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1、M8 U1词汇练习(学生版)1. The doctor is skilled at treating heart trouble and never acccpts any gift fromhis patients, so he has a very good A. expectatioiiB. reputationC contributionD Civilization2. She was to tell her grandfather that she had won the first in thecomposition test Which of the following is w

2、rong?A. hoped B. eagerC anxiousD Despcratc3. Had she her the promise, she would have made it to Yale University.looked up to B. lived up to C kept up withD. come up with4. What* s the , in your opinion, of helping him if he doesrf t make an effortto help himself?sympathy B theme C object D. point5.

3、He practices singing every morning. He seems on becoming a erested B bentC fondD enjoyable6. He dicin t make clear when and where the nice ting would be held this B. thatC. itD. these7. , I lost heart in English learning, but niy teacher often said to me,“Keep on working hard, and yoif 1

4、1 succeed”At a time; in timcB. At a timc;on timeC. At one time; in timeD. At one time; on time8 Last December, 14 bears were seenfrom the bile (月旦:十)trade in Vietnam.A rescuedB to rescueC rescuing D rescue9 The fact that she told a lie had a great influence on herA ambition B statusC reputation D as

5、sessment10 - It has been reported that some government leaderstheir authority andposition to get illegal profits for thcmsclvesA overlookB employC abandonD abuse11 - In the popular film he and his brother made a(n)attcinpt to escape,but in vain.A significant B accurateC desperate D considerate12 Acc

6、ording to Swan, the purpose of her design project is to enable children to the temptatioii of TV.A resistB objectC refuseD oppose13. His efforts to raise money for his program werebecause no one showed anyintention to take a cent out of their pockets.A in placeB in sightC in effectD in vainWORD版木14

7、The residents approve of the measuresso far in our city, tobring down prices on oil.A having been taken; intendingB to be taken; intendingC taken; to intendD taken; intended15 He ismastering English .To learn it, he gets up early and goes to bedlate every day.A bent onB bound toC desperate toD abund

8、ant in16 He would rather lcctures to the students than to boringconferencesA to give; be invited B give; be invitedC give; invite D giving; being invited17 - We have madeclear that we are strongly against smoking in the officeA this B thatC - it D - one18. Which of these resorts do you like best? Th

9、ey are both hot and crowdedA Either B NothingC Neither D - None19 Lucy has been fired by her boss She is late for work five times a week!A Hardly surprising! B Forget it.C How conic? D - Who knows?20. enough money, Li Hua was unable to buy the new houseA Not saved B Not having savedC Not to save D N

10、ot savingM8U2词汇练习1. He met Rachel at her college graduation ceremony in 2008,whom he was latertoA. marry toB. marry withC get married with D. marry2. Dorf t hesitate; the opportunity that comes along!A. setB. bringC seizeD associate3. She found the roomwith some old tables, a blackboard and an old s

11、tove.A. decoratedB. furnishedC equippedD prepared4. He didn t what he read because his inind was on something elseA. take onB take inC take overD take for5. T in surprised to hear that Sue and Paul haveSo am I. They seemed very happy together when I last saw them.WORD版木A. broken up closed upB. finis

12、hed upC. divided upD.6. In making a scientif ic experiment, one should not beby temporary setbacksbut should persist in doing it hopefully.A. cast downB. put awayC taken inDgiven out7. Threir lack of qualifications them to a lifetime of boring * usuallypoorly-paid workA. devotedB. referredC condemne

13、dDclassified& US Apple decided to expand its business in China in response to an increasing demanddigital productA. ofB. fromC. toD. for9. According to scientists, our mental abilitics begin to from the age of27 after reaching the highest level at 22.A. differB. shrinkC failD. Decline10. We pursue h

14、appiness 1 thinking one day we will find it. But rarely will we findit by it.A. searchingseeking11. -HeThey 11 getA. hasis in12. -He-IfforA. setB. demandingC. seizingDfallenlove with Mary for 12 years up till now. marriedinsooner orB. hasWhat madelater, been inC. fell inD.is so unliappy.s his plans

15、You can* t imagine what itthe future have downhim disappointcd?s like to feel that all your plansB. turned downC.put downD.broken down13. Wind is now the world*A. sourceB14. We never dared to ask him a question, ?s fastest growing senseC. resuItofpowerD. rootA. did weB didif t we C dared we15. She i

16、s a kind-hearted woman and often has mercytrouble. A a; onD daren* t we people who are inB. /; onC. a; toD. /; to16. The Harry Potter books are quite popular; they are in greatin this city.D. demandA. quantityB. progressC production17. How was your recent trip to Sichuan?T ve never hadone beforeA. a

17、 pleasantB. a more pleasantC. a most pleasantD. the most pleasant18. An official survey shows that electricity bicycles are now the most potential to traffic accidentsA. causeB. tendencyC invitationD. misfortune19. While there are quite a few differences in the education systems in many countries,ed

18、ucation is .WORD版木A. usualB. regularC.normalD. universal20. It s reported that NestChat allows users to block others when they want to avoid A. to be disturbedB. being disturbed C. to disturb D. disturbingM8U3单选练习-学生版一、单选题1. The loss has not yet beenaccurately, but it is believed to be well beyonda

19、hundred million dollarsA. calculatedB. consideredC completedD.controlled2. However difficult the plan is to carry out * I don t believe they* re goingtoit.A. desertB. abandonC undertakeD. remain3. The police are offering a(n)of $1, 000 for any information leading tothe arrest of the suspectA. reward

20、B. awardC profitD. income4. This is neither the time nor the place to play. Let sand attend to thebusiness in handA come upB. turn offC settle downD. cut in5. We hadwhite mice many tiines before we were sure the new medicine couldbe tested on human beingsA. experimented withB dealt withC got rid ofD

21、.got along with6. She wanted to ask if he had news of Williams, but wordsin her throatA. burstB. stuckC. brokeD.settled7. Lily was talking to our teacher about examination, when suddenly Tom A. cut offB. cut outC. cut upD. cut in8. The soldierthe map on the ground to find out the route to the town.A

22、. laid outB. laid offC. laid asideD. laiddown9. My darling, V 11 at driving for a while if you re tiredOh, no. r m enjoying it!A. take a chanceB. make a choiceC have a goD get ajob10. The old engineer s eyes still shone brigtit in thebrown face and hisstep as he came across the room was steady, thou

23、gh slow.A. changeableB. admissibleC disgustedD. wrinkled11. His early works, mostly in the traditional Chinese style, ref lee ted the of eastern ChinaA. sightB. sceneryC viewD scene12. Steven Hawking s conclusion about black holes is a little5 but it hasWORD版木been accepted by most of the world.A. re

24、al isticB. abstractC contemporaryD.appropriatc13. The young boy, who by then had gained to the university, decided todo some part-time work to gain more practical experienceA. admissionB. personalityC advantageD. tendency14. I was in the middle of my call because I had no more coins to put inthe box

25、.A. broken inB. cut offC hung upD. putdown15. Hardlythe phone 1 was told that the hotel had been booked up.A. I had picked up; whenB. had I picked up; thanC. had I picked up; whenD. I had picked up; than16. The Voice of China , the program which is the Chinese version of Dutch scries“The Voice of Ho

26、lland , has become very popular for it provides audience witha wide of music style that suit various tastes of music loversA. divisionB. areaC rangeD circle17. It was two o* clock before I could to writing the next chapterB. settle onA. settle down settle in18. What a smell! Open the window andA. di

27、sgustedB. pleasingC19. Mum, I* m afraid I can* t pass the exam Take it easy, A. make a try20. Sonic peoplemake ; by the make ; in theson, justB. have a gocruelC.C. settie upair out the room, disgusting D. pleasedD.A.C.name ofname ofmake a trial experiments on animalsB. carry ; in theD. carry out ; b

28、yD. make a go sciencename ofthe name ofM8U4单词检测1. Which sport is the most popular in the US?-Ttf s hard to say. It largelywhat you mean by popular0 A. conics aboutB belongs toC determines onD.depends onwith our work.C carry awayD.2. Since wc have got the machine repaired, we canA. carry outB. carry

29、on carry through3. Poor as she was, Mrs Evens was always ready tothose homeless children.A. devoting herself to helpB devote herself to helpingC. devote her in helpingD. devote herself to help4. To everyone s surprise, the fashionable young lady to be a thief.WORD版木A. proved outB made outC turned ou

30、tD. found out5. Sam insisted that the picture Mr Green referred to A. was worth buyingB. was worth to be boughtC. being worth buyingD. be worth buying6. The theory he* s stuck us that earthquakes can be forecastAto provesB. to proves toC to proveD. whichproves to7. John went through the test paper o

31、nce more carefully for fear that he would any essential detailsA.betrayB abandonC over1ookD. escape& -Chinese food or Japanese food, which is your?-Neither I d like to have some Italian foodA. preferenceB. influenceC presenceD. prcdiction9. Clinical evidence began to, suggesting that the new drugs h

32、ad a wider rangeof useful activities than had been predicted from experiments in animalsA. operatcB strengthenC approveD. accumulate10. At the turn of the century, Congress placed a height of 13 floors onall buildings in Washington.A. instructionB rcstrictionC distinctionD. libcration11. Two lawyers have donated $50, 000 toour school* s campaign “Help theNeedy” , which was started by our former headmaster three years agoA. spons


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