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1、中考最新阅读16篇1The Great Fire of London started in the very early hours of 2September 1666. In four days it destroyed more than three quarters of the old city, where most of the houses were wooden and close together . One hundred thousand people became homeless , but only a few lost their lives .The fire

2、 started on Sunday morning in the house of the Kings baker(面包师)in Pudding Lane . The baker, with his wife and family , was able to get out through a window in the roof . A strong wind blew the fire from the bakery(面包房)into a small hotel next boor . Then it spread quickly into Thames Street . That wa

3、s the beginning.By eight oclock three hundred houses were on fire . On Monday nearly a kilometer of the city was burning along the River Thames. Tuesday was the worst day . The fire destroyed many well-known buildings , old St Pauls and the Guildhall among them .Samuel Pepys , the famous write , wro

4、te about the fire . People threw their things into the river . Many poor people stayed in their houses until the last moment . Birds fell out of the air because of the heat .The fire stopped only when the King finally ordered people to destroy hundreds of buildings in the paths of the fire , With no

5、thing left to burn , the fire became weak and finally died out .After the fire , Christopher Wren ,the architect , wanted a city with wider streets and fine new houses of stone . In fact , the streets are still narrow , but he did build more than fifty churches , among them the new St Pauls .The fir

6、e caused great pain and loss , but after it London was a better place : a city for the future and not just of the past .1. The fire began in .A. a hotel B. the palace C. Pudding Lane D. Thames Street 2. The underlined word “family ” in the second paragraph means .A. home B. children C. wife and husb

7、and D. wife and children 3. It seems that the writer of the text was most sorry for the fact that .A. some people lost their lives B. the birds in the sky were killed by the fire C. many famous buildings were destroyed D. the Kings bakery was burned down 4. Why did the write cite(引用)Samuel Pepys ?A.

8、 Because Pepys was among those putting out the fire .B. Because Pepys also wrote about the fire C. To show that poor people suffered most D. To give the reader a clearer picture of the fire5. How was the fire put out according to the text ?A. The King and his soldiers came to help .B. All the wooden

9、 houses in the city were destroyed C. People managed to get enough water from the river D. Houses standing in the direction of the fire were pulled down 6. Which of the following were reasons for the rapid spread of the big fire ?A. There was a strong wind B. The streets were very narrow .C. There w

10、as not enough water in the city D. People did not discover the fire earlier 2In the 1930s, a lot of people in the USA were out of work. Among these people was a man named Alfred Butts . He always had an interest in word games and so , to fill his time , he planned a game which he called “Lexico ”. H

11、owever , he was not completely satisfied with the game , so he made a number of changes to it and, in time , changed its name from “Lexico” to “Alph ”and then to “Criss Cross ” . He wanted to make some money from his new gave but he didnt have any real commercial success .In 1939, Butts happened to

12、meet a man called Jim Brunot who showed an interest in the new game . The two worked together on developing the game and in 1984 it was offered for sale in the United States under its new name“Scrabble”.At first , it didnt sell very well . In the first year it sold just 2250 sets and by 1951it had o

13、nly reached 8500 sets a year .Then , in 1952 the manager of Macys department store in New York , Jack Strauss , happened to play “Scrabble” while he was on holiday . He thought it was a wonderful game and , when he went back to work after his holiday , he insisted that Macys should stock(储备)the game

14、 and make an effort (努力) to call the publics attention to it .As a result , “Scrabble ”became a big success in the United States and it soon spread to Australia and then to other English-speaking countries .1. The text is mainly about .A. “Lexico” B. three men C. a word game D. Alfred Butts 2. Alfre

15、d Butts invented the game “Lexico” .A. to make himself famous B. to make spelling simpler C. when he was out of work and looking for a job D. when he was playing word game to pass the time 3. Who made “Scrabble ” popular ?A. Alfred Butts B. Jack Strauss C. Alfred Butts and Jim Brunot D. Jack Strauss

16、 and Jim Brunot 4. When did Alfred Butts first put his game on the market ?A. In 1939 B. In 1948C. Before 1939 D. Between 1939 and 19483On the evening of June 21, 1992, a tall man with brown hair and blue eyes entered the beautiful hall of the Bell Tower Hotel in Xian with his bicycle . The hotel wo

17、rkers received him and telephoned the manager , for they had never seen a bicycle in the hotel hall before though they lived in “the kingdom of bicycles”.Robert Friedlander , an American , arrived in Xian on his bicycle trip across Asia which started last December in New Delhi, India .When he was 11

18、, he read the book Marco Polo and made up his mind to visit the Silk Road . Now , after 44 years, he was on the Silk Road in Xian and his early dreams were coming true .Robert Friedlanders next destinations(目的地)were Lanzhou , Dunhuang , Urumqi , etc . He will complete his trip in Pakistan .1.The bes

19、t headline (标题)for this newspaper article would be .(主观问题)A. The Kingdom of BicyclesB. A Beautiful Hotel in Xian C. Marco Polo and the Silk Road D. An American Achieving His Aims 2. The hotel workers told the manager about Friendlander coming to the hotel because .(客观问题)A. he asked to see the manage

20、r B. he entered the hall with a bike C. the manager had too know about all foreign guests D. the manager knew about his trip and was expecting him 3. Friendlander is visiting the three countries in the following order : . (客观问题)A. China , India , and Pakistan B. India , China , and Pakistan C. Pakis

21、tan ,China , and India D. China , Pakistan ,and India 4. What made Friedlander want to come to China ?(客观问题)A. The stories about Marco Polo B. The famous sights in Xian .C. His interest in Chinese silk D. His childhood dreams about bicycle 5. Friedlander can be said to be .(主观问题) A. clever B. friend

22、ly C. hardworking D. strong-minded4Do you always understand directions on a bottle of medicine? Do you know what is meant by “Take only as directed ”? Read the following directions and see if you understand them .“To reduce pain , take two tablets(药片)with water , followed by one table every eight ho

23、urs , as required . For night-time and early morning relief(缓解疼痛)take two tables at bedtime . Do not take more than six tables in twenty-four hours .For children of six to twelve years old , give half the amount(量). For children under six years old , ask your doctors advice .Reduce the amount if you

24、 suffer from restlessness or sleeplessness after taking the medicine . ”1. How many tables at most can a person over 12 have in 24 hours ?A. Three B. Four C. Six D. Eight2. How many tables should a nine-year old child normally take in 24 hours ?A. Half a tablet B. One tablet C. Two tables D. For tab

25、les 3. What is the advice for one who cannot sleep well after taking the medicine ?A. Stop taking the medicine at bedtime .B. Continue to take the normal amount.C. Take more than the normal amount.D. Take less than the normal amount.4. It can be inferred from the directions that this medicine .A. he

26、lps you to fall asleep quickly B. may be dangerous to small children C. cannot be taken if one feels sleepy D. should not be taken by children under six 5. This text is most probably taken from a .A. textbook B. newsreel C. doctors notebook D. bottle of medicine 5Many people go to different countrie

27、s and live in different places in lifetime . In different countries , they may meet with different manners . Sometimes they are puzzled by the different manners , and perhaps they may make a joke about those manners . So when we go to a strange country , we should pay attention to something new or d

28、issimilar . For example , the most Westerners are not concerned about protocol (礼仪) in social matters . But there are a few table manners the Easterners should try at all times to observe(遵守).To start with , put the napkin(餐巾)on your lap. It protects your clothes from food or is used to wipe your ha

29、nds or mouth when necessary .Hold the knife in your right hand and the fork in your left hand , and cut the meat or fish into pieces as you eat. Always use your fork to put food into your mouth. Use your spoon only for soup or other liquids .Do not put your own utensils (fork , knife, spoon )into th

30、e serving bowl (公用碗). Use the utensil in the bowl to put some of the food on your own plate , and then return the serving utensil to the bowl .Do not spit food anywhere. If you have bones in your mouth, take them out with your fingers and place them on the edge of your plate , never on the table or

31、floor .Do not reach across the table or in front of another person . Ask someone to pass whatever you want .Do not sneeze , cough or blow your nose anywhere except into a handkerchief(手帕)or Kleenex(纸巾). Then you throw it into a waste paper basket or garbage can(垃圾桶). If you cough , try to cover your

32、 mouth with you hand .1.The Easterners usually pay attention to in social matters .A. table manners B. how to walk C. how to use a serving bowl D. how to use a utensil 2. Put the napkin on your lap . Here the word “lap ” means .A. a race track B. the front part of a seated person between the waist a

33、nd the knees C. a suit of clothes D. handkerchief3. Hold the knife in your hand and the fork in your hand .A. right, right B. left , left C. left , right D. right, left 4. Use utensil in the serving bowl to put some of the food on your own plate .A. your own B. a serving C. others D. your hand 5. Do

34、nt at table .A. talk with others B. sing songs C. laugh at others D. sneeze , cough , spit food or blow your nose 6Mr. Turner liked fishing. It was his favorite sport. He often fished for hours without catching anything. But this did not worry him. Some fishermen couldnt catch fish. Sometimes they c

35、aught old boots or rubbish. Mr. Turner was even worse than the fishermen. He never caught anything not even old boots. After he spent whole morning on the river, he always went home with an empty bag. “You must give up fishing!” his friends said, “Its a waste of time.” “But they dont realize one imp

36、ortant thing. Im not really interested in fishing. I am only interested in sitting in a boat and doing nothing at all. It can make me forget the noise of the city and live quietly for some time.” he always said to himself.1. Mr. Turner always went fishing because _.A. he could sell the fish and get

37、some money B. he thought it was a good sport C. he could cook the fish for supper D. he could sit in a boat2. Mr. Turner liked to fish_. A. by the river B. in a boat on the riverC. in the river D. with the fishermen3. He always went home with an empty bag because _.A. he couldnt fish at all B. there

38、 werent any fish in the riverC. he gave the fish to the fishermen D. he didnt pay attention to fishing at all4. His friends told him _ when they knew he couldnt catch anything.A. to learn how to fish B. to change the way of fishingC. not to fish any more D. to buy fish to eat5. From the story we kne

39、w Mr. Turner_A. lived in the country B. was a good fishermanC. was interested in fishing D. disliked the noise of the city7You probably know the food pyramid(金字塔)well enough. It is a food pyramid with horizontal stripes (水平线).Carbohydrates(碳水化合物),such as bread ,rice and potatoes ,are on the base of

40、the pyramid .They are most of our everyday food .The fats and oils(脂油)are at the top of the pyramid. We should eat the least of them. Well, the food pyramid with vertical stripes(垂直线). Instead of the horizontal stripes ,the vertical stripes mean the five food groups and fats and pyramid .This is bec

41、ause not all foods in a food group give us the same health benefits (好处).A fresh apple ,for example ,would be on the base of the pyramid ,while an apple pie would be at the top. This shows that we can eat more fresh (阶梯)going up the side This shows us how important exercise is .It also shows us that

42、 we will be healthier and healthier if we take exercise every day. So why did some American experts change the pyramid? They did this to do a better job of telling people how to be healthy .The new pyramid tells us to have balanced (平衡的)food from each food group every day and it shows us that we nee

43、d less of some us kinds of food than other ,For example ,you need less meat or fish than rice or fruit .It also shows us that not all foods in a group give us the same health benefits, and that exercise is quite important in our everyday life.1. The vertical stripes in the new pyramid mean_A. bread,

44、 rice, potatoes, fruit and meatB. some kinds of food we should eatC. the five food groups and fats and oilsD. carbohydrates, fats and oils2. The word “fresh” here in Chinese means_.A.清新的 B.新鲜的C.新做的 D.鲜做的3The steps show us _.A. how to eat fats and oilsB. exercise in very difficultC .how to have balan

45、ced foodD. exercise is very important4. The stripes in the new pyramid become healthier at the top because_A. you should eat less as grow olderB. all foods in a food group give us different at the top because_.C. some foods in each food group are not as healthy as others D. the older you are the mor

46、e important the food pyramid is5. The American experts changed the pyramid because_.A .they wanted to tell people how to be healthy more clearlyB. the old food pyramid doss not tell people to take exercise every day C. the new food pyramid looks much better than the oldD. the old food pyramid is not

47、 good for our health at all 8(FOR SALE)Sunshine ApartmentSea viewDiamond House $ 98,000 $ 132,000 $ 110,000 Built in 1967 Built in 1984 Built in 1994 bedroom, living roomkitchen, 2 bathrooms 3 bedrooms, 2 bathroomskitchen, 2 dining room2bedrooms, kitchen,bathroom,living room a small garage a big bea

48、utiful gardena garden and a garage 9 km from the city center 23 km from the city center in the city center1. Diamond House was built _. A. about twenty years ago B. hundreds of years ago C. in 1984 D. about ten years ago2. Sea view is _ more expensive than Sunshine Apartment. A. thirty-four thousand

49、 dollars B. twelve thousand dollars C. five thousand dollars D. twenty-two thousand dollars3. Which of the following is true?A. Sea view has got 3 bedrooms and two kitchens.B. Diamond House has got a garden and a garage.C. Diamond House is cheaper than Sunshine Apartment.D.Sunshine Apartment has got

50、 a small garden. 4. If I like doing shopping in the city center every day, I should buy _.A. Sea view B. Sunshine ApartmentC. Diamond House D. None of them 5. The Smiths want to buy a house with 2 bedrooms, a bathroom, a living room and a garage. Which one do they choose?A. Sea view B. Sunshine Apar

51、tmentC. Diamond House D. None of them9Internet Forum.WriterTime Topic: Whos a better singer: Andy Lau or Jacky Cheung.Andy fan 1-17-2005 2:45 pm.Some people say Jacky is the best Chinese singer. I dont think so! Andy is the best. I went to his concert last year. It was so hard to believe, I almost c

52、ried! OK, I did cry, but thats because Andy is so handsome! 1000 reasons 1-17-20054:38 pm I dont agree at all. Andy sounds like every other singer. His voice is nothing special. On the other hand , Jackys voice is different from others, and his songs are so romantic!Movie man 1-17-20058:55 pmI think

53、 they are about the same. But Andy is really a better actor. Ive seen almost all of his movies. Remember the one where he was an airplane pilot , and his plane crashed near a farm? I love that movie!Linda lee1-18-200510:17 amI also thing Jacky is a better singer, I prefer his Cantonese songs. Maybe

54、they sound better because Cantonese is his first language. 1000 reasons 1-18-200512:47 pmI agree. Jackys Cantonese songs are better than his Mandarin(普通话) songs. (though I still like all his songs.)1. Who likes Andy Lau the best ? A. Andy fan B. 1000 reasons C. Movie man D. Linda lee. 2. Why did Andy fan cry ? A. She was sad at a concert. B. she was angry with Jacky Cheung. C. She had a broken heart D. She thought Andy was very good-looking. 3. Whats Movie mans opinion? A. Andy is a better singer. B. Jacky is a better singer. C. They both sing well. D.


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