.How are you
6、I m fine.爸爸、妈妈、本页的内容我都已经会读了,请您给我一个评价吧!(在字母下面打)自然拼读朗读材料姓名班级Say the sound: IiSay the words:Sngsi tf i shSay the rhyme:Fi sh, f i sh, f i sh, the f i sh i s swi mmng.Si ng, s i ng, s i ng, the k i ng is s i ngi ng.爸爸、妈妈、本页的内容我都已经会读了,请您给我一个评价吧!(在字母下面打)A 优秀B 优良C 需加强家长签字: 日期:自然拼读朗读材料姓名班级Say the sound: JjS
7、ay the rhyme:j eansj uicj acketj umpJoh n is a boyWho loves j eans and j acketAnd long j eep j ourney.爸爸、妈妈、本页的内容我都已经会读了,请您给我一个评价吧!(在字母下面打)A优秀B优良C需加强 家长签字:日期:自然拼读朗读材料姓名班级Say the sound: KkSay the words:kitekettlekoalarhyme:Say thekeykidFly the kite in the par k.Don t kic k the koala in the zoo.爸爸、妈妈、
8、本页的内容我都已经会读了,请您给我一个评价吧!(在字母下面打)A 优秀B 优良C 需加强 家长签字: 日期:自然拼读朗读材料姓名班级_Say the sound: LlSay the words:l eaf 14l ongSay the rhyme:A boy is c l iming thel akel adderl emon tree,l emoncl imbLooking at the l ake.A bird is singing.A l eaf is fa ll ing.爸爸、妈妈、本页的内容我都已经会读了,请您给我一个评价吧!(在字母下面打)Say the sound: Mmf I
9、1monkeyKVmenle monmoonmangohomeSay the rhyme:I can see a mon key, sta nding on thenoon.Clap his han ds, clap his han ds.There s a mon key on the moon.爸爸、妈妈、本页的内容我都已经会读了,请您给我一个评价吧!(在字母下面打)A 优秀B 优良C 需加强家长签字: 日期:自然拼读朗读材料姓名班级Say the sound: NnSay the words:netnutn eck9nineJacn ameno odleSay the rhyme:no
10、odles!I have a n ap. I dream ofn my net!I dream of nuts! A nd I dream of the fish i爸爸、妈妈、本页的内容我都已经会读了,请您给我一个评价吧!(在字母下面打)A 优秀B 优良C 需加强家长签字: 日期:mopl ogbottlef oxSay the rhyme:Hop, h op, h op, I can t st op.Jog, j og, j og, I j og with my d og.爸爸、妈妈、本页的内容我都已经会读了,请您给我一个评价吧!(在字母下面打)A 优秀B 优良C 需加强家长签字: 日期:
11、pigpetpi nkprin cesspanparkSay the rhyme:pet is a pig.The prin cess has a pet. TheThe p ig is pi nk. They are in thepark.爸爸、妈妈、本页的内容我都已经会读了,请您给我一个评价吧!(在字母下面打)A 优秀B 优良C 需加强家长签字: 日期:自然拼读朗读材料姓名班级Say the sound: OoSay the words:quizquiequaiquilquee nquickSay the rhyme:Be quiet, quail. Thequee n is coming
12、.自然拼读朗读材料姓名班级Say the sound: OoSay the words:Be quick, get the quilt for her.爸爸、妈妈、本页的内容我都已经会读了,请您给我一个评价吧!(在字母下面打)A优秀B优良C需加强家长签字:日期:自然拼读朗读材料Say the sound: Rrrainr abbitroseratrocketropeSay the rhyme:Jump up an dow n. Like ared rabbit.Fly up an dow n. Like a cool r ocket.爸爸、妈妈、本页的内容我都已经会读了,请您给我一个评价吧!(
13、在字母下面打)A优秀B优良C需加强家长签字:日期:Say the words:sunsofasicksitstandsocksSay the rhyme:sit dow n.We all sit down, we allAs fast as we can, we allsit dow n.We all stand up, we allstand up.As fa st as we can, we all stand up.爸爸、妈妈、本页的内容我都已经会读了,请您给我一个评价吧!(在字母下面打)A 优秀B 优良C 需加强 家长签字: 日期:自然拼读朗读材料姓名班级Say the sound:
14、Ttt iget ent oysfoo tSay the rhyme:Ten tall t igers go t o school.They are in the t axi.爸爸、妈妈、本页的内容我都已经会读了,请您给我一个评价吧!(在字母下面打)A 优秀B 优良C 需加强家长签字: 日期:自然拼读朗读材料姓名班级Say the sound: YySay the words:A 优秀B 优良C 需加强家长签字: 日期:自然拼读朗读材料姓名班级Say the sound: oryearyesyoyoyellyoungSay the rhyme:yellowSpinning like ayo-y
15、o. Round and round.Spinning like ayo-yo. Round and round.Yes, its a yellow yo-yo.Yes, its a yellow yo-yo.爸爸、妈妈、本页的内容我都已经会读了,请您给我一个评价吧!(在字母下面打)Say the words:Say the sound: shzipzoozebra11 la zypuzzleSay the rhyme:A doze n zebras in the zoo.Start to think what they should do.Fill in the missing words:
16、la_y_oo_ebrado_e n_ippu_ _leA dozen ice creams on a plate.Eat them now or it s too late.爸爸、妈妈、本页的内容我都已经会读了,请您给我一个评价吧!(在字母下面打)chairchipscherrycheesechicke nchilliSay the rhyme:Look at thechildre n,With chips in their hair,Cheese on their faces,And sauce on the chairs.爸爸、妈妈、本页的内容我都已经会读了,请您给我一个评价吧!(在字母
17、下面打)A 优秀B 优良C 需加强家长签字: 日期:自然拼读朗读材料姓名班级sheimuipTllfb Ii胡;1b!HKilim ji細!shelfF;shopshortshutSay the rhyme:The lady in the shop has a black shirt.She puts books on the shelf.She sells books to childre n. The nshe shuts the door.爸爸、妈妈、本页的内容我都已经会读了,请您给我一个评价吧!(在字母下面打)Say the words:f ar mhardt artmar ketSa
18、y the rhyme:I put a pig un der myarm. I put a t art on my head.I go to the m ar ket. Why is everybody laugh ing爸爸、妈妈、本页的内容我都已经会读了,请您给我一个评价吧!(在字母下面打)horsehornshortcor nerforkmor ningSay the rhyme:It is m or ning on the farm. A baby h orse is b orn.He sits in the c or ner.He says “Good morning ” to all the h orses.爸爸、妈妈、本页的内容我都已经会读了,请您给我一个评价吧!(在字母下面打)A 优秀B 优良C 需加强家长签字: 日期:自然拼读朗读材料姓名班级Say the sound: whwhat护丸民治大道” ,754号.whereSay the rhyme:Do you know where to go.wheelwhichwhenwhiteWlat to do and what to sayDo you know when it s time to go awayYes, I know where t
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