



1、1. As our products have a good reputati on both at home and abroad, their dema nd is in creas ing year by year.由于我们的产品享誉海内外,其需求量正逐年增加。 2. It is inten ded that part of the loa n will be applied to the capital con struct ion of the college. 计 划将部分贷款用于大学的基础建设。 3. Without the agreeme nt of the two parti

2、es, n either party shall have the right to term in ate the con tract.在双方未达成一致时,不得单方面终止合同。 4. The guara ntee period shall be 12 mon ths starti ng from the date on which the commodity arrives at the port of destination.保期应为货物到达目的地之日起的十二个月。 5. The departme nt has adopted a con siste nt policy of hon es

3、t, reliable and best services to our clients.部门规定,对待客户要一直保持诚恳的态度,提供可靠的、最优质的服务。 (04 年) 6 We do have a opening in the file department and Mr. Johnson would be happy to discuss the position with you.我们档案管理部门有一个空缺。关于这一职位,Joh nson先生 很想和你谈谈。 7 The two parties in the spirit of frien dship and cooperati on

4、have en teredin to an Agreeme nt to sigh the prese nt con tract.本着友好与合作的精神,双方已达成一致,并签署当前的和约。 8 An age nda is en closed. Also, you will find a map with complete travel direct ions and a description of the parking facilities. 内附日程表/彳亍程一份。 您还会看到一份地图,上面标记 了完整的旅行线路,并说明了停车位置。 9 The use of recycled paper i

5、s savi ng thousa nds of trees from being cut dow n.回收纸是为了使 成千上万的树木免受砍伐。 10 Today many coun tries are struggli ng for exploit ing oil reserves, water power and other n atural resources under the sea.目前,许多国家都在努力开发储藏的石油、水力以及海底的其他自然 资源。 (05 年) 11 Please fill out the application form and return it to me

6、at your earliest convenience. 请填好申请表,并尽快交还给我。 12 Much to our regret, we cannot at present entertain any fresh orders owing to the shortage of raw 1 materials.十分遗憾,由于原材料短缺,我们目前无法接受任何新订单。 13 We en close here with a check for the amount of US $880 in payme nt of your commissi on.附 上支票一张,金额为 880美金,作为付给你

7、方的佣金 /酬劳。 14 They have raised a claim aga inst the in sura nee compa ny for the damage in tran sportati on. 他 们已将在运输中出现的损失告之保险公司。 15 Once a con tract is sig ned, it has legal effect; no party who has sig ned a con tract has the right to break it.合同一旦签定便具有法律效力;签定合同的任何一方无权终止合同。 (07 年春)16 Another possi

8、bility is that the importers might run into difficulties getting the foreign excha nge to pay for the goods.另外一种可能是, 进口商若以外汇支付货款, 可能会使 自身陷入困境。 17 Specializati on and trade in crease the econo mic will-be ing of both n ati ons regardless of whether one of the nations has a comparative or absolute adv

9、antage. 无论两国中任何一方具有相对优势 或绝对优势,产业专有化及贸易往来都会推动两国经济的共同繁荣。 18 The more is known about the target market and the buyers for the products concerned, the better placed the exporter is to conduct the negotiations. 出口商对相关产品的目标市场及买家 了解越多,贸易洽谈时对自身越有利。 19 The winner is not n ecessarily the one who runs the fast

10、est, but the one who holds on to the last. 胜利者未必是跑得最快的人,而是能够坚持到最后的人。20 He asked to be transferred because he saw no prospect of promotio n and con diti ons were far better at the other office.他要 求调职,因为此处升迁无望,且另一部门的工作环境要更优越。 (07 年)56. In real life, there are two kinds of people: those who create oppo

11、rtunities and those who make use of opportunities.在现实生活中有两类人:创造机会的人和利用机会的人。 57. Improveme nt in pack ing will con tribute to competitive ness of our exports on the world market.包装的改进将促进我们的出口产品在国际市场中的竞争力。 58. It does prove to be a problem which is difficult for the local gover nment to solve.这的确证明 是一

12、个当地政府难以解决的问题。 59. He was not only surprised, but also extremely suspicious, as he had every reason to be. 他不 仅惊讶,而且极度怀疑,因为他完全有理由这样做。 60. We are look ing for a reliable age nt in the computer in dustry to represe nt our compa ny in Shan ghai.我们正在寻找一位计算机行业诚信的代理商来代表我们在上海的公司。 71. Chess takes time and th

13、ought, but it is a game for all kinds of people. 下棋需要时间和思考, 但它是一项适合所有人的活动。 72. Another reason is that, thanks to modern medicine and higher living standard, people live Ion ger now.另一个原因,由于现代医学的发展和生活水平的提高,人们更长寿了。 73. Today the computer plays a vital role in the lives of many America ns and is see n

14、as one of the greatest tech no logical developme nts of all times.今天计算机在许多美国人的生活中起了一个 重要的作用,并被认为是所有时代中最伟大的技术发展之一。 74. There are some scie ntists who have made a special study of why we dream , what we dream and what those dreams mean.有些科学家对人为什么要做梦,梦见什么和梦意味着什么做了 专门的研究。 75. But actually the umbrella w

15、as n ot inven ted as a protectio n aga inst rai n. Its first use was as a protection against the sun.但实际上,发明伞并不是用来挡雨的,它一开始是用来遮太阳的。 (08 年) 56. We are deeply concerned about the recent developme nts of the issue in this country. 我们对该 国事态的最新发展深表关切。 57. Due to rapid growth in in vestme nt, there are new

16、 firms ope ning in this city every day. 由于投 资增长迅速,这个城市每天都有新公司开张。 58. Compa nies with deal in the global marketplace n eed to be able to adapt to differe nt bus in ess cultures.在全球市场上有经营活动的公司应能适应不同的商业文化。 59. We will agree to sig n the new contract provided that you in crease our salaries by 5%.彳假如你 把

17、我们的工资提高5%,我们就同意签新合同。 60. However, we will need a little more evidence before we reach conclusions on some of these things.然而我们还需要更多的证据才能就这些问题得出结论。 56. After becoming a member of the WTO, China will open more service areas step by step. 57. Through taking care of pets, children can develop not only t

18、heir practical skills but also their loving heart. 58. The road to business success is paved by those who continually strive to produce better products or service. 59. Good human relations can solve many problems, but poor human relations can make your life miserable. 60. When a customer is unhappy

19、about the product or service that een provided, asqbuick admission of error can work wonders. 56. 加入世贸组织以后,中国将有步骤地开放更多的服务领域。 57. 孩子们通过照顾宠物,可以锻炼他们实际生活的能力,也能培养他们的爱心。 58. 企业的成功之路是由那些不断努力生产更好的产品或提供更好的服务的人铺平的。 59. 良好的人际关系能够解决许多问题,但是恶劣的人际关系会让你的生活一团糟。 60. 当顾客对所提供的产品或服务不满时,尽快的承认错误会产生奇迹. 其他练习 英译汉 词汇的翻译 Exper

20、ts have long thought that depression could be bad for your heart. A new research demonstrates just how dangerous it can be. 专家们长期以来就认为抑郁症会对心脏有害, 最近的一项研究证明了这种危害有 多大。 In the end, they found that people with major depression were at least three times as likely to die of heart disease as were patients w

21、howeren t depressed. 最终,他们发现患有严重抑郁症的人死于心脏病的可能性至少是正常人的三倍。 His ignorance of the company s financial situation resulted in his failure to take effective measures. 他对公司财务状况一无所知,结果未能采取有效措施。 Although some areas suffered from serious natural disasters, the total grain output was higher than that of last year. 虽然有些地区遭受了严重的自然灾害,但是粮食总产量还是比去年高 For one reason or another, all countries impose trade barriers o


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