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1、页眉内容 Unit1 1.Words friendly (adj.) 友好的 love (n.)爱; lovely (adj.)可爱的 helpful (adj.)乐于助人的; angry (adj.)生气的; anger (n.)生气 1 页脚内容 页眉内容 helpless (adj.)无助的 help (v./n.)帮助 help each other相互帮助 help sb. with sth.帮助某人某事 help sb. (to) do sth帮. 助某人做某事 angrily (adv.)生气地 be together一起 be kind to sb.对某人和善 share st

2、h. with sb与. 某人分享某物 tell a lie 撒谎 在具体的某一天用介词 on on Saturday在周六 on a winter night 在冬天的一个晚上 on May 9 在五月九日 look after sb. = take care of sb照. 顾某人 look after sb. well = take good care of sb. 好好照顾某人 find (v.)找到(不经意找到) find out 找到(经过努力找到) fook for 寻找(不知道结果) pick up 拾起,捡起 put sth. into sp.把某物放在某地 promise

3、to do sth.承诺做某事 keep ones promise遵守某人的诺言 make friends with sb.与某人交朋友 the friend of the earth地球的朋友 2.Language structure (1) 询问信息 A :What do you like to do with your friend?你和朋友喜欢做什么? B:We like to together.我们喜欢一起做 What do you like about him/her?你认为他 /她怎样? How can we look after the environment?我们怎样来照顾环

4、境? (2) 描述 We like to be together我. 们喜欢在一起。 She is always hardworking and she always keeps her promis她e.总是努力工作 并遵守她的诺言。 (3) 表示承诺 We promise to do我们承诺做 (4) 一般现在时态第三人称单数作主语的陈述句: Jim is a hardworking student.吉姆是一位努力学习的学生。 She is never angry. He never tells a lie. (5) already, just和 yet 的用法: 时间副词: alread

5、y(已经),just(刚刚), yet(还) already和 just 用于肯定句,置于句中、句尾皆可, yet 用于否定句和疑问句 中,通常放在句尾。 常用在现在完成时态中, 现在完成时表示过去发生的事情对 现在造成的影响,其基本形式: have/has + 过去分词。例如, Have you been to the Ocean park yet, Winnie温? 妮,你曾经去过海洋公园吗? No, I havent been there yet不. ,我还没去过那里。 Yes, Ive already been there是. 的,我已经去过那里。 Yes, Ive just been

6、 to the Ocean Par是k. 的,我刚刚去过海洋公园。 have been to和. have been there的区别 have been to后跟表示地点的名词, 而 have been there中 there是表示地点的副词, 后面不能再跟地点。例如, 2 页脚内容 页眉内容 I have already been to Shanghai Museum我. 已经去过上海博物馆。 Orient Pearl TV Tower is one of the tallest towers in the world.I have already been there.东方明珠电视塔是

7、世界上最高的塔之一。我已经去过那里。 Unit3 1.Words (电视 )节目;节目单 entrance (n.)入口 enter (v.)进入 = come/go into school hall 学校剧场 English club 英语俱乐部 gym 体育馆,健身房 listen to 听(强调听的动作) finally (adv.) 最后 4 页脚内容 页眉内容 hear听(强调听的结果) I listened to the teacher carefully, but I couldnt hear anything. final (adj.) 最后的 the final exam 期

8、末考试 arrive (vi.) 到达 arrive at(小地方 ) = get to = reach arrive at school 到达学校 arrive in(大地方 ) = get to = reach arrive in Shanghai到达上海 注意: arrive home/get home到家 arrival (n.)到达 Open Day 家长开放日 invite (v.) 邀请 invite sb. To sp.邀请某人到某地 invitation (n.) 请柬;邀请 staff room 教工休息室 covered playground室内体育场 route (n.

9、)路线,路径,航线,路,线路 the art and craft room美术及劳技教室 music room 音乐教室 2.Language structure (1) 用将来时谈论将来的事情 will + 动词原形,一般将来时表示将要发生的动作。例如, The school choir will sing at two fifty. (2) 用副词表达事情的进展顺序。例如, First ;Next;Then;After that;Finally (3) 学习用介词表示时间。例如, 2:40twenty to three/two forty 2:20twenty past two/two t

10、wenty (4) 表示顺序的数词称为序数词;在哪一栋楼和房间的门牌号用基数词,在哪一 层楼用序数词,例如, room1002, on the second floor 注意: 一般在基数词后面加 th 构成序数词,但有些词有特殊变化,例如, one first, two second, three third, five fifth, eight eighth, nine ninth, twelve twelfth 20 至 90 这样的整十数字变为序数词时,只需把词尾的字母 y 改为 ie, 再加 th 即可,例如, twenty twentieth ;在表达第几十几,第几百几时,只需将个

11、位改 为序数词即可,例如, twenty-two twenty-second 序数词总是和定冠词 the 连用。例如, the first lesson (5) Kitty and her classmates took some photos for the English Club on the Open Day.Kitty 和她的同学在家长开放日为英语俱乐部拍了一些照片。 这一句是一般过去时,句中 took 是 take 的过去式,表示过去发生的事情。本单 元要牢记的动词过去式还有: listen listened , visit visited , arrive arrived , h

12、ave had , look looked 典型练习题: I. Choose the best answer 1.Mum spends one hour food every day. 5 页脚内容 页眉内容 A. to cook B.cook C.cooking D.cooked 解析:本题考察动词 spend的用法,其结构是“ spend + 时间或金钱 + (in)doing sth.因此应选择 C 项。 2. There is information board in our school.We can get some information about our school fro

13、m it. A. an B.one C.the D./ 解析:information 是个不可数名词, 但是中心名词是后面的可数名词 board,因此选择 A 项。 3. Canada is the United States, but China is it. A.far away from, near B.near, far away from C.near, away fromD.away from, near 解析:本题考察 be far away from sp.及其反义词 be near sp的. 用法, 并 且根据地理知识可判断出选择 B 项。 4. What are the f

14、oreigners doing now, Grace? Theyre listening to our school in the hall. A.choir B.project C.club D.information board 解析:考察短语 school choir,因此选择 A 项。 5. Alice near school, so she to school every day. A.lives, walk B.live, walks C.lives, walks D.is living, walk 解析:本题考察时态和人称,根据 every day 可判断用一般现在时, 再根据人

15、称可确定选择 C 项。 er one? 6 页脚内容 页眉内容 A: Yes, here s a red sweater. _38 B: Yeah. It looks nice. 39 A: Here you are. B. Thank you .How much is it ? A:40 B: Heres the money .I take it. 五、完形填空( 10 分) Mr. and Mrs. Green 41 from England. They have 42 children. Their son is Jim. He is fifteen years old. Kate is

16、 Jim s sister. She is thirteen. Mr. Green works in No.15 Middle School of Beiji ng. He 43 English. Mrs. Green teaches English, too. But she works in a different 44 . Jim and Kate study in 45 mother s school, but they are in different 46 . Jim is in Grade Two and Kate is in Grade One. Jim and I 47 in

17、 the same class. Kate 48 to school with us e very day. They are my good 49 . They like China 50 much. ( ) 41. A. c omeB. comesC. isD. to come ( ) 42. A. threeB. four C. twoD. five ( )43. A. speaksB. teachC. teacherD. teaches ( ) 44. A. classroomB. sho pC. houseD. school ( ) 45. A. theirB. hisC. herD

18、. theirs ( ) 46. A. classesB. gradesC. schoolsD. rows A. What color do you want? B. Can I help you C. It s very big. ? D. Do you like it? E. I like it very much. 7 页脚内容 页眉内容 F. Its 88 yuan. G. That s right. ( ) 47. A. areB. isC. amD. be ( ) 48. A. goB. goesC. to goesD. to go ( ) 49. A. classmatesB.

19、sistersC. friendsD. brothers ( ) 50. A. veryB. too C. howD. so 六、阅读理解。(40 分) A)根据短文内容判断正误。 (正确的写 T, 错误的写 F ) A Michael Jordan is a great basketball player in NBA, in America. He plays basketball very well . Many people in America, in China, in the world ( 世 界 ) like watching him play basketball. Ton

20、y is a basketball fan. He loves Jordan very much. He watches him on TV, on the books. He wants to see him. The children in China want Jordan to come to China. They would lik e to take photos 照( 相 ) with him. ( )51. Jordan is an English man. ( )52. Jordan can t play basketball. ( )53. Jordan is a gre

21、at basketball player. ( )54. Tony can watch Jordan on TV and on the books. ( )55. The childre n in China want Jordan to come to China.C Fruit is good for people. Many people eat some fruit every day. Mr and M rs Smith like fruit very much . Every Tuesday , Mrs Smith goes to buy so me fruit in the sh

22、op near her house. The man in the shop knows her well a nd helps her a lot. She can buy all kinds of fruits there, like apples, pears, 8 页脚内容 页眉内容 oranges and bananas. In different time of the year, the pric(e 价格) of each kind of fruit is not the same, sometimes high, sometimes low. Mrs Smith wants

23、to buy cheap(便宜的) fruit. But Mr Smith likes bananas only. She buys bananas for him every w eek. She only buys cheap fruit for herself. ( )61.When does Mrs Smith buy fruit? On . A.Saturday B. Tuesday C. Thursday D. Friday ( )62.Where does Mrs Smith buy fruit? . A. In the shop near her house B. In the

24、 school C. Near the shopD. In the super market ( )63.Mrs Smith buys for Mr Smith. A.pears B. apples C. bananas D. oranges ( )64.Which of follow ing is not right? . A. Friut is good for people B. The man in the shop knows Mrs Smith a lot C. Mrs Smith can buy all kinds of fruit D. Mrs Smith buys apple

25、s for herself ( )65.In different time of the year, the price of each kind of fruit is . A. the same B. not the same C. high D. low D A French woman goes to London to see her son. She knows a little Englis h, but can t speak it very well. One day she goes to a shop. She wants to buy a hen( 母鸡) for supper. But she doesn t know the English word for “ hen” . Just then the shop worker asks her: 9 页脚内容 页眉内容 “Can


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