1、对泰戈尔的评价英文版对泰戈尔的评价英文版篇一Tagore is to introducethe West to the Indian culture and the introduction ofWesternculturetoIndiasinfluentialfigures.Born inMay 7,1861 Bengal BengalinWest Bengal,August7, 1941diedinthesame place.Familiesbelongtobusinessmenand landlords,Brahman caste.HisgrandfatherDevangatTagore
2、and hisfather,Dean RanathTagore,were socialactivistssupportingsocialreform.TagorewenttoOrientalCollege,Normal Schooland Bangladesh College,butdidnotcompletetheformallearning.His knowledgefrom the father and brother and the tutor of the ear,as well as their own efforts as much.He started poetry from
3、the age of 13, 14-year-oldpublisheda patrioticpoem dedicatedtotheHindutemple. In 1878, he went to England to study abroad,initiallystudyinglaw,thentransferredtotheUniversityofLondon tostudyEnglish literature,studyofWesternmusic.In1880returnedtoChina,specializing in literary creation. In 1884, left t
4、hecity to the village to manage the ancestral field. In1901,in BangladeshBollPuernearSantiNickTanfoundedtheschool,1905 afterthenationalliberationmovement intotheclimax,Bangladesh and allthepeopleofIndiaareopposedtotheBangladeshdivisiondecision, the formation of vigorous anti-imperialistpatrioticmove
5、ment. Tagorewent toCalcuttatojointhemovement, outraged, wrote a large number of patrioticpoetry. But soon disagreed with the other leaders ofthemovement, he disagreedwiththeburningofBritishgoods, abusive British direct action, and advocatedmoreconstructivework,suchasto ruralareastodevelop industry,
6、eliminate poverty and ignorance. In1907 he withdrew from the movement back to Santi NickTan, had livedinseclusion,buriedcreation.In1913,he was the English version of Gitanjali won the NobelPrize in Literature, hence the world famous literaryworld. University of Kolkata awarded him a Ph.D. TheBritish
7、government sealedhimas a jazz. After theoutbreak of the First World War, he has more than 10times across the ocean, visit dozens of countries andregions,spreadpeaceandfriendship,culturalexchanges.In1919, the Amritsarmassacre occurred,theBritish army shot and killed more than 1,000 Indiancivilians,Ta
8、gorestatementto giveup thetitleof jazz,toprotest.In1930, he visitedtheSovietUnion,wrotethe Russian Letters.He condemnedtheItalianfascistaggressionagainstAsiabil.SupporttheGovernment ofthe SpanishRepublicagainstFascistheadFranco.Aftertheoutbreak of the Second World War, he wrote an articledenouncingH
9、itlersinjustice.He hasalwaysbeenconcerned about the fate of world politics and peopleand supports the just cause of mankind. Many criticssay thepoet isa human child.Because theyare innocent,kind. In many modern poets, Tagore is a childs angel.His poem is like the innocent angels face; looking athim,
10、 he feels the meaning of everything, feels peace,feelscomfort,and knows thetruth.Tagoresphilosophysays that the popularity of Tagores writings attractsthe interest of people all over the world, half in hisidealisticidealismandhalf inthesolemnityandbeauty of his literary works.Tagors literary activit
11、ybegins Very early.Attheage of fourteen,he began towritethe script.Later, he and his friends gradually translated intomany kinds of English, poems have gardeners set, newmoon, fruit collection birds, Gitanjali, love giftAndQi Road ; script: sacrifice and other , post office ,the dark room of the kin
12、g , spring cycle. ; Essays:students,personality :My memories,hungry stoneandother, family and the world and so on. In Bengali,accordingtotheIndians,hispoems aremore beautifulthan the English ones: he is the first of our saints:the one who does not reject life, but who speaks thelife itself, that is
13、why we love him The reason.Hispoemscontainprofoundreligiousandphilosophical insights. For Tagore, his poem is hisgift to God, and he himself is the suitor of God. Hispoems in India enjoy epic status. He himself was seenby manyHindusasasaint.Participatedintheleadership of the Indian Renaissance, in a
14、ddition topoetryoutsideTagorealsowrotenovels,essays,travels, drama and more than 2,000 songs.His prose content is mainly social, political andeducational, his poetry, in addition to its religiouscontent,themostimportantisthedescriptionofnatureand life.InTagorespoetry, lifeitselfand itsmultiplicityar
15、ereasonsforjoy.Atthesame time,hisexpressionofloveisone ofthe contentsof his poetry.His main works are poetryGitanjali,thenoveltwoacres of land shipwreck and so on. In 1913 the workGitanjali- hungry stone won the NobelPrizeinliterature. Reason for winning: Because of his mostsensitive, fresh and beau
16、tiful poem; this poem out ofthesuperbskills,and becausehe himselfexpressedinEnglish,hispoeticthoughthas become a partofWesternliterature.Tagoremadeseveraltrips,whichledhimtounderstandthemanydifferentculturesandthedifferences between them. His description of orientaland westerncultureisby farone ofth
17、e finestof thesedescriptions.Tagores life is in India in the British colonialeraspent.The destructionofthe motherland,nationalhumiliation, the tragic life of the colonial people,aredeeplyimprintedinTagoressoul,theideaofpatriotism in the beginning of his works in the strongexpression. Although he was
18、 born in wealthy families,living in a complex society, but his love and hate isclear, creative thinking is clear, and always keep upwiththepace of thetimes.Atthe heightofthenationalindependencemovement, he wroteto theBritishGovernorto protestcolonialruleand tochanthisown patrioticpoetry.He has alsor
19、esolutelyabandoned thetitleandprivilegegrantedby theBritishGovernment. The Indianpeople respectedhim and loved him,callinghim a poet,the conscience of India and the soul of India.Development of Thought and Artistic AchievementTagore was born in the era of rapid change, by thetraditionalphilosophyofI
20、ndiaandtheimpactofWestern philosophy. But the most basic and most corepartofhis world view is the Indiantraditionofpantheism, that is, Brahman. In the colorful set, hefirstproposedthe god oflifeconcept.His devotiontoGod isinharmony withtheloveoflife,thenationandthe people. But this also makes his po
21、etry also casta strongmysticism.Inaddition,headvocatedthespiritual civilization of the East, but does not denythe Western material civilization. All these make histhoughtsfullofcontradictionsand performanceinthecreation. His thoughts and creative development, canbe dividedintothreestages: younguntil
22、1910 yearsago,heactivelyparticipatedinanti-Britishpoliticalactivities,sing a nationalhero,topromotepatriotism,topromotenationalunityinIndia.reclusive life until 1919, once again active in thenationalmovement, patrioticpassion slightlysubsided,strong political content of the poem was replaced bya mys
23、terious poetry,butalsoby the Westernsymbolism,aestheticism, poetry, Love and Harmony. From the1919 Amritsartragedyuntilhisdeath,he began tocareaboutpolitics,andactivelyintothenationalliberation struggle, the content of the work is fullof politicalpassion,visionisalsoopen, and theworldand human being
24、s are very concerned about. It can besaidthatthecreationof Tagores lifebothBodhisattvaci Mei, butalsoKing Kong angry.Hispoems by theIndianclassicalliterature,Westernpoetryand theimpactofBangladeshfolklyricpoetry,mostlywithoutrhyme,notcarvingHisnovels by theinfluenceofWesternnovels,butalsoinnovation,
25、especiallythepoeticintegrationinto them, the formation of a unique style.Rabindranath Tagore Indian Bengali poet, writer,artist,socialactivist.BorninKolkata,arichlyeducatedfamily,thefatherisafamousreligiousreformer and social activist, six brothers are alsodedicated to the social reform and the Rena
26、issance.RabindranathTagoreretiredfromtheformalschooleducation, family education and assiduously spent hisyouth, 1878 to study English law, then transferred tothe University of London to study English literature,study of Western music.Tagore childhood that emerge poem, his patrioticpoem to the Hindu
27、temple (1875)published,only 14 yearsold.In1880,19-year-oldTagorehasbecome aprofessional writer. From 1881 to 1885, he publishedlyric poems Twilight (1882), Morning Song (1883), aswell as drama and novels and other works. These earlyinjuriesare characterizedby more fantasythanreality,full of romantic
28、ism.The famous poem Two acresof land(1894)published,marking the Tagore from thereligiousmysticismtotheprofound (1890) is his first mature work, the famouspoem two acres of land (1894)Humanitarianism.The poemsof thisperiodincludetheGoldenSailboat(1894),theFantastic Collection (1896), the 5th Lyric Co
29、llectionand the Epic Anthology (1900). In addition, he alsocreated more than 60 short stories, including Su Pak(1893),Mo Mahmaya(1892),the lastalive,ordead? (1892) was includedin theworldofoutstandingshortstories masterpiece of the forest.In 1901, Tagore set up aschoolforthetransformationofsociety,e
30、ngagedinchildrenseducation experiment. In 1912, the school became aninternational university for Asian cultural exchange.As the British in Bangladesh to implement the policyof splitting, India in 1905 set off the first nationalliberation movement climax, Tagore actively involvedin themovement and cr
31、eatedmany patrioticpoems. Thisperiod is the most brilliant period of his creation.He publishedeightBengalipoetrycollectionsand eightEnglishpoems, includingGitanjaliforthepoettowina worldwide reputation.Thisperiodofimportantpoemsaregardenersset (1913),new moon (1915),birds(1916)and so on. In1910, Tag
32、orehas publishedthe epicnovelGora and the symbol of the play King and so on.In1919,Indiaset offa second nationalliberationmovement climax, to seek national liberation path, hetraveledfivecontinents,deliveredmany famous speech.Thisperiodofoutstandingachievementsisthepoliticallyrics,were collectedinAf
33、rica(1937),Edgeset (1938), Birthday (1941) and other works.Tagore has created more than 50 poems, 12 novels,more than100 shortstories,more than 20 kindsofdrama,there area lotofliterature,philosophy,politicsandtravel books, and so on. In addition, he is a veryaccomplished musicians and painters, has
34、created morethan2,000songs and more than1,500paintings,ofwhichthe song the will of the people has been designated asthe national anthem.Inmorethan60yearsofartisticcareer,heinherited the fine traditions of classical and folk literature, absorbed the rich nutrition of Europeanromanticismandrealisticli
35、terature,reachedthelevelofperfectioninthecreation,andachievedbrilliantachievementsandbecomeagenerationofculturalgiants.In1913,because ofhismost sensitive,fresh and beautifulpoem; thispoem withsuperbskills,and by hisown expressioninEnglish,so thathis poeticthought has been a part of Western literatur
36、e Won theNobelPrizeinLiterature.The Britishgovernmentsealed him as a jazz.对泰戈尔的评价英文版篇二Tagores thoughtpresentsa kindof system,buttohow itisa system oftheproblemremains to be further explored. This paper draws onLeslieStevenson,theeditoroftheBritishPhilosophyQuarterly,tosummarize thethoughtsof Tagoref
37、romthefollowing four aspects: First, the general theory ofthe natureoftheworldand thehuman; And themeaning;Third,theanalysisofthecauses ofhuman ills;Fourth,to correct the shortcomings of the theoretical guideto truth.First, on the nature of the world and the generaltheory of people.The system of Tag
38、ores thought, which contains thebasicview of theworld,theviewofman andtherelationship between man and the world. The world asa whole, the whole is by the Vatican - also known asTagore is God, infinite, eternal spirit, the world isthe world, The eternal truth, the good, the one, theone he creates,the
39、 unity ofallthingsin theVatican.So, where do people come from? Tagore Although thereis no clearthatpeopleare the creationof theVatican,but we always feel that Tagores mind belongs to thecreationoftheVatican.Tagoresmany discussionsfocuson the relationship between man and the Vatican, thatis, relation
40、ship between man and nature.Tagore that people have a soul, it is the soul ofthe human body to maintain a mysterious relationshipwiththeVatican.But his soul concept is differentfromthereligioussuperstitionsaidafter the death,thereis a spiritual spirit out of the flesh, and roughlyequivalent to the h
41、uman spirit, mind, consciousness.So what strength is the Vatican to command thepeople? Is through good!Tagore agrees with the prayerof JesusintheBible:God, Father, thoroughlycleanseour sins, give us good! Tagore believed that good isthe gift of God and is the pure consciousness emittedby the Vatican
42、 Of light. The human soul is nurturedthrough goodness, and the good is the channel throughwhich thesoul connectswiththeVatican.From thehumanpoint of view, the good sense in the human life havea more realistic understanding of that, that is, theentire field of life has a long-term vision, happy toach
43、ieve greater value and sacrifice their own time toknow thegood. Goodness isthetruthand thetruth,andgreat together.Tagoreforthesoul ofwhat isalsofullydiscussed.Tagore quotesthe Upanishads:Knowing theOne, theSoul,itisthebridgetoeternallife,and says,To discoverthis One is the ultimate goal of man, with
44、in man, Itisthe human truth,is hissoul,isthe keytoopen thedoor of the spiritual life of heaven. The inner soulof man is unity of knowledge, unity of love, the unityofthevariouspurposesofthewill;itshighestenjoymentispermanentThe unityofinfinityoftheuniverse. Tagore said that the soul of the calm, ino
45、rder to direct, without any intermediary intuitionthatthehighestone , throughany reasoningand displayare not reach. Tagore on the soul of the argument, andthe Hindu philosophy, I, I relationship is the same,the big I in the body, the individual in the body, methis own self, to know the big, big I wa
46、s originally apersonal.对泰戈尔的评价英文版篇三Tagore is most eager toexpresstheinnerstruggleof Goda experience,andultimatelytothereligiousphilosophyoftheone,because the pursuit of harmony and unity is Tagoreshighest ideals. )Originally, in the blood, he and Hinduism withoutany contact, he has been burdened by
47、the traditionalburden is purely an illusory bubble. If the first twoopportunities also make it difficult for him from thecustom and individual in the complete liberation, andeven intodeeperdoubts, contradictionsand pain,then,thistimetheopportunitytomake him completelyfree.He was finallyabletofacethetruthwitha frank heart,embracing the infinite self. Ive been trying my
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