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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全公共英语一级(B)分类题劝告与建议公共英语一级(B)分类题劝告与建议第一部分 情景对话(At lunch time) A: Hello. lack. Im so hmngry. B: So an I(我也是) 1 2 go to the cafeteria (咱们去吃自助餐怎么样)? A: I dont like standing in like. you know. B: 3 4 buying some noodles (咱们买些面条如何)? A: Thats 5 6 7 (这是个好主意). Can

2、we get anything to drink there? B: I think so. Coke or something. A: Well. Id like them. B: 8 9 go and get some noodles first and then boil some eggs at the office (何不先去买面条然后回办公室煮鸡蛋)? A: Excellent. 1.答案: Shall2.答案: we3.答案: low/What4.答案: about5.答案: a6.答案: good7.答案: idea8.答案: Why9.答案: notA: 10 you 11

3、some chocolates (要吃些巧克力吗)? B: 12 . thank you. But I cannout eat anything very sweet (太甜). A: 13 14 15 16 (很抱歉听到这个). Have some cookies (饼干)then. B: Are they hard (硬的)? I cannot cat anything hard. cither. A: Really? Then them must be 17 18 19 yonr teeth (那你的牙齿肯定有点问题). You 20 21 22 a dentist (你最好看看牙医).

4、 B: 23 (很好). I just have dme this aftcmoon. 10.答案: Would11.答案: like12.答案: No13.答案: Sorry14.答案: to15.答案: hear16.答案: that17.答案: something18.答案: wrong19.答案: with20.答案: had21.答案: better22.答案: see23.答案: GreatA: Hi. Tom. How are you? B: Not very good. A: Sorry. 24 25 26 (怎么了)? B: I dont know. These days I

5、 always have a lot of homework to do. A: I sec. B: 27 28 give me some advice (你能给我一些建议吗)? A: Ill try my best. What 29 you 30 31 exercise (你看锻炼怎么样)? B: I dont have time for it. Every day I am busy with school work. A: Thats the problem (问题). You 32 33 too 34 (你学习太辛苦了). Its 35 36 37 38 (这样对你的身体不利). B:

6、 So what can I do then? A: How about 39 in the morning (早上跑步怎样)? 40 do it tomorrow (让我们明天开始跑吧). B: Ok. 24.答案: Whats25.答案: the26.答案: malter27.答案: Could28.答案: you29.答案: do30.答案:think31.答案: of32.答案: are33.答案: working34.答案: bard35.答案: bad36.答案: for37.答案: your38.答案: healdl39.答案: running40.答案: Lets第二部分 阅读

7、In many families in the Uniled States and Canada. pets (宠物) are part of the family. The family clog often sleeps on the bed with the children or partenls. Them m sometgnes pictures of the thndly pet on the wall along with pictures of the children. During (在期间) Christmas. you can even bring your cat

8、or dog to see Santa Claus (圣诞老人)in the shopping mall (购物商场).1. Pets are part of the family in China. A. True. B. False. 答案:B2. All dogs sleep on the bed wilb children and pamms in the United Stales and Canada. A. True. B. False. 答案:B3. You can bring your cat or dog to the shopping mall during Chd st

9、mas. A. True. B. False. 答案:AKim and Angela are good friends. They are a lot alike (相似). In fact. in some ways they am like twins (双胞胎). If you look at the picture. you can see that they am alike in many ways (方面).4. Kim and Angela Ne twills. A. True. B. False. 答案:B5. From the picture you can see the

10、y look like each other. A. True. B. False. 答案:ABob is from United Kingdom (英国). He lives in a nice famlily. His father is m English teacher in a middle school and ills molher works as a hume in a hospital. His mother likes singing very. much and she often sang to Bob when he was very young. so Bob l

11、oves music Very much. He plays guitar (吉他 ) and wants to write sonmgs of lis own one day. His parents support his inter. st and try to make him a musician (音乐家) in thc futura. Now his father is visiting China and Bob llves with his father in China.6. Bob is not living in China now. A. True. B. False

12、. 答案:B7. Bobs mother goes to a hospital for working and his father speaks English when working. A. True. B. False. 答案:A8. Bob hopes to be a musician in the future. A. True. B. False. 答案:BAn answering machine (电话答应机) calls with a tape recording (磁带录音) md many answedng machines allow (允许) the caller t

13、o rcoord (记录) a message on the tape. in this way. people will never miss (错过) a call from a friend or relafive (亲戚). and their social life becomes far more organized (有条理的). They can go to work. go out for a meal. even ralax in file bath and know that the answefing machines will reconl all incoming

14、calls for them to play back later. Whats inorc. the answedng machines are vcry simple to operate (操作).9. People never miss a call from a friend and reladve if Ihey have an answering machine. A. True. B. False. 答案:A10. It is very difficult to use the answering machine. A. True. B. False. 答案:B There a

15、re many people in the Untied States today whose ancestors (祖先) came from Africa as slaves (奴隶). These people are usually called African Americans (非裔美国人). African Americans prefer (更喜欢)this name rather than Blacks. African Amcricans were onee called Negroes (黑人)or colored people. These names are con

16、sidered (认为) impolile (无礼) today. 11. Black Americans like people to call them _A.NegroesB.BlacksC.African Americans答案:C12. Those Africans who first came to America am _A.slavesB.workersC.teachers答案:A Visiting the doctor can be confusing (令人糊涂的). Often. you must wait a long time to see the doctor. W

17、hen you finally scc the doctor. it is often just for a short lime. so its important to be pmpared to speak to tile dovtor and to undersland what the doctor tells you. 13. What do people do before they see the doctor?A.They have to wait a long time.B.They have to talk to the nurse first.C.They have t

18、o make a lelephone with the doctor.答案:A14. It is imporlam for people to knowA.how to taik to the other people.B.how to understand the doctor well.C.how to answer questions.答案:B My husband and I met one day at an airport (机场). It was Chrislmas day. I wa picking up (接)my friend Tom. He was coming from

19、 Gemlany (德国)to spend the holiday with my fmnily. While we gem waiting for his luggage (行李). I heard a man speaking in Italian(意大利语). I decided to say something to him because I could speak Balian. lsaid. BuonNatale whichmcans. Merry Christmas!(圣诞快乐) When I spoke in Italian. he said. Mama mia! Why d

20、o you speak halian? May I have your name?TM He asked me for my phone number. He called me the nexl day. and we dated (约会) for a year. Then we got married (结婚). 15. Tom is from _A.ChinaB.GemlanyC.the United Slates答案:B16. Why does Buon Natale mean?A.Good morning.B.How do you do?C.Merry Christmas!答案:C1

21、7. Where did the writer meet his husband?A.At an airport.B.Al the post office.C.At the cinema.答案:AMary is a w alt res s (女服务生). She works at a busy restauram. She lakes peoples orders(订单) and serves (供应)them food. She also takes peoples money and gives them change(零钱). When the restaurant is really

22、busy. somedmcs she even cooks tire food. She works six days a week. Her job is not easy. The trays(盘子) of food are heavy. She always gels backaches from carrying the heavy trays. Besides that. she has to be on her fcmt(站着)all day. Oficn her feet get tired. Mary doesnt maily like her job. but she has

23、 to work because she needs the money. She hopes she can find a better job soon.18. What dopes Mary do at tile restaurant? A. She takes peoples ordem and seines them food. B. She sets and cleans the table. C. She stands at the gate of the restaurant. 答案:A19. What does she think of her work? A. interesting B. important C. difficult 答案:C20. What will she do next ? A. She will go to find a better job. B. She will work harder in this restauram. C. She wdll leave the restaurant and slay at home. 答案:A第三部分 词语配伍 A. stop doing sonlething 62. give up B. (of sb. ) needing rest 63. weekend C. f


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