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1、Pro ENGINEER安装教程 wf5.0 详细的不能再详细的安装教程(图文) 比较详细的 安装教程 先如图运行 setup.exe 文件 PTC. Setup - Pro/EFCIUEER ildf ire 5. 0 (Unreleased.) ProlENGINEER* w I I D F I R E* 5.0 疝PTC Select Next Button to Begin Hostnajrie waat PTC HostIBr JftSB Help I IJ 记录电脑的 ID 号,如上图 如上图拷贝 license.dat 文件到硬盘的适当目 录一般建立 D:license 里 用记

2、事本方式打开 license.dat 文件 编辑菜单中用替换命令如上图刚才记录的 ID 号 输入到下行中,并保存 运行如图,回车 选择接受,如上图 选择如上图表示 Disk Spw Available on C: 5.2 GB Required on C; 0 MB PTC Sgt up 一 Pio/EHGIXjEER ildf ire 5. 0 (Unreleased) 沏PTC Define Installation Components Destination Joldr C: Prograni FilespraeWildfire 5. 0 Update installation fro

3、m Wildfire 5 0 Unreleased. Features to Install Pro/EITCIMEH Fr ENGINEER MechonicQ 甲 I =D 1 API To + ( * v J IntrffiLces *Platfors L | 7 2 ” J LangTiage s Use the tree to the left to select the product features to be installed. Selecting a component will di splay 1 is description. Help 若需要 Mechanica

4、功能,选择如上图 (但好像不 好用) 如上图后,选择 Next 如上图选择第三项 如上图,选择编辑好的 license.dat 文件 g| PTC. Setup - Pro/ElTGIffEER Tildfire 5.0 (Unreleased)戸区1 坊PTC FLEXnet License servers Instructions Please indi cate all licwse servers thut you wi sh to ust wi th this installati oi of Pro/ENGINEER PTC. Setup 一 Pro/EMGISEER Vildfi

5、re 5.0 (Unreleased) 址? PTC“ Windows Preferences Instrncti ons Program shortcuts will be created, for Tro/INGINEER startup conmands. Select the loca.tion. where yon ro*uld like these shortcuts to Bq placed tfindcrwE Shortcut Preferences Shortcut Location(s) pTCFro ENGINEER raenu Startup Directory Hel

6、p LDocuraents and. Set tingsMy Bocunient ffindovs Envirorient Preferences Modify system environmeat for all users .;Modi fy current users environnierLt only | PTC. Setup - Pro/EHGINEER Tildf ire 5. 0 (TJnreleased) 朝 PTC* Optional Configuration Steps Instructions Select the optional configuration ste

7、ps you wi sh to per form Additional li cense configurations CPCTrrrfrgiye Other Product Interoperability OLE settings J Pro/ENGINEER distributed services configuration Remote batch sttixtgs Kelp files search path Help 若选择了 Mechanica 功能,标记处打勾 若不打勾,没有如上图选项 到此处安装结束 證“0. 5. (L PjrEproducr 匕 readme, txt

8、一 记事本 隍)工具帮肋Qi 文件QD 編揖g)格式(Q)查看Q)帮肋Qf) 文件夹国 1 open license .dat then displace all string08-00-08-89-80-0Oee i 2 Install your pro/E 21 小:22. T KB hpg!21370 hdi AutoCMI Heidi 设. 22 KB TRRBETFILE for pro/mechanica files URL Yizzp: /uwv. pcc. com -ZRaCKER Team ZCTT Ri.5 D3TE January 30, 2008 RE LEASE IN

9、FO (SEARCH & REPLACE PATCH) loading file: shovli C.QXQ file patched! Backup file: showlic.exe.BAK done! / L IkpATCHIUG DOME* pr haopsl3(0_vc80. dll 1370 100 HOOTS 3D Graphic. Pro/E Wildfire4 0 Generic Pat-ch crack about an mdb2(Mi exe mwuh倉xe SHE: KUR Pro/E Wildfire4.0 Generic Pai 应)编辑 查看世)收藏工具 帮助堪)

10、 后退, 按索 文件夹匡 屯丿Pr ogram Filesproe Wildfire 5. 0fnechi486_nt ptc t件和文件夹任务苓 它过萱久 -j i486t J我的文档 -I共享文档 J我的电脑 )冋上邻居 丰鈿信息a iroBMpatch2. qxq V用程序 孑改日期;星期一 2003 02 & 23:21 pt cxce exe sto-tprc bat MS-DOS批处理文件 2 KE st ar tproe_execut. MS-DOS批社理文件 2 KE lfbatch. bat MS-DOS扌比处理文件 1 KB dpiback. bat MS-DOS批处理文件

11、 1 KF gui dev NS-DOJ 1 KB restot MS-DOS 1 KB TRRGETFIL.E: URL CR3匚KEA RUS D3TE for pecx fee file http: /mru.pcc. com Team ZWT J anuaxy 30, ZOOS RELER5E: IMFO Put me under directory : prc 4 o、mguh i.q令 and apply th patch * Enjoy xv! Te&ra ZWT 2008 stfiirtE MS-DOS 2 KB - prompatch2. exe about BRKZKUR 上面两张图是 Mechanica 的破解( mac目录) 以上全部破解完成,但发现 Mechanica 的破解 不行 Folder Tree EJPro/EKGIIiEER Wildfire 5.0 File Edi t Vi ey Insert Analysis Info Applications Tools Window Help i %二龟。妙 e 昌i c c *嗡(i葩船匚一 :尸点臥* 应i、女回仃負妙回耳回亠 沪护


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