



1、-精选文档 -现在分词、过去分词作定语、宾语补足语、状语时的区别(一) 现在分词 过去分词作定语的区别 .The mobile phonelying on the deskbelongs to me.=The mobile phone which is lying on the desk belongs to me.( the mobile phone和 lie 为主谓关系,即主动关系,故用现在分词)The injuredsuffering from the shock in the traffic accidentwere lying in the hospital.=The injured

2、 who suffered from the shock in the traffic accident were lying the hospital。( the injured和 suffer 为主谓关系,即主动关系,故用现在分词)The housebuilt 50 years agowill be pulled soon.=The house which was built 50 years ago will be pulled soon.( the house和 build 为动宾关系,即被动关系,故用过去分词)The mobile phonelaid on the deskbelon

3、gs to me.=The mobile phone which is laid on the desk belongs to me.( the mobile phone 和 lay 为动宾关系,即被动关系,故用过去分词)小试牛刀 :1.The student _( speak) to the teacher now is our moniter.2.The problem _( discuss) yesterday is of great importance.3.The machine _( repair ) yesterday is broken again.4.The guests _

4、(invite) to the meeting were all specialists.5.China is a country _(belong )to the 3rd world.6 .He lives in the house _( face ) the north.7.The temple _( stand ) on the top of the hill was built 500 years ago.8.The students _( want ) to join the club will gather at the gate.可编辑-精选文档 -9.The car _(mak

5、e ) in Japan is of high quality.10.A checking delegation (代表团 )_( consist ) of 5 people are visiting our school.A checking delegation (代表团 )_( make) up of 5 people are visiting our school.11. The student_( focus )on his lesson is best in our class.The student _ ( lose )in his lesson is best in our c

6、lass.12.Can you see the boy _ ( dress )in a red shirt?Can you see the boy _( wear ) a red shirt?13.The students _( sit ) in Row I see the blackboard clearlyThe students _( seat ) in Row I see the blackboard clearly.14. The country _ ( lie ) to the east of Shandong Peninsula (半岛 ) is South Korea.The

7、country _(locate ) to the east of Shandong Peninsula (半岛 ) is South Korea.( 辅助信息 :Our school is located in the centre of the town)(二)现在分词、过去分词作宾语补足语的区别find, make , feel , keep , leave , have , see , observe , notice, watch, hear 。但 其中 make ,have,see , observe , notice , watch , hear后也可: V +O+do sth。

8、Can you hear somebodysinging in the next room?( 宾语 somebody和 sing为主谓关系,故用现在分词)I often hear this songsung in English.(宾语 this song 和 sing为动宾关系 ,故用过去分词)He let out my secret. He made itknownto all. (宾语 it 和 know为动宾关系,故用过去分词)I have had my heartexamined.( 宾语 my heart和 examine 为动宾关系,故用过去分词)When she saw hi

9、s sonsittingin the last row, she felt very disappointed. (宾语 his son 和 sit 为主谓关系,故用现在分词)When she saw her sonseatedin the last row, she felt very disappointed.( seat vt. 使 sb 坐下, her son是 seat 逻辑宾语, 即为动宾关系, 故用过去分词。 辅助信息: Her son was seated in可编辑-精选文档 -the row)I found himfocusingon his book,so I didn

10、t disturb him.(宾语 him和 focus 为主谓关系,故用现在分词)I found himlostin his book, so I didn t disturb him.(辅助信息 :He was lost in his book ,故用过去分词)试试看 :1.Please speak loudly to make yourself _ ( hear)clearly.2.Don t leavehave keep him _( stand) in the rain.3.Finding his car _(run ) beyond the speed ,the policeman

11、 gave him a ticket.4.He always keeps his box _( lock)5.He is absent. He is having his house _( repair).6.I noticed all the eyes _( look) at the star when she appeared at the stage.7.I noticed all the eyes _( fix ) upon the star when she appeared at the stage.8.I feel my heart_( beat ) fast.9.When I

12、found myself _ ( laugh )at ,I became angry.(三)现在分词、过去分词作状语的区别:在句首的分词相当于时间状语从句、原因状语从句、条件状语从句;在句末的分词常作伴随状语、方式状语、结果状语、不能改成从句. 如:Seen from space, the earth looks blue.=When it is seen from space, the earth looks blue.Seeingthe earth from space, we will find it blue.=When we see the earth from space,we l

13、l find.Devotinghimself to education, he was given a medal.=As he devoted himself to education,he Devotedto education, he was given a medal.=As he was devoted to education,heShe sat at the desk,focusingon the lesson.可编辑-精选文档 -She sat at the desk,lostin the lesson.试试看:1._(give ) more time ,we can do t

14、he work better.2._( give ) us more time, you can get a better result.3._( lose ) my key ,I couldn t enter my room.4_( not receive) his letter ,I decided to another .5._(dress) in a red shirt ,he is easy to find from the crowd.6. _( wear ) a red shirt ,he is easy to find from the crowd.7._( concentra

15、te) on his newspaper, he didn t notice my arrival.8._( absorb )in his newspaper, he didn t notice my arrival.9._( compare ) him with you, I think you lucky.10._ (compare) with him ,you are lucky.11._( recognize) as a thief, he was caught alive.12._( find ) the man stealing my wallet ,I called the po

16、lice.13.Once _(find ) smoking in the office, you will be fined.14.Though _( invite), I won t attend his party.15.The old man never speaks Unless _ ( speak ) to.16. He was forced to leave his home,_(decide) never to return.17. He was forced to leave his home,_(determine) never to return. 18.The profe

17、ssor came into the classroom, _(follow) his students.19. The professor came into the classroom, _(follow) by his students. 20.A beggar died of cold, _( leave ) his body exposed.A beggar died of cold, _( dress ) in nothing.可编辑-精选文档 -A beggar died of cold, _(wear ) nothing.A beggar died of cold,_( hav

18、e ) nothing on.A beggar died of cold ,_( cover) with nothing.作定语的区别:key:1,speaking.2,discussed.3,repaired.4,invited.5,belonging.6,facing.7,standing.8,wanting.9,made.10,consisting; made.11,focusing;lost.12,dressed;wearing.13,sitting;seated.14,lying;locted.作宾补的区别key:1,heard.2,standing.3,running.4,locked.5,repaired.6,looking.7,fixed.8,beating.9,laughed.作状


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