2020-2021学年高中英语Unit11TheMediaSectionⅢLesson4课后演练提能北师大版必修4 (经典实用)_第1页
2020-2021学年高中英语Unit11TheMediaSectionⅢLesson4课后演练提能北师大版必修4 (经典实用)_第2页
2020-2021学年高中英语Unit11TheMediaSectionⅢLesson4课后演练提能北师大版必修4 (经典实用)_第3页
2020-2021学年高中英语Unit11TheMediaSectionⅢLesson4课后演练提能北师大版必修4 (经典实用)_第4页
2020-2021学年高中英语Unit11TheMediaSectionⅢLesson4课后演练提能北师大版必修4 (经典实用)_第5页
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1、Unit 11 The Media Section Lesson 403课后演练提能. 单词拼写1. He was very well thought of all over the _ (地区)答案:district2. In our small town there are no _(无轨电车)答案:trolleybus3. On the trip to the forest we got lost in the _ (雾)答案:fog4. Qinghai Province lies in the _(西南方) of China.答案:southwest5. Will you have t

2、ime to do some _ (观光) in summer holiday?答案:sightseeing6. You will dirty the sofa if you put your m_ shoes on it.答案:muddy7. L_ the program into the puter.答案:Load8. On the way home I had a flat t_.答案:tyre9. Time is a very important c_ in this case.答案:consideration10. Ive e to the c_ that hes not the r

3、ight person for the job.答案:conclusion. 完成句子1. _ he has been absent from school for three days.很奇怪,他已经三天没来上学了。答案:Its strange that2. A new retirement pension plan for employees is now _.新的职工退休金计划正在考虑中。答案:under consideration3. _ do you _ from the evidence?你从证据中得出什么结论?答案:What conclusion; draw 4. Dont st

4、and _; the car will knock you down.不要挡道,那辆车会撞着你的。答案:in the way5. If you had started early, you _.如果你早点出发的话,你就不会迟到了。答案:wouldnt have been late. 单句改错1. The lorry, loaded with bricks, has broken down sudden in the middle of the bridge._答案:suddensuddenly2. One of the advantage of living on the top floor

5、of a highrise is that you can get a good view._答案:advantageadvantages3. Jobs died, left the pany a lot of money._答案:leftleaving4. If it was to snow this evening, they would not go out._答案:waswere5. The proposals are currently under the consideration._答案:去掉the. 单句语法填空(不多于3个单词)1. The chair is _ the wa

6、y, please take it away.答案:inin the way“挡道,碍事”,根据take it away可知,应填in。2. The sun began to rise in the sky, _ (bath) the mountain in golden light.答案:bathing此处用现在分词的一般式作结果状语,表示自然而然的结果。3. It is by no means clear _ the president can do to end the strike.答案:what句中it是形式主语,主语从句中缺少do的宾语,故用what作为主语从句的引导词且充当从句中

7、谓语动词do的宾语。4. On those questions _ (discuss) at yesterdays meeting, all the teachers made their views _ (know) clearly.答案:discussed; known第一个空要用过去分词discussed作后置定语修饰questions,表示被动和完成;第二个空用过去分词known作宾补,know与宾语views是动宾关系。5. If she _(return) an hour earlier, she wouldnt have been caught in the rain.答案:ha

8、d returned从“wouldnt have been caught”可知空处表示与过去事实相反,因此从句应用过去完成时。6. The old man asked Lucy to move to another chair _ he wanted to sit next to his wife.答案:because句意:那位老人让Lucy坐另外一把椅子,因为他想跟他的妻子坐在一块儿。because(因为)在此引导原因状语从句。7. Im calling to enquire about the position _ (advertise) in yesterdays China Daily

9、.答案:advertised句意:我打电话是询问关于中国日报上昨天所刊登的广告上的职位一事。advertise与position是逻辑上的动宾关系,故用过去分词表被动,此处是过去分词短语作后置定语。8. Tom took a taxi to the airport, only _ (find) his plane high up in the sky.答案:to find句意:汤姆乘的士赶到机场,结果发现他要乘坐的飞机已经飞入高空了。此处only后接动词不定式短语表示意想不到的结果。9. The construction of a 5millionton iron and steel work

10、s is now _ consideration.答案:underunder consideration“在考虑中,在研究中”,符合句意。10. _ (be) there no modern telemunications, we would have to wait for weeks to get news from around the world.答案:Were句意:要是没有现代化的通讯工具,我们要等上几周才能获取世界各地的新闻。本题考查虚拟语气。根据主句谓语结构would have to可知设空处表示与现在事实相反的假设,if条件从句谓语应为“动词的过去式”,即If there we

11、re.,在虚拟条件句中可以省略if,把were提到句首。提升实战能力. 阅读理解Five days after the strongest storm Haiyan on record hit the Philippines; millions are still without food, water or shelter. The need for aid couldnt be greateras the desperate pictures ing out of the country showincluding those of children with placards(标语牌)

12、around their necks begging for help. Our priority is children and families who were lucky enough to survive the storm. They now need our help to survive the aftermath(余波). It is the most vulnerable,_including pregnant women and children, who are most at risk.Everybody is desperate for food and water

13、. However, it is children and pregnant women who need it most that are likely to lose out as they arent strong enough to fight their way to the front of the crowd for few food.As soon as we knew there was a big storm on the way our team in the Philippines started preparing. We flew a team into Taclo

14、ban to be ready to help and they are there now, responding along with the rest of our 100strong team.We, like other groups, are doing our best but it is tough going. The challenge we face now is how to get the aid out as quickly as possible, including to remote towns and villages, when the airport i

15、s blocked with debris(残骸) and so many roads are impassable. Until Tacloban airport is cleared we face a 10hour journey across stormdamaged land to reach people most in need. Some military flights have managed to land in Tacloban, which is promising, but we urgently need the airport to be cleared so

16、it can bee a 24hour aidflight center.In the ing weeks we hope to reach 500,000 peoplethat is our immediate task. And in stricken cities like Tacloban the threat of disease is ing. But the bigger challenge will be in the months and years ahead. 本文是一篇新闻报道。实时报道了菲律宾在台风海燕袭击后,灾民流离失所,迫切渴望食物和水的混乱局面,以及营救队伍的施

17、救情况。1. The passage is mostly likely _.A. a detective novelB. a personal diaryC. an advertisementD. a news report答案:D推理判断题。根据文章内容,可以推断出本文是一篇新闻报道,故选D。2. The underlined word “vulnerable” in Paragraph 3 can be replaced by “_”A. monB. sensitiveC. lovely D. patient答案:B词义猜测题。根据本文第三段中“including pregnant wom

18、en and children,who are most at risk.”可知,孕妇和孩子是最容易受伤的群体,故选B。3. What does the underlined “it” in Paragraph 4 refer to?A. A desperate picture.B. Food and water.C. The cleared airport. D. A military flight.答案:B代词指代题。根据文章第四段首句“Everybody is desperate for food and water.”可知,孩子和孕妇最需要的是水和食物,故选B。4. Whats the

19、 challenge for rescue groups, according to the passage? A. How to land safely at the airport.B. How to make the airport clean quickly.C. How to find the people in need as soon as possible.D. How to send the aid to people in need as quickly as possible.答案:D细节理解题。根据文章倒数第二段中“The challenge we face now i

20、s how to get the aid out as quickly as possible”可知,营救队伍目前面临的挑战是怎样尽快帮助到需要帮助的人,故选D。5. What can we learn from the passage?A. 500,000 people in Tacloban have been rescued.B. There were 100 strong rescue teams flying to Tacloban.C. The reconstruction of the Philippines will be a bigger challenge.D. Many

21、people died from the spread of disease in the disaster.答案:C推理判断题。根据最后一段中“But the bigger challenge will be in the months and years ahead.”可知,菲律宾在将来的几个月或几年里,要面临重建家园的更大挑战,故选C。. 七选五根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Tips for Learning to Read a Foreign LanguageLets suppose youve studied the basics

22、of a foreign language and now wish to bee more fluent in reading it. What do you do?_1_Every foreign language was spoken for many years before it was written down. Theres good reason to believe that the spoken word es more easily to us than the written page. When a person reads a foreign language ou

23、t loud, it slows the pace down, and makes the reader pay more attention to each word. It helps us distinguish very similar words, and prevents us from skipping over those little words that are sometimes easy to miss when learning to read a foreign language._2_Text sizes that are easy to read in Engl

24、ish are harder to read in, say, Greek or Spanish. Of course, if you are having an extreme problem , the first thing you might want to do is have your eyes checked. But if that is not the problem, while you are learning to read in a foreign language you may wish to select books with slightly larger t

25、ext or to use reading glasses, even if you do not usually use them._3_Even when we are reading our native language, its easy to see that authors have favorite words and phrases and their own particular styles. As you are learning to read a foreign language you will see that the same principle applie

26、s. Once you have looked up a few of the writers favorite words, and once you have got used to his or her unusual features, it will bee easier to read a text written in a foreign language._4_Even in English, when the author writes about something entirely outside of our own experience, it can be diff

27、icult to understand what he or she is saying. If you study the culture of the foreign language you are trying to learn, it will give the language context._5_When selecting materials for your study of a foreign language, remember its easier to keep reading a story if youre enjoying it. We shouldnt th

28、ink of learning a foreign language as purely a chore. Get a novel that looks interesting or a book of short stories written in the foreign language you are studying.Because when we dont enjoy doing something, we generally dont continue with it. And the more you learn, the more youll enjoy it.A. Look

29、 up words, but not every word.B. Sound out the language as you are reading it.C. Make sure the text is big enough.D. Take breaks.E. When reading a new author, go more slowly in the first few pages.F. Read something thats fun.G. Learn something about the culture in which the language developed.本文为有外语

30、基础且希望进一步提高的学习者介绍一些切实可行的学习建议。1. B主旨大意题。根据下一段中多次出现的“spoken”和“reads a foreign language out loud”可知,该段介绍的学习方法是大声阅读,和B项的“Sound out the language”一致。因此,该题选B。2. C主旨大意题。下一段中的“Text sizes”与C项的“the text is big enough”一致。因此,该题选C。3. E主旨大意题。根据下一段中多次出现的“authors”和“writer”可知,该段是与author有关的内容,E项是唯一关于“authors”和“writer”的

31、选项。因此,该题选E。4. G主旨大意题。根据下一段中的“If you study the culture of the foreign language.”可知该段与culture有关。G项要求“学习语言中的文化”,二者内容一致。因此,该题选G。5. F主旨大意题。下一段中的“.if youre enjoying it”与F项“Read something thats fun.”的内容一致。因此,该题选F。. 语法填空M: Miss Jones, could you tell me more about your first job with hotel marketing concepts

32、?W: Yes, certainly. I was a marketing _1_ (advise), responsible for marketing ten UK hotels. _2_ were all luxury hotels in the leisure sector, all of a very high standard.M: Which markets were you responsible for?W: Europe and Japan.M: I see from your resume that you _3_ speak Japanese. Have you ever been to Japan?W: Yes. I have. I _4_ (spend) a month in Japan in 2006. I met all the key people in the tourist industry, the big tour operators and tourist _5_ (organize). As I speak Japanese, I had a very b


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