



1、商务礼节美语第 199 期:玩转文化差异 (上)Jim 和 Emily 是一家跨国公司从中国聘用的新雇员,公司人事部的Paul 对他们实行文化差异的培训。Paul : Hello and good morning. Im Paul Higgins and Ive been asked to help prep all of you for your new positions.J&E : Good morning.P: Well, lets get right down to business, shall we? Each of you will be traveling to busine

2、ss meetings, attending fairs and exhibitions as well as receiving clients from abroad. Its therefore very important that you make a good impression. Lets start with how to greet people.Paul 自我介绍后,马上展开培训 get right down to business.Paul 说的,to prep some one for his or her new positi on,指就职前的培训。做为跨国公司雇员

3、,要经常出去开会,参展,接待外国客 户,所以给别人的第一印象很重要: Its important to make a good impression.P: Yes, Emily?E: Why do some Europeans kiss each other when they say hello? Ive even seen men kiss each other!P: Yes, in some places in Europe such as France, people do give each other a light kiss on the cheek. Its considere

4、d friendly and is not sexual in any way.J: But Americans wouldnt do that, would they?P: No, its highly unlikely that an American would offer a kiss.欧洲人见面喜欢在脸颊上蜻蜓点水地亲一下, a light kiss on the cheek. 那美国人呢? Paul 说, Its highly unlikely that an American would offer a kiss.就是说美国人几乎绝对不可能这样做J: But Americans

5、seem to like to hug each other frequently.P: Thats true. In recent years it has become more popular to hug. But usually its people who have met before and perhaps havent seen each other in a while that might hug. At a first meeting, a hug would be very unlikely.E: Hugs kind of creep me out! I dont r

6、eally like to be touched by strangers.美国人似乎很喜欢拥抱。 Paul 解释说,其实,只有很久不见的熟人才 会彼此拥抱,初次见面一般不会。 Emily 说自己不喜欢陌生人碰她。 Hugs kind of creep me out! 拥抱让她浑身不自在。P: Fair enough. Id say hugging is not usually appropriate in a business situation. Some people are a bit overly friendly.But if the person initiates it, Id

7、 recommend you grit your teeth and go along with it, otherwise people might think you are rude.J: So the same rule would apply to getting a kiss from a European: if they initiate it, just go along and be friendly, right?P: Yes. As the saying goes : When in Rome, do as the Romans do. In other words : follow the local customs.Paul 也承认,拥抱并不适合商业场合,但有些人确实会 overly friendly ,过份友好。在这种情况下,她建议员工 to g


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