Business Letter Writing_第1页
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1、 第第 一一 讲讲 主讲教师:主讲教师:liu zhilinliu zhilin e_mail:e_mail: cell phoneell phone公共邮箱公共邮箱: 密码密码:guomao2010:guomao2010 外贸实务基本环节:外贸实务基本环节: n建立业务关系 n询盘、报盘和报价、还盘 n签订合同及订单 n履行合同及订单 n包装和运输、 n支付货款、信用证的开立与修改、 n索赔和解决等 课程简介课程简介 本课程是国际贸易专业核心业务本课程是国际贸易专业核心业务 课程之一,是一门将英语与外贸业务课程之一,是一门将英语与外贸业务

2、相结合的课程。相结合的课程。 通过介绍外贸实务中各种通过介绍外贸实务中各种英文函英文函 件的写作格式件的写作格式、商业术语的表达方法商业术语的表达方法, 使学生在提高英语水平的同时,熟练使学生在提高英语水平的同时,熟练 掌握外贸业务中常用的基本术语及表掌握外贸业务中常用的基本术语及表 达技能,培养和提高外贸工作能力达技能,培养和提高外贸工作能力。 n外贸函电外贸函电是一门实践操作性很强的课程。是一门实践操作性很强的课程。 n 本课程主要本课程主要通过学习通过学习外贸实务环节中有代表外贸实务环节中有代表 性的信例性的信例,大量熟悉外贸各个环节中常用词汇、,大量熟悉外贸各个环节中常用词汇、 短语、

3、句型以及习惯表达短语、句型以及习惯表达,通过一定量练习,通过一定量练习, 达到熟练掌握并使用常用语的目的。达到熟练掌握并使用常用语的目的。 n1. 学习外贸书信的标准格式,学会拟写信函;学习外贸书信的标准格式,学会拟写信函; n2. 了解如何进行业务沟通、询盘、报盘和还盘;了解如何进行业务沟通、询盘、报盘和还盘; n3. 怎样灵活运用付款方式,怎样去审查信用证;怎样灵活运用付款方式,怎样去审查信用证; n4. 在理赔和索赔中做到有理有利有节在理赔和索赔中做到有理有利有节 学习内容及方法:学习内容及方法: objective analyze and plan for a business wri

4、ting task choose precise words to convey the correct meaning write clear and concise sentences and paragraphs identify and correct common errors found in sentence structures master the natural written english the most important objective of taking this course is *to cultivate the sense of doing busi

5、ness learning the tone of writing learning the format (letter, memo, e-mail), strategy, and word choice learning the principles of writing learning the skills of negotiation in most cases, the business letter will be the first impression that you make on someone. for this reason it is important that

6、 you are diligent in your task of writing an effective business document. even though business writing is possibly less formal than it once was. * in a nutshell, business letter should communicate your ideas effectively, concisely and professionally. most business letters and proposals are opportuni

7、ties to influence decisions. usually its a one-time opportunity. thats why you should accept professional training! it is essential to understand that writing for a business context or audience can be distinctly different than writing in the humanities (art), social sciences, or other academic writi

8、ng. writing for business should be crisp (clarity, conciseness) and succinct (concise and terse). reading makes a full man; conference, a ready man; writing, an exact man. 读书使一个人丰富, 讨论可使一个人成熟 写作写作使一个人精确 introduction: business letter writing ncontents: the component part of a letter a letter consists

9、 of a number of parts, each of which is essential to the letter, or contributes in some way to its impact on the recipient. we may list them as follows : the letterhead/heading the references the date the inside name and address the salutation the subject heading/caption the opening paragraph the bo

10、dy of the letter the closing paragraph the complimentary close the signature the enclosures and copies the postscript 1)信头信头 (letterhead) 编号编号 referencereference 日期日期(date)(date) 2 2)封内名称和地址)封内名称和地址 ( (inside address)inside address) 送交送交/ /由由亲阅亲阅( (attention)attention) 3 3)称呼)称呼( (salutationsalutati

11、on )事由)事由/ /标题标题/ /( (caption)caption) 5)5)开头语开头语(opening sentence)(opening sentence) 6 6)正文)正文( (message/body)message/body) . 7) 结尾语 closing sentence 8 8)结尾敬词)结尾敬词( (complimentary)complimentary) * *9 9)签名)签名( (signature)signature) 1010)附件)附件 ( (enclosure)enclosure) since letters are often elements

12、in the formation of business contacts, it is essential to have the addresses of both parties included in every item of business correspondence. by having a printed letterhead a firm ensures that it includes all the necessary details about its own name, address, postcode(zip code), telephone number,

13、telex , fax numbers , e-mail account and homepage or website. a typical letterhead might read: stone and simpson ltd. 24 darby street, salisbury, wilts telephone: telex: fax: e-mail: http: 1)the letterhead/heading信头信头 reference 参考号参考号 为便于存档与查阅,避免混淆,可以为信编写参考号为便于存档与查阅,避免混淆,可以为信编写参考号。 n the references

14、usually consists of the initials字母缩写 of the executive who dictated the letter followed by the initials of the secretary who typed it. the executives initials are usually in upper case (capital letters). the secretarys initials are sometimes typed in lower case小写. the two sets of initials may be divi

15、ded by a solidus / 斜线分割符 号 or a full stop. they may include a file number, or a departmental code of some sort. when giving the reference of a previous letter, to which the present letter is a reply, it is helpful to give the date of the earlier letter. typical references might therefore be: your re

16、f dhw/aw/22 october 20. our ref ptr/ab the date nthe recommended order for dates is day, month, year, with open punctuation. thus 20 november 2004 is perfectly clear and punctuation would not add anything. am.e month date, year november 20, 2004 br.e date month, year 20 november,2004 date n打印日期注意事项:

17、打印日期注意事项: na.a. 年份应完全写出,不能用年份应完全写出,不能用( (1111) )代替代替 ( (20112011) ) b.b. 月份要写英文名称,不能用数字来月份要写英文名称,不能用数字来 代替代替。如。如2/21/112/21/11不能出现在正式函件不能出现在正式函件 中。中。 nc.c.但可以用缩写。但可以用缩写。如如aug.,aug.,代替代替august.august. nd.d.日期最好用基数字。日期最好用基数字。日期写法举例日期写法举例p1p1 n注:月份和日期之间不要用标点点开,注:月份和日期之间不要用标点点开, 年份之前必须用逗号点开年份之前必须用逗号点开 2

18、) the inside name and address nat the top a letter, below the references and the date, the secretary types the “inside name and address”. this is the name and address of the person to whom the letter is to be sent : the addressee. a typical address could be : mr. t. williamson 67 camside church stre

19、et california cambridge u.k.cb4 1 pq the name and address is typed in exactly the same way as on the envelope, in single spacing, with the town typed in capital letters 大写. each part of the address is written on a new line, including the postcode(zip code). inside name and address n收信人的姓名和地址收信人的姓名和地

20、址一般是在信笺的左上方,一般是在信笺的左上方, 沿左页边线写起。沿左页边线写起。 n封内地址与信封地址写法相同。封内地址与信封地址写法相同。 n便利:便利: n1 1、发信时可与信封地址相互对照,避免放入、发信时可与信封地址相互对照,避免放入 信封时发生差误;信封时发生差误; n2 2、收信人读信时,如发现信封名称地址与封、收信人读信时,如发现信封名称地址与封 内名称地址不符,可以知道是放入信封时发内名称地址不符,可以知道是放入信封时发 生错误,将信返回;生错误,将信返回; attention line n如需注明对方经办人,希望信如需注明对方经办人,希望信件送交特件送交特 定定经办人办理,可

21、以在封内地址下面加经办人办理,可以在封内地址下面加 attention attention 或或attention ofattention of 例例: : richard thomas ltd., 151 gower street london,sc7 6dy,england attention mr.cave or attention of purchasing manager a salutation is a greeting. it appears at the start of a letter and will usually be formal. dear sir, dear

22、sirs, dear madam, dear mr. brown. dear mrs. smith, etc. on a less formal note the secretary may be asked to type in the word dear . leaving the first name of the addressee to be filled in by the signatory when the letter is signed. this method also requires a change to the complimentary closure of t

23、he letter. some types of letter are addressed to the world at large, for example a testimonial推荐信 given to an employee who is applying for a post elsewhere. a suitable salutation in such circumstances is “to whom it may concern “to those who may be concerned” am.e. gentlemen: br.e. dear sirs, 3)the

24、salutation 这是写信人对收信人的一种称呼这是写信人对收信人的一种称呼, ,其位置其位置在封内在封内 地址的下面空两行地址的下面空两行 the salutation n目前外贸书信中一般通用的称呼有:目前外贸书信中一般通用的称呼有: dear sir / dear madam, ndear gentleman /gentlemen, ndear, 称呼后面的的标点,一般使用逗号或分称呼后面的的标点,一般使用逗号或分 号,美加来信中号,美加来信中gentlemengentlemen后用冒号:后用冒号: 4) subject line (标题) n the subject h

25、eading is inserted after the salutation. a subject heading should not end with a full stop. typical subject headings would be: sale of property in the riverside district order no.123 re: order no. 123 n事由写在称呼语下面两行,一般是在信笺中事由写在称呼语下面两行,一般是在信笺中 间位置,事由要简单扼要,说明商品名称,间位置,事由要简单扼要,说明商品名称, 数量,信用证或合同号等即可。数量,信用证

26、或合同号等即可。 5) 5) writing a strong opening to your business letter thankyouforyourletterof8thmarch2004,whichhas beenpassedtomeformyattention. irefertopreviouscorrespondenceinrespectoftheabove andnotethattodatewehavenotreceivedyour cheque/checkfortheoutstandingarrears欠帐. iwritewithreferencetoourtelephon

27、econversation yesterdayregardingtheabovematter. makeyourfirstparagraphdosomethingother thanjustreferringtoknowninformationso plungestraightintoyourmessage直奔主题 anddontwasteyourreaderstime.for example,youcould answeraquestion askaquestion explainanactiontaken expresspleasureorregret giveinformation th

28、eseopeningphrasesaresopopularbecause outforstandardphrasesinopening paragraphs.examplesare: furthertomyrecent iamwriting irefertomyletterdated irefertopreviouscorrespondence iwriteinreferenceto inrespectoftheabove recentcorrespondence regarding withreferenceto wi

29、thregardsto 开头语开头语(the opening (the opening paragraph) ) nthe opening paragraph is often only a simple sentence. it is introductory in nature and frequently refers to a previous letter, or course of dealings. it should always be courteous谦恭的, but it should also set the tone of the letter. this may b

30、e friendly, or formal, or it may hint at serious matters which the body of the letter will soon make plain. n自成一节,自成一节,简单明了。简单明了。 n习惯上是用客套语先将收到对方的来信的日期、编号习惯上是用客套语先将收到对方的来信的日期、编号 、主题及内容简单加以综述,、主题及内容简单加以综述,或者或者利用开头语作必要利用开头语作必要 的自我介绍的自我介绍。 6)the body of the letter this is the main subject matter of the

31、 letter, and is divided into an appropriate number of paragraphs. 这是书信的主体,表达发信人的意见。这是书信的主体,表达发信人的意见。 注意联页注意联页 7)writing a strong close to your business letter 结尾语结尾语( (the closing sentences) the closing sentences) iwouldagainapologizeforthedelayinreplyinganditrustthat thishasclarifiedthepointsyouhav

32、eraised,however,ifyouwish todiscussanypointsihavenotclarified,orneedanyfurther information,youmaywishtotelephoneorcontactmeaccordingly. ilookforwardtohearingfromyouandinthemeantime,should youhaveanyqueries疑问,pleasedonothesitatetocontactme. iregretthaticannotbeofmoreassistanceinthismatter,and shouldy

33、ouhaveanyfurtherqueries,pleasedonothesitateto contactme. makesureyouavoidusingweakphrasesand overusedbusinessphrasesinyourclosing paragraph. thankingyouforyour. hopingforapromptreply. trustingthisanswersyourquestions. pleasedonothesitatetocontactme itrustthisclarifiesthesituation the closing paragra

34、ph theclosingparagraphisagainusuallya singlesentencewhichreestablishesthe atmosphereofcourtesy谦恭whateverhas beenthenatureofthebodyoftheletter.itis frequentlyusedtosignaltheactionwhich thewriterhopeswillfollowfromtheletter n一般用来总结本文所谈的事项,提一般用来总结本文所谈的事项,提出出对对收收 信人的要求,如希望来函或电订货、答复信人的要求,如希望来函或电订货、答复 询问等

35、。另起一段。询问等。另起一段。 n两种写法:两种写法: n a) 分词短语分词短语 waiting your good news, we are, nb) 完整句子完整句子 we hope to receive your early reply. 8) the complimentary close thecomplimentaryclosecomesattheendofthe letter.itusuallyconsistsoftwowordsonly:yours faithfully,yourstrulyandyourssincerelybeing commonlyused.onlythe

36、firstword,yourshasa capitalletter大写.thecorrectcomplimentaryclose tobelinkedtoparticularformsofsalutationis showninthetablebelow.smallvariationswillbe foundinpractice. am.esincerely/faithfully/trulyyours, br.eyourssincerely, complimentary close n结束语是一种客套用语结束语是一种客套用语 n它应与前面的称呼相呼应,后面加逗号。它应与前面的称呼相呼应,后面加

37、逗号。 n如:如: ndear sir(s), yours faithfully,or dear sir(s), yours faithfully,or faithfully yours,faithfully yours, ngentlemen: truly yours,or yours truly,gentlemen: truly yours,or yours truly, ndear mr.xx, yours sincerely or dear mr.xx, yours sincerely or sincerely yours,sincerely yours, 常用称呼和结束语列表 dea

38、r sirs dear sirs or madams yours faithfullyfaithfully yours gentlemen ladies/ gentlemen yours very trulyvery truly yours dear sir or madam dear sir yours faithfullyfaithfully yours dear mr. seaver dear mrs. seaver dear ms malone dear miss malone yours faithfullyyours sincerely best wisheskind regard

39、s , etc.(u.k.) sincerelyvery truly yoursbest regards , etc. the signature block 签名 thesignatureblockconsistsoftheactualsignature, thetypewrittennameofthesignatory(sincemany signaturesarealmostillegible)andtheofficial positionofthesignatorythroughthelattermaybe omittedifitisknowntotheaddressee the si

40、gnature 签名 n结束语的下面,应将行号的名称用大写结束语的下面,应将行号的名称用大写 打出,必须由负责人签名,签名的下面打出,必须由负责人签名,签名的下面 为使对方了解签名人的姓名、职位,可为使对方了解签名人的姓名、职位,可 以打字注明。例见教材以打字注明。例见教材p6 n外国函件都必须由负责亲笔签名,用橡外国函件都必须由负责亲笔签名,用橡 皮戳说明该信并非本人亲自过目,只是皮戳说明该信并非本人亲自过目,只是 通函,不为人重视。通函,不为人重视。 10) enclosures if a correspondent refers in the body of a letter to th

41、e fact that some enclosure is to accompany the letter, such as a brochure, pro-forma invoice, price list, road map for access to somewhere, etc the signature block is followed by a reference to the fact that enclosures are included in the letter. this takes the form of the abbreviation for enclosure

42、s, written as enc, enc or inc. thus a typical enclosure might read : enc 1.pricelist 2.termsandconditionsofsale. enclosure(附录) n如信中有附件时,应在签名下注明如信中有附件时,应在签名下注明 n encl.或或enc. n如附件不止一件应注明如附件不止一件应注明 n 2 encls or 3 encls, n或详细列明如下:或详细列明如下: nencls:2invoices nenc:1b/l 1photo 1certificate 11) postscript n信写

43、完后,如果想起还有要紧的要说, 可以在信末 n 加p.s. 引出补叙的话 12) the carbon copy notation 副本抄送 nwhen carbon copies复印件 are taken with a view to sending them to interested parties it is usual to indicate the circulation list at the foot of the letter. the notification may read copies to: or distribution or most commonly cc :

44、 (copies circulated to) n如果函件要抄送其他有关单位,同时使对方也如果函件要抄送其他有关单位,同时使对方也 知道已抄送其他单位,可在信件最后的左下角知道已抄送其他单位,可在信件最后的左下角 注明注明 n “c.c. to xxx” or “c.c. xxx” format of letters briefly speaking, the function of the structure is as follows: introduction:stateyourpurposeand pertinentinformationupfront. body:includeany

45、additionalrelevant informationsuchasdates,recapsof conversation,additionalworkyouvedonefor thecompany,oranythingelsetomotivatethe readertoactasyouwish. conclusion:restatewhatyousaidinyou introduction. layout / form 格式格式 npage 8: n1) indented style 缩进式:封内地址及其他需要分行的部 分,第一段开始一行采用缩行式。 n结尾礼词、签名靠右 march 1

46、6, 2005 ernie english 1234 writing lab lane write city, in 12345 dear mr. english: the first paragraph of a typical business letter is used to state the main point of the letter. begin with a friendly opening; then quickly transition into the purpose of your letter. use a couple of sentences to expl

47、ain the purpose, but do not go in to detail until the next paragraph. beginning with the second paragraph, state the supporting details to justify your purpose. these may take the form of background information, statistics or first-hand accounts. a few short paragraphs within the body of the letter

48、should be enough to support your reasoning. finally, in the closing paragraph, briefly restate your purpose and why it is important. if the purpose of your letter is employment related, consider ending your letter with your contact information. however, if the purpose is informational, think about c

49、losing with gratitude for the readers time. sincerely, lucy letter indended format n2) full block form 完全平头式: n每一行字,包括日期、封内地址、事由 和结尾礼词。都是从左边的空白边缘起 march 16, 2005 ernie english 1234 writing lab lane write city, in 12345 dear mr. english: the first paragraph of a typical business letter is used to sta

50、te the main point of the letter. begin with a friendly opening; then quickly transition into the purpose of your letter. use a couple of sentences to explain the purpose, but do not go in to detail until the next paragraph. beginning with the second paragraph, state the supporting details to justify

51、 your purpose. these may take the form of background information, statistics or first-hand accounts. a few short paragraphs within the body of the letter should be enough to support your reasoning. finally, in the closing paragraph, briefly restate your purpose and why it is important. if the purpos

52、e of your letter is employment related, consider ending your letter with your contact information. however, if the purpose is informational, think about closing with gratitude for the readers time. sincerely, lucy letter 123 winners road new employee town, pa 12345 block format n3)改良平头式(modified blo

53、ck style) n除日期、结尾礼词和签名部分外,其他 部分每行开头都与左边空白边缘看齐。 march 16, 2005 ernie english 1234 writing lab lane write city, in 12345 dear mr. english: the first paragraph of a typical business letter is used to state the main point of the letter. begin with a friendly opening; then quickly transition into the pur

54、pose of your letter. use a couple of sentences to explain the purpose, but do not go in to detail until the next paragraph. beginning with the second paragraph, state the supporting details to justify your purpose. these may take the form of background information, statistics or first-hand accounts.

55、 a few short paragraphs within the body of the letter should be enough to support your reasoning. finally, in the closing paragraph, briefly restate your purpose and why it is important. if the purpose of your letter is employment related, consider ending your letter with your contact information. h

56、owever, if the purpose is informational, think about closing with gratitude for the readers time. sincerely, lucy letter modified block format n4)混合式( semiblock style with indented paragraphs) n平头式和缩行式的混合体。信的正文部分 采用缩行式,作者的地址、日期、结尾敬 语及签名采用平头式。 the absolute dos of writing professional, effective busin

57、ess letters do consider your audience. do write to someone by name. do state your purpose right away. do use a tried and true format. do take the time to revise and be concise. do double-check your facts and figures. do use a professional tone. beginning a letter your first job in writing any letter

58、 is to gain your readers attention. its an important principle of effective writing to put the most important information first. your opening paragraph is both the headline and the lead for the message that follows in the rest of the letter. without reference to previous correspondence 1.weareplease

59、dtoinformyouthat. 2.weoweyouraddressto. 3.weshouldbegrateful(obliged)ifyouwouldletusknow whether. 4.maywehavedetailsof. 5.wearesendingyouherewith/underseparatecover. 6.weattachforyourinformationthecopyofaletterreceived todayfrom. 7.wehavereceivedanenquiryfor 8.wehavebeeninformedby 9.iamwriting referring to previous correspondence 1.furthertoourletterofthewewishtoinformyouthat. 2.werefertoourletterofthe.inwhichwerequested 3.onthe.wewrotetoyouthat. 4.sincewritingtoyouonwehaveascertained确定t


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