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1、UNIT 2UNIT 2MORALS AND VIRTUESMORALS AND VIRTUES 美美 文文 导导 入入 素养解读:本单元的主题是“道德与品德”,主要围绕“人与 自我”和“人与社会”进行讨论和拓展。本单元的学习可帮 助学生树立正确的人生观和价值观,学会树立自己的理想, 同时又明白自身成就与社会的密切关系。在这一过程中,学 生将懂得认识自我,丰富自我,完善自我。 主题:袁隆平对中国农业的巨大贡献 学科素养:人与社会(价值观) 难度: 语篇导读:被誉为中国“杂交水稻之父”的袁隆平为中国的农 业发展做出了巨大的贡献,同时,他还有一个梦想:让杂交 水稻在全世界的稻田里生根发芽,从而真正

2、解决全世界人民 的吃饭问题! Yuan Longping, Chinas Most Famous “Farmer” It says every scientist cherishes a childhood dream indicating his or her future success, but for Yuan Longping, dubbed (授予称号) as “father of hybrid rice”, the dream is that he cultivates rice as plump as peanuts, and farmers can relax in the

3、cool shadow of big rice plants. Yuan is known as the Nobel Prize in China, for his outstanding achievements in breeding high yieldhybrid rice, which has substantially increased Chinas grain output. Yuan came up with the idea of hybridizing rice for the first time in the world in 1960s. Since then, 5

4、0 percent of China s total rice cultivation fields have grown such rice, which added some 300 billion kilograms to the countrys grain output. Furrows (皱纹) grown on his sunburnt face, a slim figure and coiledup trousers legs would confuse foreign reporters who came to interview the most famous scient

5、ist in China, who would rather be called “a farmer”. Indeed, like many Chinese farmers, Yuan has devoted most of his life growing rice in paddy fields. In the year 1999,more than 300 billion kilograms of grain were increased from about 240 million hectares (公顷) of hybrid rice, which signified the su

6、ccess of his research. And this made Yuan firmly believe that China can surely feed her 1.2 billion population with her limited cultivated land. But even after that achievement Yuan wont take a break. He has a dream, more realistic than that of his young age, that popularizing new strains of grain w

7、ith higher yields around the world, can eliminate starvation on earth. “If the new strain was sown in the rest of the rice acreage, the present grain output around the world can be more than doubled. This can be a solution to the grain shortage,” the unselfish scientist said. 课标词汇 重要短语 come up with

8、提出;想出;赶上 for the first time 首次;第一次 paddy fields 稻田;水田 a solution to. 一个的解决方案 句型精析 He has a dream, more realistic than that of his young age, that popularizing new strains of grain with higher yields around the world, can eliminate starvation on earth. 分析:that popularizing new strains of grain with h

9、igher yields around the world是a dream的同位语。more realistic than that of his young age是a dream的定语,that of his young age是指他年轻时的梦想。 译文:他有一个比年轻时更实际的梦想,在全世界普及更高产 量的水稻新品种,从而解决地球上的饥饿问题。 开口show 1What was dubbed to Yuan Longping? _ 【答案】Father of hybrid rice. 2When did Yuan Longping have the idea of hybridizing rice in the world? _ 【答案】In 1960s. 3What was the produce of grain in the year 1999 from about 240 million hectares? _ 【答案】More than 300 billion kilograms. 核心素养目标


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