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1、1、frm_borrowgo.frmdim mydb as new adodb.recordsetdim mydb1 as new adodb.recordsetdim str_text as stringdim strflag as stringprivate sub cmd_add_click() txt_man.locked = false txt_way.locked = false txt_money.locked = false combo1.locked = false check1.enabled = true dtpicker1.enabled = true txt_man.

2、text = txt_way.text = txt_money.text = combo1.text = strflag = 添加 cmdsave.enabled = trueend subprivate sub cmd_close_click() unload meend subprivate sub cmd_del_click() dim a as boolean a = msgbox(是否真的要删除这条记录?, vbokcancel + 32 + 256, 删除) if a = true then executesql delete from 借出 where 得款人= & txt_ma

3、n.text & , str_text msgbox 记录已删除!, , 删除 if mydb.recordcount 0 then mydb.movenext if mydb.eof then mydb.movelast call db call bangding label7.caption = mydb.recordcount end if end ifend subprivate sub cmd_edit_click() on error resume next dim a as boolean txt_man.locked = false txt_way.locked = false

4、 txt_money.locked = false combo1.locked = false check1.enabled = true dtpicker1.enabled = true strflag = 修改 cmdsave.enabled = trueend subprivate sub cmdsave_click() on error resume next dim a as boolean if strflag = 添加 then a = msgbox(是否添加前记录?, vbyesno + 32, 添加记录) if a = true then executesql insert

5、into 借出 values( & txt_man.text & , & txt_money.text & , & combo1.text & , & dtpicker1.value & , & txt_way.text & , & check1.value & ), str_text msgbox 数据已经保存!, vbokonly + 64, 成功 call db label7.caption = mydb.recordcount end if elseif strflag = 修改 then a = msgbox(是否修改前记录?, vbyesno + 32, 添加记录) if a =

6、true then mydb.update mydb.requery call db msgbox 数据修改成功!, vbokonly + 64, 成功 end if end if cmdsave.enabled = false txt_man.locked = true txt_way.locked = true txt_money.locked = true combo1.locked = true check1.enabled = false dtpicker1.enabled = falseend subprivate sub combo1_change() dim a as inte

7、ger set mydb1 = executesql(select 姓名 from 成员, str_text) set combo1.datasource = mydb1 a = mydb1.recordcount for i = 1 to a combo1.additem mydb1.fields(0) mydb1.movenext if mydb1.eof then exit for next iend subprivate sub command1_click() on error resume next call db mydb.movefirst call bangdingend s

8、ubprivate sub command2_click() on error resume next call db if not mydb.bof then mydb.moveprevious mydb.moveprevious if mydb.bof then msgbox 这已经是第一条记录了!, vbokonly + 32, 注意 mydb.movefirst end if call bangdingend subprivate sub command3_click() on error resume next call db mydb.moveprevious if mydb.bo

9、f then msgbox 这已经是第一条记录了!, vbokonly + 32, 注意 mydb.movefirst end if mydb.movenext if mydb.eof then msgbox 这已经是最后一条记录了!, vbokonly + 32, 注意 mydb.movelast end if call bangdingend subprivate sub command4_click() on error resume next call db mydb.movelast call bangdingend subprivate sub form_load() on err

10、or resume next set mydb = executesql(select * from 借出, str_text) call db call bangding check1.value = 0 label7.caption = mydb.recordcount dtpicker1.value = date cmdsave.enabled = false txt_man.locked = true txt_way.locked = true txt_money.locked = true combo1.locked = true check1.enabled = false dtp

11、icker1.enabled = falseend subprivate function db() on error resume next set mydb = executesql(select * from 借出, str_text)end functionprivate function bangding() on error resume next set txt_man.datasource = mydb set txt_money.datasource = mydb set dtpicker1.datasource = mydb set txt_way.datasource =

12、 mydb set check1.datasource = mydb txt_man.datafield = 得款人 txt_money.datafield = 金额 dtpicker1.value = 日期 txt_way.datafield = 借款原因 check1.datafield = 已还 set combo1.datasource = mydb combo1.datafield = 出借人end function2、frm_borromin.frmdim mydb as new adodb.recordsetdim mydb1 as new adodb.recordsetdim

13、str_text as stringdim strflag as stringprivate sub cmd_close_click() unload meend subprivate sub cmd_add_click() txt_man.locked = false txt_way.locked = false txt_money.locked = false combo1.locked = false check1.enabled = true dtpicker1.enabled = true txt_man.text = txt_way.text = txt_money.text =

14、combo1.text = strflag = 添加 cmdsave.enabled = trueend subprivate sub cmd_del_click() dim a as boolean a = msgbox(是否真的要删除这条记录?, vbokcancel + 32 + 256, 删除) if a = true then executesql delete from 借入 where 得款人= & txt_man.text & , str_text msgbox 记录已删除!, , 删除 if mydb.recordcount 0 then mydb.movenext if m

15、ydb.eof then mydb.movelast call db call bangding label7.caption = mydb.recordcount end if end ifend subprivate sub cmd_edit_click() on error resume next dim a as boolean txt_man.locked = false txt_way.locked = false txt_money.locked = false combo1.locked = false check1.enabled = true dtpicker1.enabl

16、ed = true strflag = 修改 cmdsave.enabled = trueend subprivate sub cmdsave_click() on error resume next dim a as boolean if strflag = 添加 then a = msgbox(是否添加前记录?, vbyesno + 32, 添加记录) if a = true then executesql insert into 借入 values( & txt_man.text & , & txt_money.text & , & combo1.text & , & format(dt

17、picker1.value, yyyy-mm-dd) & , & txt_way.text & , & check1.value & ), str_text msgbox 数据已经保存!, vbokonly + 64, 成功 call db label7.caption = mydb.recordcount end if elseif strflag = 修改 then a = msgbox(是否修改前记录?, vbyesno + 32, 添加记录) if a = true then mydb.update mydb.requery call db msgbox 数据修改成功!, vbokon

18、ly + 64, 成功 end if end if txt_man.locked = true txt_way.locked = true txt_money.locked = true combo1.locked = true check1.enabled = false dtpicker1.enabled = false cmdsave.enabled = falseend subprivate sub combo1_change() set mydb1 = executesql(select 姓名 from 成员, str_text) set combo1.datasource = my

19、db1 for i = 1 to mydb1.recordcount combo1.additem (mydb1.fields(0) mydb1.movenext if mydb1.eof then exit for next iend subprivate sub command1_click() on error resume next call db mydb.movefirst call bangdingend subprivate sub command3_click() on error resume next call db mydb.movenext if mydb.eof t

20、hen msgbox 这已经是最后一条记录了!, vbokonly + 32, 注意 mydb.movelast end if call bangdingend subprivate sub command2_click() on error resume next mydb.moveprevious if mydb.bof then msgbox 这已经是第一条记录了!, vbokonly + 32, 注意 mydb.movefirst end if call bangdingend subprivate sub command4_click() on error resume next c

21、all db mydb.movelast call bangdingend subprivate sub form_load() on error resume next call db call bangding cmdsave.enabled = false check1.value = 0 label7.caption = mydb.recordcount dtpicker1.value = date txt_man.locked = true txt_way.locked = true txt_money.locked = true combo1.locked = true check

22、1.enabled = false dtpicker1.enabled = falseend subprivate function db() set mydb = executesql(select * from 借入, str_text)end functionprivate function bangding() on error resume next set txt_man.datasource = mydb set txt_money.datasource = mydb set dtpicker1.datasource = mydb set txt_way.datasource =

23、 mydb set check1.datasource = mydb txt_man.datafield = 得款人 txt_money.datafield = 金额 dtpicker1.datafield = 日期 txt_way.datafield = 出借原因 check1.datafield = 已还 set combo1.datasource = mydb combo1.datafield = 出借人end function3、frm_choose.frmprivate sub cmd_choose_click() on error resume next commondialog1

24、.filter = database(*.mdb)|*.mdb commondialog1.showopen str_path = commondialog1.filename text1.text = commondialog1.filename savesetting 小财迷, personal, 路径, str_path text2.text = commondialog1.filename if text2.text then frm_login.show unload me else show end if end subprivate sub cmd_ok_click() on e

25、rror resume next str_path = text1.text savesetting 小财迷, personal, 路径, str_path frm_login.show unload meend sub4、frm_date.frmdim mydb as new adodb.recordsetdim riqi, riqi1, year1, month as stringprivate sub command1_click() dim riqi, riqi1, year, month as string if combo1.text = then msgbox 请选择年份!, v

26、bokonly + 32, 注意! else if combo2.text = then msgbox 请选择月份!, vbokonly + 32, 注意! else aa = true year1 = combo1.text month = combo2.text riqi = year1 & - & month riqi1 = year1 & - & month + 1 msgbox riqi set mydb = executesql(select * from 收入 where 日期 between & riqi & and & riqi1 & , ) cdate1 = format(

27、riqi, yyyy-mm) cdate2 = format(riqi1, yyyy-mm) unload me end if end if end subprivate sub form_load() dim a as integer a = 2000 for i = 2000 to int(year(now) combo1.additem a a = a + 1 next iend sub5、frm_expend.frmdim mydb as new adodb.recordsetdim mydb1 as new adodb.recordsetdim mydb2 as new adodb.

28、recordsetdim count1 as new adodb.recordsetdim str_text as stringprivate sub cmd_add_click() on error resume next dim a, b b = 1 set count1 = executesql(select * from 支出, str_text) count1.movelast b = count1.fields(7) + 1 a = msgbox(是否添加前记录?, vbyesno + 32, 添加记录) if a = vbyes then if txt_intake.text =

29、 then msgbox 请填写去向!, vbokonly + 32, 注意! else executesql insert into 支出 values( & format(dtpicker1.value, yyyy-mm-dd) & , _ & combo1.text & , & txt_money.text & , & combo2.text & , & txt_intake.text _ & , & combo3.text & , & txt_mome.text & , & b & ), str_text msgbox 数据已经保存!, vbokonly + 64, 成功 call x

30、iangmu call db end if end if end subprivate sub cmd_close_click() unload meend subprivate sub cmd_del_click() on error resume next dim a a = msgbox(是否删除当前记录?, vbyesno + 32 + 256, 添加记录) if a = vbyes then executesql delete from 支出 where key= & txt_note.text & , str_text call db set mydb = executesql(s

31、elect * from 支出 , str_text) set mshflexgrid1.datasource = mydb end ifend subprivate sub cmd_edit_click() on error resume next dim a a = msgbox(是否修改前记录?, vbyesno + 32, 添加记录) if a = vbyes then executesql update 支出 set 日期 = & format(dtpicker1.value, yyyy-mm-dd) & ,方式= & combo1.text & ,金额= & txt_money.t

32、ext & , 去向= & txt_intake.text & ,人员= & combo3.text & ,备注= & txt_mome.text & where key = & txt_note.text & , str_text mydb.requery call db msgbox 数据修改成功!, vbokonly + 64, 成功 end if end subprivate sub combo2_change() call db1end subprivate sub combo3_change() call db2end subprivate sub form_load() call

33、 db call db1 call db2 dtpicker1.value = date combo3.locked = true combo1.locked = trueend subpublic function db() set mydb = executesql(select * from 支出 order by key, str_text) set mshflexgrid1.datasource = mydbend functionpublic function db1() on error resume next dim a as integer set mydb1 = execu

34、tesql(select * from 支出项目 , str_text) a = mydb1.recordcount set combo2.datasource = mydb1 for i = 1 to a combo2.additem mydb1.fields(0) mydb1.movenext if mydb1.eof then exit for next iend functionpublic function db2() on error resume next dim a as integer set mydb2 = executesql(select * from 成员, str_

35、text) a = mydb2.recordcount set combo3.datasource = mydb2 for i = 1 to a combo3.additem mydb2.fields(0) mydb2.movenext if mydb2.eof then exit for next i combo3.additem 全家end functionprivate sub form_unload(cancel as integer) mydb.close mydb1.close mydb2.closeend subprivate sub mshflexgrid1_click() o

36、n error resume next dtpicker1.value = mshflexgrid1.textmatrix(mshflexgrid1.row, 1) combo1.text = mshflexgrid1.textmatrix(mshflexgrid1.row, 2) txt_money.text = mshflexgrid1.textmatrix(mshflexgrid1.row, 3) combo2.text = mshflexgrid1.textmatrix(mshflexgrid1.row, 4) txt_intake.text = mshflexgrid1.textma

37、trix(mshflexgrid1.row, 5) combo3.text = mshflexgrid1.textmatrix(mshflexgrid1.row, 6) txt_mome.text = mshflexgrid1.textmatrix(mshflexgrid1.row, 7) txt_note.text = mshflexgrid1.textmatrix(mshflexgrid1.row, 8)end sub private sub txt_money_lostfocus() dim a as boolean dim c c = txt_money.text a = isnume

38、ric(c) if c = then msgbox 请输入金额!, vbokonly + 32, 注意! txt_money.setfocus else if a = false then msgbox 金额只能输入数字!, vbokonly + 32, 注意! txt_money.setfocus end if end ifend subprivate function xiangmu() dim a dim str_text as string dim db as new adodb.recordset str_text = combo2.text set db = executesql(

39、select * from 支出项目 where value= & str_text & , ) msgbox if not str_text = db.fields(0) then executesql insert into 支出项目 values( & str_text & ), end ifend functionprivate function renyuan() dim a dim str_text as string dim db as new adodb.recordset str_text = combo3.text set db = executesql(select *

40、from 成员 where value= & str_text & , ) msgbox if not str_text = db.fields(0) then executesql insert into 成员 values( & str_text & ), end ifend function6、frm_family.frmdim mydb as new adodb.recordsetdim mydb1 as new adodb.recordsetdim count1 as new adodb.recordsetdim str_text as stringprivate sub cmd_a

41、dd_click() on error resume next dim a, b b = 1 set count1 = executesql(select * from 成员 , str_text) count1.movelast b = count1.fields(4) + 1 a = msgbox(是否添加前记录?, vbyesno + 32, 修改记录) if a = vbyes then executesql insert into 成员 values( & text1.text & , & text2.text & , & format(dtpicker1.value, yyyy-m

42、m-dd) & , & text3.text & , & b & ) , str_text call db mydb.movelast msgbox 数据已经保存!, vbokonly + 64, 成功 end ifend subprivate sub cmd_close_click() unload meend subprivate sub cmd_del_click() on error resume next dim a a = msgbox(是否删除当前记录, vbyesno + 32 + 256, 删除记录) if a = vbyes then executesql delete from 成员 where key= & txt_key.text & , str_text mydb.requery if mydb.eof then mydb.movelast call db set mydb = executesql(select * from 成员, str_text) set mshflexgrid1.datasource = m


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