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1、中英文国旗下演讲稿:榜样力量之旷世伟人尊敬的老师亲爱的同学们:大家好!我班演讲主题为“榜样的力量之旷世伟人”。曾记否有一种力量叫做榜样它推动着我们向着精彩纷呈的人生不断奋进它指导着我们向着熠熠生辉的目标不断拼搏在人类文明的漫漫历史长河中榜样犹如滚滚河沙中的金砾一般闪烁着璀璨的光芒影响着一代又一代人 。无论是在生活还是学习中总会有那么一双隐形的翅膀在催我们奋进让我们更加有信心、有勇气、有力量来面对生活给予我们的挑战这双隐形的翅膀就是铭记于心的榜样力量。榜样的力量是无穷的。榜样人物就像是参天大树支撑起我们的思维空间展现一个民族身后的内在品质和孜孜不倦的奋发追求。在榜样光辉的照耀下我们似乎那样渺小但


3、朴素的优良作风。我们更要学习他伟大的爱国精神。“以人为镜可以明得失”榜样不仅是一面镜子也是一面旗帜。以榜样为镜让我们知自身的差距与不足。以榜样为旗帜给我们指引方向引导我们不断向好的方向前行和发展。榜样是一种向上的力量具有极强的感染力只要我们树立榜样学习榜样争做榜样在全社会形成崇德向善、见贤思齐、德行天下的浓厚氛围就能凝聚起强大的正能量。同学们让我们学习榜样精神刻苦学习增强自身的文化修养求真务实勇于创新不断充实自己努力成为一个有理想、有道德、有文化、有纪律的高素质人才为中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦而不懈奋斗。英文部分演讲:Dear teachers and my fellow students:Go

4、od morning!Today the topic of our speech is “the power of greats”.Do you still remember, the power of role models pushing us to endeavor toward the beautiful life, guiding you to the road of success. Throughout, models have had great influences on generation. It always inspires us with much more con

5、fidence, courage and strength to cope with all kinds of challenges.A fine exle has boundless power. Stimulated by our exle, we grow up into tough, hard-working, visionary young people,There was a great man who devoted his whole life to Chinese revolution since his youth. He was loyal to his people a

6、nd his country until his heart stopped beating.He was our former premier, Zhou Enlai.As a president, he spent his lifetime fighting for the munist career, insisting on the revolution. He was not only a great man, but also a model that deserves our respect and learning. He had a noble quality to devo

7、te himself sincerely to the people he served.His intelligence, his confidence, his humility and most importantly, his patriotism have influenced us greatly nowadays.Following the good exles, we can benefit a lot. Looking up to our model is a process to make ourselves fuller, stronger, more effective

8、, more mature, more confident and well-educated an also make ourselves have dreams, morality and principles. So fellows, endeavor yourselves to the great rejuvenation of China dream!英文部分解读:1.endeavor 英 ?ndev? 美 ?ndev?过去分词:endeavored现在分词:endeavoring过去式:endeavored第三人称单数:endeavors复数:endeavorsv.1 try ha

9、rd to do or achieve something努力尽力n.1. an attempt to achieve a goal 尝试mass nounearnest and industrious effort, especially when sustained over a period of time努力;勤奋an enterprise or undertaking 事业活动2.cope 英 k?p 美 ko?p过去分词:coped现在分词:coping过去式:coped第三人称单数:copesv.1 (of a person)deal effectively with somet

10、hing difficult(人)应付;(妥善)处理(of a machine or system)have the capacity to deal successfully with(机器或系统)可以应付;能够对付派生词 coper (n.)3.stimulate 英 ?st?mj?le?t 美 ?st?mj?le?t过去分词:stimulated现在分词:stimulating过去式:stimulated第三人称单数:stimulatesv.1 raise levels of physiological or nervous activity in (the body or any bi

11、ological system)使(身体生物系统)兴奋;刺激encourage interest or activity in (a person or animal) 激发(人的)兴趣;激励;刺激(动物)encourage development of or increased activity in (a state or process) 促使促进派生词 stimulatingly (ad.)stimulation (n.) stimulator (n.)stimulative (adj.) stimulatory (adj.)4.visionary 英 ?v?(?)n(?)ri 美 ?

12、v?n?ri复数:visionariesadj. 1 (especially of a person)thinking about or planning the future with imagination or wisdom (尤指人)有预见的;有眼力的archaic (of a scheme or idea) not practical古 (计划想法)不现实的空想的。2 of, relating to, or able to see visions in a dream or trance, or as a supernatural apparition梦想的;幻觉的;幻影的archa

13、ic existing only in a vision or in the imagination古 想像的;虚幻的。n. 1 a person with original ideas about what the future will or could be like 有远见的人;幻想未来者。派生词 visionariness (n)5.sincere 英 s?n?s? 美 s?n?s?r比较级:sincerer最高级:sincerestadj. 1 free from pretence or deceit; proceeding from genuine feelings诚挚的真心真意

14、的真诚的(of a person)saying what they genuinely feel or believe; not dishonest or hypocritical(人)真挚的;诚实的忠实的。派生词 sincereness noun, sincerity noun6.humility 英 hj?m?l?ti 美 (h)ju?m?l?din.1 a modest or low view of ones own importance; humbleness 谦卑;谦恭谦逊。7.morality 英 m?ral?ti 美 m?r?l?di复数:moralitiesn.1 principles concerning the distinction between right and wrong or good and bad behaviour (区分是非、善恶的)道德准则behaviour as it is affected by the observation of these principles遵守道德准则的行为操守品德count nouna p


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